Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

gimpy chickenwalkers edition.

>Necromunda is coming back, much to steel legion players butthurt

>Konor Campaign: Chaos keeps losing and even GW begging can't help it

>Check your local store's contribution to the Campaign. Hell, maybe you'll even play (no you won't)

>GW FAQ (1.1):
>FW FAQ (1.1):
>Codex: Space Marines FAQ
>Codex: Chaos Space Marine supplement for Daemons, Thousand Sons and Death Guard players

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing the Emperor's work)

Thread pre-emptively claimed for Malal

Is it worth it to take a Paladin squad and attach an Apothecary to them and then another Paladin squad with a banner boy? Or is it better to put both Apothecary and Banner into one squad and then take a second squad and give them heavy weapons?

first for getting NecrOwned in 8th edition.

I need help, what colour should I paint my Dark Eldar? I'm a pretty shitty painter, so ideally something I can do via drybrushing, and on a fairly large scale for vehicles.

Fuck Guard players. If you take 70 conscripts you are the new fucking Eldar WAACfaggots.

What the fuck can Dark Eldar do to kill those fucking things before getting my army removed by flamers and artillery turn 2.

What's their Action Movies Name again?

Focus on the artillery and flamers first and sanicspeed your way around the conscripts.

My 2000 point guard army has 52 + 18 HWT and no conscripts, this infantry clocks to 540 points, how'd I do

6 Penitent Engines
In a 4'x4' board

How fucked are chaos fags?

A while back I posted CHAD THUNDERCOG the techno barbarian/Magos/Primaris Techmarine with swole arms for lifting and a tiny head for not thinking.

Well, he's painted now. I'm working on a scenic base for him where he's standing on a pile of wreckage, so he's closer in silhouette to the stock Dominus.

>War Deddogs

>being so bad that you can't kill 100 conscripts
Git gud

Any idea when the deathguard codex and the new models will be released? Wondering if i should wait for them and see what they get & maybe start a deathguard army or just go with emperor's children and full on custom noise marines.

That's the point though. You can't. They fill up the entire board with bubble wrap. It's annoying as shit as you can't even fly past them because you can't land. Then you are just left in a shooting match against Guard arty with shitloads of objective secured bodies you can't efficiently kill.


There is literally nothing you can do against these lists. That's why they are top tier right now. If you know the person is going to use a conscript list, just don't turn up to the game. Let them stand there like a moron.

What's the rest of it?

This is why i bring lord of skulls with gorestorm cannon, the ability to fire his weapons in melee and dish out 12 attacks is sexy. No guard blob has killed him yet.

Also in my army meet Servitor YRH-2B, she's a dedicated combat model with a serious back end. I used Raging Heroes bits to make sure she's very cute.

>John Thicc

Rolling for Legion Theme for next army.

1. Black Legion
2. Thousand Sons
3. Death Guard
4. Alpha Legion
5. Iron Warriors
6. Word Bearers
7. Night Lords
8. World Eaters
9. Emperor's Children
0. Renegade Chapter

I've heard that the Crons got balanced this edition, so they're not winning as easily as before.

Are they truly balanced, or have the fallen into the crevice of being balanced against unbalanced armies and now see no chance of competitive play/winning?

I have a 1000pt tourney coming up, I'm thinking:
2x Company Commander
2x Commissar
2x 30 Conscripts
1x Harker
3x 2 Basilisks

Kabalites are actually pretty drybrush friendly; basecoat black, then one or two drybrush coats of lighter shades (say dark blue then light blue or whatever) and wash to tie it all together gets you pretty decent tabletop quality results.

Vehicles are a bit more of a pain; Venoms and Talos's, anything with smaller more curved plates is easy to do the same way but I've found my Raiders a little trickier to do, flat panels are a pain to get even that way.

That's a bit of a bummer. I was hoping to use some Nurgle stratagems or warlord traits.

You have one two many Company Commanders and Commissars.
Change one to a priest and the other to 10 more conscripts.

actually pretty cool looking

Needs more artillery...

3 vultures, 2 vendettas, 3 tarantulas and still trying to figure out last 69 points
>I don't have access to conscripts
explains alot right?

Forest Crump

To that end? No, heavy weapons are generally not worth it, seeing as for 2-3 you're already at the cost of another paladin, which will do far more. If worst comes to worst take scions, gunships, or some shooty dreads, cause GK heavy-weapons aren't worth shit aside from stormbolters and psilencers plus the strat.

They are worth taking two squads for maximizing damage in melee, so an apothecary and B A N N E R B O I are good to that end.

