/40kg/ Warhammer 40k General

>Veeky Forumshammer 40k discord server

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Canceled like the Dark Angels Heterosexual Speed Dating Night.

>WIP Math-hammer doc

Why does GW hate Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, and your favorite faction?

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for CUTEDAR

>Their job is shooting things with shoulder-mounted missile launchers and wrist-mounted flamers.

So Assault Centurions minus the drills and with Shoulder Rockets instead of Nipple Rockets (if Assault Centurions could have taken Centurion Missile Launchers.


GW took down the stone crusher unit focus article that said they get buffed by old one eye and that old one eye buffs all carnifexes.


Thanks lad! Devestators coming out any time soon, Primaris ones that is? These Aggressors are basically gun platform tanks.

Wait, are there models and rules of them already?

Is it cute for them to choke each other out?

does anyone know of a site for 40k ebooks that works on a kindle?
i wanna read what muh boi cain is up to while on a flight home

In the Community Focuses they also mentioned you still got to move for failed Charges and you could still Go To Ground.

What's the best unit for the Orkanauts to disgorge? Tankbustas? Burnaboyz? Nobz??

Reminder that Regimental Doctrines will return with the new Imperial Guard codex.


Depends on how close to Cyclones the Agressors are.

If they are full on Terminator replacements with long range dakka and short range flamers they could be an awesome unit.

Unironically it might be nobz now

Nobz can work, I usually want them to keep the boyz in line.

That or stuff it with burna boyz with a spanner to make repairs until they get tossed out.


nice try retard
you can't buy a ciaphas cain book on amazon for kindle, I'm asking for a place with the right format for me to do it manually
id gladly pay if i could

They would boost firing efficiency if they provided all gun crew with good sound suppressing earmuffs with built in radios.

One thing that always bother me is if Barons waifu got killed for entering Commorragh while being a Psyker and the only Pskykers they don't kill on sights are Shadowseers, how the fuck did Yvraine get in despite walking down the path of the Seer even if it wasn't for very long?


For Dark Eldar a chokehold is basically a cuddle.

Fulmentarus Terminators are pretty cool desu. Kind of Cyclone in them but also cataphracti sculpting goodness

Anyone else taking the FAQ's 'major factions will get a codex' and 'most ranges will be updated' to mean sisters are literally never getting an update?

Anyone have more Imperial Documents like pic related? Might use them as posters on terrain, also they're just neato



Do they kill psykers on sight? I thought they killed them if they used warp fuckery.

Also, how would they know she was a psyker anyways?

No idea where you can buy them then. It seems odd that they wouldn't have digital editions of one of their best works up.

Hellblasters appear to be the Primaris Devastators. Their new kit has weapon cables and bigger backpacks. They felt more like command squads to me since the plasma gun they have isn't a long range heavy weapon.

Perfect son perfect weapon

I'd be shocked if generic CSMs don't get some Primaris scale Terminators and Marines sometime soon. No way will they squat the Black Legion since Abaddon is their favorite metaplot tool.

Maybe. Would be a real dick move by GW considering they've been teasing SoB fans since Celestine came out.

Yeah to me they felt like fire support since they're described as a 'medium compromise' and the Captain Felix in Dark Imperium says he wishes he had Tactical Squads with Heavy Weapons. So this, to me, implies there will be heavy weapon Primaris Marines eventually. Since Hellblasters are medium.

But the Aggressors are basically tank vanguards?

Wax seals and parchment paper are the worst part of the 40k aesthetic.

Consider that they couldn't even be bothered to give veridyan 8th edition rules.

Holy shit, the Emperor is a moron. You don't cap off a massive reformation effort by giving a fucking furry complete freedom to ignore the laws of the land in a manhunt. Did the emperor seriously never take a political science or history class in his lifetime?

Chocking each other is like rape in Japan. It is a way to say hello

Uh huh, sure. Not like Abaddon is going to be increasingly irrelevant and pushed to the wayside as more and more fuckhuge Daemon Primarch models with their own Legion codexes come out like Mortarion and the Death Guard.

Tried an experimental addition to the Durability vs Guardsmen page; a table which calculates the average number of lasgun shots needed to kill a given model, and the resulting efficiency of points you pay to tank each shot. For now I just tossed in some random units, but I'm considering it as a future project once most of the damage+damage efficiency calculations are done to add onto those bottom tables efficiencies of each setup for durability. You can already see that most units are right around 0.6 pts per lasgun shot, with certain units being substantially better (either cheap chumps, or super-expensive heavies), and then wargear-overloaded things like the Fusion Quadmander is relatively fragile for its cost, due to the amount of points it spends on weapons. Is this the sort of thing others would find interesting in the future? And are there any other durability calcs for individual units people would like me to slap up there?

