What's the worst game you've ever had?

What's the worst game you've ever had?

A DM who planned encounters around single NPCs able to take the whole group, refused to allow us to go off book (her book not the rules, anything that took us off plan would either result in punishment like increasing difficulty or refusal to allow it), and if we took too long with anything (e.g. trying to kill an enemy we had mostly cornered or being split up and having trouble getting back together) she'd start going tick tock with a warning that she'd kill all of us. We only had one session.

Can't have a bad game if my gamefinded posts never get responses.

Call of cthulhu.
Get invited to solve a mystery at a mansion. Host is a dollmaker and he needs us to solve a mystery. At the intro scene during dinner, right in the middle of exposition, we hear a loud explosion. Player J had used all his assets and background to be a demolishions expert. J had snuck out and used all his dynamite to blow up the car we arrived in. The car held all our stuff and was also like 90% worth of our youngest player's invested background assets. J starts laughing like a hyena. Youngest throws such a big tantrum that he actually starts to cry. Hours of preparation and we manage 5 mins into the adventure. All because one guy wanted to blow shit up and couldn't wait more than 5 minutes.
In a fucking. Call. Of. Cthulhu. Game.

40K 7th ed, played in a 300 pt casual tournament the lgs was putting on. I threw together a defensive, fluffy guard army with basilisks and blob squads. My first and only opponent showed up with three riptides.

It was my birthday, too....

>x-wing tournament
>my first opponent is the organizers son
>he doesn't know the rules
>he's 10
>I cannot but kill off his ships one by one
>he starts to cry and runs off
>kid drops out
>my game doesnt count as a win since we didn't finish
>This fucks my results
>one buy every round for some poor schmuck bc of this
>organizer claims one of two big prizes at the end "since he was the organizer"
>fucks up the schedule and time keeping
Good times

My "friend" threw a game where he wanted to us follow one old man who had a quest for us. The man refused to tell anything to us and any attempt of refusing to follow him through the icy plains was answered by howls of wolves. Game died and we never found out what the hell he wanted from us. This lasted for multiple sessions.

>Be in Uni.
>Not really get along with people, just try to keep my head down and focus on my studies.
>At least it's not like high school where people shit in my bag if I leave it for a moment unattended., but don't really have any friends and people whisper when I enter a room.
>Then, out of the blue, get invited to a party last night.
>It's a smallish thing, at someone's house, 10-12 people, but the place is small enough that it feels pretty crowded.
>Drink a bit, smoke a bit of pot, but don't really interact even when buzzed.
>Finally, the guy who organized things together, announces that this is lame, and they're going to spice shit up.
>Says we're all going to play the "Great game, glow-ree!"
>Have no fucking clue what he's talking about, and I'm not the only one, lots of views of confusion.
>But soon, everyone's pulled down their pants, and if they're not fapping themselves, Mike's wandering along stroking people.
>Then he pulls out a fucking tape measure, and measures everyone's length and girth.
>I apparently win, I've got the biggest dick by a small margin.
>We pull up our pants, and there's a congratulations, I get passed a drink.
>Then Mike drags me upstairs, bangs on one of the doors, a young woman, I think his sister, comes to the door
>Mike starts saying how I'm the most glorious person in the house, and she needs to fuck me.
>She calls me a fucking pervert (or maybe him) and slams the door on us. Mike tries to open it, but it's locked.
>Go back down to the ground floor, drink some more, pass out.


So which game is this? The one where you close your eyes and imagine shit you wish would happen to you?


400pt tourney at FLGS, very first time playing warhammer. Had space marines from blackreach and not much else. Opponent brought Weirdboy, minimum grot squat, and two dakka jets. Stomped me and won the whole tournament.

Kicker was the objective on his side was a skyfire nexus, could have turned the game around if I had a drop of skyfire.


>40k RT, first game played
Decide to play Orc Firewarrior, pretty much a straight Tau Fw build with a minor tweak (can't remember what, only that a gave up a good tau ability for a minor ork one according to GM. But I wanted something in my sheet to reflect Ork besides background). Wanted to spread the Greater Whag as an orc in makeshift shitty orange armor who actually believed he was tau. Painted his face blue and all that. GM encouraged idea, and was part of development due to my inexperience and unorthodox request. Kills my character off in the 23min mark, turns out he decided last second that the character wouldn't be a fit so he set up their death and told me afterwards.
>40k RT, last game played

Similarly here.
It was like playing ffxiv but without the fun parts.

My first ever dark heresy campaign, playing with an entitled cunt that could not bear the thought of not being in control of everything, the leader of the party and the only one with ideas. As a player, he literally stopped playing when we did not agree with his plan and went on to do his own thing.
As a GM he killed my character with invisible lightnings while i was at my uni getting my PhD

Tried introducing some friends to d&d
They all picked pop culture references for their names, all played dragonborn or tiefling, and all went chaotic neutral. Session lasted 2 hours before they got bored.


>be new to the 40k scene
>put together a small sm army
>go to lgs and look for someone to play with
>eventually find a guy who accepts
>chat for a while before game
>he flat out says he cannot have fun unless he wins
>I make up some shit and leave
>haven't played a game yet

This happened during 5th ed and i still haven't played a single game

>Forever GM during years
>Find an game as a player with good friends
>It's a Paranoia game
For people who don't know it go ahead and read about it, it's brilliant. The keywords being tongue-in-cheek humour, absurd situations, over the top dialogs and of course paranoia about everything and everyone.
>Never played it and know little about it at the time
>Game starts and everyone plays the funny side of the game, threatening jokingly about denouncing each other to the authorities for various shit
>I miss every joke because I'm trying to find a good spot as a player
>Get nervous
>Realize i'm a shit player with no imagination and wit
>Rest of the game is me missing the point of the game and feel bad about it
That was a rough ride. I'm usually not self-conscious but this game was disarming.

