Heretical Cult Creation Thread

Veeky Forums, I'm bored, I have a scanner, and I'm on an overnight shift. Let's make a Heretical Cult, and I'll try and draw some stuff for it. After all, the Imperium can always do with a few more dastardly villains.

We'll be using to make it, and let's have some fun and be creative!

First I need 1d20 for the cult's background.

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Nice roll user.

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Thank you. Time to roll for our idea/cause

Rolled 73 (1d100)

So we've got
>Sector Command: Sometimes, even the highest echelons of the Imperium become heretical. These cults are some of the most dangerous due to the vast resources they can bring to bear.
>Zealotry in Misplaced Idols: The cult believes in all sincerity that it worships the Emperor, Omnissiah. or one of their many saints. In truth, their prayers go to something unholy.
I like where this is going.
So who's our leader?

Welp, I forgot to specify if we were a Cult of Society or a Cult of Idea. If we're a Society, we're somewhere in Sector Command, whereas if we're an Idea we worship a specific place as Blessed of the Land. I'll leave up to you all to choose, or just roll a 1d2 for it.

Or not, never mind.

Rolled 3 (1d100)


No problem, it actually makes it more interesting!
So we have a strong central leader.
Next, we need 1d20 for their leadership type.

Already done by this dude

Whoops, mistyped Leadership Nature.

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Since apparently it was super clear, I fucked up and we need to roll 1d20 for our glorious leader's Leadership Nature, but whatever I'll roll it to keep the ball rolling.

So in that case so far we've got a Sector Command cult that through Zealotry in Misplaced Idols believes they're truly worshiping the Imperial Canon, led by a Central Figure and in truth worshiping some kind of Daemonic entity.

Next I'll need 1d10 for the cult's leadership style!

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Our glorious leader is a Hands On type of guy/gal/squidblob, with direct and essential control of pretty much everything.

Next, give me a d6 for us to figure out how many signature equipment and tokens of allegiance we get.

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Alright, I'll take the first as the number and the second as the chart we roll on first.

Someone give me 1d20 for Signature Equipment!

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Please oh please be something stupid

I want my cult leaders to have squids on their heads. Not mind flayers, just normal people with a dead squid on their head.

Even BETTER! We have Otherworldly Allies, friends in high places so high we don't even KNOW what they are!

Considering we THINK we worship some part of the imperial Canon, I'm just picturing Daemons dressed up as inquisitors and space marines, very poorly.

Next, roll me 1d2 for which table we roll on for the second of our signature stuffs!

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Alright, Tokens of Allegiance!

Roll me 1d10 for whatever horrifying mark of our fealty we get!

Rolled 8 (1d10)