Yeah, they aren't good or anything, it's just so damn cheap and you have to kill every. single. one. that by turn 3 you've wasted loads of shooting gunning down 50-100 conscripts, only to see you've barely even killed 300 pts. of their list.

That being said knifing the tanks early on and Kringle the remaining blobs as you kill the rest does well in most things, GK stormbolters+gate of infinity does well

>3 Vultures

You passed until that.

Are you sure?
Redundancy seems like a good idea in these kind of lists...

>How fucked are chaos fags?

Magnus will plow straight through that.

>Not automatically choosing chaos angry marines


>attaching characters
>in 8e
What the fuck are you talking about.

Just run both units and stick the characters between them so their auras affect both.

Those units shouldn't die from normal shooting or melee ever unless you fuck up.
If they bring enough snipers to kill 1, they will be able to remove both commissars no problem anyway. Unless you hide them out of line of sight, but then numbers aren't helping you anyway.

Hey, does the javelin Speeder have 2 missile launchers or one? The profile says both, it hasn't been FAQ'd, and the model/HH rules would suggest two, but that seems like a lot of stuff.

Which one is correct? I'm looking to make mobile firebases and this looks like the shit, or an autocannon/plasma deredeo and maybe a Mortis with las/autocannons and missile launcher

September I think m8

Nothing, wait for them to get nerfed (it won't be much longer, playtesters already confirmed it's coming) and for the WAACfags who bought hundreds of conscripts and paid someone to paint all of them to cry about it.

Oh here's the profile if you're wondering

If you want to make your own you will need:

1 Box Kataphrons
1 Start Collecting Skitarii
1 Primaris Chaplain.


Remove the shoulder from the Chaplain torso, and use Greenstuff to clean it up. Stick a Hydraulic Claw on there.

Then rotate the upper arm on a Breacher Claw and stick it to the other shoulder of the Chaplain torso. Use the mudguards from the Breacher as pauldrons and add servo arms to taste.

Greenstuff up a chunkier neck for a Skitarii head and powerslam that shit into the bit where the Marine's head goes. Make a backpack out of a Breacher chestplate and the radio off a Dunecrawler. And that's it. Add more pipes and servo skulls if you like.

I can't wait to test him out in battle.

>3 vultures
Really? It's fluffy so idk why it's cheese?

They got balanced like Orcs and Tyranids got balanced in 7th. They are bottom teir right now. It's completely hilarious... Unless of course, you are one of the very few remaining Necron players.

>Black Legion is not a generic Chaos Marine.
>Alpha Legion is not a loyalist Tac Marine with Alpha Legion colours and some chaos bits.
>Iron Warriors is not the dark techpriest mini
>The Word Bearer is not the amazing Dark Apostle mini.
>Night Lords is not a Raptor or a Warp Talon.
Shit image, tbqhwymf

I was tempted to, but the only reason I like them is cause of Kharn, and I don't think an army consisting of only Kharn would be too amazing.

It would be pretty cool though.

2 Thicc 3 Furious

There's nothing confusing about that. Use the numbers on the weapon.

I mean they'd get the job done, but I agree, they're a bit silly.

Yes there is, the profile says both 'typhoon missile launcher' and 'twin typhoon launcher'. And though in past edition it was twin-linked (meaning 2 guns now), it seems like the 1 is more in line with standard stuff. I'm surprised they haven't FAQ'd this

Any list building tips for Khorne daemons nowadays? I own a fair amount, but most notably 40 flesh hounds.

>The Night Lord has no wings or decapitated heads on his armour

This triggers the winglets.

A twin weapon doesn't ever mean two weapons, it means twice the shots.

Since the typhoon launcher statline there doesn't have 4 shots, the "twin" part is obviously a mistake.

So matched play rules: 50% of units must start on table correct?
If a unit is embarked in a transport the transport is deep striking what is the embarked unit counted as? Is it in reserves (it's not dep striking) or is it deployed (it's not on the table)?

Alright then, fair enough. With that cleared up, what do you think is the best mobile firebase in the marine index? Mortis, deredeo, and scorpius all look really promising, anyone have experience with those?

That extra twin is confusing, does the points add up for a twin or just a single launcher?

that model for the black legion, is that a new mold?

>Playing vs Guard
>Have 15 Kabalite warriors in cover in my deployment
>Vulture goes into hover mode and kills 11
>The rest die in morale phase
>mfw the vulture makes it's points back in one turn
>there could have been 2 more.

