Threads about video games cannot be off topic.

This thread feels like it's breaking the rules, but eventually video games will become traditional if they stick around for long so


How do you guys handle enemies surrendering, whether as a player or as a DM? Taking everyone alive is easy in some systems, but what you so with them afterwards can be tricky.

For players, what's your common move after an enemy has given up?

For DMs, how do you have the NPCs act after captuered, or if their surrender is denied?

If you're genuinely interested in talking about the lore, backstory, and tabletop potential of the Elder Scrolls series, we usually have a thread about that floating around somewhere.

If you're just here to be a passive aggressive cunt like then kindly fuck off. No, don't even go to /v/. They're too good for you. Just go outside and think about what you did.


I let them go, most of the times, but I warn them to leave this land and never come back. If they comply, they'll still likely cause trouble, but they're not my problem anymore. If they don't...
Last guy, I cut his head off and preserved it with Gentle Repose. Occasionally I cast Speak with Dead on it, to intidimate others into surrendering.

>For players, what's your common move after an enemy has given up?
I'm usually the token moralfag, so I generally try to either hand them over to the appropriate authorities or let them go if they're not too dangerous.

The rest of the group tends towards murder for expediency.

I complain to my DM for stealing my loot and XP, and then I throw a giant fucking tantrum, possibly shitting myself as I do so.

>hand them over to the appropriate authorities
But what's the point, if the appropriate authorities will likely hang them anyway?

highly depends on who they are. You don't kill the palace guards when you are trying to steal the crown jewels to lift a curse, they are doing nothing wrong. If bandits attack you, you gotta kill them, letting them go is just giving them a chance to return with reinforcements, or dooming the next person they rob to a fate you could have prevented.

Batman should have killed joker. All that blood is on his hands.

I disagree that Batman would have the blame there, at least not any more than the asylum guards letting him escape or the police not having him have an 'accident' on the way to the station.

I always hated that argument that superheroes should kill instead of tossing bad guys in jail, but ignoring the idea that maybe governments in superhero worlds should more fiercely pursue the death penalty against hmthese mass murderers.

>There are multiple "What if" comics about what if superheroes just started killing criminals.
>Not a single case of Joker being given lawful death penalty, ever, in any of the elsewords stories
Makes you think.

For my current character:

Outwardly, it's the proper procedure to follow. The party has had to take the law into its own hands a few times, and it usually means they have to do a lot of explaining later.

In truth, he barely has a stomach for killing people in the first place, let alone people who aren't prepared to die. He got into the business expecting to fight demons and monsters and the like, but lately it's mostly been plague-stricken villagers turned cultists.

If what we get out of keeping them alive isn't worth the risk of doing so then usually we just kill them and dig a pit to burn the bodies in. It's not perfect but it works. A pile of clothes on top of a patch of overturned dirt is a lot more sanitary and a lot less startling than a pile of corpses by the roadside.

Ok wait, this has been bothering me for years now.

Is he saying "I never should have come here" or "You never should have come here." I always thought it could be both.

If they don't run away I'll probably just kill them

Just "never should have come here". Its said during their taunting phase so I would guess they are referring to you

it always bugs me when GMs try to pull that "okay i surrender...but not really" bullshit without even giving a fighting chance at seeing through the lie.

like, i've designed situations where characters surrender but harbor hatred still and want to get the PCs when they turn around, but in every case, that's meant to be reprehensible, and the actions following are meant to be shows of the PC's character. are they THAT forgiving? or is it a fool-me-once situation? that's the fun part.

also someone needs to go back in time and snap todd howard's neck before he starts doing anything for bethesda

>should of

You know why Batman doesn't kill the Joker?
Because somebody's going to want to tell a story about the Joker next year.
Superhero comics are a long-form, serialized storytelling format.
Being unable to recognize that many tropes are a direct result of this format makes you a faggot.

Best way to play this game.

>The experience mod, SkyXP redone or some shit. Disable all other XP growth. Allow infinite training.
>Extensible followers framework, increase follower limit
>Mods that fill the world with all kinds of fixed treasures
>Mods that nerf found loot
>Anything that greatly increases spawns

This turns a decent game into something more old school