My portfolio just broke $1M

My portfolio just broke $1M

I have no one else to tell this too, but I wanted to share with someone. I don’t feel like I can tell anyone in my personal life. You don’t have to believe me.

Merry Christmas.

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Merry Christmas user :)

Not that crazy, really.

You put in $20k and it doubles every two months or so for a year.

Good job, you should start cashing out and get a personal trainer and go to group fitness classes.

Merry Christmas user

cheers and merry Christmas. don't lose it all

Fucking well done and merry xmas cunt!

rare pepe also

Merry Xmas user! May you be as prosperous as you are generous.


Congratulations user.

W-we all will make it, r-right?

Fuck off you fucking nigger

How the fuck is everyone making so much money

Merry Christmas m8 and congratulations

what'd you start from? any strategies or thoughts on next year?

advice appreciated, thanks.

Shut the fuck up with your negative bullshit attitude.

Well done mate!

The fuck? BOScoin isn't even out yet. You can't fucking claim future pricing.

Still stalling at 5k. Slow and ready wins the race, I guess.

>tfw only made $35 from xrp but no income to keep buying

Merry Christmas user and for fucks sake DON'T TELL ANYONE how much $$ you have. user and rich is best way to go.

congrats're just getting started. should be able to do 5mil by next year if you stick to your system

Its called LARPing

Welcome to Veeky Forums

Merry Christmas buddy. Congrats

Congrats! How about adding some free Sphere

Merry Xmas fagots

congrats. I hope I can make it there one day. Or just have enough to pay my student loans

Thanks everyone. Blown away by the support. Seriously.

Yeah I guess I might be cheating on the BOScoin. Idk how else to measure it though besides the hitbtc futures.

Go away pajeet

Congrats. When are you going to cash out? Some of those coins could moon in 2018.

What a wonderful Christmas gift. Very proud of you user. I'm day trading with $50 and compounding 5% gains a day hoping to be you.

If you're feeling generous I'll post my wallet, but I don't expect anything and I wish you a merry Christmas!


Switched to mobile. I’m not sure. I got in during 2016 as a bet against the dollar. My “target” was always central banking collapse... this is all just perks. I cashed out 5k for Christmas presents, and that’s all I’ve ever taken out. I still live very modestly

I just want to earn 1-2m or so so I can be a Registered Investor (tm) and invest in startups and have enough to live on profits from investing in ETFs and crypto. I hate wageslaving so if I can get out of it at 26-27 and go back to academia without having to worry about money ever that would be great.

Congratulations on passing into lamboland my friend, remember: don't buy a lambo or a porsche, they are wastes of money.

If you really want to get a supercar, get an alfa romeo 4c (55k new) and use the extra 200k to buy a house!

We'll all make it, Merry Christmas bud!

How are you not scared you gonna lose all of it?

Congrats user merry xmas. You deserve it kid

I haven’t actually put any more fiat into crypto since Bitcoin was $1250. I feel very insulated from risk

But still... losing the unrealized gain is still bad

Thanks so so much for all the kind words guys. I mean it :)

Also, here’s a great story I know you all will appreciate....

I still have 26k Signatum that I bought with one full bitcoin. I keep it as a harsh lesson, and that lesson helped me a lot over the subsequent months

Honestly, you are right. It is irresponsible it to cash it out l... I just don’t know what I’d do with it. It really keeps me occupied doing this. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t have crypto

BOScoin is gonna do amazing things in 2018.

Wew gratz on your million

Put it in an index fund and start over with small capital if you do crypto for fun

grats dude, im still pretty new to this and this seems like an impossible goal now. good job

mitigating risk is for pussies. If it crashes to where people are killing themselves, you'll be at like 300K still

good user. merry christamas. can you tell me initial investment and when you started ? I also broke 250k today

how much did you start with?

Yeah I feel like boscoin could be the sleeper hit, especially after seeing how ICON just blew up. If it goes bit i may just run a masternodes. Did the ICO back in may to flip but I’ve waited this damn long for their release i may as well see what it’s capable of.

I started with 5k. After I hit 75k I told my parents and they gave me 6k to invest with. So total fiat input was approx 11k

>70 Bitcoin Cash
>0 bitcoin (at least in screenshot)

congrats mah nigga :)

You can buy a new Cayman for $50k or a second hand for

do you not want to tell them bc some would say they're entitled to 500K?

Definitely run a node, you'll make amazing money the first few years. Say hello to never working.

I started with 30k user, I know its not great returns but I lost a lot in initial days by fomo and sell at loss. at one point I just had 15k. then lessons learned and bounced back.

Pajeet mad Pajeet ANGRYY

Congratz, user!

can you shill me Boscoin ? what is it? when will it hit market

No, they are very well off. They wouldn’t accept it even if I offered. I don’t want them see me differently. To be totally honest... like for holidays and stuff they’ll buy my plane tickets and little stuff like that. They would probably stop doing stuff like that for me if they knew. I guess that’s pretty cheap of me but it’s enough since I never cash out into fiat

Can you aware me on BOScoin? What makes it special? What's the market cap? Any plans to hit binance? Thank you in advance senpai.

