Pathfinder general /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Golem Edition : Had any strange run-ins with custom golems lately? Built one? Fought one? Excited for Poppets?

Tell me about them mechanical monsters!

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Old Thread

I prefer clockwork minions or Undead

Reasking for more answers. The only named Inevitable I know of is Obligatum VII (the case study example of Lawful Stupid). Are all inevitable names similar to that (i.e., Dictum III, Ordinance IX, etc.)?


Been rattling around an idea for a game.

>A Calamity occurs.
>The planes have broken off from the prime material, gods and outsiders died off or have been unreachable.
>The god of Fortune, Heroism, and Light was on the plane at the time, bestowing blessings on pilgrims in his holy city, and keeled over dead. As his body decays, the land around it decays as well. Giving rise to hellish scavengers.
>Magic is becoming less and less predictable, many mages lost their powers all together, the remaining were driven to madness; resulting resulting in the near total destruction of both the intelligentsia and the clergy.
>Ground Zero for the event was once a thriving metropolis, before being reduced to a scorching desert of ash and sand.
>A desert that grows bigger by the day. Consuming all in its path.
>Fast forward fifty years.
>Fully a third of the world has been consumed in Sand.
>Temperatures have been steadily rising, fucking with weather and agriculture.
>Stars and other celestial bodies have been disappearing.
>The only two nations almost entirely unaffected have been conquering their weakened neighbors, and are now engaged in a bloody war with each other.
>Reports have been cropping up from all over the world of people experiencing vivid dreams of walking into the Sand. For many it becomes a compulsion.
>Others begin seeing things yet to come.
>Still more see a void, swallowing up the stars one by one.
>Each member of the party sees an angel. One, extending a hand.

25 PB, 3rd level start, PoW, Legendary games, and Jolly allowed. Core Paizo races only.

No full casters. No Summoning.

So I want to make a skeletor-esque character for a city campaign. I have got lich approved, but what class should I play? I'm thinking arcanist, but what class should I play, and what spells should I grab? Starting at level 7 (level 5 for me)

Did I miss something beyond the Occultists Soulbound Puppet or the Witch (Gravewalker)'s Spell Poppet.

>Core paizo races only

but why


Adventurer's armory 2


Adventurer Armory 2 had new 1/3 CR constructs called poppets. They are bloody adorable and can act like psuedofamiliars, and can even be slowly upgraded iirc

Native outsiders died off or went mad when the Calamity occurred. If any remain, they'd be rare to the extreme.

The rest either don't exist, or are fluff incompatible.

Party-pooping faggot kill yourself.

This sounds genuinely awesome, I'm not going to lie. Not sure how much Barb fits a would-be aristocrat, but if we just assume it's his first class level and that he becomes increasingly unhinged from his cyborgification...

... So you want a party that consists of only humans and half elves

Barbarians aren't necessarily monstrous raging assholes, it can also be represented as a cold, singleminded fury, not necessarily out of control wildness

>having a problem with best race

>muh humanity fuck ye meems

i hate summer

How to half-orcs exist if Orcs don't exist?

Sounds cool, desu. I'd set it in Golarion just so I could shit on the setting and make it better.

If you decide to put it up, I'll probably apply with a bloodrager, magus or inquisitor. Preferably I'd want to make an arcane archer that isn't shit, but it'd require homebrewing a non-shit magus archetype or something.

...but native outsiders are native, user.

>objectively the best race
>muh summer

No user, you are the cancer

Void Prophet is go!

But seriously, it sounds alright.

That's not how native outsiders work you little shit

>start putting some ranks in craft(sewing)
>everyone thinks I'm doing it to make cash on the side during downtime
>I already have a profitable side business
>I'm just buying this so that when my character marries, her trousseau will be nice and full of beautiful linens and her future husband will have lots to be proud of

Is your character planning for their future? Are you ensuring it will work out for them?

>objectively best race

Then why do you ban all the other races? Surely someone wanting to play another race for RP purposes and lowering their own power level is fine

You are right, these are adorable.
A first level character only has a DC 11 spellcraft to make one to boot.. Though under the familiar rule I want to say that's a typo and it means that it's Int increases to its Wis, not the other way around.
Craft Poppet being a gateway to craft Construct later is a nice little touch to.

>Tiny Poppet can have 12 strength. My doll can literally bully a wizard.

When did I say that?

Orcs not being a valid choice for a PC races doesn't preclude their existence.

Yes, yes. You just keep making assumptions about how the world works.

