/WMG/ Warmachine and Hordes General

CID tomorrow Edition

>Newest No Quarter: (NQ73)

New theme stuff:
youtube.com/watch?v=9mZLbyizm40 [Open]

Mk3 list building:conflictchamber.com

Warmahords chat:discord.gg/KmXzbwD

Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
textuploader com / d0thm

PP Youtube

Latest Errata: January 2017

Theme Forces:
files.privateerpress.com/op/errata/Theme Forces.pdf

Steamroller Rules

Table of contents for all NQ issues

Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Fluff wiki:


Warmachine/Hordes Army Creator (WHAC) .apk

>Mk3 Trollbloods Command

>Mk3 Protectorate Command

>Mk3 Circle Orboros Command

>Mk3 Cygnar Command

>Mk3 Legion of Everblight Command

>Mk3 Khador Command

>Mk3 Cryx Command

>Mk3 Retribution of Scyrah Command

>Mk3 Grymkin Command

What are your wish lists for the upcoming "Twelve Factions of Christmas" CID?

Other urls found in this thread:


Age of Sigmar has more going for it than us.

It's almost as if a year of rampant shitposting drove off the people who actually enjoy the game and left mostly "LMAO DED GAME MK3 A SHIT" trolls and crossposters who have no desire to invest time into an actual discussion.

Hoping Harpies and Sirens are competitively costed and not Gorgon 2.0/3.0 on account of being less efficient than Griffons.

With CID its guaranteed they at least will mark at C instead of Ds.

Pretty much. I barely post here because its the same bitter complaints that have been addressed or players from other games so insecure about what they enjoy that they have to shit on Warmachine.

I was this Gencon and last years, and hings seemed fine. Saw lots of people Gawking at the Grymkin and saying how cool they looked (As in these where people who never played warmachine), so their idea seemed to have worked.

The line for the sales was pretty much as big as last years.

I prefer playing a game with actual rules, thanks.

>I prefer when an awesome setting completely shits on itself and sells more SPACE MARINES

>GW spams space marine releases because space marines sell because space marines are really popular because space marines are really visible because GW spams space marine releases because
Where did this cycle begin, and where is it going
Both questions are irrelevant, for all games shall feel its choking influence regardless

Well this thread seems just as bad as the last 40. Better luck next time everyone

this is true

black 13th are awesome...

not a fan of that art though...What the fuck are they doing with their feet? Playing hop scotch?

Ok guys new to warmachine - ok maybe not new but I had 6 years break or something like that so I forgot almost everything(only two games in mk3 so far)

So I'm playing PoM and can someone tell me how good Durant is compared to tried and true pKreoss and pSeverius?

Also bought vanquisher cheap but I hear infantry is mostly dead in mk3 so I might not get a lot of mileage out of him

>lizardmen didnt get a meme unit
Sadness covers me.

How is blind water? Still a meme?

Themes and scenario rules have brought infantry back (lots of themes reward some unit spam), so having a way to clear them is really useful.

I guess so. Anyway with choir and severius he can bump that gun to 17 pow and he still can put out some hurt in close combat. Big downside is 17 pts thou. IMHO redeemer can clear infantry for 11 but I might be mistaken about that

Holy shit why are we not talking about the merc theme list? Shit looks choice as fuck! For anyone who might not know: you get to pick everything from the merc catalogue except ogrun bokurs. For every 25 points of units or warjacks you get a (non lesser warlock) solo for free. Your jack marshalled jacks get flank, and one heavy jack gets advance move for each unit.

Spicy! Nomad spam here we come?

I really wish all factions had a theme like that.

Or you know, themes not being mandatory to play.

Good old Vanqui also gained the deserved 2" range and trehser. His gun is especially good as there is still lots of blast immunity out there. Play him with Malekus or Amon. Either gaining another shoot or 2" more range and pathfinder are worth it. Momentary i dont use him as the revised Battleengine is a gift from Menoth himself.

Ech I dislike both amon and malekus so I would rather try to make do without them.

CID for Christmas releases starts today?

