It's been long enough, some of you faggots must have new matterial, so let's see it. Pic related thread time

it's been long enough, some of you faggots must have new matterial, so let's see it. Pic related thread time.

You can't command someone to physically harm themselves or directly be put in harms way



you don't need to, by raw if you use "die" as the command they fall unconscious for 1 round in 2e. I mostly used it to force morale checks.

so you played exactly what you intended?



"Let's start a band" They said.

That last panel is empty, though.

thread like this every few hours
>been long enough

I apologize for the post-chain that's to follow.
>1/5: The Group

>2/5 The DMPC of occasional assistance.

>3/5: The pets controlled by the GM

>4/5: The Warrior Summoner's familiars.

and thusly we have already ran into the problem that all of these threads have: that you either need a deep understanding of each of the references being made or you need to inside of the poster's head


Which exactly do you need explained?

Goddamn that looks like a fantastically fun game, user. I wish I still had a group that played Anima; I miss the stupid, crazy, over the top, hilarious bullshit you can get up to with that system, but no one seems interested in running or playing it in my circles anymore except me.

It really is, even though it slips into "weeb as fuck" territory on several occasions.
The thing is, I wasn't even the GM initially. The Warrior Summoner's player was, but he hit a serious case of creative blockage after only three sessions, so I took up the reins. It's been... two and a half years, now? Group's level 13 now, and getting ready for the battle to end all battles against the Azur Alliance.

This is the second campaign I've taken over from him, as well as the first of ANY campaigns I've been in.

been in that have lasted this long, is what I meant to say.

I feel like this would be fantastic but I have know clue what's going on. Nor how to get them to remember all the names

I feel like this would be fantastic but I have no idea what's going on - what is? Also, how did you get them to remember all the names - as far as heavenly dragons go that is some kind of miracle.

Yeah, my players still forget their names, even the ones that are around more often than not. The WarSum's player even forgets Ahura, even though they're dating.

Well, I'll start from top to bottom.
Unitas Eldereige serves Mikael, who is basically the angel of hope and protecting the weak. So the player's saw Avacyn, Angel of hope. However, my spin on her personality is that she's more a "team mom" than anything else, and is incredibly caring toward everyone.
Vacatio serves the 'angel' of freedom, but his abilities, combined with the fact that he's the brother of 's Fortuna Magna, dragon of luck and chaos, makes him more of a "get out of shit free" card.
Ahura is the dragon of Love, music, feelings, and more love, and so Love Freak Flonne seemed fitting on the surface. Then the Warrior Summoner fell in lesbians with her, and we now have a very gay, very lovey-dovey couple.
Terrum Novax is the dragon of Mother Nature, initially a druidic looking mother, his personality has shifted more towards a stoner hippy attitude. He's probably one of the most chill dragons.
Kirie Klarium is the dragon of Azrael, Sword of Justice, and so initially it was going to be indiscriminate justice. Now, though she's more mild, she's still Judge Anderson from the Dredd comics-level justice.
Cherubim is the dragon of perfection and beauty. Initially, he was going to be incredibly photogenic, handsome, and talented. However, he's also got an obsession with perfection that has mutated into MONK levels of OCD.
Levanah... Oy. Androgynous Dragon of Sex and Nihilism. I haven't actually had him/her show up, as one I have no clue how to actually portray him/her, and two his/her powers are just really too magical realm-y to bring out in the game store where we have our sessions.

I hope that cleared it up some.

That sounds fantastic, man. Maybe I should dig around the internet for Anima games; if I luck out maybe I'll find a good one. I do mos tof my gaming online, you see.

>I do most of my gaming online, you see.
Ahh, yeah. I lucked out in that I just managed to fall in to the right groups of people at the stores I've been to.
Couldn't do the online stuff if I tried, though. My internet is not the best. 10gigs of 4G, then it gets throttled to where it takes me an hour to download 500 megs for the rest of the month, and the high-speed cable line stops a mile from my house.

The one thing I do have to add is you'll probably have an easier time getting people into Anima if they're relatively new to RPGs, or at least not firmly entrenched in D&D/PF. The D20 diehards I've encountered either think it's too complex or bloated (even though 3.PF is a hell of a lot more so on both accounts) or just go "Ugh, d100? Pass."

Honestly I didn't have that much trouble with my current group; the issue is mostly that most of them hate dealing with the shitty translation and the four different subsystems for power-getting.

I get the shitty translation part, but what do you mean by "four different subsystems for power-getting"?
I've never heard this term before.

Sometimes evil has family that loves them very much.