Hoping to get CSM cost-calcs done this evening, tomorrow at the latest.

If you buy a Warlord Titan they give you a fancy one

I'm going to use the index rules for ever.
Hell I might even make up rules for SoB since no one cares if they have rules or not.

It was edited by Horus. Emperor wanted Magnus captured and brought back for Punishment. Horus edited it.

Abaddon will be killed by Cypher on Terra as a proof of loyalty and will be reborn as a Primarch level guy via Warp powers. Abaddon will accept the changes out of pure rage.

"It is hereby decreed that Magnus... be bought forth..."
We're buying Magnus? How much does he cost?

Do we have any idea how long the period between codex releases will be? I know 4 flavors of space marine will be released first, what comes next? 4 more power armors?

They've promised us 10 codexes by christmas. Odds are it's 10 flavors of space fag, since that's largely a copy/paste job.

4 more flavours of space marine. This is age of marines.

Abaddon needs a new sculpt and they can always give him a Guiliman scale sculpt. That way you can field a stout as fuck CSM Special Character without having to pull out one of the 4 lazy as fuck daemon primarchs.

Besides can you really imagine using someone like a Bloodthirster Angron in 1500-2000 point games?

The announcement stated that there will be ten codices out by Christmas, and it'll take about a year for the entire set of codices to release. You can do some ballpark estimations there, though your numbers will depend on the number of codices you think will be released (Are we getting codices for Emperor's Children? What about various Imperial Agents? etc. etc.).



>GW doesn't make typo errors

Shit is regular as clockwork.

But did Horus add the part about ignoring all laws?

>I hate 40k
Want more generic and iPod looking sci-fi looking stuff? Play infinity or Primaris Marines

God damn it I hope they reveal something soon then since I'm very close to just converting some CSM

>Retard Certificate for actually buying that overpriced poisonous action figure

>Primaris Marines
Oh fuck right off. They're slightly different Space Marines.

>certificate of retardation
I laughed

What do they give you if you get the Chaos version?

>yfw imperial space marine got 8E rules but Verinyan didnt

Jelly poorfag detected.

Don't convert, don't buy. Be patient and watch new developments. It's what I'm doing right now, because as it turns out, regular CSM are manlets even compared to the new Plague Marines. As in, the Plague Marines are taller without a base than a regular CSM with a base.

Well, the first thing people I know said when they really ordered a Warlord was "Where did it go wrong in my life that I'm doing this ?" so it's fitting.

So some factions dont get a codex?
I wonder which
And a range update? Nah not unless you're marinez

there is no chaos version of the warlord

Nothing to do with jealousy. I play a miniature tabletop game. I particularly enjoy skirmish-level game sizes. And the Warlord Titan, being about half the size of my Weimaraner, simply doesn't count as a "miniature" to me.

Talked to GW today on phone about order. I asked if they were still casting Sisters items or was items on the website just old stock.

Still casting. In fact more items next month.

Needless to say, they're aware of our plastic sister needs... but until those models? They will keep casting old ones.

TLDR: The myth of 'until out of stock' is not true.

The hell is it?

They said around 10 Codexes by Christmas. That's a period of 5 months, so we can assume something like 2 per month.

They won't want to void the usefulness of any of their Indexes too quickly, so you can be sure that out of each Index there will be one major popular faction that isn't updated for a long time.

GW has said in the past that they plan to focus on updating armies that have been waiting the longest first, so with Chaos Marines and Grey Knights out of the way that leaves:
>Chaos Daemons
>Sisters of Battle
>Astra Militarum
In that order as the next ones.

However, Chaos Daemons will almost certainly be left hanging for quite awhile to preserve the longevity of the Chaos Index, so we can skip them.

Sisters is a crapshoot, maybe they'll finally get their update, most likely they won't since we would have had leaks about model releases by now if that were the case and they're not going to update their rules without a new plastic model line.

That means Tyranids and Astra Militarum are almost certain to be next, followed by Orks, Drukhari and either Space Wolves or Blood Angels in some order (but I doubt they'll release both close to each other).

However we also know they're trying to get Primarch releases out, and all signs point aggressively towards Lion El'jonson being the next one, so Dark Angels may not be too far off... unless! GW is still planning to do campaign books like Gathering Storm that will have rules for small model releases in the interim, in which case I can see Lion showing up in something like that.

