/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General

"Fuck Chechnya, Apparently" Edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.

Not sure between starting Dark Heresy 1e and 2e? Pick 2e.

>Who's making the new 40k RPGs?
Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.0.0) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)

Mars Needs Women! (v1.2.15) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.13) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Prev: If Calixis, Koronus, and all the OG settlements were officially killed off in WanG, how would your groups and players handle the end?

Other urls found in this thread:


We would have done all we could. At that point we go quietly into the night, calmly watching the end roll in.

Ignore. Keep playing what you like. Transfer to WanG only if you want to.

In character, they'd be long dead since its like 300 years until the Scary Warp Thingy happens.

What, like map assets?

>If Calixis, Koronus, and all the OG settlements were officially killed off in WanG, how would your groups and players handle the end?
The lead designer basically said, yeah, we're not doing custom sectors this time around. We're basically making a BROAD AND INCLUSIVE RULEBOOK that is a bunch of rules you can then set fluff around, and some pre-set "trilogies" AKA campaigns AKA games that will take the place of what Dark Heresy, Only War, Rogue Trader et al were.

As a reminder, if anyone wants to play Only War, recruitment for Solaris: Binary Soul, my Only war game, is now open. Everything you need to know is in the Call to Players here. Looking forward to see your applications. I can answer questions as well if needed. Make sure you pay attention to the details! I would hate to disqualify people again because they forgot one of the things I asked for in the email. The window closes Friday at 11:59 PM EST, so you have three days left to apply now.

Ah, don't forget fighting Mortarion as a boss battle and playing an Eldar during the 30k Fall.

I have 0 problems with dueling Mortarion, since you're supposed to be able to play as Space Marines or Grey Knights with the core rulebook.


Playing a techpriest in an RT game, I'm going to be grabbing the Acolyte of Abraxis alt rank eventually. Anyone got any ideas for what kind of warptech to use and what powers to get?

Bolt of Change

Preferably not something so obviously aligned to Chaos. He's going to be a Heretek, but not a Chaos aligned one. One idea I've got is implanting a Force Weapon into his arm and getting that power from BC that lets you basically enchant your weapon with various special qualities.

Why not make your arm a force weapon?

For the gods’ sake, their name is Ulisses Spiele.

Because then I won't be able to hold other things. Making an entire bionic arm out of psycho-reactive material would also take way too much material of an already super rare substance.

But then you can't be disarmed of it and you can grab a power sword by the blade while it's power field is active.

It's hyphenated in the native German.

If I'm playing a character in Only War and they say that character's homeworld starts with a talent but that talent normally requires a pre-requisite, do I need to purchase that pre-requisite to have that talent?


So. After my Only War campaign, i'm gonna run black crusade. Two (and a half) questions re: Black Crusade

How do i keep the party from killing each other and actually accomplish their goal?

How do i keep the mood light all things considered? (Could really use some reference in this question, what movies, shows, comics, games, etc should i show my players to get the mood through their thick skulls?)

According to their website (ulisses-spiele.de/ulisses-spiele/) their full name is “Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH“ but they also give “Ulisses Spiele” as an abbreviation.
Though German grammar would require the use of a hyphen, there seems to be consensus that trademarks, corporation names et c. are exempt from this rule (when they're not further compounded (eg. “Ulisses-Spiele-Webseite” which translates to “Ulisses Spiele website”)).
So in German, the company's name is usually not hyphenated.
However, as we are speaking English we should just use “Ulisses Spiele”(without the quotes) in the same way one would use “Coca Cola”.

I initially wrote my post because people kept dropping the final “e” and I didn't mind the hyphenization, but here we are.
t. a German who cares about Grammar

Compacts and I think something in the GM screen PDF has something for that near the back.

>Mood light
>Black Crusade
Explain further, I'm not quite sure what you're asking.

How do i keep the game from becoming total grimdark of which there is only depression and misery?

Whats some good material for me to reference for a tone. The closest thing i can think of is Overlord (the games not the anime)

Heavy metal album covers are a nice inspiration for some special combat scenes.

There are pockets of relative normality on some planets ruled by Chaos. Markets, factories, people beating the shit out of each other in the streets for the blood god, etc. What would be jarring for you would be everyday life for people living there and how it is just business as usual.

Go though the core and splat books and read up on the societies of the various planets in the screaming vortex.

Ok i can get the setting down easy. What i need is, how do i make this a lighter tone without making it Saturday Morning Cartoon villains?

Like life in the Imperium, but more spikes and heresy.

In a way, Black Crusade is the least grimdark of all the games, as everyone involved in the utter misery and horror inflicted upon the world therein in already either used to, or enjoys it.

>How do i keep the party from killing each other and actually accomplish their goal?
Compacts, page 269. Emphasize to them during character creation that their characters are coming together because, whether they like it or not, they all have the same level of expertise in their chosen specialties (choose whether you want your party to be core/splat archetypes and humans/CSM, do not mix them) and NEED eachother to get the job done. The retards who would kill the rest of the party on sight and/or are so powerful they could solo the objective (have them take a look at the example infamy scores on page 307 and keep it in mind when making backstories as well, even core humans start by default with reputations on par with minor warlords) would either not be invited in the first place or do exactly that.