Yup, plus some extra stuff by the sounds of it.

>How is blind water? Still a meme?
Nah, they're doing OK. They've probably had one of the more interesting rides through Mk3, since their faction essentially doubled in size when they reorganized minions. And now they've got a Blindwater theme list, so there is some real incentive if you want to stay gator purist.

I haven't seen much coming back for them nationally, but we've got one local player that does pretty well with them (playing Calaban / Rask, usually).

>Or you know, themes not being mandatory to play.
It's definitely becoming a bit of an issue. It's not breaking the game (yet), but something will have to give eventually. My bet is you'll end up seeing a split in the formats at some point, with a No-Themes steamroller variant spinning off as a counterpoint to Champions.

>CID for Christmas releases starts today?
Is it? I saw some of the Trencher CID stuff started showing up in the database.

I'm the user planning to run the Battle for the Athanc campaign at my store starting in a couple weeks. As much of a PITA as the rules have been to get together I'm really looking forward to seeing what players do with it.

Now I'm starting to think that if it goes well I'll set up another one down the line that deals with our own alternate history of the game based on who ended up in control. I'd have to write out a narrative for how it changes the state of the world and set up another round of goals and shit. I may be getting in over my head

Anybody been using the mini-calandra squad this edition? I really like the idea of them, especially in lists with a few high quality shots like Grims and Gunny. But in practice, I keep running into the issue of more support in a faction that's already plagued by support bloat.

It doesn't help that the mathmachine on limited rerolls is a bit tricky, so quantifying their value is kinda tough.

Ech why not make it simple - big fishes in a small pond. Have the factions stranded on an island that houses the Athanc and have them make do with what they can salvage or get sent in from the homeland

Because I'm retarded, obviously.

In truth I could probably use the writing prompt anyway. Plus I'm just excited to be back in the role of PGing after a couple-year break. Gotta find ways to keep my sanity after I burned out on monthly SRs last time.

>we've got one local player that does pretty well with them (playing Calaban / Rask, usually).

Hey I've got one of those too, he's a PITA. Calaban is a beast now, still haven't beaten him once.

>Calaban is a beast now, still haven't beaten him once
Yeah... he went from being the faction's worst warlock to maybe it's best. A small bump to his spells and abilities, plus the addition of actually-usable arcing, totally upended him. Same applies to Maelok to a lesser extent.

After a storm in the Meridius, multiple faction expeditionary forces are shipwrecked on Athanc Island...

>WHY is this familiar?

They will fight kung fu pandas

Nah, I have faint memories of a bunch of late 19th Century Great Powers involved... may have been somebodies Call of Cthulhu homebrew scenario, I dunno.

This shit could work, user.

I always want to try them out, but always forget about them at list creation time.

I could imagine small warbands exploring some abandoned Orgoth(or what were they called) fortress

>Hey I've got one of those too, he's a PITA. Calaban is a beast now, still haven't beaten him once.


Pain In The Ass

So all I have right now is pic related. Whats the next stuff I should look towards gettting? Where can I find tactics to help learn to use it so I dont get shit stomped?

Can someone explain this fluff? I thought Caine was the new leader of the sortof Black 13th.

He is, they're called Caine's Hellslingers. That's new art for the original unit's entry in the Cygnar command book.

They were separate units before, just in the same line of work.

Spoilers for the story.

Caine ended up quitting the cloak and dagger work over some issues with his boss and his methods, which the general was not exactly happy about. Then Denny steals a part of Caine's soul and creates a shade in his image, who starts going around murdering people. The Black 13 get sent to kill Caine over this, and hunt him down. Turns out, Denny has Caine's daughter, and is trying to rescue her. In the fight, the leader of the Black 13th ends up dead, if I remember right killed by the phantom Caine, and the other two agree to work with Caine to help get his daughter back. Thus, Caine 3

In it's current state, CoC is basically all vectors, all the time, so consider picking up some more heavies. You can make just about every vector work in faction, though certain ones only do well with certain casters.

