Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Iron Warriors Edition

>Hilarious™ Mortarion Reveal, also some terminators and stuff

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Losing again...

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign.

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for slaanesh

First for Dusk Raiders


first to worship slaanesh

First for hazard stripes.

id be mad I lost first but I aint even mad

This is now a slaanesh thread


Nth for zerkers still Troops

From last thread, the user who posted the font file to fix the CSM dex, that same file doesn't appear to fix the GK dex. Do you happen to have the font fix for the GK dex? Or could someone repair the files and upload them to the mega?

Inspiration for dude last thread who assume making a table was hard
Where? I was thinking of having the skulls in lava but I don't know how to do.

I plan on justifying our janky ass aquarium terrain and infinity cardboard by saying that some other Dynasty fucked with Trazyn's collection via tesseracts or some shit and some of it vomitted into realspace here. Hence everyone scrambled to investigate.
Two and a half, and a pot of Dawnstone, a pot of white scar, and a good bit of Nuln oil.

How long does it usually take for books to appear on the mega? I really want to read the new ADB book.

gotcha covered bro

gotta get that bro

im ok with this

Who /StillDoesn'tOwnATable/ here?

First 10 posts are about Chaos.

How about that?

I'm just simulating the butcher's nails for you.

Alright once and for all:
Index Chaos allows a World Eater army to take Berserkers as Troop choices.

Can this be combined with the Codex rules

Note the Berserkers are elites unless taken in a World Eaters detachment.

Why or why not?

Where is this called out in the new codex? Didn't see it anywhere.

This pic is great, but, we can't use thunder hammers?

They are if you use the Index datasheet.

whoa mama

>good bit of Nuln oil
>Wasting nuln oil on terrain

Nth for chaos players don't even know their own fluff

How does one zoom in this shit?

no one has even leaked it.

Why don't I just use 3.5 while I'm at it.

Because anything we tell you, you'll keep asking until we give you the answer you like.

Is MSU dead or not?

I keep on seeing people recommend units at min or max strength and it's frankly kinda confusing.

Yes because Index entries that don't appear in the Codex are still valid, and there is a Troop Berzerkers entry in the Index.

this is one of the best depictions of a daemonette IMO

Different edition, and GW said Index datasheets not in the codex are still valid.

But it was on skuuuuuullllllssssss.
Plus I applied it and my drybrush to the beat of a live performance of Mr. Blue Sky

like this

How's this for Babby's First Dark Eldar list?

Archon - Blaster/Huskblade - 79pts
Court of the Archon - Lhamean/Ur-ghul/Sslyth/Medusae - 134pts
>Venom - Splinter Cannon - 95pts

Kabalite Warriors x10- Blaster/Dark Lance/Blast Pistol/Agonizer - 119pts
>Raider - Dark Lance - 115pts

Kabalite Warriors x10- Blaster/Dark Lance/Blast Pistol/Agonizer - 119pts
>Raider - Dark Lance - 115pts

Hellions x5 - Stunclaw - 92pts
Reavers x3- Blaster - 105pts

TOTAL: 973pts/1000pts.

can someone explain how this absolute bullshittery is possible, how the fuck can thousand sons teleport a planet?

I've been through at least a dozen pots (large ones) of a graz on terrain in the last year.


>its magnus I don't gotta explain shit.scroll

10/10 would eat the souls of

A wizard did it

It's 23:03

So is it true that imperial guard and Orks are up next for codex releases?

>Why don't I just use 3.5 while I'm at it.
That's right, why don't you? I still have a combination in the 3.5 codex that can break 7th Ed, going by RAW. Tzeentch spell that hands out 50*D6 Victory Points bitches!

MSU will be better once they change the way first turn is achieved.

Its a tight balance between extra Sgt./Special Weapons, Stratagems Psychic powersm morale fucking up units with big losses and of course how many drops your army has in deployment.

Honestly it depends on what youre doing

because deep strike does not scatter anymore.


Depends on the army. GKs should always be in the smallest unit sizes for maximum SMITE. Other armies, not so much.

