Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Orks are the new WAACfag faction edition

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

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First for scared beep boop


>cancer lore
>I want 40 years of lore day ONE
Reeeeeeee! It's lore really isn't that bad.

No bully plz.

What do my fellow Ork players do to proxy in Bomb Squigs?


So, question: What do various races do with captured populations? We know what Chaos and DEldar do, but what do CWE do with humans? Necrons? Orkz?

7th for CUTEDAR

>Browser tabs
You're a funny man.

since OP can't be bothered, review of Codex SM is here:

Hmm why are people so happy about that?

Would people be rejoicing if all fast attack armies got squatted?

All heavy support?

All elite?

No, yet people who collect flyers are just as much of a hobbyist as you. They like certain things and do others. This isn't like shitting on 'Tau' players where you can generalize easily; flyers are a universal unit, across all armies. By shitting on them, you shit on us all and it cheapens the game.

That's why I'm so disappointed with GW. Its like they regret 6th edition.

Are punchy Kataphrons remotely usable, or is it gun all the way?

the beginnings of the Old World were way cooler and more promising than this shit.


All those fucking weapon options.

Is look out sir gone in 8th edition?
Necron faq voidblades buff, monolith buff fuck yeah

Prisoners of War

Iwant to build a really diverse ork army.
what should I get ?

>What do various races do with captured populations?
Prisioners? WTF are those? :^)

>Somebody on here said it, claimed it was from a reliable source. Might be utter bollocks. But we know the book is basically done.

Anything to do with the codex dates "leaker"?
Cause he was pairing up Tau and AM for October. Might make sense to release those 2 codices with FoC

Lore doesn't have to have decades of development in order to be good. There are plenty of books with a fantasy setting that are way more interesting and rich than AoS, and those don't have an entire company behind them.

>repulsor field
looks like Cawl got his hands on some XV9s...

>tfw chadmarines will replace both marinelets AND Tau

Look, a human with longer ears. How exotic.

They should regret 6E it was shit and led to 7E. 8E exists because the foundation laid by 6E was shit. Flyers were the same as skimmers in 5E. If you are a flyer "hobbyist" you shouldn't need OP snowflake rules for your favorite models.

If you were going to footslog Primaris, which CT would you use?

There's simply no room for tanks, so I'm thinking Hellblasters get the inevitable Repulsor and Intercessors + heroes can slog.

Meleephrons are memephrons. Gun all the way.

Nostalgia goggles. Remember that shit got changed when Lizardmen were introduced. And didn't make sense.

>lizardmen were Old One creations
>Old Ones made the world
>Slann taught the Elves how to use magic
>But the Elves saved the world
>The Elves had their own gods
>There were super god-weapons just lying about
>Oh and btw, Orks were created from spores brought in by Old One ships *wink wink*

I'll wait until 20 years has passed before judging desu. Also 40k has changed it's lore fuck loads of times as well. So yes, it does take decades of development.

Anyway, let's stop here, you're right, I'm wrong. Not the place for it.

Did anyone save the walkthough on how to convert the ePubs to PDF? I want to edit the epubs to include the errata directly before converting them. Editing a PDF in-line is a pain.

Raven Guard. They have a Stratagem to deploy lots of infantry at 9" of the enemy

>that flyer nerf
So are Elysians confirmed for kill ?

>it has the same amount of lascannons as a land raider, onslaught gatling cannon, an additional ironhail heavy stubber and 5D6 18" range bolter shots while still transporting 10 primaris

>RAW it can replace its second ironhail heavy stubber with another onslaught gatling cannon

How is 'fielding your army' a special snowflake rule?

If you could not make a legal heavy support army, how would that be fair? I don't ask for flyers to be good, I ask for them to be playable.

>Taufag who doesn't know about Landspeeders and the Imperium having Anti-Grav technology for ages
Why am I not suprised?

N-no bully...


This. Truly, whose idea it was to give marines Heavy stubbers? Miniguns are cool, but the only ones I remember are Assault (kheres) cannons.

Arc Claws are preferable, +5 is terrble, so Hyrdaulic claws are a no, sadly. They will sit in combat forever with out dying.

>Points too blurry to read
>Can't be assed reading them out


Daily reminder that WAAC tourney fags are cancer on the game and GW realizes this, issuing FAQ after FAQ to nerf your broken shit.

Keep buying models for the next, not yet nerfed trick/combo, I do enjoy cheap models on ebay.

Enlighten them and bring them salvation
Lobotomies very rare.

I hope they don't do too much of that. NewMarines squatting everything including the non-marines is just ridiculous

I was just kidding. But repulsor stuff generally made people hit worse in melee.

The Repulsor Field rule text is pratically the same from XV9 Hazard Photon Caster rule

I mean, if you want diverse, just get one of everything. Well Fluffy Roit?

Raven guard if you want to get up close, ultramarines in general.