>Not sure how much Barb fits a would-be aristocrat, but if we just assume it's his first class level and that he becomes increasingly unhinged from his cyborgification

Barbarian (Savage Technologist) gives you a bonus to Strength and Dexterity, not Strength and Constitution. You can very easily portray this as the Nobleman getting in "the zone" during combat.

My character isn't planning for anything. My motivation is dead, I show up for sessions, drag my way through them, speak as infrequently as possible, and roleplay sparingly, then not at all.


>Strong, capable woman
>Eager to get enslaved by marriage to some loser

A tough girl like that shouldn't be wasting herself on being some male's breeding sow.

I didnt ban them and I certainly didnt get my panties in a twist because of it. If you dont like chargen rules dont app?

But you did by saying 'core only'

Core only actually means

'Humans, half-elves, and occasionally half-orcs only'

because the other core races are absolute trash

I'll admit, that is pretty good bait. You at least deserve a pretty picture for it.

>so upset that you think the only person who things humans are the best are the user who offered a game

user, turn off your computer and take a nap

What stole your happiness, user?

Are you fucking retarded nigger, its literally nigh impossible to tell the difference between two posters

>Yes, yes. You just keep making assumptions about how the world works.
No need to be fucking salty because we pointed out potential issues in babbys first setting. We only have what you've said to go on, and unless you say otherwise, then yes, we will naturally assume that things work as they usually work in the base setting(s).

Don't be a little bitch about it. Take criticism and questions and make something better. I like the premise desu.

Well at least irony is not lost on you.

Yes, that's the point. Fucking retard.

I want to run a /pfg/ game for evil characters

Original idea.

What templates are roughly in power to each other not using Paizo's stupid +X to CR system?
How does dread lich compare to dread vampire and such? Thinking about how to incorporate templates for PCs in an "everyone is a jedi" style game

I'm in!

I want to play a /pfg/ game for evil characters!

Also are there any 3pp races that are +CON/INT?

can you use the creation sphere to make alchemical substances if you have expanded materials and can use craft (alchemy), or is it completely worthless?

Competent evil, or cartoonish evil?


>unless you say otherwise, then yes, we will naturally assume

I did say otherwise.

If the Calamity killed all native outsiders, and that doesn't gel with what you know of them. Then either there's more to them than you know, or there's more to the Calamity than you know. Or, in this case, both.

why would it kill all the native outsiders

For what purpose besides 'I don't like aasimar and tieflings as PC races'

Those never end well.

You should run a high-powered campaign using JttW or WotR CharGen. Everyone was jerking off to it in the last thread!

I'm not sure yet user. It's something though, and I really hope I get over it soon.

Pic related then?

What is that even from?

Adventure Time, it's the Lich

Is it any good?

It's alright, if you forget it's the Patient Zero for basically 90% of the cancer that's infected cartoons for the last 5 years.

I hope you find something that captures your heart once more.

Adventure Time? Yes, but only once you start getting to episodes that callback to earlier ones and reveal how fucked the world is.

The Lich? A great villain, pure evil. Sadistic, murders important people in horrifying ways, and is terrifyingly powerful.

Because the emphasis is on the "Outsider" part, not the native part.

They're angels, demons, genies, what have you, that either chose to live as mortals or were cast out to atone for some sin.The spiritual being binds itself to cells in utero, though such a process is difficult, and requires some sort of catalyst to allow fusion. Thus, why certain stimuli are likely to produce native outsider children.

The outsider then lives, and eventually dies, as a mortal. With their previous life being little more than half remembered fragments, or instinctual reactions. (Thus the bonus language, the skill bonuses, etc.)

The Calamity either stripped the outsider's soul away, leaving a lifeless husk, or left a stunted and malformed human soul, that had been fighting for dominance with the outsider.

I try very hard!

RIP that

Thats not what a native outsider is.

I'll admit, that's pretty damn funny.

Nah its really not, its sad to see a GM so retarded he doesn't understand the basis of the setting and what a 'native' outsider is, instead turning it into some retarded pseudo possession bullshit

The concept was something almost similar to Wist's new game. The PCs would be long dead villains of legend who get together in the hopes of staking out a chunk of the afterlife for their own and returning to the material world with an army of demons and other evil things to reclaim their legacy.

Friend, I am the GM.

I was assuming you were making a joke, since I literally just explained what Native Outsiders were in this specific setting.

I guess I was wrong, and you're just illiterate.

>in /my/ setting
Come back when you're all snowflaked out.

But thats literally not what a native outsider is and mechanically makes no sense

You must realize this.

