/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General: Splatbook Edition

>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:

>Feedback Questionnaires:
Are these even still valid? if not should probably remove them


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>Previously on 5e General:
Topic starter: Assuming WotC gets the time/people/resources to start publishing more official material other than just more hard-cover adventure books, where do you want them to start?

They need to make a Gnoll PC race that isn't total shit like Kobolds or Orc
and I want them to make more weapons, the newest planeshift stated khopeshs being longsword/greatsword and nothing more

Funny enough, the thing I want for the most part would be in a new PHB. Things like additional class options, equipment, magic items, feats etc.

yeah, sure, it's good if you assume you'll be getting advantage every turn.

are there any good horror-ish one-shots for level three adventurers?

I can't decide if I should create a new character to replace the one who just died, or continue on and have my DM resurrect me somehow.

On one hand, I like being a wizard. There's some stuff coming up that I'm very excited to try out and I have fun as a wizard.

On the other hand, I've had my eye on one of the new fighter subclasses and trying out a new personality with a new backstory and a new class sounds pretty fun too.

I know all the advice I'm going to get is "go with what you want to do" but is there anything else I should be thinking about? Does anyone have an opinion that they feel would be helpful in making my decision?

What does your party need and would this new personality mesh/clash with party members in interesting ways?

How did the character died? What were the IC ties like? How shoehorned would their resurrection be? Heck you could always make another wizard and take it from a new angle right away, or later on retire that fighter and do a new wizard.

i highly doubt you'll find more fun with fighter than with a wizard

We have pretty much everything we need, though I'm the only straight magic user and ranged attacker. The subclass I was thinking of would solve the ranged problem and the magic problem slightly. I haven't come up with a new personality yet, I was just excited at the prospect of playing a new one.

I was locked in a room with 5 wights. Didn't end well. I have no idea how I'd be resurrected, but this would be the second time it's happened.

You'd be surprised what I find fun user.

>locked in a room with 5 wights
>second time its happened

nah, just call it quits, your wizman had his second chance and he still beefed it.

plus its really easy to get a martial killed if you want to play something else, just start playing your character more and more fast and loose, combine it with him acting more unhinged, say its some kind of PTSD, eventually you'll run into a meat grinder you cant punch your way out of and you can play a wizard again

No, I meant dying, not being locked in a room with 5 wights.

My first death involved an ill-advised fire bolt at level 2, an orc chief and a nat 20.

alright, which class should I play if I want to be a Judgemaster/Supreme Justice type. Think Tunon from Tyranny if you know who that is.

I was thinking Cleric since they get Zone of Truth, which would be the most usefull spell for courtroom interrogations.

Also, why isn't there a Justice/Law domain for clerics?

death domain, cleric of Kelemvor

Oath of the crown Pally

You can try Death House. It's made for level 1 but you can buff the encounters a bit and remove the midpoint level-up.

Also I think even level 3 characters would have trouble with it, because the encounters are insane.

Making a Nomad Mystic what's better a long bow using high elf or crossbow using Drow? Also isn't there a Drow house known for having more psionics then normal?

Yeah I assumed that the second time thing was about dying, not 5 wights. That would be a strange campaign.

But either way, its my personal opinion that its time for him to stay dead

>law domain
Knowledge is probably the closest we will get

Hand Crossbow with Crossbow Expert is the best ranged weapon in the game, even moreso if you pick up sharpshooter as well. The fact that there's no reason to pick any other ranged weapon ever (in a game where feats are allowed) is well known.

Why does the haunted one background only get one skill? Is one exotic language worth that much?

Knowledge Cleric. It gets the Mind Reading channel divinity and spells that work with it. The other option is to find a god who focuses on the Law and Justice and pick a domain that follows the god's other portfolio. Kelemvor, Horus-Re, Nobanion, Osiris and more I can suggest if you want would all be good picks.

The other option would to just be Life. It says at the back of the PHB that any god of good or neutral alignment can always have Life Cleric, with Evils ones always having Death Clerics.

>Also, why isn't there a Justice/Law domain for clerics?
Too heavily focused on a specific alignment. Which sounds dumb but there's Good Death Clerics and Evil Life ones. Whereas you couldn't possibly have a Chaotic Law Cleric.