The TEP is an incredibly good choice, though if it's too spendy for you you don't need it right away. Buying other casters can be a pretty huge chance in tactics for little investment, since they change how the faction plays on the table so much.

I'd say for the moment to avoid most of the infantry, it's just not doing it's job.

As for how to play, a brief rundown:

CoC is an attrition focused faction with a secondary in denial, focused on specific Order of Activation abilities and building towards a specific plan. On it's own, most everything in the faction is kind of meh at best, but it often works with other aspects to create big combos for huge plays.

CoC is not harder to learn how to play, but it is a steeper curve, because the faction asks you to master game basics far quicker than other factions do.

The one thing to learn to do is how to control induction, because induction is what makes the faction work well. Done right, your heavies are going to be all blowing 3 focus every turn, which is something other factions can only dream about, but done wrong, you've got a bunch of pieces that are worse in every way to your opponents.


Amen. Ding Dong the Witch has been crippled.

Haley's odds of dying an unloved spinster increase with every fluff year, but I'd hardly call her a witch user

Right thats her sister who is yet to be crippled. So I guess the Sue has been crippled.

I don't know...she could be an awesome foursome, but damn wouldn't the sychronozied period be terrifying.

>d3+5 chosen models
This feels like a really sensible change. She can still lock out key pieces and/or jackspam at the usual 16"-18", but doesn't just say "fuck your list" anymore and might actually have to think harder against infantry lists.

Cids up Dudez!

Man Wolds look kinda scary overall now. Cheaper, harder hitting, and the new guy looks solid. Not so much a hurter as a shield guard.

>Isn't a Venator
>Breaks the FURY=SPELL+2 rule

>Makes Slingers bonkers good.

Is Cygnar even playable now?

Not a Cygnar players btw. I was asking myself that ever since Storm Lances and Hunters got nerfed in CID.

>Cygnar brought down to normal
>not!Cygnar players immediately start asking if their faction is still good just because it isn't bullshit.

>I was asking myself that ever since Storm Lances and Hunters got nerfed in CID.
That's barely even going to slow us down. I'm honestly surprised the nerfs ended up being so mild considering how much these models get complained about. Hunter loses AD, but it's cheaper - fine. And lances lose the bounce on their shot, but their obnoxious resilience / jamminess is untouched.

And in return we get a working Kraye back - who can take those Hunters and make them completely insane all over again. I'm not complaining at all.



Is Cygnar still top tier ? What is best build for it now ?




I'm pretty sure I'm going to be playing nothing but Gaston2 forever once he drops (assuming he survives CID in anything like his current form). What a cool design for a WC.

Thank you. This is really helpful.

So basically if I can buy a battlegroup I should do it? that gets me another caster and some more vectors. the TEP is spendy right now so i'm holding off unless i can find a good deal.

Thank you this is very helpful

So the one problem is that so many of the vectors work with specific casters. The Modulator is solid with Syntherion and Orion(new caster, dropped today), but kind of bad with everyone else, for example. Well, alright with Mother.

>Elara2 with Ghostly Harpies
Bite me roundears

Can someone post link to CID pdf?

RIP Ghost Fleet- Goreshade didn't sign a non-disclosure.

Or maybe he did and just ignored it. The man *is* a bastard.


Khador Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Winter Guard Kommand

(Sorscha 1) Kommander Sorscha [+29]
- Marauder [10]
- Marauder [10]
- Victor [38]
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich [4]
Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan [0(3)]
Winter Guard Field Gun Crew [0(4)]
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (min) [8]
- Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (min) [8]
- Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (min) [8]
- Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]

Can't wait to test this shit at the shop. The big guy needs table time.


Yeah, why didn't they just give it Bounding Leap like a normal "flying" robot. Flight on a SPD 5 light is so OP.

>Elara2 with Ghostly Harpies
You look at a new shooty light with a built-in push / crit knockdown and the first thing you think is Elara? Seriously what is going on in Ret. Any one of your ranged buff casters is going to turn a pack of Harpies into the basis of a vicious control list, and the first thing you think of using it for is as a melee assassin.

