I, like many people who invest in cryptocurrency, tend to be in somewhat of a sticky situation. Basically...

I, like many people who invest in cryptocurrency, tend to be in somewhat of a sticky situation. Basically, a shitty life in which we want to leave. Always having a hope that they will make it and become a millionaire. I am not one of those people. I'm not looking to be rich.

the question I propose to you is: how much money am I going to have to invest in what coin to wait for a jump and then sell and make TONS more?

Should I use a pump group on Discord? Have one but need human reassurance to talk to.

Probably will invest it all and I need someone to help guide me wizards of Veeky Forums.

Also, the last question I have BTC in a coin-base account....Can't get to it through account recovery....Money is lost...and it's 12,000 now...

If I get I should I sell or hold?

Thank you, blessed people.

Ps: also if you don't reply to this post with helpful crypto advice for me your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off retard do your own research

Study trading. Read, read, read. Learn to make it the right way on your own. If you fuck up you'll need to be quick to react without emotion and know what to do in time. By the time you ask everyone "help me! What shall I do?!" Your money will be wiped out.

>Should I use a pump group on Discord
nah, join signal groups and do your research on the coins they give out

here's a good group: discord.gg/ueMWuJD

>I'm not looking to be rich.

>how much money am I going to have to invest in

>what coin to wait for a jump and then sell and make TONS more?

Now let me get this straight.

You have no idea what you're doing.
And you want to know what coins to buy and sell so that you can make tons more coins to then buy and sell.

But you don't want to be rich.

You guys know those are just modern versions off penny stock pump and dump boiler rooms right? Enjoy being professional bag holders.

Any suggestions on what to research to predict the future? Or maybe TA worth listening to?

Thank you.

I'm saying I'm not looking to make shit tons of cash. I am starting with a smaller investment and want to make tons off of it, but I am slowly going to add money every week or day to my portfolio and eventually I will make 100K and I'm good.


Everyone only wants 100k until they get there. .... Every coin you acquire you are taking from someone else. Someone else is losing the 100k. Mother's and daughters and. . .

actually, rich whales are just scooping up all the pennies from poor fucks like you and perpetually getting richer and richer by the hour.

Too easy.

So are you saying it is too late to buy $200 let us say of a cheap coin worth let us say .50, then sell it if it gets to 2.00 eventually or when it gets to 1.00 or something? Or should I invest like $500 in ETH BTC or MONERO? I just need advice guys please don't troll me, us no coiners need a small piece of the pie too. I am a genuinely nice guy.

You do know small tome traders are getting fucked this next year right? I mean like nearly to the point is not worth it unless ur tax bracket is 10 or 15 and even then u still pay short term. Just not long so again, wtf? Trade for a couple more days and quit unless u can afford a tax attorney which i already had to pay 450 for the kik here in miami.

you sound like an asshole

Honestly, I'd just like 10k to pay off some debts and call it a day.

Shit even 1k would be a huge help. I mean huge.

If I could somehow 5x or 10x $200 in like, a month? That's my dream.


you sound like having a dick as your head

Why are you all calling me an asshole? Don't get it am I coming off as one or something? Was genuinely asking for help.


>how much money am I going to have to invest in what coin to wait for a jump and then sell and make TONS more?
get a car and drive fast into a concrete wall

> t. Literal retard

I want to scam you so bad.

Look buddy I'm new to this shut your mouth.
Long time /b/tard and /pol/ tard now.

Think I'm an idiot? try my fuck face. I need guidance, not some idiot who announces his intentions like that.

I don't get what everyone is on about. Do I not understand coins to your autistic levels? Well, I'm sorry brainlet neet alpha wanna be chads.