
keep your shit bots to yourself next time

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Nice. So cool that he replied to you.

You are doing good job man!
These fuckers with bots - it is not fair !

just bought a 100k op thanks

Might as well get in link boys. Shits a guaranteed moon

Hopefully dimensionsoftware refunds this now shitbot I just bought

hahaha botfags absolutely btfo


yeah it's funny watching all those dumb poorfags scrambling to jump on P&Ds when they could just buy LINK and get a guaranteed 1000x return next year

most of free bots have malicious code that steals passwords and API keys anyway, be careful especially if you don't code.

tfw you beat the bots

topkek on anons who bought the bots.

>an buy bot is bad

You guys are hopeless.

And schmucks that actually try to catch a price through web client are equally hopeless. It's not our fault that the volume increases and fucks up the exchange.

do you think he'll be able to circumvent botting? he could name more than one coin in a tweet to throw the bot off. like 'xcoin is like ycoin and zcoin except...'. he could also use images

still you could just make some sort of notification thing that depends on a human getting instant tweet notifications, parsing the info and sending notifications to people. i'm jealous of pajeets because they have the motivation to do something like this. i'm a lazy bum

He's going to post a fake tweet first, so everyone FOMOs then delete it and post the real one

>bought a bot

Buy bots aren't bad, autobuy bots are bad.

Humans rule.

>still you could just make some sort of notification thing that depends on a human getting instant tweet notifications
This is exacgtly what I do. The only thing that's "BOTTED" is my buy order which is sometiems hard to do through the client.

Nice, its will be fair for everyone. Especially with the bittrex lag

Ripperino in pepperonis

oooh a new cat and mouse game


You deserve it for being subhuman trash.

nah it's as easy as posting an image w/ text instead. or do something like: L I N K so bots can't parse the information.

Yeah, so many ways to stop bots easily

Buying a bot from pajeet to hope to catch the scraps of a pump in dump. Have we reached a new low here?

I never relied on bots to do a buy order off a tweet scrape. I'm sure some did. I manually input the pairing and let the bot do the rest.

You could still modify a bot to send you a push notification with the tweet body, the coin symbol and a button to place a buy order on the coin.

shitty boys are going to fuck people, mcafe is going to mention a shitcoin and everyone is going to buy in lol

no you keep yr shit bots to yrself faggot i will find you and fight you you piece of shit i paid 1 ibtcoin vfor that bot and n ow it won't work FUCK YOU

fuck bots

>being this pathetic

so many nobotters ITT lmfao get gud

>people replying to tripfag cancer


set up twitter to send sms notifications in settings, i have it so it texts me when he tweets and sends the body of the tweet to my phone without having to open shitty twitter

>it is not fair
fucking commies

I hope he just tweets a load of random coins, THEN actually posts the real one to fuck up the botshitters

fake tweets would work with a disclaimer at the end saying 'real one soon'.

This is the first thing I thought of, and honestly I'd do that anyway because of potential false positives. You can't really "stop" people from doing this.

Hell just post an image of his pic

kek, doing god's work there
fuck botters

All he needs to do is put the ticker in a captcha like image attached to his tweet.

The problem is a fake coin tweet would still provide the publicity necessary for the moon

God bless you user. Also, inbetween McFgt tweets check this out, they haven't been wrong yet:

>Coin of the day: ranked between #108 & #111 & begins with an 'R'
Something like this should absolutely BTFO botfags.

Can you explain what you mean in a pic

logo of the coin

Snitches get stitches

or just tweet a screenshot of the ticker symbol

Enter API key and secret