>How do i keep the mood light all things considered?
Your players are the Imperium's enemies so feel free to play up how comically evil they are for all it's worth, just like the setting itself used to. Some ideas off the top of my head:

>Memri TV expy serving as Imperial propaganda
>People being sent to penal worlds for filing their taxes wrong (the ones who don't do them at all get shot)
>Hilariously two-faced officials (a preacher who gives fiery sermons against greed before going home to the definition of opulence, a planetary governor who issues uplifting speeches during a world-wide famine on the spiritual rewards gained through worldly struggle while he himself is busy gorging on foreign delicacies) who are easily corrupted

any open play by post games?

>in the same way one would use “Coca Cola
But I always hyphenate Coca-Cola when I write about them because they have a hyphen on their product labels.

My Dark Heresy character survived a brutal campaign full of daemons, heretical inquisitors and fukken xenos and retired with his limbs and sanity mostly intact. Feels good.


That shirt Ross is wearing looks familiar...

>"Pl... pls buy, I know all you'er funny memes... like sir berryton..."
>"You will smell the doo doo in teh renegade's shit, y-- you will see the furry porn in the harlequin's browsing history... ;-;"

I'm still hyped. I disagree with some of the choices, like daemon primarchs statted and the theme park splatbook ideas, But as long as it's not forcing me to use those things, and I don't know how they would, then it's not necessarily bad. I can't wait to see how it comes out because worst case scenario, I still have the FFG systems.

What are you trying to say besides mental diarrhea?

>What, like map assets?
Yeah, i'm running a game on roll20 soon and am making maps in Photoshop and wanted to know if anyone had an assets they use for their games.

I've been scouring the internet for a few things here and there but haven't had alot of time because I have a full work schedule.

In that case, I'd recommend searching sci-fi tilesets for background stuff like metal floors, military floors, etc. I don't have anything myself since I don't use tactical maps that often.







Made my own version since the one I found online had really stupid tab order. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Tab Order by Structure to work so I had to use Tab Order by Row which means it doesn't handle the dual-column layout of the character sheet well.

Thanks for the suggestions! I haven't been searching for tilesets, that would probably help. First time GMing.

These are great, thanks!

It's like you've never seen an 80s action movie

On average, how many regiments come from worlds that are not fortress worlds?

Depends on surplus population and just how easy it is logistically to arm them.

I'd imagine Hive worlds shit regiments out the bucketload, because they both have an endless supply of fresh bodies and the industrial capacity to produce the low-grade gear an average guardsmen requires

I guess that makes sense. I had it in my head that non fortress worlds only produce 2 or 3 regiments at max, but couldn't find anything solid.

Are Feudal Worlds only like medieval settings with some sci-fi elements, or can they go up to the Napoleonic Wars era in technology and societal evolution?

Also depends on what else goes on the tithe. For a hive world, the majority of the tithe will probably be in the form of guardsmen and equipment for them. For forgeworld, the tithe will be in the form of spaceships, tanks and so on, and they will produce few regiments of guardsmen. For an agriworld likewise, the majority of the tithe will probably be agricultural products going to feed a hiveworld, and they'll be required to produce only few guardsmen as a result.

I have so many concepts, in at an honest loss over which is my favorite

There's no way hive worlds only produce 2 or 3 regiments. Manpower is literally all some hive worlds are good for. And then there are cases like the planet in the Shadowsword book where due to a nearby war or crusade, a planet is tithed for new regiments so often they no longer have anyone to give.

I think it's pre-industrial

Yeah but the Industrial Age doesn't kick off until the 1850s.


While Fortress Worlds do regularly shit out regiments, one would think that most Imperial Worlds would start doing that as well, depending on how close the enemy is or how bad the fighting has gotten.

So what do civilians do in there spare time after work in 40k? Do they have dvds? Can they watch movies?

And if they can do the planets make their own movies with local actors that are famous planet wide or does the Imperium have some planet or sector version of Hollywood that works tirelessly to ensure the work ragged masses of the Imperium are entertained after their 12 hour shift at the local Foundry?

And if planet Hollywood made the movies would they all have to be Propaganda movies? Or would there also be love story's and stories about overcoming adversary and serving the Emperor or would it all be Just Imperium mandated propaganda?

And if it is Imperium mandated propaganda does that mean its ran by its own department? Would they have their own adepts where they take children from a young age to turn them into the galaxy's most charismatic entertainers? And what would they be called the Adeptus hospitium?

>come back to Veeky Forums after a long break
>see people posting 2nd edition Rogue Trader everywhere
>google it
>nothing but questions
What am I missing? Did they release a new one recently or is it fanmade?

Fanmade, fanmade everywhere.

Got any storytimes?

