Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Da Boyz are back in town edition.

>Space Marine Codex Preview

>FAQ (New FAQ):


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Emperor's work)

first for Necrons got stomped in 8th edition!!!

Can someone sauce me where it says Konor week 1 is 500pts?

Does anyone have shroud of night?


Reminder to roll and paint. Thinking about doing a Chaos one, it would be substantially harder but still.

Anyone else hyped about normal marines finally getting lieutenants back? I just wish we had the updated stats on the primaris ones

In the same leaked shit where we got almost everything we know about Konor. They'll announce everything officially on Thursday. Why do you ask?

>fuck you
>you may revive your entire army at any time for 1cp

I think it's up to the venue but most are starting low like an escalation type deal. I'd check your venues Facebook or event calandra in store.

So I have a "friendly" 2k tourney tomorrow (we can't have duplicates of a unit outside of a transport/troop) and I was feeling lazy so I made this meme list

Say hello to the "Don't talk to me or my grotz again" lads

My store's skipping that slow build bullshit. We already did that for all of 8th so far and finally hit 2k this week.

By the way 1k and under suck dick. I havent played too many 1.5k but 2k is certainly what you should be playing. Around 1k you just don't have enough firepower or unit variety.

I happen to have a certain

interesting, would make sense as it would lead to a crazy amount of participation as its very beginner friendly and they wanted week 1 to be about the SC! kits

D-do you have the other version of this gif?

the bike guy is a Big mek btw, everything else is WYSIWYG


Poor Little Bike Boy

It'd be smaller for sure. The legions didn't split up too much after the Heresy and GW just doesn't give a shit enough to fluff up the ones that did. There's a lot of chapters and warbands in the fluff with no symbol or color scheme at all still like Skyrar's Dark Wolves.

I'd almost feel bad for them, if so many of them hadn't been cheese mongering faggot in the last edition.

I guess they got what they deserved?

I mean they already have "your entire unit can get rerollable 4+ to get back up as long as 1 model remains in the unit, this costs 0 points unlike everything else that creates models."

May as well have rez your entire army for 1cp since the codexes are looking to be strictly superior to the indexes.

It's open-play apparently. I'm amazingly tempted to bring my Leviathan Dreadnought for the first couple of battles at 500 points, just because of how stupid that will be to deal with.

Ok Veeky Forums am i about to get my shit pushed in tomorrow? or will i make papa nurgle proud?

playing 2k points vs Thousand sons army..

+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [101 PL, 1999pts] +++

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - Questor Traitoris) [23 PL, 540pts] ++

+ Lord of War [23 PL, 540pts] +

Renegade Knight [23 PL, 540pts]: Heavy stubber [4pts]
. Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer [112pts]: Heavy flamer [17pts]
. Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber [104pts]: Heavy stubber [4pts]

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [42 PL, 819pts] ++

+ HQ [21 PL, 384pts] +

Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 110pts]: Gift of Contagion, Miasma of Pestilence, Smite

Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 110pts]: Miasma of Pestilence, Plague Wind, Smite

Typhus [9 PL, 164pts]: Miasma of Pestilence, Plague Wind

+ Troops [21 PL, 435pts] +

Plague Marines [9 PL, 195pts]
. Plague Champion [56pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Plague knife, Power fist [20pts]
. Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon [34pts]: Plasma gun [13pts]
. 5x Plague Marines [105pts]

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]: 20x Poxwalker [120pts]

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]: 20x Poxwalker [120pts]

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [36 PL, 640pts] ++

+ HQ [6 PL, 124pts] +

Warpsmith [6 PL, 124pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Flamer [9pts], Meltagun [17pts], Nurgle, Power axe [5pts]

+ Heavy Support [30 PL, 516pts] +

Chaos Predator [10 PL, 172pts]: Twin lascannon [50pts]
. Two heavy bolters [20pts]: 2x Heavy bolter [20pts]

Chaos Predator [10 PL, 172pts]: Twin lascannon [50pts]
. Two heavy bolters [20pts]: 2x Heavy bolter [20pts]

Chaos Predator [10 PL, 172pts]: Twin lascannon [50pts]
. Two heavy bolters [20pts]: 2x Heavy bolter [20pts]

Except replenishing units never costs points. No matter the army.