There's reason to pick others, the reasons are few and far between but they're there.

is that a one shot though? seems like it could take more than one session to go through

It depends on how much time you actually have and how fast your players are.

I ran a 'one-shot' a while ago and it took three sessions.

More roleplaying rule. It a game not a show.

would polearm master be worth getting at level 4 for a glaive barbarian? i figure the extra attack with rage damage is pretty good, and having 3 attacks at level 5 sounds nice

PAM and/or GWM are always worth getting for a melee character.

Both would be useful really. PAM is more consistent damage, GWM is less reliable burst damage.

I got GWM on my Barb last weekend. Doing a minimum of 18 damage (2d6 + 6 + 10) is really satisfying.

all right it does seem pretty cool and I will just expedite exploration of the house itself! cheers

I'd take it. The extra attack is a pretty huge damage increase and you can often get the OA to trigger when someone moves near you.

GWM is more damage... but way more swingy. Also if you're placed against high AC creatures becomes pretty worthless.

if it gets to that point, i'd probably get GWM later on, when the -5 to hit isn't as big of a deal
i can use GWM on that extra attack with polearm master, right?

>death domain, cleric of Kelemvor

Death domain is probably the least fitting domain ever to pick for a priest of kelemvor.

Barbarians aren't worth it without feats.

They don't get anything awfully good beyond level 5, and barbarogue does more damage on top of having all the rogueish features.

There really is very little point in using big weapons if you're not going to use feats.

Feats help barbarians/fighters etc be good at their job, otherwise, you might as well play a wizard or something who has a load of utility as well as a bit of damage.

>There's reason to pick others, the reasons are few and far between but they're there.
Like better range?

I plan on making a witch Hunter'ish character with a whip and a hand crossbow. Really stereotypical shit here.

How should I build this? I want to go either VHuman or Half elf, but I struggling with my choices of stat.

We start at level 3, and I know we will at least get to 15 (we never end a campaign earlier). I know ill have to focus on dex, but the rest eludes me.

I can't decide between fighter and Rogue. Cunning action seems too good to pass up for this build, but GM does not allow multiclassing.

For the Rogue, it feels quite straight forward. Would probably go AT for the extra utility, and just weave in and out of combat.

For fighter, I am not sure. I guess I would need a lot of con as well, but I feel like a crossbow + whip build is a bit pointless in a fighter build, where I will likely be the frontline anyway.

Thoughts? Experiences maybe?

Sharpshooter extends your range beyond anything you'll ever actually need anyway.

If you want to be a decent dex fighter, you use crossbow expert and sharpshooter.

Or you can just go rogue.

>level 3 party traversing through a 300 foot purple wurm petrified by a basilisk and converted into a giants base
>Meet an Otyugh at very bottom swimming in filth
>Cleric of Amaunteer is studying the Otyugh to try to cure a plague
>Warns party to leave it be
>Party try to kill it anyway
>Cleric threatens them for doing this
>Party laughs in his face
> party kills Otyugh
> Cleric is pissed, casts greater restoration on the purple wurm
>With the party still inside it's digestive tract

>Low level party tagging along with a high level spellcaster

The cleric was an NPC doing his own thing at the bottom of the dungeon. Certainly wasn't tagging along with the party.

That doesn't make any sense

Why would the Cleric commit suicide

>but GM does not allow multiclassing.


A Purple Worm has a +11 to its CON save, it is impossible for it to fail the DC 12 CON Save from a Basilisk's petrification

I think the cleric is a NPC.

>He knows the secret way out the players don't and likewise is pretty fanatical and unhinged from studying aberrations for months.

I know. NPC's don't kill themselves for no reason either

Reminder that multiclassing is a cancerous mechanic that's only ever used for min-maxy rules-lawyer builds and heavily favors charisma casters over everyone else.

I don't get the suicide part you're seeing in his story. The NPC was still outside, supposedly.

So why is it good I'm having trouble understanding the feat also the hand crossbows range is shit.

>all monsters statblocks in your imaginary world are copyright TM do not tamper with as per gygax
I specifically go offbook with creatures because of people like you

The otyugh and the cleric and the party are inside the purple worm
the cleric unpetrifies the purple worm
the cleric and the party die in the stomach acid

Learn to read and comprehend, champ

Before you get all your feats, range, certain people can do better with other weapons (Sharpshooter Fighter and Hunter Ranger), if a DM does random magical items you may not end up with the specific weapon you built around and also if you're playing with the rule you're much harder to disarm with a two-handed weapon.

