ITT: Veeky Forums homebrews a fantasy setting

> Magic is ritualistic, extremely subtle, and requires extensive preparation beforehand, invisible wards, boons, and curses are the extent of most wizard's power. Actually summoning and throwing something as overt as a fireball would require the sacrifice of almost a thousand virgins or a large fortune in gold and silver.

>because magic is so impractical people bargain with angels/demons for what are more or less superpowers

Off topic, The Banner Saga is fantastic and I'd love to play a table top game in its setting.

On topic,
>There are legends of magics far greater than the ones known in the world, creating storms, earthquakes, ect, but those are only mentioned in tales of Gods and Spirits from ancient times, and are followed by long and lengthy descriptions of the ridiculous sacrifices those apparently took. Yugon The Ageless is said to have been brought back to life after the sacrifice of an entire country.

Each race/culture has a standard contract that it specializes in. Humans are typically make Host contracts wherein they allow a demon/angel/spirit to subtly influence their actions in exchange for magical power. Some species instead choose to allow the patron to influence their physical form, take control of them for periods of time, or simply provide them with some variety of tribute in exchange for power.

>Veeky Forums homebrews a fantasy setting

>angels are not much different than demons it turns out, they only give power when it fits their aims and their goals often seem inscrutable to morals.

>the only goal they have thats easily understood is the eradication of demon kind and the demon blessed, the demons of course feel the same way about them.

And ruined at the first post. Oh well.

Part of the "extensive preparation" when it comes to using normal magic not influenced by angels/demons is to use up rare mountain ores that naturally channel minuscule fragments of magic. Since magic is still useful for many kingdoms, this has lead to many conflicts over mining rights. Mining companies sabotaging each other is also common.

The finest wizards are able to craft curses with subtle effects that have devastating results generations down the line.
>A wizard curses the head of a rival family with a slight craving for raw meat, it does little to change their life.
>Their children inherit this trait, but it is just slightly more constant and annoying.
>After 10 to 20 decades, that family will be full blown vampires.
Part of being royalty is to be on the lookout for subtle and unnatural changes to yourself and others constantly to ensure such terribleness does not ruin your family. This paranoia alone has crippled some noble lines in the past.

You are the worst.

Too bad it plays like dog shit.

all across the land there are remenants of huge structures from when the gods came from the stars and roamed the land.

In reality, these are crashed ships from aliens who settled here for a while.

the guys who venture into these ruins and recover the alien technology are medieval S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s, facing radiation, mutated animals and mindbending pieces of technology that can drive a man to insanity just by standing near them.

the rulers of the land pay a large sum for these artefacts, there are even electrical lights in one king's palace, made out of the artefacts. alien weaponry is highly prized, what would be considered cheap to the aliens is seen as a godlike weapon of power to the people who want the artefacts.
neo germanic luddites from the north abhor this technology, and view the new gods as aliens, and worship old gods that came from earth instead. they destroy advanced technology wherever they can find it, and are hostile to any kingdom that uses this technology.

Hey man, I like the gameplay.

>But not angels nor demons respect you unless you are as important as royalty and wont strike a deal, so the rulers in power are actually the strongest people in their kingdoms.

Many of these artifacts alone are not obviously powerful, save for the ancient weapons, but their use greatly speeds up the ritual process of magic. That machine that drives men insane is in truth spitting out old curses constantly, for example. Those smart enough to figure out how the artifacts work can speed up their ritual casting process tremendously.

I was going to type this out, when I remembered I'd already posted it before and it was in the archives, so have a screencap instead.
Take it as a suggestion, rather than an addition. Though if peeps like it then it's totally an addition.

Not necessarily. Let's think on this, see if we can spin it.

The Divines of Above and Below are horrific in power, but also in design. For their power to be placed in a mortal vessel: personality, thought, maybe even the soul is scoured away to be filled with fury and little else.
Where one branded with the mark of the Authority or the Defiance, all move out of their path. For they are no longer men or women, but wrath made manifest. Fortunately, they care little for the material world, and instead seek their quarry. Another of their kind, an opposition to destroy. Battles are devastating, though short-lived and thankfully rare.

