I need help roleplaying an elven female frost wizard...

I need help roleplaying an elven female frost wizard. It's my first time playing a woman and I don't want to turn it into a meme. Also, I need help deviating from Frozen.

Related pictures are highly appreciated :> thanks mates

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Play it the same way you'd play a male frost wizard, keeping in mind any elven gender customs that exist.

Write up a character as you normally would but then consider how being female affects her character,the specifics depend on the setting specifics for your game but if elves are matriarchal for example she might be overconfident and dismissive of the men in the party

Elsa was warm inside. Be a cold heart bitch. Survival of the fittest. Dry and pragmatic.


Do the unexpected, user. What people don't generally expect with dudes playing as girl elfs. Make your female elf DOWN TO FUCK with anything and everything. Be a total sex pot. Make it your mission to be inseminated by every party member. Learn polymorph other so you can get gooed by the chicks too. But don't turn the girls into men, just give them futa dicks and balls.

Play her the same way you'd play any other character, but with occasional deference to physical and social norms that apply to women specifically.

Random simple examples, you might not wear the same clothing, you might have different ideals about courtship, you might have different notions of social roles, and so on.

>playing a gender you aren't
Stop that.

>playing a race that you aren't
Half-orc, please.

>Not turning the men into qt traps

>trying to stop other people from expanding their roleplay horizons
Stop that.

But I'm just joking user. I play a lady elf all the time. It's really not that hard. Just think about what it is you are trying to avoid character wise and make sure not to do those things. Think of all that meme material you are afraid of and just don't do those things.

Shit why didn't I think of that before. Good call, user. Spend all moneys on goal of obtaining wand of polymorph other or make some sort of alchemy potion specifically to make qt traps and futa girls. For all that sick magical realm epic erotic role play.

>enabling degeneracy

user, it isn't your job to police what other people do in their make-believe role-playing-games. You'd be much happier if you learned to live and let live.

Why would you limit yourself to playing only 1/78th of possible characters?

Thank you all mates, OP here. You have given me many ideas, I'll just try to avoid going full that guy.

Any other reference or example to follow? I do like going coldhearted, and I'll fashion her elven quirks.

Also please, I just want to play another role :< actors do it every time, appreciate art

Schwarzenegger levels of ice and cold puns. Puns everywhere.

Standard rules for good characters apply to this character too, don't overlook them

>Avoid making your character be mainly described as "Elfen frost mage"
>Work out a few minor things and trinkets, such as favorite drink, a book she reads during downtime or such things to add flavor when needed
>Think in threes - What three burdens from her past does she carry, what are her three main goals in life etc

One thing that's always helped me write/play any sort of character is to consider how the events of their life have shaped them. Right now I'm playing a female bard who fooled around in bardic college with some of her fellow students and one of the teachers, and ended up getting tangled up in a web of relationships and lies that led to her expulsion. She puts on a mask of cheerfulness and flirts with everyone, but she keeps people at arms length and rarely follows through on her innuendos because she got burned. When I've got concrete events to reference while considering her choices, it makes it easier to stay consistent and create a more believable character. If you want to play a female frost wizard, think about why she likes ice to much, why she sees power and potential in it, and what factors, if any, her gender plays in her decisions. Maybe it didn't factor in at all, or maybe someone tried to force her down onto a bed and she froze them in place to get away, and sees the power of ice as the only power worth trusting in to keep it from happening again. How much or how little gender plays into it is up to you in the end, but I'd at least explore the big decisions of her past to work out where to start.

>shitty post

Every time.

>Playing a role
Heavens, user.

Can you help me with this? I'll watch the movie tonight and take notes. I'm Spanish, locals are welcome :>

Thanks to the rest, plenty of ideas from here

>I'll watch the movie tonight
I'm sorry

Forgot to ask, I have so much trouble depicting characters, taking her away from typical elven frost mage will be hard.

Images help so much, will try to find some later on.

It ain't so bad.


Imagine if Baba Yaga managed to overcome Morozko and took his power.

I'm BRBR, so many phrases may not work with your shit language:
>esses monstros caíram em uma gelada
>mão fria, coração ainda mais frio
>hora de virar picolé
>não seja tão esquentado
>fiquem frios, cheguei
>serei um balde de gelo nos seus planos
>cuidado, gelo escorregadio