Like I said, the reasons are few and far between but they do exist. To say there's no reason to ever use another is a blatant lie.

Though the real trick is for Hunters and Sharpshooters to have a Heavy Crossbow to pull out for their special moves when appropriate.

It was probably cursed, or the basilisk was not an ordinary basilisk.

>>With the party still inside it's digestive tract
>party explicitly mentioned but not the NPC

The hand crossbow is the only ranged weapon in the game that lets you fire off extra shot with your bonus action. Furthermore Crossbow Expert means you can attack at point-blank range without penalty, and can ignore having to reload the crossbow.

Sharpshooter completely fixes the weapon's poor range, while allowing it ignore half cover and make more powerful attacks.

I can see that, but surely there is a way for a GM who doesn't like that aspect of it to make it work for his tastes, especially with two classes like fighter and rogue because they're pretty similar.

There is no reason to impede roleplaying because you don't like how a certain mechanic works, because you're allowed to throw literally any mechanic out the window and make a house rule for it.

Personally I sometimes ban it depending on the game I'm going for. You can't deny that all except 1 of the cancer builds (Svirfneblen Abjurer) requires multiclassing.

Also people doing it often do the mechanics first then slap together a story explaining their Hexblade 1/Paladin 2/Sorcerer X which is always awful.

Then again I also ban weapon feats but added in more combat actions for classes to take so Martials have something better to do then 50+ damage all the time.

>two classes like fighter and rogue because they're pretty similar.

I mean... I guess they're both martials who don't usually use magic. That's about where the similarities end.

Also Rogues don't get Whip proficiency and you wanted a whip sooo...

Why not a Ranger? Take humanoids as your favored enemies because you're a witch hunter and you can do the whole Whip+Crossbow thing.

>Telling a blatant cross-classing min-maxer to play one of the mechanically weakest classes in the game.

Pls user, that would imply he's actually interested in roleplaying.

Where can I find the other official Elf subraces that aren't in the PHB? Or did the PBH lie to me and all there is to choose from is High, Wood and Drow?

...Dude. He's not even trying to minmax.

He just asked if he should go Fighter or Rogue for his idea and said the DM doesn't allow multiclassing, otherwise people would tell him to just to do it.

I'm not the guy with the character sorry, should have made that clear, I just thought it was a weird rule and I wanted to butt in

You already posted the general theme of my argument though, they're both just stone cold martials, it makes sense for one to be able to pick up the skill set of the other pretty easily, I've always thought a lot of multiclassing was fairly hamfisted but a few of them make good sense like practically any of the 80/100% martial classes.

Like a rogue in an eastern setting slowly turning into a way of the shadow monk, or a fighter who grew up as a thief so he has some spare levels in rogue.

I'm going to reply to this too since I've been confused for this guy already and let you all know I was fully committed to playing a monk in a 3.5 game that fell apart due to scheduling, so I really don't give a shit about my characters being of any use at all according to whatever metric min/maxers do, I just wanna have fun even if I'm playing clearly the worst class in the entire edition

polearm master is really good not just because of the extra 1d4 attack but because of the opportunity attack it adds. You will get way more attacks as a result of it the math works out that it's a much better damage increase than +2 strength.

>implying you can actually min-max in 5E
>implying there is anything wrong with playing optimally as long as your definition of playing optimally includes both combat prowess as well as out of combat social and utility abilities, which is the only true way of playing optimally in a game that heavily relies on roleplaying

>Assuming WotC gets the time/people/resources to start publishing more official material other than just more hard-cover adventure books, where do you want them to start?

All I want is an Alchemist class. I wanna brew up some potions and make bombs and shit.

Someone please? I can't find anything.

It's called UA Artificer and UA Downtime. Though I guess the people who scream "We need an Alchemist class!" for every fucking game are still better then "Those 20 options aren't enough to make the exact Gish I want!".

That's all so far.

The other subraces are:

>Space elves who made a pocket dimension to take shelter in during a crisis and are now back. Awesome teleportation powers included.