Generally a good idea, yeah. As points out though, every caster likes different vectors, so definitely magnetize if you can. A battlebox + a heavy multikit, all magnetized, gives you a lot of options.

Shit, I got the Siren and Harpy's mission profiles mixed up. Siren is the melee jack, with Oracular not Flight. My bad.

This is gonna be so annoying in Vyros2 list.

It's slower than a Griffin, less accurate on the charge, and cuts you off from Forges. I could still see it being popular with PS14/12 dual wield and Oracular cockblocks if not for that last part.

I am one paintjob away from my 4th Marauder. Did I go full retard?

I hope you at least magnetized the kits.

Magnetized models look like shit. Glue them or be a mono-pose loser.

>Llael theme force
Oh for fuck's sake now I have to actually play again.


So basically, PP are doing what I said they should do and are nudging some numbers around to try and make models better. Reminds me of that time faggots in this thread shit on me for suggesting it.

They've been doing that since Erratas started arguably. CIDs are more just public input in the process.

Jesus fucking Christ how far up your ass is your head


Hey protectorate dudes, how do you feel about the zealots changes?
Might they be worth taking now?

Did Llael get it's own line yet? Or is it still just a weirder mercs list?

ashlynn best waifu


Woo, Llael Resistance more restrictive than Irregulars, and generally worse.

>yfw Caine3 likes the tier better than Ashlynn or Gastonne2

Wow that's even worse than Ashlynn's old tier list.

Hilariously, her old theme shat all over most Cryx lists, and that was pretty fun.

I am shitting myself with excitement over Orion

As you should, because he's fucking amazing.

Played then with Malekus. And now they go in my Vindictis list again

Wait, so we can do the true Protectorate ISIS list now?

Red pill me on orion.
Does he mke conflux good?

Looks like, yeah. Deliverers seem pretty scary now.

Wow, Lhaelese Resistance seems really, really shit.

Do they? I was thinking about menite gunline but I'm not sure how this theme helps them(well arms master for free is ok)

>Magnetized models look like shit.
If you suck at hobby, maybe. There isn't any pose you can do with glue that can't be achieved with magnets and maybe an occasional pin.

If you build a model with a stance and pose dedicated to holding up an axe, the model would look fucking stupid should you replaced the axe arm with a fist arm. Same for a model whose head follows a gun barrel; remove the gun arm and it will look retarded.

Magnetizing is efficient, but it kills the artistic part of the whole miniature game. You can't immortalize a character or moment for the miniature to depict with a magnet.

Also the obvious downsides, which are not being able to pick up the model by touching it wherever you want and having to carry around a bag full of arms are real.

Man I never liked those dynamic entry conversions especially with warjacks
Just makes it look goofy

I can't speak as to user's autism, but from what I've seen it really depends on the model then. Skorne bugs certainly magnetize good.

I get what you're saying, but you're taking the argument to a bit of an extreme. Your pic is a competition entry piece, for instance, and unsuited to actual gameplay. I've found that, having a variety of poses and arm mounting positions on my chassis, along with said bag-o-arms, I can get very satisfactory looking poses (and the joints are not visible). To your other points:

A) You pick up jacks by their arms generally? Because even glued, it is not at all difficult to snap those off on most models.

B) If anything, magnetizing makes transport easier. I'd much rather have a handful of bodies that each fit into their neat little spaces, and a separate foam tray of arms, than your hypothetical alternative where I need to transport 4x as many jacks and each one is in a wacky pose that demands its own custom transport solution.

What's the point of magnetizing if you only play two lists anyway?

it's not like people haul their entire collections to the store whenever they want to play, magnets or not.

Well, back to my observations on skorne bugs I see them being interchanged in the same list a lot. It makes a huge difference- one one-rounds your collossal. The other one-shots your warcaster.

>also it seems magnetizing makes transport a lot easier, user

>one one-rounds your collossal
Oh you mean the Soldier?
>The other one-shots your warcaster.
Oh you mean the Soldier?

I'd like to hear how you managed to let a Soldier into melee range of your warcaster, user.