>wychfu will never choke you out while holding your arms back and nibbling on your ear while muttering how adorable you are
Gay world this is.

1997 best year am I right?

>I usually want them to keep the boyz in line
That rule fucking sucks
>make repairs until they get tossed out
That doesn't work

Nah, new models for non-Marine armies, that hasn't happened in, like, forever. Oh, wait, no, Gathering Storm 2.

Age of Sigmar Deep Aelves.


How can a company be so incompetent?


That's fine, user. That's fine. I was only memeing.

We know. GW replace SoB minis when they go out of stock. Replacing minis is easy as fuck. The reason SoB are updated is because the INVESTMENT in MOULDS is vastly higher than their expected return. Unless GW believe SoB will sell as well as Blood Angels, they won't get new kits. The 2 minis we got were test runs.

So, Drow? I doubt it. I thought the female Stormcast were next?

>not getting new rules without new models
SoB have been getting "new" rules since 2nd without new models. Think the last new thing was in 2004.

You shouldn't dig around in your mother's drawers son.

I'm assuming its the tentacles of the new Nurgle Daemon Engine you can see being gunned down by Primaris Marines in the rulebook artwork.

Rather, I hope it is, because I sure as all fuck don't want to wait until after the Gay Knights got their codex to get some juicy new Nurgle stuff.

>the company doesn't waste time and money producing stuff that sells worse

Makes sense

>b-b-b-but marines only s-s-sell because they get so much support

Fuck off they wasted tons of money on DE plastics and box sets and they're still a rare army

Explain GSC, DE, Clowns, etc

We all know that GW thinks anything that isn't marine is high risk

i love how centurions are already going to be obsolute after only being introduced into the game a few years ago

>gw things

>b-b-b-but marines only s-s-sell because they get so much support
Nice strawman

>not waiting for FW to make an Emperor Titan for 40K then buying one and using it as your gaming table

>I thought the female Stormcast were next?
>falling for memes
Reliable rumourmongers have been saying for ages that Deep Aelves are next major new faction release for AoS. They're not quite Drow, they're like Deep Sea Mermaid Drow.

Isn't LotR basically a money sink?

That has nothing to do with anything as of 8th.

They have index rules right now as a hold-over until a codex, they're a minor faction, and are desperately in need of a model update, which will never be done without an accompanying Codex release, and they aren't going to give them a new Codex twice in a 2-3 year period.

Marines sell because they're the most reliable investment. If you buy a box of marine goodies, the odds are that between every chapter there is, there will be some overpowered ruleset to use your marines with and win you games.

If GW would support other armies with similarly exploitative rules and chapter/kabal/sept/tendril level tactics, the other armies would sell much better.

If that triggers you, google "titan owners club".

Very a cute.

a bunch of angry big meks with double kombi skorchas

much less than smoking

GSC were a small model range for an army to ally with Nids. DE was the last 'big' update and is fine in terms of popularity. Clowns were small.

SoB have plenty of models already and not replacing them 1:1 will be bad. I want them to be updated but they won't. GW can't be blind to see how well Verdyian sold. Because they combined three models into one box, nobody knows how many were bought because of Celestine.

No. They had a contract to fulfil with New Line Cinema. So they have to do this.

Huh. Sounds neat. I hope there are some cheesecakey minis :3

>Kill Team games on top of an Emperor Titan
>Fighting a guerilla campaign for control of your Cathedral on legs
Stop it, user. I can only get so hard.

Where do Primaris Marines fit in this composition of a chapter and companies? Did the Codex Astartes get a rewrite now that Guileman's awake?

Do new (Primaris) marine recruits still go through the process of being a scout, devastor, and Assault Marine before becoming a general tactical marine?

All helpful answers, and I kind of hope the Guard get updated sooner than later. I want to know if I still need to hold on to the index for a Mono-Scion build or if I can just run Scion w. Guard support. The Ratlings are really good and really cheap for a massed sniper unit that can move-shoot-move. Also tanks, glorious tanks.

This argument doesn't really work because Space Marines have rarely been top tier.

This is GW, strange things are common occurrence.

Hell the entire SoB is fucking strange. They keep making metal models for this one army from 1997


is 1997 the new Buzzword, Gue'la ?

Want a girl to sit on my chest like that.

primaris company is the 11th company, in the ultramarines its of indeterminate size so far

robbys basically just thrown the codex out the window to make room for primaris

Maybe 7th has clouded my memory, but when haven't they been at least competitive?