>Aquatic elves who adapted to underwater lifestyles (hopefully now they can breathe both on land and in water). Have fun playing an Aquatic Elf Monk and swim around like a torpedo.

>Lycan elves who are basically a PC not!Werewolf race. The Gotta Go Fast subrace of Elves that can shapchange into wolves, dire wolves and frost wolves as they level up.

>Wild elves who are the most pureblooded elves and get to have a +3 in dex which means most players will use them to Min-Max...Oh and they have neat not!Aztec flavour.

>Avain elves who can grow wings, hate dragons and are all for FREEDOM. The most American elves *Screeching Eagle noises* TM.

>Rock Elves who are just pointy eared skiny Goliaths, pale skin, can climb really good and live in caves. They are very spooky since despite being large they can hide in plain sight when there's rocks nearby. Imagine a whole race of Slenderman/woman but with elven faces.

is full of shit and none of those exist (yet). So far there's only the PHB ones.

>Assuming WotC gets the time/people/resources to start publishing more official material other than just more hard-cover adventure books, where do you want them to start?
advanced player's guide. with all the good stuff from unearthed arcana.

I don't think they ever will. They just get a passing mention in SCAG

Not that user but if the Alchemist half of Artificer sucked major ass. "Hurr durr I can pull easily obtainable items out of my bag any time I want and that's it."
No bombs, no potions apart from healing potions or Swiftstep Draught.

How can I create a 5th level character who has at least 18 dex without rolling?

Is there enough good content from UA to make a book, especially with XGE coming out soon?

Those are subraces from previous editions dude.

Only a matter of time till they are introduced.
The'll just need rebalancing to 5e standards.

For example what i'd do:

>Space elves get +1 to Int and a 10ft teleport bonus action.
>Avian elves get +1 to Wis, learn the Gust cantrip as a Druid cantrip and can use an action to grow wings with 30ft flight speed at lvl 10 or so.
>Lycan elves get +1 to Con and Shapechange (wolf - at lvl 1, dire wolf at lvl 6 and frost wolf at lvl 12) once per long rest.
>Aquatic elves get +1 to Wis, 30ft Swim speed and at will Waterbreathing on self.
>Rock elves get +1 to Str, 20ft Climb speed and +5ft to melee range.

I agree. WotC is slow with new content.

thats called xanathar's guide to everything

I never even heard about that Svirfneblen Abjurer thing before

Pick any race that gets a +1/2 to dex , put 14/15 points in dex and use your ASI at 4 to get 18
Alternatively, pick any race that gets +2 to dex, put 15 in dex and pick a feat at level 4 that gives you +1 dex

Your Fire and Acid AoE's are bombs, it's called refluffing it from a flask to a bomb. Infuse Magic is literally giving you the power to turn a vial of water into a magical potion.

I won't disagree that the Artificer has issues, but the next version should be alright cause those are easy to fix. Make it a half-caster, replace the mechanical servant with a combat ability and buff both the Alchemist and Gunsmith's attacks a little bit.

I know they're in older editions, but they're not stated and telling him they are is how we get retarded new players.

Artificer Tradition Wizard is better for playing an actual alchemist in every way possible, especially if your DM allows you to use this variant rule from the DMG, and it will work since Artificer Tradition creates actual potion items and not pseudo-consumables unique to their subclass like the Alchemist Artificer and their healing draught. I'd also consider it fairly balanced due to the possibility of ruining your potion, wasting your spell slots or blasting your face off with 6d10 force damage, and I'd consider sudden explosions and failed experiments to be an important aspects of playing a true alchemist.
You can also pick the Healing Elixir spell from the recent starter spells UA, which invalidates the existance of Artificer Alchemist even further.
If you wanna get into the cheese territory and get kicked from your campaign you can also pick the Alchemist Feat from the Feats UA, although that one RAW allows you to maximize the effectiveness of the superior healing potions you create, leaving you with potions that restore whopping 40 (thats as many as four tens) hit points for the cost of a 3rd level spellslot, and thats terrible.
Just remember: its Wizards of the Coast, not Artificers that can boast. Braise Vecna.