Whats the best carrier bag for the UK? It'll need to be capable of carrying the new Primaris stuff as well as the old marine shit. Where s the best place to look?

Melee is better as they can't be "turned off". But if your opponent is a retard and allows you to fire unhindered for more than a turn or two, the ranged version is ridiculously good. It's just less reliable. It's like choosing between something that does 3 mortal wounds or 2D6 regular wounds, it really depends on the situation even if one looks much better on paper. You should pick the one you think is cooler or helps your army more.

I personally think melee load out is more consistent and what I would pick for tournaments, but for my own personal collection I would go triple gun if I had to glue a permanent load out since it seems more fun and an amusing gimmick.

And they can flap them, holy shit! Silly elf, gtfon my bed ;^)

No you moron.
Use actual guardsmen like other Regiments.

With the amount of guns this thing has on it I feel like the next model release will be some variant of Mad Cat.

Aww, that's a shame, their massive claws look rad as shit.

Wait why does the Primaris Lt. cost more?
His stats seem outright worse, or do my eyes deceive me?

Strap the grenade satchels to the squig hounds in Gretchin boxes.

Lastalon only has 24'' range however.

> flyers are a universal unit, across all armies.

Fuck off.

Sorry, for the quality, but here you have all the options for the primaris lieutnant, i.e. replacing his gon with a sword or another gun.
So, yeah. Super-diverse options, that guy.

Rymans make a pretty good sized bag for 10p, should be able to hold about 6-9 tupperware boxes.

5p in any shop m8


From an effectiveness (dakka & resilience) point of view, aren't Predator Annihilators better at anti-tank than Russes? Marines have marines for anti-infantry anyway.

Kataphrons ≠ Kastelans

I meant the Strogg looking tank gimps not the beep boops

>can take master crafted stalker
>still got his decent attacks

shame about the 3W though, 4W was pretty cool.

>Its like they regret 6th edition.
Precisely, and they took their fucking time showing that regret. Flyers should have never been included in baseline 40k and if you took them against an unsuspecting opponent you proved yourself to be That Guy from the second you finished writing down your army list.

It is perfectly possible, indeed necessary, to generalize Flyer spammers, because if you were truly only interested in the hobby aspect of it, you would only ever play amongst each other. But instead you inflict your nonsense on unsuspecting melee armies and think yourself brilliant tacticians for winning with them. Now your Flyers have been nerfed thrice:
1) Jump units can assault them
2) The To Hit penalty is now just -1 instead of "only on 6+" and
3) Flyers are ignored for tabling purposes
And this is as it should be. Flyers aren't impossible to hit Juggernauts that win wars by themselves, they are support for the ground forces.
So in point of fact, aside from completely removing Flyers from 40k, they did the nicest thing they could and massively nerfed them.

He's +1W/A, as are all primaris variants.

I once worked out how strong each carrier bag from the major supermarkets had. I think Tesco was the best with 25kg. But that was 10 years ago cause I'm autistic. I'd go with a bag for life desu.

Yes we can!

Las Dreads are way better than las Preds.

>His stats seem outright worse, or do my eyes deceive me?
With the blurry thing, yeah, maybe your eyes do decieve you.

nigga he was 5 wounds. five.


So just bought another Kataphron box, can't decide what to build them as. So far I've got

>6 grav destroyers
>3 plasma destroyers
>3 arc breachers

I have no interest in torsion cannons or more grav, so I'm torn between the two. Maybe 1 more plasma and 2 breachers, or vice versa? The plasma I shockingly useful, as is the heavy arc rifle.

Help me techies

What's your budget
How space efficient and protective does the case have to be
Do you care if the bag or your foam looks like shit

There are three tiers of storage generally. DIY which is cheapest but often ugliest, budget foam which looks ok and isn't too expensive but also isn't as compact or efficient. And finally BF which is very protective and efficient but extremely expensive.

Generally you pay for looks protection and efficiency but if you DIY you can sacrifice looks for low price and do your own custom efficiency level

Repeating question from last thread:

I have Bretonian Men-At-Arms. I wanted to use them for something in my Ministorum / Ordo Hereticus army... I've narrowed my opinions down. I've decided to keep their equipment as-is per warhammer fantasy. I'll 40k them up by putting either brass or sculpted Inquisitorial or Ministorum =][='s on their shields.

The question is... do I:

A) Acolytes and get 12 free wounds for my Inquisitor toting Chain or Power [something] + Pistols


B) Crusaders and get 12 storm shield toting fuckers who get acts of faith and are relatively cheap.

A note on B: I have 3 penitent, 10 repentia, 3 death cultist. Wanting to have a fairly melee heavy arm at higher point games.

Opinions on what is functionally the best way to represent these models?

that had better be a blurry 5 wounds instead of 3 wounds.

>Recieving an earjob from your degenerate xenos gf

That's bullcrap, flyers have their own weaknesses and benefits, the way they move, the weapon options they have and their general expensivness.

