Operators in fantasy land

What is the hardest threat a Spec Ops could take out in fantasy land?

Let's say operators have a 15 man team with any personal weapons they bring with them an armored vehicle. No other support.

Dragon would probably be too much, while knights too easy.

Rust monsters? Basilisk? Others? Both scenarios in which team have the element of surprise on their side and the other way around.

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MGS5 was so shit.

Cave Troll.

Level 1 Wizard with Sleep and the Improved Initiative feat.

Operator is a state of mind, it is not skills or equipment.

Cast aside the tacticool, do away with thoughts of range, of caliber or of radius.

To be a true Operator is to ascend beyond such simple constraints.

Consider in your mind what it is to be an Operator, Operating.

Do you see now? I think you begin to see.

A Javelin has a tandem shaped charge rated for 800mm of RHA. That could kill a dragon, and it's a fire-and-forget weapon with a 2.5km range. There was a skirmish in the Iraq invasion where a Javelin team killed over a dozen armored vehicles.

A 50.000 strong army, if they know enough to colect and spread a disease like cholera, tuberculosis and so on.

A single outbreak might be handled by the clerics, but once it starts spreading among a number of Lances fournies...

That way, they achieve a strategical objective.

>Dragon would probably be too much
Not if they had RPGs and/or other anti-tank weapons.

Honestly, depending on the dragon, the IFV they have might be more than enough to deal with the thing, never mind manportable AT weapons. Just have someone mount the AA gun or use the cannon against it.

I would argue "most" material beings and a good number of supernatural foes.

And how would you hit that thing? A dragon is not exactly a tank or a chopper, it is agile and emits no emission, so good luck scoring a lock-on let alone a direct hit.

Modern day weapons? They could probably kill anything that isn't super magical
Take for example this beast:
It can fire 890 bullets each weighing 4 grams approximately that fly at 920m/s in a single minute.
And this gun is 12 years old so it's not the most impressive mounted firearm in the world

It's also very big, and all you'd have to do is aim for the residual heat of it's flame-breath. Or hit it while it's sleeping on its horde.

no, no that's probably one of the better weapons we've got around. Firearms are at a stagnant point in their life now. The AR-15 has been in service since the vietnam war and it's one of the most widely used weapons outside of the AK pattern, which the most common variant of was made in the early 1950s.

I'm pretty interested in fleshing this out

I think the thing we would have to consider is assigning them some sort of arbitrary ability scores. If they can't beat saving throws, even things like sea hags could easily beat them.

Snake is a nice choice for this as he deals with slightly supernatural things. What if we change the prompt a little bit and say it was just Snake? You could even give him "spell slots" to call in a supply drop or a missile strike like V.

Or maybe a small party composed of Snake and other people who have dealt with the supernatural such as someone from RE.

Majority of modern anti-tank weapons are dumb fire and your average dragon probably doesn't move super fast. I mean, they are flying building sized targets, and if it lands ever it's 100% fucked. Heat signature is a different story, though any man portable AT launcher that's fire and forget will lock onto a combination of infrared and visual information. Other guided systems will be beam or wire riding ATGMs. A lock is very much feasible.

They're fucked in the long term because fuck if they could replicate the bullets for their guns or even repair them if needed but in the short term I'd say they're pretty unstoppable, except against enemies with Mind Control or Phasing


Wraiths and Spectres? Immaterial or ethereal-like beings.

Anything physical will probably go down with sufficient damage unless they're wearing or made out of some indestructible armour / skin.

However if you were to instead say it's a 15 man team made from protagonists of multiple franchises, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Metal Gear, etc. I'd say they'd be unstoppable.

>a 15 man team made from protagonists of multiple franchises
Basically the cast of Playstation Battle Royale including Neptune because for some reason they forgot to include her.

Modern IR missiles use image recognition, comparing the image they see to the image the user locks them on to. Chasing a "heat signature" is korean and vietnam war tier tech.

>korean and vietnam war tier tech
Which most likely is still in use.

Image recognition won't help even that much because a dragon is not a rigid shape, especially in-flight.

We can most likely scrap fire-and-forget guidance, it is designed for a much different kind of target than a dragon. Active guidance might be tricky, because the dragon will move around a lot, probably at high speeds, and the operators will be under a shitton of stress, further cutting accuracy. Your best bet at this point is to get up close, volley fire RPGs at the thing, and pray for a hit.

It was like 40k, it lacked a lot of personality because of its seriousness

It wasn't wacky enough to be a metal gear game

>BBEG wants to use a parasite to destroy the English language
>there's also a demon dude, a psychic spooky kid and a group of militarized zombies including a half-naked girl that breathes, drinks water and absorbs nutrients from the sun with her skin
>wasn't wacky enough

Depends on the setting you cock.

