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Biggest potential gainer of 2018. Going to go absolutely fucking bonkers.

What makes you say that user?

it's mooning non-stop


I want to buy back in but I'm being cautious. Apparently the token is worthless as devs cant explain what its good for however the project seems promising. I'm waiting for a good entry point myself but I'm being careful. Obviously DYOR

One of the best investmens for 2018. Its going to be beautiful.

about as worthless as the eth token, the neo/gas tokens and all those other silly, useless platform coins.
I printed one ARK coin out and use it as a coaster for my tea cup.
Great use case = BUY BUY BUY

Accumulate and hodl


Total shitcoin that gains like an iceberg.
I've jump shipped to alpha coins like ICX.

I've only got a couple hundred, thinking about dropping a lot more on it just for staking. I'm not an avid believer in any blockchain tech but it seems like a better long term hold than other POS coins.

Personally I've been hodling ARK since it was 10k sats back in june.
My hands, forged in the white hot fires of Mount Hodl, are strong enough to destroy an engine block now.

All in

I have 10.2k, all in, maximum delusion. Hope I'm rich come EOY 2020.

The only coin I get mad at when it goes up.

It will be the biggest crypto run since btc


New Core
Ark VM
Mobile Wallets
Smart Contracts in 18 languages, including:
- Python (Done)
- Elixir (Done)
- RPC (Done)
- Lua (Done)
- Java (Done)
- .Net (Done)
- Go (Done)
- PHP/Laravel (Done)
- TrueSCrypt API (Done)
- Nucleid (Done)
- Ruby (Done)
- Swift iOS (Done)
- Rust
- Advanced Power Shell
- C++
- Kotlin
- R
- C

IPFS Implementation

Push button side chains

NFC / Contactless Chip support for hardware wallets (Google PAy / Apple Pay / etc)

6 Second block time

Oh.. and Blockchain Interoperability POC / functionality.

If you can’t see the potential for ark then I don’t know if you can be saved.

Stop shiling ark let the niggers here stay poor

>- Advanced Power Shell
literally why

>no visual basic
>no delphi
>no turbo C
>no cobol
>no pascal
>no perl

lol, ark is going nowhere

This. We have the best delegate in the entire ecosystem, there is no need to make brainlets aware of Ark at this point. If they don't already know then they deserve to stay poor.

I have been holding 10k since June so you could say I'm bullish.

because its impossible to add support of any of what you just listed right?

No C#? Why?

C# is merely 21st century VB.

Not. A. Serious. Programming. Language.

is 125 ARK enough to make it? I bout it when it was $2 a couple months ago

should have bought 10 times that

Just a reminder to you faggot deluded Arkies that this conference has revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $1 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all ARKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in ARK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded ARKies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you ARKies. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Why are you ignoring the most widely adopted enterprise language for NT?

Most of the world's code is in C++ but all the new desktop/web solutions are C# running MVC. Ruby's a meme only good for simple POS (point of sale) websites. Java's hitting major legacy issues. Rust and Go are too small to mean anything other than their niche solution cases.

I love this copypasta.

Someone would have to be a huge ARK bagholder, making tons of $$$ off the DPOS payouts, enabling them to have the time to write this schlock

Don't get me wrong, I understand the value and ease of C# however you don't need a dotnet implementation.

If you want to use C# with ARK just use PInvoke and marshal the native DLL, that's what any professional C# dev would do.

>Most of the world's code is in C++
nah, it's in C. Everything embedded is in C.

If they have .NET they have C++, no?

that's true, but it depends on your metric when you say "most of the world's code" If you're talking about 1 piece of code duplicated to every toaster, microwave, ATM and fridge - c wins hands down. I was talking total LOC which means adding the embedded solutions only once per solution, and then only considering the size of Windows, AWS, Database engines, all entertainment software written since 1998 and most banking solutions which are switching from COBOL to either C# or C++ depending on your bank

Smart contracts will be coded in Solidity only. All other lanaguages spoken about are used for ACES & smartcridge services, api wrappers etc.

Wanchain is going to make ARK irrelevant.

If by ".net" they mean they're supporting MSIL then any .Net language should be supported (all .Net languages compile to MSIL, which is then interpreted at runtime on the .Net VM)

They have the .NET support which should allow C# and C++ as well as Java and others.

>smuggies have escaped /pol/
what's next? calling people niggers?
this has gone too far

Sold 200 from my bag today.
feels good.
more than doubled my initial 200~ pedopaper investment.
now the rest is sitting with biz classic waiting for 100$ a coin

Yeah so c++ is getting specific support in addition to .net?

I'm not on the Ark team as a disclaimer. C++ doesn't run on the .Net runtime, it compiles to your cpu's instruction set and it's binary is only usable for your particular CPU architecture.

So you need to compile C++ to x86, x86_64 or ARM, but you only need to compile C# to MSIL.

There is a way to compile C++ to MSIL, I forget the name of it off the top of my head though (I think it's ATL?). I know that C++ UWP solutions use the universal runtime. In general though, saying "C++" means you'r supporting every compiler implementation of C++, MSBuild, GCC and whatever meme shit that's ISO compliant.

X is gonna make X irrelevant
t. brainlet

The languages you listed are only used for API wrappers to make use of the ark blockchain. Smart cntracts will be coded in solidity

I got the highest roll I've ever gotten today. It was good, but would be better if I wasn't an Arklet with less than 50. Oh well.

I only have 80 ark. I know that feel. It's just a crapshoot to me though. I make all my money in stocks.

Inb4 muh crypto is where it's at. Yeah, it's where it's at until your beloved govt shuts the shit down and you end up bagholding literally worthless """""coins"""""

Any particular reason why youd sell a few days before the mobile wallet release?

Diversification is the way to go, I'll be moving 40% of my crypto gains to stocks once Robinhood hits Australia.

In terms of fiat, I'm actually about 60/40 crypto/stocks currently, but that's only because I got lucky as fuck and bought a lot of both ark and eth right before they took another leg higher.

I've posted this before but I'll say it again. I'm holding these for literally either $0 or thousands. Biggest gamble I've ever taken in this space, but I can afford it at this point.

And yeah, robinhood is the way to go for investing/swing trading. The pretend day traders on here will say it's shitty, but it's the best broker today for my investment strategies(1-2 week holds)

Wan is an ERC20 token

holy shit. Check the chart on ark.

About to breakout like a mother fucker!


>all these dubs
>2 by 2
>Dub animals entered the ark
>Ark breaking out as I type

Where are my commissions


I cbf following the news enough to trade stocks that often, I plan to buy and hodl for months / years.

She's preggers!

whose the hubby????

Shut up nigger.

ACK is my cryptoboo

>tfw you're a sinner
only 18 ark here, I hope you will let me back on the ark when im done with my moon missions

You're welcome back any time. We accept you for your beliefs in the program

The waters are rising user, don't take too long.

First good chance you get you need to reboard. I did what you did and now I'm never going to hold as much Ark as I did ever again.