Furthermore, why the fuck does /your/ setting get to be special and fuck with native outsiders beyond... You don't like them as PC races

why is the creation sphere so fucking useless? You can't create anything worthwhile

Oh you. Here, have another modestly dressed woman. You've charmed me.

Others have already answered but yea..It's p good.

I wanna run a primitive setting game and tie it into the release of starfinder. Anyone have any experience with Stone age setting Pathfinder?

I bet your setting is low magic too

I'm involved in way too many games to play, but interested in at least hearing about it. Will the party be starting in the afterlife and trying to conquer there first as undead and/or fiendish souls of the damned? Or will they kick off with an army in the living world?

>Someone asks a question about another setting
>Gets answered

How autistic are you?

I was unprepared for this level of Golautism.

What is a "native outsider" apart from setting specific definitions? Please, enlighten me.

Spicy hot opinions coming through
>Any setting that's going to try to pull a CRB race only thing is better off just going full Humans only

>Native Outsiders are retarded. Both in terminology and concept.

I want to put that woman in the family way!

Ok, so you know how outsiders exist, things like angels, and demons

They're extraplanar, and thus can be banished back to their home plane

Native outsiders cannot be banished to their home plane, because the material plane IS their home plane.

Do you see how your 'oh they're just like angels possessing a human body' makes no fucking sense now. Because that's not what a native outsider is.

This isn't 'golautism', this is THE RULES OF THE FUCKING GAME.

They're not fusing their souls with mortals, they are outsiders BORN ONTO THIS PLANE, their souls are OF THE MATERIAL PLANE, thats why they can be resurrected and shit ON THE MATERIAL PLANE.

Furthermore, Outsiders are not a separate soul and body, those are one and the same, they're not spiritual beings.

And in his setting that is clearly not the case. He's the GM, he can decide how outsiders work in his setting. If you're upset you can't play your super hung and perfect aasimer hunk, then don't apply.

>Anyone have any experience with Stone age setting Pathfinder?

Not at all, and the only things I know about Stone Age Pathfinder is they're similar to "modern" Pathfinder, only with limited weapon and armor options, and many of the higher grade materials have the Fragile quality.

t. DM

Do you have a height preference for your characters? Do you always seem to make smol girls or tall boys?

You're right dude rules don't fucking matter

Why should we roll dice when we can just describe what happens?

I'm not the DM.
Rules are malleable and can be changed to suit the needs of the campaign. PF was intended to be played with Path of War, Psionics, Njolly shit and stuff like that but we do it anyway.

Besides, it's not like he's changing actual major mechanics. Just fluff.

>just fluff
>races that explicitly exist in the world have been wiped due to poorly thought out DM fiat
Really sparks my synapses

>races that explicitly exist in the world have been wiped due to poorly thought out DM fiat
They clearly don't anymore since the GM says they don't.

I play tall people because I like to lean down and pat people on the head.

Hmm, they may be a shite GM

>Native outsiders cannot be banished to their home plane, because the material plane IS their home plane.

Thus the native body. The body that is completely of this Plane. The body that makes its home on the Plane. They can't be banished because they're a parasitic consciousness, not an actual outsider. They take the spot the soul would fit into or (very rarely) displace an existing soul.

>Outsiders are not a separate soul and body, those are one and the same, they're not spiritual beings.

On Golarion? Sure. But, as I keep needing to remind your dumb ass, this isn't Golarion.

If you're looking for a chance to play your shota trap Baekano Tiefling fuccboi, this ain't it.

This sounds fun. I'm thinking of going full retard with an Armorist.

How do skills (social and stealth/disguise/ect) work under these rules?

not just on Golarion, in the entire fucking PF universe you fucktard

Fucking hell.

I tend toward tall martials. The race and feel of the character obviously matters. My stoic soldier was max height for his race, while my more playful powerhouse was quite short. My casters tend to be more compact, and usually a bit chubby.

Is that not actual major mechanics, you nonce?
Read and think for once in your life, please.

That's how Outsiders and by extension Native Outsiders function in the system, not just in Golarion.

I thought there are specific types of outsiders that can actually possess a material creature, but even they can be banished from the material plane unless they are native outsiders

Again. That is fluff, not hard fucking rules. His setting is Pathfidner's default setting/multiverse.

but it is hard fucking rules


Grills are for smol, unless they're noble paladins.
Men are for tall, unless they're shotas.

Rules: You can't use Raise Dead on Outsiders because the spell says so.

Fluff: It says so because Outsiders have no souls and merge with their plane on death.

user, pls learn the difference you fucking autist.

Rules, you can use raise dead on native outsiders


They do so via possession, or other spells. Which is a bit different.