I lost 1/5 of my stack trying to double up after mcafee's tweet

i lost 1/5 of my stack trying to double up after mcafee's tweet

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Don’t try to catch green dildos
Mc affist = teeka

lol at your pic nigga
who the fuck honestyl trades off rich peoples tweets? what the fuck sort of world is this...anywho goodluck

that's nothing. i lost 1/3rd of my portfolio because bittrex is complete garbage and wouldn't cancel my buy order when i tried to

The McAffee pump was a good idea maybe the first one or two times he did it, now there's no point because of bots.

If you've learnt a lesson that's OK. But make sure you've learnt it.

what happened

Catch the dip

Bittrex has a large lag time when it comes to displaying what coins are selling at and when your order triggers.

How dumb are you. Bitcoin has been consistently rising to ~15K and falling to ~13K over the course of the day. It's up now, but it'll fall later today.

Why doesn't everyone just buy in 10 minutes later once the pink candle sell off always happens, he said they are all long term HODL coins anyways.

Lets the bots do their 5 minute pump and dump then get in afterwards for cheap.


also the pumps dont seem to be going as high now

only up 50-60% before coming back down

KMC Telegram Airdop

this is because you are an idiot and are a slave to tweets. Think for yourself kid and do your own analysis.

did you feel like crying when you saw your order filled?

I bough Reddcoin lol.
This is me now lol.

I could of get rid of my 30k TRX and I didnt. I sold half to buy back right after 10K thinking it could finally go up.

If I wanted I could dump it at 0.000066 eth -the high).
I'm seriously considering stopping this trading shit and go on with my life. But nothing to do these days.

And yesterday I fomoed into ICX at 0.8 and 0.96. Holy shit, what a dumbass

Stop chasing p&d children. You can 2x your money literally every fucking week if you do the right research. Learn to be fucking patient

But how do we make up for the money lkost senpai?
By searching for other PnDs.

And how do we get rekt again?

Thinking about the lost money will make you lose more. It's okay to lose. Forget about it and move on. This is the crypto world. There are opportunities everyday

Man, I had 30k in redd from when it easy at 5 sats, I suddenly 10x'ed it after the tweet... then I got greedy trying to margin trade on the downside and I lost like half of my gains. Fuck I'm retarded.

That's the lesson I learned: better to lose $30 than $300.

I can recommend to buy expanse under 40. But with alts bleeding in not too sure

its gonna take a lot more than losing 6k to make me cry