>At-will teleports
>In 5e
>A race feature that's delayed until unplayed levels, and if it isn't delayed then >flight speed
>Lycan... Actually, that's servicable. I guess aquatic is too although it might only rarely come up you need to go underwater.
>Trying to cuck bugbears

>I'd consider sudden explosions and failed experiments to be an important aspects of playing a true alchemist.
You're part of the problem.

I agree at-will race teleport's stupid but...

>Shadow Monk, Shadow Sorcerer and Horizon Walker

>10ft teleprots that take up your bonus action and will be worded to take into account your movement speed.
>race gets a free druid cantrip to compensate for getting flight speed at late levels where it's appropriate.
>Thank you. Lycans are the most reasonable of the lot.
>Hating on Slenderman Elves.

You forgot stone sorcerer which has defined reason why it can't just teleport to teammates all the time.

Shadow monk is the reasonable one and to be honest I'd let them get away with it because they're monks and they already have great mobility, alongside the fact it's limited from darkness to darkness.

>You're part of the problem.
Have fun playing with your little faux non-potions, Artifeces players.

I'm just saying that having a random chance of killing yourself and everyone around you has literally never been part of good class design. Like how everyone fucking hates Wild Sorcerer even though they can be really powerful.

Artificer Wizard is awesome, I was one of the few saying it's good when they first made it and angry "lol wacky alchemists" were going on about how it ruined what they remember of Artificers and was weak.

>which has defined reason
I mean, which doesn't have a defined reason. Whoops.

>Like how everyone fucking hates Wild Sorcerer
I hate it because you rely on your DM to surge

Chance for bad shit is low and constrained to early levels.

Wild Sorc is bad because the surge ability is entirely up to DM fiat. It's trash design.

>and everyone around you
The range is five feet and its only 1d10 damage for those who are near you, you're also supposed to engage in these kind of activities during your short/long rests and preferably once you have enough HP to soak up the damage (an decreasing HP loss further more by usage of stuff like False Life). In the end, it just means additional spell slot/hit dice tax to patch up yourself. It's incomparable to casting a fireball as a wildsorc centered on yourself during a boss battle.

If you got a good DM then Wild Sorcerer can be amazing and surge over 50% of the time with Tides of Chaos. Issue is you don't know until you try it.

It's an aegis feature. You can only teleport to someone you've put an aegis around.

>As a bonus action, you can grant an aegis to one allied creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The aegis is a dim, gray aura of earth magic that protects the target. Any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage the target takes is reduced by 2 + your sorcerer level divided by 4. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until you use it again, or until you are incapacitated.
>In addition, when a creature you can see within 60 feet of you hits the protected target with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of the attacker. You can teleport only if you and the attacker are on the same surface. You can then make one melee weapon attack against the attacker. If that attack hits, it deals an extra 1d10 force damage. This extra damage increases to 2d10 at 11th level and 3d10 at 17th level.

The issue is that the wildsorc surge table effects fucking suck and are riddled with meaningless lolsorandom ribbons. Dark Herecy psyker phenomenas/perils of the warp was a superior system for chaotic casters.

Now, tell me, why can't you just pop the aegis on someone and teleport to them whenever you please?

Why do they have to be attacked in order for you to teleport them?

Can't you just throw a rock at them?

I think it's a retarded design, personally, because it has overly specific requirements for using an ability that don't make sense when the point of 5e is that it's not 4e and abilities don't have some long 'first if this happens you do this and then this and then this but unless that happens you don't seem to have the ability to do this'.

>when a creature you can see hits the protected target with a melee attack
It's all right there in the description mate. I know you're embarrassed because you were wrong, but that doesn't mean it's time to dig your heels in and try to act like you were right all along.

Do you even understand the point he's making? From a fluff perspective why do you gain the ability to teleport, but only when someone's attacked?

The idea of the magic only working when someone's attacked within 30ft of you or whatever's retarded. It just doesn't make sense.

Because that's what the aegis does. It's really simple shit mate. If you've got to have uber fucking autism about it, then just look at it as the aegis teleporting you to it, rather than you teleporting to the aegis.

Fuck me, you autists are something else.

My original fucking point is that the whole thing is retarded, as has managed to shorthand for me.

Why not? Weird restrictions on magic are all over the place. It is, after all, magic. Why is needing a handful of bat guano or or waving around a staff more reasonable for a requirement of casting a spell than seeing your aura being broken?