Those who deal with gods and devils become forces of nature, their own mortal desires scarcely even distracting what they then become. There are tales of those who bargain to save a loved one, and their Divine form pausing in their mission to complete the mission before seeking another Divine.
But none of these tales have ever been proven.

Absolute trash and goes against the feel of everything else that's been established

Always one idiot trying to change everything in these things

Goddamnit user, I can maybe salvage demon pact superpowers for a low magic setting but I can't do shit about spaceship rad-zones.

A word of caution for future "Veeky Forums makes an X" threads? Establish a veto system.
Have it so if three separate Anons call for a submission to be vetoed or amended it's disregarded from the overall canon with any amendments, if any, superceding it.

The entire setting exists in the head of a 5 year old child who is staying home sick from school.

Magic users, when working alongside skilled stone cutters and blacksmiths for months, are able to create small Curse Stones, no larger than a thumbnail. In essence, they are just rocks that emit a curse or blessing (though most often associated with curses, hence the name). They are incredibly hard to craft. Every edge, carving, and shape must be perfect, one wrong design and it is a useless rock. But these stones are very coveted, as they can be subtly placed in the home of an enemy, and bring misfortune to an entire homestead with no one ever realizing the cause of it.

ya blew it.

guys focus on the stuff you like and build on it rather than paying attention to the dumb ideas

>focus on the stuff you like

do you not know where you are?

I'm just trying to save a thread that could be good, user.

we are already doomed user.

yeah, maybe this 5 year old

I tried.

>asks Veeky Forums to homebrew a setting
>gives no indication of what he wants the setting to be besides "mundane magic is hard"
>gets mad when people add onto it

What was even the point of this thread?

OP here, I haven't replied because I had to run some gasoline to my stranded cousin. Eh, maybe next thread'll be better.

Nigga a low magic setting is a perfectly normal setting seed.

Throwing literal god mode and space monoliths with verbatim S.T.A.L.K.E.R. inserted is just fucking lunacy.
You're entitled to be pissed off if you start a science fiction setting based on a single star system with limited FTL when someone adds Space Wizards casting inter-galactic warp gates.

I want you to know I'm going to steal this for my own setting. Thanks.

I'm not really sure what you were expecting to happen making such a thread on Veeky Forums without any sort of control on what gets contributed or not.

>There is one particulary widespread and practical use of magic called body strenghtening which through repeated ritualistic chants elevates the bodies physical abilities to the point where fists are as strong as axes.

>However to achieve a body capable of even utilizing it one needs to spend at least 5 years on training since childhood or 10 to 15 years as an adult. Thus its use is limited to the well of merchants, knight families, nobility and priesthood.

>ritual casters and chi fighters
I can dig this setting

Just so long as there's roaming, for lack of a better term, Adepts for some good old fashioned "wandering samurai" style action

But the sun god gives anyone who spent even 2 milliseconds in sunlight all the benefits of body strengthening, so everyone who actually does it themselves are considered retards in setting.

Also there's an epic explosion that kills everyone on the planet every year and they're reborn instantly even stronger with better magic and can shoot laser beams from their eyes.

Am I helping make this setting super cool epic awesome yet? xD

Lmao, literally

>grow, grow, grow







Haha, I'm contributing to making this the super epic high-power setting everyone else wants to fuck this setting into haha.

Also everyone is born with death rays that can destroy half the planet in a single shot. And the sun shoots epik exploding laser beams.


>Magic body builders who need decades of dedicated training to be capable of smashing some rocks with ther fists.
>Compared to planet destorying Dragonball deat-rays.

You need to read some decent fantasy for a change you dickweed.

Literally why

>hey let's make a low magic setting
>Veeky Forums shits itself
Was the board always this shit?

Just contributing to making this super epick setting everyone wants, because mundane low-magic is so fucking dull these days mirite my fellow memesters!? We need epick space aliens, explosions, laser beams, anime DBZ fights, haha!

