The calm before the moon


I believe

LTC buy pairs coming to binance soonz

shill team 6 reporting in

I believe him yo

the day will come

>normalfag friendly
>catchy name
>efficient transactions (can actually be used as a coin)
it WILL succeed

Source on the 28 Dec announcement?

Bought LTC over at $300. Should I sell now and accept my losses?

Yes. Do it.

Yes goy

sell all its going under 200

drop those bags user

Holy shit, no. Do you not see the flat trading? It's holding between 260 and 270 even with much less volatility than normal due to holiday. The last time it was this stable, at 100, it violenty ramped up before settling out at the current price.

Don't sell.

I would hodl personally. Seems fairly obvious LTC will eventually come out higher than that, if not merely due to the fact its on coinbase

*much less volume, that should say

Didn't the creator of litecoin literally just sell all of his holdings? If it wasn't going to crash, wouldn't he hodl?

Let's go boys!

As if Charlie has a say in thr price/value

Conflict of interest is another reason which implies the exact opposite outcome for litecoin so who the fuck knows. I kind of doubt the creator would just dump all of his own coin just to make gains though.

If you are even thinking about selling, then you should sell and leave crypto forever.

Otherwise learn to buy when news declares the end of crypto.

Preeze go up

Bought 11LTC just as the crash started, at 295, and after 2 days of watching how everyone else is cleaning up with smaller coins I put an sell order in at 300 so I can get moving on something else. But I have just cancelled that order based on the current buzz.
I dont know how innovative LTC is, or that it offers anything fundamentally different to bitcoin...and I dont really care. If it gets adopted for use by large companies or added to big exchanges it has my attention.
I think crypto is too new for any of these coins to survive long term. Banks and Governments have not yet played their hand, but they will, and it will take another innovative move from camp crypto to make sure that people end up with a truely decentralized currency that can be owned by an individual and is immume to inflation and corruption.
I look forward to that day, but for now I will go with whatever gives me proper gains..and right now it looks like hodling LTC into the Q2 of 2018 might be a smart move.

nice blog post user


I can't believe people here are actually recommending that you sell off one of the big three at a loss. Oh wait,

>taking advice from Veeky Forums


Just sold my litecoIn to up my numbers in salt, Qtum, and fun.

The coin brings nothing interesting to the table and Charlie Li is an Asian kike


1.25 at $200 and sold at $~350 for Monero

Did I make a mistake? Should I buy trade back into it once it dips?

How do you buy altcoins such as SALT?


If you've been in crypto for even a few months, you know this.

That has been the tradition thus far, yep.

This shit is going to hit 500 in January. Sell it then and go into alts. That's what I'm doing. Been on this ride since $20.