>emits no emission
Wait, dragons don't poop?

Spec Ops could take out a nation if they really set their minds to it

>still in use
Not by first world nations and never in ATGMs. Instead of 1 sensor/1 missile, poorfags used a human operator with an imaging sensor to guide the missile - the American TOW via wires (wireless today) or Russian Kornet via laser beam.

Then use a manually guided weapon like the above, or a Milan, Spike, etc.

Unguided rockets aren't for attacking (unless you're a militia) and haven't been since Vietnam. They're oh-fuck-we're-fucked last ditch weapons.

Nah, it should still work, especially firing at a high angle. Against the backdrop of a sky, the target would remain identifiable. Image recognition doesn't fail just because its target turns, for instance.

Nevermind the fact that dragons aren't modern fighter jets. They're probably operating at speeds and altitudes comparable to a WW1 bi-plane. Even small arms fired from the shoulder could potentially score damaging hits.

>They're oh-fuck-we're-fucked last ditch weapons.
TBF, a dragon could potentially put you in oh-fuck-we're-fucked mode very quickly.

You're basically dealing with a very large, very tough attack helicopter, except instead of bullets it fires a continuous stream of high velocity napalm... not the ideal scenario for a bunch of dudes in an AFV.

Fuck let's do it.
Build a 5 man dream team and consider how it will perform saving a fantasy world.

>Metal gear. Which Snake do we go with?
>RE: Chris or Leon? I actually would be not against Ada due to tits
>DMC. NO. I love Dante as much as the next guy but he is overpowered and do not fit the operators mindset.

Who else?
Sam fisher? I know nothing about that franchise and I believe on this anime board it is also not well known.
John whick? Not much on wearing camouflage and sneaking but otherwise operator. I approve.
Ravy from Black Lagoon? Tits. Not much on operator side, but fun to have around.

No it is not you tard. It is skills, training, equipment and mental conditioning, it is not a state of mind that one reaches through thought and self reflection.

>What is the hardest threat a Spec Ops could take out in fantasy land?
if they brought C4 with them they could break a siege easily. depending on how much ammo they brought with them. (and they could bring a lot in their armored vehicle.) they could probably kill a small army.

Martin Walker from SpecOps: the Line? Maybe Nathan Drake from Uncharted?
Also Kratos is you tell him Zeus is fucking shit up in this fantasy world or Neptune if you tell her the BBEG lair is full of pudding.

>Which Snake
Venom or Solid. Leaning towards Solid because Venom did need a fuckton of stuff to operate and Solid didn't.

spec ops would probably have a pretty high will save. they put them through intense mental conditioning.

>which snake
either venom or big boss since solid doesn't have experience leading men or recruiting new soldiers.
>RE: chris or Leon
Chris. he has much better training.
I would also add Artyom and maybe one of the cowadooty protagonists.

Depends on the setting.
Depends on the setting.
Depends on the setting.
Depends on the setting.

It depends on the fucking setting. Are you talking about a specific setting called Fantasy Land? If not, the question is irrelevant and designed to create pointless, circular arguments between autistic faggots from /k/ and autistic faggots from Veeky Forums.

>your average dragon probably doesn't move super fast.

Assuming D&D 5e, they can fly faster than the speed of sound.

>no fun allowed.

Wrong on all accounts, idiot. If you were less stupid, you'd understand.

That's an awful lot of words to contribute absolutely nothing. Why'd you even bother?

>Assuming D&D 5e, they can fly faster than the speed of sound.
an adult red dragon has a fly speed of 80 ft. each round is 6 seconds. if they take two move actions thats 160 feet in a turn. which is 26.66 fps. the speed of sound is roughly 1125 feet per second. so no, they aren't even close.

Nah, they totally do. Your math's off. Speed of sound is only 767 mph, which dragons can easily beat.

Solid snake, Chris, Sam Fisher, John Wick, and spec ops the line guy.

Assume dnd 5e setting

read. i said feet per second not miles per hour.

I know. I said miles per hour.


Wrong. It was plenty wacky. It was just a bad story and score attack gameplay.

Martin Walker, Solid snake, Chris, Sam Fisher, John Wick.

4 man team done. Dark elves have no chance.

Maybe add a russian (Artyom?) for ethnic diversity and suka vodka comedic relief?

They need to kil TIamat the mother of all dragons. 1 man for each head.

So we need a breakdown of each guys abilities and equipment. What level are they?