What are Daemons? for $500
Alternatively, what is Chaos?

do it.. chaos naos

lewd macha is lewd

Works the same points wise as other model healing like apothecaries and sisters hospitalier.

Some legions like the DG or the WE split into enough warbands to have their 10 slots filled in.

But the TS, BL, or NL? At most I'll find like 5 with a picture for each, probably fewer.

It's weird how under the radar Necron players are with their cheese. Guess they aren't popular enough to be scrutinized regularly

It can't both be Open Play and a points limit. Points are only used in Matched Play.

Figure out a way to fill in that last point don't wanna start off with the juju of you opponents holy number tainting you build!

Should I continue using the ork conga line method to get all the buffs or will this be considered cheese? I got through all of 7th with a smile on my face so I feel entitled to piss some people off. Giving shoota boyz 5 attacks on the charge hitting on 2+ just feels...right.

With DE, do or keywords matter too much? With the SC, the Archon's ability affects units but not the reavers or the raider, let alone the scourges I'm going to get.

I don't know what's worse, you or the rules that allowed you to do that.

i could drop the combi on the warp smith and pop a castigator on a predator..

What unit that can get models back has to pay?

Read, get models BACK, no create new ones.

Which does cost, because no single unit can do that on its own. RP is 5+, with no reroll.

Also, doesn't matter if you keep getting back up, if you don't have mobility, or damage output to counter any other army this edition..

People just forget Necrons exist because they're the most boring, bland army in the game. No offense to Necron players but it's basically true.

Meanwhile T'au are really easily hateable and weeaboo and obnoxious and in your face about it.

My store's already banned forgeworld in tournaments after looking over that monstrosity.

You should probably ask if your store's okay with that shit.

Xenos players! Remember to vote against Imperium so maybe GW will throw us a bone some time instead of giving Space marines another 10 kits and all our unique shit.

I like the Deff Rolla arm except the Stompa's original arm already looked awesome

New units cost points, returning slain models to a unit (daemon icons for example) does not.


Really? I always thought IG fit that more.


I'd also argue that using the rules of special weapons shouldn't cost points every time you swing them. (ie staff of change)


All that won't be as important until codex release really.

>Xenos players! Remember to vote against Imperium so maybe GW will throw us a bone some time
That's not going to happen just because Imperium loses. All that would happen would be Chaos players gloating more about being the big bads and making more shitty NPC memes. The last thing we need is for 40k to turn into more autistic power armour loyalist vs traitor wank like 30k. If Imperium wins at least we keep status quo.

Under the radar? You weren't here for the start of 7th edition then, were you? Everyone cried about the cheesey robots.

Now, they got nerfed so bad, that no one wants to play them any more.

I'm happy for this. I just wish that Tau had gotten the same treatment.

2+ 4++ W14 T8
BS/WS 2+

Can do 16.8 wounds to a landraider in one phase with super meltas
Grav is its own class

Shit it ridiculous

Necrons are like, oh ya they exist

I have this one

What do these scratch marks mean.

You mean to get in aura range of characters? That's standard, do it.

Post lieutenants

Sorry I'm not sorry about the photo size


>PINK Horrors
>Being replaced by BLUE Horrors

They're different models man.

As I stated, replenishing models doesn't cost anything. Adding new models does.

Take Tervigon for example. You can make a new unit of Termagaunts but you have to pay or replenish a unit for free.

Basic Cadian IG are also pretty bland but they at least have a lot more ability to be customized and converted and played in different ways.

Necrons could really use some more expanding to other themes than just DEATH and SPOOKY SKELETONS and SINISTER GLOWING GREEN MAGIC CRYSTAL TECH.

They could start by bringing back Pariahs.

not to mention it'll give another xenos army the spotlight as the next big bad for the imperium good guys to fight

I've been out for a bit, do we know what stuf the Raven Guard are getting in terms of tactics and strategems?

>and just Luke that, my creamy skinned waifu was gone

Can't say I didn't see this coming. I'm going to wait until their Codex comes out, but at this rate they are looking like the contenders for bottom tier.

You guys shouldn't have abused those formations....

Units have -1 to hit Raven Guard when shooting at them from more than 12 inches away. Pretty awesome.

W-who is that

It'd be cool if GW did an event where they'd ask players to make up some new chapters and warbands for them and take the ones that are the least shit (because let's be honest 99% of them won't be good) and make them canon or something.