Alright lads, I've gotten together some dosh and I want to start playing this shit. So far I've been thinking of getting into ad mech, two questions. Are they a well rounded noob friendly army? What colours can I paint them in that wont rape their fluff?

How should I divide the deployment of the squads and the characters? Should I deploy one character with each squad or should I have both tag along with one squad and the other be pure falchion spam?

See If there's no points cost listed for a weapon called a "Twin Typhoon Launcher" then it doesn't exist and the "twin" is a mistake. You have a single Typhoon Launcher and you pay for it once and it gets 2 shots.

Hmmm I guess it is cheese, though this list has barely changed since 7th, the only addition being HWT since I never owned any before but other shit was more expensive it works out.
Also how is it my fault a fluffy list is also cheese?


One of the Dark Vengeance Chosen models painted up as a Black Legion marine, so not so new.

My usual setup is 2 squads of 4, one with voldus+apothecary in a Stormraven and the other with draigo teleporting in. Now, you can easily drop voldus for a fifth man since once they're together draigo helps everyone, but you do want them fairly close. Which shouldn't be a problem, as most armies deploy clustered and can be tangled in with a proper alphastrike.

Use the flyers with those missiles. I remember that working well in 5th edition.

Its not your fault but choosing to play a cheese list when you know its cheesy and then using the excuse of muh fluff to defend your knowingly cheesed list makes you somewhat of a fag

>white haired female servitor with junk in the trunk

only one possible name user

I'm using 100-136 conscripts and many games are ending up pretty close.
I'm not trying to go first. I don't seize, I let my enemies come to me.
If you don't have a reasonable amount of anti-infantry in your list, you are the problem Get good son

>cheese list
Implying I have any other choice
I effectively have no codex choices aside from flyers and infantry, it's either 8 Valkyries every game (just as cheese) or 3 vultures and 2 vendettas instead, no in between otherwise my entire army is t3 with 3 t5 models with w3

01000011 01101100 01101001 01101110 01110100 01101111 01101110?

any help tg?
If guardsmen squad is in a Valkyrie that is deep striking, is it in reserves for the purposes of 50% models deployed rule?

>no choices

tanks, artillery, sentinels, ogryns

Voidraven Bomber, except shatterfield missiles are now assault d6 s7 ap-1 reroll wounds

2 dead conscripts a turn for 194 points, 4 if you shoot its lance weapons at them.

You see why I'm claiming fluffy list? Literally cannot get fluffier than infantry and flyer spam

Guard fag complains he has no choice but to cheese. Run whatever you like bro, its your perogative if you wish to run cheesy waac lists

If you infantry are all Elysians and not Chinacast I'll allow it.

See below

When you deploy transports, you deploy whatever is riding inside them at the same time.

If you have 5 Sternguard deployed in a drop pod, they would be deployed in the transport in deep strike.

So when do we recken the new DG book is comeing?

I recast myself, I've recasted 2 vultures from original and recasted infantry/vendettas as well

Are nurglings any good?

For the 50% rule both count as being off the table.

Thanks for clarification, was confused since the whole 50% thing is stupid

Please, half these people played Tau and Eldar last edition. GW just baited them to clear their Cadian uglynfantry stockpiles.

replying to a refuted claim
>don't forget your meds user

Drop Sentinels

Eh, no skin of my back. I fiekded conscripts back in 7th, and i'll field them in 8th even if they arent good.

One last question, is it worth it at all to take any weapons other than Falchions on Paladins? All my Strike Squads and Interceptors are already taking Falchions and I find it a bit excessive...

If a Guard players army is fully painted he is an Oldguard and thus not a faggot.
Attack grey horde players at your leisure for being flavour of the month dickheads.

This seems rather baseless.

Drop sentinel
Unusable (riptide tier)
Tauros (both)
Were absolute trash in 7th, picking up a venator for 8th so I can recast more

Why are the Word Bearers so bright red

But RGG and GGA are fully painted. Veeky Forums told me theyre huge faggots.

>what is commission?
I'd say having a non casual/catachan gw regiment is a better and more reliable standard

protip if you give a shit about a "fluffy army" you'd take suboptimal units anyway, especially if other elements of the army are top end stuff.

Alpha Legion.

I remember an argument in past about FFG having art of a female Vostroyan IG and giving the option of playing as a female Vostroyan Firstborn.

While looking over my old WDs, I found this. It says Firstborn sons are sent to be IGs. Did GW retcon this to be just firstborn or did FFG screw up?


>They didn't even bother with the Iron Warriors conversion kit