>Chaos losing, again

Ffs, you guys were fucking beating the crap out of everyone while you were still loyalist legions. What the fuck happened in the 10k years since the Horus Heresy that now you can't fucking win a battle if you tripped into a victory?

R8 my warband scheme.

It's glossy dark/brown red and very pale bronze.

I think it can look good with god-specific marines as well


>TFW you wish that Word Bearers get some new content in the Chaos codex.

While there are a lot of pretty cool legion rules, I think the Word Bearers got shafted pretty hard. A minor bonus to morale is nothing compared to most of the other legion rules. It's pretty bad when the most exciting rule they get is '+3" to all aura abilities on the warlord.' Summoning is nowhere near as strong as it used to be, and while I think that's overall a good thing, it really hurts that their legion-specific stratagem interacts with a pretty lackluster part of the chaos rules.

Constant in-fighting and going full retard on chaos.

I mean, the only two of yall that even remotely has their shit together is the Black Legion and the Word Bearers.

>post yfw Steel Legion plastics


have faith word bearer

Fixed it guys!



But it will be very glossy


Question: How difficult is it to get one of the AoS Liberator heads onto a human torso (Guard, Skitarii, etc.)? I want to use trimmed-down versions of them for a "faceless" Renegade Guard army.


looks like shit, i miss the older booby ettes and the new ones look like ugly angry bitches


I said one of my favourite

That's one squished corset. Look only works if you have big tits desu.

thank you friend

Really? Because I honestly want to do it.

Oh well.

Or maybe they didn't go *enough* to chaos?

I mean I still see a lot of Marines that are, more or less, very similar to how they looked during the Heresy. And we also know the Possessed Word Bearers beat the fuck out of the Custodes sent to watch them on their little picnic to the Eye of Terror

Shit, Hulkbuster does look like something between a Terminator and a Dreadnought.

Loyalist version as well

What did you wish they got?

Malcador did it, and Magnus is on his tier.

>tfw all the strongest psykers are humans and not eldar

not realising gal vorbak are superior to all other possessed for "reasons".

Not him, but maybe some better Possessed would be appropriate.

But IW can't take Thunder Hammers

Eldar rested on their laurels and the smug belief that they were always already the best at everything ever.

We lost our drop pods
And our land speeders
And apparently our relic Terminator Armor? WTF

In exchange for being mutated at random into senseless monsters

With release of Primarchs all Xeno races have become NPC tier.

Sounds like the Imperium as of 40k LUL

Today I learned:

Possessed aren't chaff or as dismissed as Spawn, it's actually a difficult thing to become possessed and it really does make them pretty elite.

Alright, I got it working (I think). You'll need to replace both the fonts folder and the CSS folder.


>Take Power Fist
>use Command Rerolls to make your damage rolls 3s

What's their stat block look like?

I actually really like all of the old codex art

>Spending CP to POTENTIALLY be as effective as TH
no ty
Marine, but S5 and now 2W in the codex

probably not the next ,since Chaos still hasn't had all their time in the sun. Expect more marines and emo marines first, then orks x IG in the wave after that.

Technically me, sold mine when i moved so now I can make some new ones




Any advice on doing Emperor's Children? I really just want to do up an army in pink and purple and I've got like 4 loyalist armies.

At least they have the excuse of psychic bullshittery., hasn't the admech shifted some planets and moons and shit

Also 5++ invuln.

And they move 7".

S5, AP-2 attacks.

Their attacks are D3 for the whole unit. So if your unit rolls a 5, every model has 3 attacks. If you roll a 2, every model has 1.

I'm a big fan of their fluff and stats. Not so much models sadly. And don't you shove your FW shit in my mouth, not buying it.

Blood Angels are such a meme army.

Death Company is fucking useless.

Im pissed GW stopped making the Forsaken box from fantasy

Those bits and the Primaris = Hulking mutants

all fair, i just dont like the way they are trying to turn all of slaanesh into these ugly horrors when they are supposed to also represent beauty in excess.

>Spending CP to POTENTIALLY be as effective as TH
>no ty