How does one (You)'s Mek/Big Gunz properly? I'm thinking of buying anywhere from 3-10 from some user on Reddit, and want to know how useful they are. Specifically vs. T'au or Space Wolves.

The different Dynasties might help.

More wargear options would be nice but will never ever happen.

Some random filthy knife-ear whore?

Exactly, so which is it?

Now that no one will call me a cheesemonger, rightfully so, I want to play Eldar. I know Hemlocks are stupid op, but what do you guys think about Dire Avengers vs Guardians for the troop slot? Are Rangers even worth it?


Rangers look the coolest take rangers.
Post results.

Dire Avengers look prettier and more fun

Brollin down a river

>Necrons players crawling out of the woodwork to cry about being the worst
Secondly, you're still drawing plenty of salt so don't expect buffs

Thats pretty neat, but seems a little counter intuitive in a way

Pretty new to 40k. First attempt at a higher points list. Thoughts?
Teminators with Chaplain deep strike. Sterngaurd in rhino.

>It's funny when someone else army get left behind in a new addition.

Nice gloating bro! Care to share what you play.

How is it good for the game when an army is nerfed too much?

You are a fucking sad individual.

I hear Kustom Mega Kannons are the way to go
> user on Reddit
Doesn't that make it NOT anonymous

Dire Avengers just because they look great.

So should I start deldar then if things are going to change, or should I wait?

Fuck off, I've been here since '07 and only joined Reddit two years ago.

I don't know his real identity, do I?

It's kinda funny actually
>Necron players pissed off that their faction aren't Terminator mindless drones anymore and have personalities
>Majority of Necron however are mindless robots with no individuality
>Players also proceed to get pissed off that their faction is called NPCs despite the fact that they are playing generic mindless robots with no interesting things about them

It's the same shit with Tyranids, they are called NPC because we don't know their motive and their players get pissy anytime GW hints at some form of individual thought amongst them that makes them interesting

>since 07

No it can only go up from here user! Honestly DE have really good rules from the index already. So the codex can only make them more awesome. You leaning toward cult of kabal more?

It should cost 500+ points. I mean shit, the Scorpion does less average damage than that to a land raider and costs at least 662 points.
Of course if it wants to just barely outshoot it it will become less durable(yes, less durable than something that costs half as much as it) since it wont even have the pittance of a 5++ or 2+ armor.

It's been well established what the Necrons want. Their leaders are far from mindless.

Llofn's mom I think.
She's a wraithknight now because Kyras made her play AoS once and her body couldn't handle that kind of torture and expired.

You could probably find it easily enough with enough digging. People like to use the same UN across multiple games and websites and if he's active enough he's probably left enough little pieces around those websites to piece together a bigger clue like where he lives or what his job is. From there it's even easier. Internet stalking is so much easier than people seem to think it is.

Yes, but you have a name to associate with him, don't you

If that were the case you'd know better than to mention reddit at all

seriously, what was the purpose

Yeah. Accept that I don't even play Necrons....

Reading comprehension aside. If you are denying that Necrons got fucking smashed in 8th, you haven't seen them on the table, or you're just being dishonest.

Fuck off mark

Chapter Tactic: Enemies have -1 to hit from more than 12" away.

Stratagem: 1CP, a Raven Guard INFANTRY unit can be deployed in reserve and set up anywhere more than 9" away from any enemy models at the end of your movement phase.

Warlord Trait: Can't be Overwatched.

Relic: Jump Pack that re-rolls charges and the wearer can Advance+charge in the same turn.

Blue horrors are strictly inferior to pink ones, same to brimstone. This also only happens once and doesn't add models to the unit.

If necrons that revived went to T3 S3 BS4+ then maybe you'd have a point.

Fuck you Mark you Waac fag loaded dice having fuck.

God dammit just read the fucking rule book. This conversation is done.

Really a big fan of the edgy space pirate theme so probably more kabal themed


Wrong, in the stratagem, you deploy before the first turn begins.

It does add models to the unit. Pinks split into two Blues. Furthermore there's no way to stop them from doing it. If you wipe a whole Necron unit or a whole Termagant unit they can't replace dead ones, but you can wipe a whole unit of Horrors and have them all split in that same phase. That's why it costs points.

Alright, whatever you say. A battle of anecdotes

Im ready for Week 1, gents.
Sadly could only afford two Heavy Bolters