Fuck crypto

Why is the market not completely crashing. You all realize you are getting scammed by these memecoins with no future? Bitcoin is broken pos with infinitely high transaction fees, is totally unusable, and lightning is vaporware. Eth similarly cannot even scale to support a fucking kitty trading card game and there is zero evidence to support it ever being able to scale aside from >muh raiden >muh plasma (unconfirmed b.s. vaporware just like lightning). Furthermore the whole idea of a blockchain ever supporting global commerce is just retarded. Can you imagine if everyone in the world had to have a copy of the VISA transaction database going back to all time just to use the VISA network? Do you realize how retarded an idea that is?

But okay. Let's say for a minute the tech really does work. Why the fuck should the whole world switch to use bitcoin or eth when these are open source projects. There is no barrier to entry to just copying the code and starting an entirely new and identical in functionality chain. Why the fuck should we let a bunch of NEETS and cunts who bought bitcoin to buy drugs five years ago make off like bandits and acquire net worths in the hundreds of millions of dollars? Why not just start a new chain? Why not start infinite chains? There are no real supply constraints.

t. guy who's made money with crypto but is getting pissed off this shit keeps going up

legit know 20 year olds who are now worth $50mm off this shit. Are you fucking kidding me guys? Charlie lee et. al. have become millionaires / billionaires for stuff with zero usage. No one who has a bought a top 10 crypto so far has lost money. This is just fucking stupid. Crash already.

This last "correction" was not a "reality check." This shit needs to drop 70%+: people need to lose all their fucking money for buying into this crap.

It's a fucking disgrace the SEC / US Federal Government haven't come out and said they are banning this crap just like China did a few months ago.

I have more of an ass than that girl


Shared ledgers are expected to grow exponentially.

Stay poor faggot.

>The absolute state of nocoiners

lmao same she needs to hit the squat rack

came here to post that



she got a poopy droopy butt


Post pic or didn't happen.

Hodl you patience. It will crash. Any idiot can see the bubble. You need to be Soros level investor to know when it blows or busts.

>Why is the market not completely crashing
Be patient, it'll happen.

You're right in that nothing is really justifying the explosion in price.

high IQ whites prefer a small butt

you sound like some one that sold bitcoin at 1k


why get mad when you could get NXT airdrop??


Also market cap is not price*amonut when after selling 2% total amount price fluctuates by 30%. Not everyone will end up with money from this as the real fiat money is not in the market. 99 out of 100 will be broke and still uneducated.

they're missing out

...said the increasingly nervous nocoiner for the n:th time

You mad bro?

kek bitbean was admittedly the funniest fucking thing back when it was shilled in May

also perfect example of the market being out if its fucking mind when this shit is mooning lmfao

>hank hill ass

Delete this thread and try again OP