2018 is the year of the FLIPPENING

Other urls found in this thread:

bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k


Are you one of bloodstreams paid shills?

there's one thousand four hundred altcoins

and one bitcoin

what makes you think bcash is anything special in that sea of shit?

Press S to spit on grave.


It is backed by everyone that matters. Including Satoshi

this guy sure likes BCH

bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k

Fuck you bcash, scamiest scam of all scams.

>paid shill
if you're going to use that argument at least be pumping a coin that hasn't had actual real-world shills desperately pumping it out of roger ver's pocket.

i mean shit, you could have picked any other alt and it would have less money thrown at it trying to spam/pump it everywhere.

topkek. Go back to creddit.

satoshi made his position on forks very clear, and what bcash has done goes explicitly against it, you're not fooling anybody.

Satoshi is Bitcoin Cash' s main developer

Why did coinbase fuck up their release so heavily? Why were they shutting down/turning on GDAX bch trading?

The flippening must be gradual. It can't be too violent or everyone will panic.

Is it a coincidence that coinbase is enabling EU BCH purchases at the time of the next BTC diff adj?

Gavin Andresson also supports Bitcoin Cash

0.176 btc...
I saw someone buying 6k BTC worth of it at 0.21


I'm so tired of Bcash shills. It's literally DGB 3.0. Only consolation is knowing you faggots are going to lose all your money.

Satoshi agrees, he will bleed BTC slowly

Oh look it's adam, the inventor of hashcas, cited by satoshi himself in the original paper.

Better not listen to what he says I bet he's an uneducated moron


0.08 EOY

Lightning Network will be out in 6 months and Bcash would be obsolete.


I hope so

Lightning Network is trash and will not work

>Satoshi agrees,
you guys are so fucking gullible it's pathetic.

the good thing is you dont need to listen to the idiots from bcash or the idiots from bitcoin core

the market deals with these issues themselves, and when you look at the flow of transactions and new money in bitcoin compared to bitcoin cash, it's pretty clear where everyone stands, especially big money.

Oh jee. Where have we heard this before? Was it in Hong Kong? Or maybe it was in New York?

your false flagging isn't even funny

You can't win against folks from Bilderberg Group and FED.
Even if you'd switch to another coin they will claim control over it as well.

Why not just play along with them? They make sure faithful servants gets some money too.

bcash is already obsolete thanks to hundreds of other alts. it doesn't compete with bitcoin, and bitcoin's only benefit is BEING BITCOIN.

bcash as a coin makes absolutely no sense to anybody but blind short term speculators.

ln is a solution to a problem every coin that actually gets used is going to have, ethereum is having to go the exact same route, only they have more flexibility because they have a slightly better architecture when it comes to chain validation.