Solid Snake:

Sam Fisher:

John Wick:



suppressed .45 pistol, a nikita missile launcher, a knife, frag and stun grenades, and C4.
>sam fisher
FN five-seven suppressed. F2000, frag grenades and NODs
>John Wick
HK P30L, keltec KSG, unarmed proficiency and lots of anger
FN SCAR, lots of angst
>Chris Redfield
knife, grenade launcher, 9mm pistol HE and flash grenades.

Story was so fucking boring and made zero sense, the gameplay was entertaining tho.

In comparison to your average adventure in say, 5e...

>Solid Snake
20th level.
>Sam Fisher
16th level.
>John Wick
20th level.
18th level.
18th level.

Not to mention all of them have extremely powerful homebrewed magical items. I mean, there's pretty much no creature in 5e that wouldn't be instantly destroyed by C4.

You guys should really stop over-estimating the power of this fantasy schlock.

i dont think you should be calling anyone a tard after taking that post seriously

>What is the hardest threat a Spec Ops could take out in fantasy land?
What kind of team?

SEALs? Maybe 2,000 enemy fighters in a night raid scenario.

MarSOC? Maybe 200 enemy fighters (they don't do night raids quiet).

SAS? I mean, probably a dragon.

Air Force Commandos? Maybe 200 enemy troops; their focus is preparation of the battlefield, not fighting.

Green Berets? Sky's the limit, man. Green Berets train to be dropped behind enemy lines and train partisans. So they know things like how to make gunpowder, made muskets, acquire supplies, train peasants, etc. They could probably conquer the world given a couple of years.

because it wasn't finished.
It MIGHT been good but we will never know

dragons that big are often powerful casters.

Ok so combine that with the load outs and we've got some decent characters on our hands.

Would these guys all cooperate together?

Need a sequel to Battle Royale... Isn't this idea about throwing modern infantry in a fantasy world kind of pointless? Without specific details it will be an endless argument of anons saying:
>A wizard with the right could...
>Magic is no match for a squad of...

Hate it when I miss a word.

If Solid Snake is level 20 I would say John Wick is no more than 14, Sam is probably about 10ish. Keeping in mind that Snake fights giant killer robots, cyber ninjas and psychics on a semi-regular basis, he's above the pay grade anyone except Chris.

Leon is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more competent than Chris in the latest movie.



Let's use Leon as he appears in RE4 at the most. That is, before the franchise became Devil May Cry with zombies.

Depends on the dragon type really. Are we talking like middle age worms? Or something like a city sized dragon that can tank a few kilotons?

One of those is easy as shit to take down the other would be impossible.

Yeah, i was on a pretty hard comedown. Well, you live and learn.

>That could kill a dragon

>its another thinly veiled /k/ crossboarder thread

SBS like the SAS but they use a boat to kill the Dragon.

>What is ashlands

John Wick

Leon S. Kennedy

Mad Max

Solid / Venom Snake

Arytom from Metro 2033

Not only are they all competent and efficient by themselves, but because they come from different environments / backgrounds, they could bring more specialised tactics depending on the situation while complimenting each other's abilities.

>Wick is proficient in everything and has an endless amount of anger and unbreakable will

>Leon speciality is zombies and parasites

>Max is a true survivor and can scavenge materials and resources in any environment. Operates best in post-apocalyptic settings. Doesn't talk much. Can also fix machinery.

>Snake isn't hindered by the environment and deals with supernatural beings.

>Arytom specialises in cold environments, great at maintaining and fixing weapons, knows the most about mutants and the effects of radiation. Has some knowledge on telepathy.

I don't know too much about the other characters, but if we're going off 5e rules then Snake is definitely a high level Kensai monk with high rolled stats.

>Proficiency in all saves (fights psychics, so high int/wis saves, + physically tough to all others)
>Can shoot well + CQC
>Empty Body + high dex means really good stealth

I always wanted to run an RPG set in the Metal Gear universe, but taking on a lot of fantasy/D&D tropes, while being entirely self-aware, of course.

The big Metal Gear of the campaign would have been a dragon.

They could do a lot of damage for a short time until they run out of supplies and with no means to properly produce their stuff they'd probably start dying off.

I figure most fantasy races would give them a moderate amount of problems, elves are 2fast and 2smart, dwarves carry around thick enough steel on themselves to be considered almost bulltproof and orcs are just too damn hardy.

But yeah, rust monsters would be a terror, so would basilisks.

Green Berets would literally just become the plot of Drifters.