How is it compared to the original?

They live like most medieval serfs live. When they're not working they're either eating, praying, or sleeping.

Re-read the pdf, noticed a fuckton of spelling and grammar errors I thought I corrected. Hurray. Here's v 1.0.1, hopefully with all those errors corrected. No new content, but existing content should be more readable. Also, megaguy, feel free to add this to the homebrew folder. Anyway;

The Karybdis Abyss is a setting supplement for my homebrew region of wilderness space in the pimply, blackened ass end of the Eastern Fringe right on the edges of the intergalactic void. It's a place filled with all kinds of pirates, brigands, Void-Whalers, space monsters and space princesses that need rescuing by dashing swashbuckling heroes. Shit's pretty pulp adventure.

-Fluff on local Rogue Trader dynasties & Power groups
-Historical timeline
-Buttload of worlds
-Local equipment
-New Starship hulls
-Literal Space Dragons

Hope you enjoy it /40krpg/.

Also, the maps of Karybdis.

With stable and chartered warp-lanes that act as primary trade routes.

Will we know if we forgot something?

No. I may make an offhand comment about how "one person forgot something," but I won't go into or name specifics. If the person realizes who they are, they'll just have to carry that weight. So try to make sure you read everything carefully - there's no rush. Better to do things right, and make a character you'll enjoy rather than rush things out and fuck up.

Submit the ones that sound most fun to you. Remember, if you're selected, there will be time for fine-tuning characters. So far, though, I AM seemingly getting a lot of one of the specialties, but it's not the one I expected to be most common...

There's two and a half days left, more or less. Still plenty of time for peeps to apply.

> I AM seemingly getting a lot of one of the specialties, but it's not the one I expected to be most common...

Everyone's a medic?

Are there certain Specialties/Classes that people tend to prefer in different 40k RPGs? Like, are Crimson Guard really popular in Dark Heresy? Or Scum?

Usually, everyone likes to play Mechanicum characters, because they are coddled with great gear, talents, and combat / survival ability. Crimson Guard are a meme class that look good on paper (and admittedly are fairly good at earlier ranks) but even out later in the game.

I am not going to go into specifics on what characters everyone is applying with, or how many, but I will say that every single person applying so far has submitted at least one medic.

I would call it bizarre, but they do have a great aptitude spread, so I can see where people are coming from.

Techpriests are absurdly powerful in every game

There's also the reputation of 40kRPG to consider. People are probably picking Medic because they figure everyone is going to get horribly mangled and they want to make sure they have medical aid available.

What did you expect everyone to pick?

I honestly expected a flood of techpriests.

That makes sense.

>I honestly expected a flood of techpriests.
Speaking for myself, considering it was the only Support specialism available, I figured that techpriests would be really common and so I didn't bother making one. Also, I wanted to be a grunt soldier, without divided loyalties.

I know what it's missing! Add some reef, not!black hole, warp storm, temporal disturbance or other celestial phenomena otherwise it looks a bit bland if high quality. Also prompts your players to wonder what is it hidden in an unaccessible region of space.

>Add some reef, not!black hole, warp storm, temporal disturbance or other celestial phenomena otherwise it looks a bit bland if high quality.
Basically all of that is described in Lights End, Scyllan Storms and The Drowned Shoals in particular are all noted for their celestial phenomena and hazards.



Honestly, I wanted to be a Ratling, but that's never an option. Probably because every GM thinks anyone who plays a Ratling is going to be a dickass pickpocket.

Blame Bilbo for establishing the stereotype.


I restricted them not for dickass thieving, but for another reason that will become blindingly clear should one be selected. There's still two days left, so no real rush on getting an entry in.

We're still not being turned into servitors or Thallax, right?

I hope I get chosen so I can find out what the mystery is.



What;s a good infamy rating for ascending to Daemonhood in Black Crusade? running it after Only War and I'm pretty much done with prep work

Look at page 268 of BC core.

huh. didn't notice that in my skimmings through. TY my man.

Remember to go though the errata too. If you plan to use hordes, look at what does bonus damage to them and then look back at weapon qualities.

Will do. Any other things i should know about running Black Crusade?

If your players aren't all of the same god (or they're all of Tzeentch) you'd better be prepared for intra-party conflict

Encounter balance is hell if you mix CSM and humans, both combat and social.

If you ever use Necrons in Tomb of Fate, be careful.

Remember that corruption is a blessing and a curse and the PCs should be a bit more resistant to gaining it compared to non-BC PCs.

They can be basically anything.

God I want to play BC. All the games I'm in just die.

Sounds like you're doing fine if you worship Nurgle.

Does Only War or Blck Crusadr have Familar rules for Psykers? Off chance that one of my players will want to play a psyker amd if they find out about familiars they will want one.

Black Crusade does with the Ritual of Binding (or something to that effect).

me too

I long for some comfy heretek times

Then why am I not a daemon prince by now.

Because you have to kill 777 games before you can ascend.

Well someone should run a one so I can work on it.