They are no different in style to knights, specialized units that can be made into armies that use just them. So are we gonna have a ruling that says 'Knights don't count towards tabling'.

I'm still tempted by the idea of White Scar rievers (or maybe intercessors) with the assault 2 gun, running about double-tapping stuff. Remember, you don't have to make an advance move FORWARDS.
>le horse archer face

It's probably nowhere near as workable as I'd like, but the idea amuses me.


Exactly. That's why you build your Kataphrons with guns, so you can use the big-ass claws for conversions. Iron Hands Power Fists come to mind.

That's what I get for browsing on my tiny ass phone screen and typing up a long ass meticulous reply only to have read the question wrong



Not units with Fly - but Flyer Battlefield Role.

Yes, it's still 5 wounds. Use your brain, dingus. If the baseline LT has 4 wounds, the primaris obviously has 5.
Not to mention we already have had his dataslate in the index. Chances are that they won't drop him by two wounds on a whim.

The things that cannot hold terrain are the ones that have Flyer as a Force Organization Chart battlerole, not the Flyer keyword.
Also, Elysian infantry doesn't fly.
They fall in style.

The new commissar looks a bit odd.

Don't wanna complain and get executed for it though.

I was planning on doing that but I need about 15 Squigs, or something like them, and I dont buy Gretchin on the norm

While I appreciate the reference, have you looked at the fucking Repulsor? It's speedy, well armored and can carry a generous ten primaris.

>So are we gonna have a ruling that says 'Knights don't count towards tabling'.
Yes, hopefully. All my complaints apply to Lord of War units the same as Flyers. Knights spam is precisely as bad.

>the weapon options
Yeah, four big heavy guns on a single little flying potato are most definitely not good or anything

Actually arc breachers go balls-deep against medium vehicles, S6 and AP-2 is perfect for deleting 90% of non-marine stuff, and it churns through all light vehicles insanely fast. Melee is trash though. Camp a dominus or cawl with them and its fish in a barrel only downside is fucking Tau suits STILL aren't vehicles.

But really aside from laying down 125 Electropriests, Admech do not into melee

>it's a transport
>all those expensive guns
>all with different ranges and prefered targets
>half of them heavy so they get penalties for moving aka transporting the models inside them
>while the BS of it degrades
>will most likely cost 300-500 points
Unironically looks like it's a confusing mess of a model.

>more expensive
>cant take jump pack
>cant take MC boltgun/combi weapons
>cant take any CC stuff beyond the sword
kinda shit really

Too bad multi-turret tanks were inviable. But at least remote-controlled weapon stations are a thing.
Too bad tanks themselves are being countered by much efficient countermeasures

Get a box of fantasy squigs and do the same

Honestly I still dig the Repulsor in its ridiculousness but C'MON YOU ANCIENT HERETEK BASTARD GIVE US A SKITARII TRANSPORT

I think it's an outdated image anyway, coming from before we really knew anything about this thing. I just wanted to use an opportunity to post it.

How fluffy is this?
What do I spend my last 81 pts on?

I've been out all day, what's this about flyers getting nerfed?

I long wondered what it'd feel like if you were a T'au female, being penetrated in the bum, the vagina, the urethra, the ears, the mouth, the back of your knee, the hole that forms if you put your dick across a girls throat and they put their chin to their chest and finally in their nasal slit, what it'd feel like at the point of climax she sneezes.

You know, as a joke. Ironically, of course.

Speaking of grenade satchels, did we work out what that rumour engine grenade part was for? Was it the Repulsor tanks grenade launcher shit?

USA and UK should, together, produce good enough counter materials to make them viable as infantry support tanks by the end of the research period. That's assuming we combine the two different research (USA is doing composite materials I think and UK is doing reactive armour which deals with incoming shells... or it might be the other way round).

Wait until Fire of Cyraxius.

>tau and marinlets on suicide watch

How can one fucking priest be so based???

Oh, 4-las Dread is better than 4-las Predator? Because of the cost, right? Because there's a new strategem FORMATION for triple Predators, could be a thing to consider.

Mate, 5th edition was ages ago.

We aren't living in that world, get your nostalgia glasses of and realize we live in a world with knights, flyers and big huge units. You not liking them is not a basis to penalize people having fun and using these units as a basis for their army. Again: I don't want these units to be good, I want them to be viable as a force on the table. My current 2k list has around 1500 points of flyers. That means in effect, my opponent needs to focus fire on 500pts and I lose.

How is that fair? How is that justifiable?

Here are plasma spammers
Is there any new thing in the codex people still need a screenshot of?

>half of them heavy so they get penalties for moving aka transporting the models inside them

It has PotMS

I could believe a typo happened

They don't count as a unit on the field. So if your army is all flyers and your opponent has one ground unit, they table you turn 1 automatically. Or if you kill the final ground troop and there is only flyers left, you auto win.

We'll get any day now... any day now...