>mage recognition won't help even that much because a dragon is not a rigid shape, especially in-flight.
The purpose of an imaging seeker isn't to know what the target is, since the shape of air targets is highly variable and the aspect they present to the missile can change at any time. The point is for the missile to be able to reject things that it knows is not its intended target, such as reflections from clouds of terrain.

Honestly I don't know how I'd rate the effectiveness of an IR missile against a large flying animals, it might not actually lock until comparatively short range due to the reduced heat signature compared to an aircraft, but a missile certainly could lock and seek it. Also a radar guided missile would work fine at any range and a dragon would actually have a fairly large radar cross section with distinctive fluctuations when it flaps its wings.

Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

When a portal from another world appears in Ginza, Tokyo, a legion of soldiers and monsters emerge to attack the city. Thanks to their far more advanced weaponry and tactics, the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) easily repels the enemy, passes through the gate and establish a forward operating base to force the Roman-styled empire of the other world to open peace negotiations.

It comes in Novel, Manga and Anime forms. The Anime Kidifies pretty much EVERYTHING, so I recommend manga or novel.

i dont remember much about fantasyland, but i do remember the nazis got there with some kind of gate tech

Can I tell how fucking disappointed I was?
CGI looked terrible. After various game trailers and FF movie I was expecting more. And yet!

Many movements looked innatural. CQC had no weight behind moves. Leon shooting dogs from moto was "what is he doing with his legs?" Corridors were boring like a low texture game.

Plot was nothing original.

>Devil May Cry with zombies
Did you know that originally DMC1 was supposed to be a RE title but then they changed it for how over the top it was coming along?

MGS with all paranormal shit going on could be a fun setting. Add RE viruses for necromancy analog and you are set.

SBS and SEALs are virtually identical in mission and operation spectrum.

The SAS' big advantage with dragons is that they have a history of destroying aircraft while still on the ground.

>The AR-15 has been in service since the vietnam war and it's one of the most widely used weapons outside of the AK pattern

The AR-15 is pretty much the best shit out there. There's a reason we just make better AR-15s, you know.

Yeah, but Redfield on the juice is way better. His boxing literally makes people explode.

No, they're like North Korean leaders.

I'd just like to throw in Number 47 from Hitman and, if we are not just using games, maybe Judge Dredd.
Dredd might be a bit of a stretch for operating opeationally, but I think the newer Dredd movie had some operator vibes for him. Can't remember most of the comics I've read, though. 47 should definitely fit though, I think.
No idea how to stat them though

But if Sam Fisher is 16, I'd assume them to be 16+

Once you bring people with modern weaponry into the equation the primary question stops being "can it be killed" because of course, anything can be killed if you shoot it enough. The question instead becomes "can it kill us faster than we can kill it," and the answer to that question, in many cases, is yes.

In SoS, there's a monster called the Ostokrognok which is literally an invisible tiger. How many members of Delta Force would you need to kill an invisible tiger? Well if you knew what it was and knew where to find it, then maybe three or four guys with some kooky goggles could do it.

But if you pitted any number of special forces guys against an invisible tiger intent on killing them all without telling them what it was, they'd have literally no way of dealing with it. As with IRL special forces, the question is one of intel, not firepower or skill.


Incorporeals in general, I always wanted to see a Gate scenario where a tank battalion gets butchered by ghosts of all things.

The premise was excellent, but the series descended too quickly into haremshit, waifufaggotry and /pol/-tier geopolitics.

Leon operated his way into Parasite infested Spain and saved the President's daughter.

Chris had better training from Stars compared to Leon's police training. However, Leon had better (and actual Operator training) as of the RE4. It's the entire reason he's sent there in the first place.

Leon and Chris are in a self-improvement loop where whichever one is better depends on which one was better last time. If Leon was better then, Chris is better now. If Chris was better then, Leon is better now.


>What is Delta Force

[citation needed]

A M72 LAW does 10d6 in d20 modern, and ignores the first 15 points of DR. An AT4 is bigger (I would say 10d8 or 10d10) and guided weapons are better and almost double the diameter, probably 15d12.

Anything that needs to eat and can swallow a remote charge

Not trained for combat in medieval/magic environments?

Exactly. The are used to dealing with eldritch horrors, not dragons. Would make for an interesting one shot or a campaign

>eldritch horrors
You are thinking of Delta Green, not the IRL Delta Force, whose greatest enemy are currently Ahmed and Omar with AK-47s and Toyotas.

>not sniping people day in and day out to demoralize them
>not leading them on a merry chase across the countryside to stretch supply lines
>not using psy-ops to incite revolt

No...you want to go full viral against them.

To kill a dragon all you need is a .50 cal or a couple of RPGs.