Because low-magic is so 90s grandpa. Everything needs to be super epick, high-fantasy, and more explosions than 5 minutes of a Micheal Bay movie, am I right? xD

Nigga you're part of the problem. Either nerf the OP shit with new additions or only add what you think would make the setting better. Faggot.

Bones hold echoes of the living being's self in them. Shaman of respectable power can bring forth that power and channel it into themselves or another. This unfortunately depletes the bone used of the "echo".
Particularly skilled practiioners can engage in a form of necromancy with the bones, communing with the dead. The echo knows nothing beyond their own death, but can relay some details of their life. The more bones, or particularly significant bones such as the skull or spine, can be channelled or summoned for longer or for a more intense burst. But even a simple rib holds some small measure of power.

Nope, I remember one hive world creation thread with particular fondness.
Sure ND tried to insert a slaaneshi brothel, but was then quickly told to pack it in and it continued as normal.

But ND is at least understandable. It's autistically obsessed with their own homebrew daemonettes, you treat them in the same way as the special needs kid.
This shitposter is just... if ND is special needs, this is a cokehead running in, shitting on the floor and breaking the glass coffee table. Then expecting to be thanked.

Shut up retard.

Christ, I just realised what I wrote is true. I'd literally prefer ND to this shit.
I can think of no worse insult on this site, mind you.

Of course, the use of bones for magical purposes has resulted in some of the more dubious magic users paying thugs and brigands to steal bones for their rituals. This has resulted in mages getting an undeserving bad reputation in certain parts of the land, the local people assuming all magic users try to desecrate the dead, ignoring the good the use of bones can result in.

The existence of bone magic, itself a difficult and demanding art that requires much meditation to 'prime' a bone for; does mean that the bones of particular people and beasts are prized to the right buyer.
The skull of a great hero can be used to infuse another with no small measure of his skill and power for instance.

There are rumours that overuse of the magic can change you...

you don't mean that.
you may think you mean that, but you don't. not to say that this is good, but there is NOTHING worse then Whom That Shan't Be Named.

Magic changing people is as subtle as the results of casting magic itself. It's a slow process, but it happens simply do to being exposed to magical energy for so long. The changes can be very unpredictable because a mage will cast many different spells of many different types in their career, basically being bathed in a stew of different effects. Sometimes it's something as minor as a slight change in skin tone. Other times, it is developing dangerous diseases.

This is incredibly boring.

>Actually summoning and throwing something as overt as a fireball would require the sacrifice of almost a thousand virgins or a large fortune in gold and silver.

I was with you up until here. Okay, I get that you're kind of just trying to make a point about how traditional magic would be difficult, but that's not great.

I think it's a lot better off to imagine that traditional magic requiring those kinds of rituals is a lot more potent, and less complex forms of those spells simply don't work. As in, it might be impossible altogether to just twiddle your fingers and form a fireball, but if you take an all day ritual and sacrifice a couple thousand people or lots of reagents, you can produce a fireball that will destroy a castle or kill a sleeping dragon or something.

People do these sorts of setting generation threads all the time. They just usually don't get so suddenly hijacked

>Op posts about how the setting has magic being subtle and difficult
>"and that's why their are angels giving out superpower magic!"
>paragraph describing an,entire setting on its own with insanity inducing ancient aliens

These are always sort of hit or miss, but at the very basic level it requires one to not go against the OP premise so early and thoroughly

>Enjoy carpaccio my most hated enemy! Muahahaha

The Moon is shattered. Has been for millennia. Instead of a single body, it now exists as a ring of (comparatively) small fragments. Every now and then, a chunk falls out of the world's orbit and sometimes there's a tiny piece that doesn't burn up in the atmosphere. These moon shards are potent ritual catalysts and practicioners cover them greatly. However, a botched ritual using a moon shard has far more dire consequences than botching a ritual withouta moon shard.

>Actually summoning and throwing something as overt as a fireball would require the sacrifice of almost a thousand virgins or a large fortune in gold and silver.
That makes magic a complete joke. It'd be the running gag of an entire setting.

>magic being unable to imitate a modern-day artillery piece without sacrificing enough stuff to make up for the several century tech difference makes it a joke