>mfw it’s the same pasta from last month
>mfw no face

Yep, I learned this lesson with Signatum. Never chased a pump again

Stop getting pink ids

Ugh, mah feels... i had 120K Verge which would have been worth 30K now. Discovered a few days ago everything got stolen because of the coinpouch hack. Darkest christmas ever.

Seeing your post made me realise there are still plenty of opportunities tho. Going to give it another shot.

Good job, merry christmas dude.

Read it for yourself, They are the first protocol from south korea. Expect to see them focus on government adoption.

BOScoin as tech is going to be sick by itself, but then add on top of that the Korea meme - people who missed ICON are going to FOMO so fucking hard

How did you do it OP? Teach us

Your drunk whale here.

Gratz friend ur a baby whale now

Interesting, I'm 50% in ICX since

>mfw fomo few weeks ago in crypto
>hear diversify diversify diversify, buy into shill this shill that
>traded away 90% btc into shitcoins
>lost 75% value of crypto portfolio and hodling shitbags

lesson learned.

any advice anons, will look to put down more capital during the holidays dip to hopefully recover my losses

go all in on ICX, low-risk 10x short to mid-term

Yeah ICON who knows how high it will go but when BOScoin released and gets listed its definitely going to out perform ark. Just dont fall for the HitBTC futures -- wait until the real coin releases which should be pretty soon

nigga, u looks similar to me back in early days. so what I did was stopped chasing pumps, sell at loss. most imp below. choose 3 or 4 coins which has good usecase, good community, jump in in early.

Here is the second half of my portfolio by the way

I homestly don’t know how I would.

what boscoin circ supply and ico price?

yeah, absolutely
HitBTC is literally pajeet-tier exchange, I hope it's going to get listed on binance, because I don't want to deal with Kuckcoin.

You're living the dream user! Congrats!

Pls don't bully, the 718's / caymans do not count towards the porschememe.

will look into that and enter my position
thanks, will liquidate all my bags at a loss and look elsewhere. any potential projects you recommend checking out?

How do you make your picks?

Boscoin futures are a scam.

The ICO price was like 0.0 something cents for BOS and for not reason at all they're selling futures at almost $3.

When it will hit serious exchanges and the coins will be released to the owners there will be the most epic sell off of the crypto history.

Porsche is Porsche. They're all equal in my kokoro.

here is my portfolio. but I joined link at 14 cent, REQ at 5 cent, ICX at 1.2$. so not worrying much.
WANchain is promising easy 10x if you catch it early. I am also waiting for it. Also I got NAS, which also promising. ICX is easy 2x from now in couple of weeks. 10x may be in a year.

>Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you user. Look for someone to share those gains and travel somewhere and have fun

>Caymen / 718

>Same as a panamera or a macan

Sounds like you need to do some Pilates.

give us advice user :/


Req and link

Can confirm, my 987 Cayman S was $19k. One of the best deals out there in cars period imo.

ICO was .000025 which is about 35 cents. Don’t blame HitBTC pajeet tactics on the coin itself. It’s legit. But yeah, wait for the real thing to list

Congratulations mate! Hope it keeps flying for you

That's a very nice blockfolio, though I think BTC is a mistake. Gonna look into NAS.
>ICX is easy 2x from now in couple of weeks. 10x may be in a year.
I disagree. Mainnet and big updates in the coming weeks. Easy 5x end of January, at least. Just compare it's market cap to glorified vaporware such as ADA.
Very nice. I definitely plan to get a second-hand Boxster or Cayman once I make it. Great car for cheap, no need to spend 50k on a guilty pleasure.

it racks my brain how you guys don't tell us straight out of the gate how much $ you started with

thanks user. will explore some of these projects

btw what app is that you're using to track?

Anyway a Porsche is a Porsche, you'll only notice the difference between this and a 911 on a track.

Otherwise, whoever see you driving this baby (for fucking $25k used) think you're a billionarie with a $200k sport car.

Fuck you and your Lambo, grow up.

Buy a house

ARK is the only meme I regret falling for. Bought at $2.50 and just barely outperformed buttcoin, if at all. Should have sold at $8. Lesson learned.

So much this. Porsche will turn heads no matter what, normies can't tell difference between 911 and Cayman anyway.

what's the lesson tho?

all I see is that you didnt luck out... what are u seeing

Merry Christmas dude, congrats

See you in lamboland

Don't marry your shitcoins. Some of them are simply not destined to make you rich. I blame the best girl Iris Heart for this.

Congrats on the 1M and merry Xmas user op. I'll have to do some research into the coins in your port. What's your opinion on TRX? Pure hype or has an actual future?

I will move btc to WAN when it come out. 5x for ICX possible that means 20$, which is 8 bill mcap. I am thinking 4 bill mcap may be ideal so I mentioned 2x from now

its web app.