>riptide spam

What shit GM allowed this to happen
I wouldn't let this fly
The whole thing is about having fun not getting cockblocked by some faggot
I don't give a fuck if he can do it by the book, he doesn't get the right to ruin everyone's night

>Gee DM-kun don't be such a buzzkill, it's only a game after all and besides. It's what my character would do! XDDDD

First mistake, D&D is a meme game
Should have taken them to foreign lands where they had to learn a bit of fluff to make things interesting. You're still a brave user to have tried your best, please try again soon

>denying player agency
Shit DM detected.

>No demoman, you are the buzzkills
>Now stop being such a fag
On a side note I kind of miss the sheer lolsorandomness of my younger days in warhammer fantasy when everyone picked pun names and fucked around for hours. We had some serious sessions but these were cool. it wouldn't be cool in a CoC game though.

Here's your (you).

>Allowing player agency
That guy detected

>Tried DMing for my friends who never had any experience with TTRPG.
>4e, thought it would be simple enough for them to pick up and play.
>Prepped a whole session of material
>Friends got bored right as the first combat began

It was my second time trying to DM...

Among other things, this is why i never got into tournaments or "serious" battles.
The time spent preparing, fluffing, gluing, painting, packing your stuff is cool and all, but not enough to be frustrasted as fuck when you get into trouble like this. I enjoyed some casual play with friends a lot though.

why were they bored?
is this because they weren't really interested in the first place ?
D&D is never a good starter game btw

I don't recall. I think that it wasn't for them, the whole TTRPG experience. My time in Asia was lacking playing the entire time.


Asians have their brains hardwired with videogames and are too pragmatic for games of pretend. Don't bother with them

It was mostly white folks with a single local.

This right here: I'm still fucking mad, mostly at myself.

>generalities about a race
It fails everytime. My worst experiences was with younger lads who spent their lives with vidya too, they were terrible and wanted to gank every npc.
I don't blame a generation for this, i blame idiots.

The riptides were all unpainted and unbased too. Not that it matters much, but it added insult to injury every time I removed one of my lovingly painted and detailed little men.

>riptide spam
>at 300 pts.
Is that even legal?

At least you stand corrected ?

Wow. Holy Shit. This is almost as fucked up as the soggy biscuit game.

Listen, the first rule of improv is: don't worry too much. Especially in Paranoia. So long as you don't just kill the other players for no reason, you're fine. You don't *have* to be funny, and trying to force yourself to be funny will backfire more often than not. Just roll with the group and do what comes naturally.

Try having a few drinks,paranoia is a game that benefits from being a little mentally loose.

The point of my post is that I completely missed the point of the game by focusing on going forward with the plot. The main goal of the game wasn't the plot, it was the interactions with other players. I spent 4 hours scratching my head in front of absurd puzzles, and being defensive in front of people jokingly poking me for fun. It was like I was 14 (i was 30 ffs), too afraid to lose muh character and playing like a sperg trying to follow a plot that wasn't really there ! I felt dumb. Mostly afterwards.

Meh. I just shut off my brain on alchohol. Every bit of imagination, gone. Maybe it could work for some people but I wouldn't recommend alcohol (or pot) during TTRPG.

That reminds me another terrible game

>Move in to a nice city
>No friends/players so I look for games at the local TTRPG association
>Find a game of Warhammer to warm up and make buddies
>Everyone is friendly, looks good
>Chill people (no minmaxing, some RP, some humour)
>First thing the GM steps down
>Says he's not prepared
>Another guy takes his place
>He'll improvise
>Rolls blunt
>Ayyy you're in a tavern
>Ayyy on your way you encounter goblins
>rolls another blunt
>Ayyy I don't remember the goblin stats
>At that point I'm just waiting politely
>Lemme take some notes
>Takes forever
>Gives up
>Call it a day at 11PM
>Never contacted them again

To be fair, that character idea is pretty fucking stupid.

>Join new group for Dark Heresy over Roll20
>DM is constantly drunk as shit, often passes out before session is over
>Has to be constantly brought up to speed because he was so drunk last session he doesn't remember any of it
>Has a DMPC who is the little sister of another DMPC of his
>Girl is a noble and DM acts as if this gives her the authority to do anything and commands PCs when he wants to railroad
>He's also altered the 40k setting in ways that suit him with little to no logic
>There is no Emperor and yet the Imperium and Inquisition still exist
>He's removed every race he doesn't like from the universe, iirc Orks were one of the races he removed

A game of Fiasco.
At heart, I'm a wargamer. I like the G more than the RP. I want to roll dice and shoot mooks.

Stuck in a carpool back from a con with three other guys, one of the guys in the rental car bought Fiasco and hyped everyone else up to play it on the ride home. I wasn't interested, but I couldn't really leave and I'd be a party-pooper if I was just sitting there ignoring everyone.

Of course, they skip over the War themed stuff, the police investigation stuff, the horror stuff... and they excitedly vote for the soap-opera style romance campaign.

Long story short, I don't have a positive perception of Fiasco, but I didn't look favourably on diceless systems from the get-go.

lmao like a hyena here

>All NPCs we interact with are DMPCs
>All of them are absolutely overpowered to heel and back
>All of them are snowflake mixes like a ghost who's also a baali, a mage, has three eyes, and the third eye is a gem of omniscience
>All of them act like bullies who keep treating us like garbage and doing anything that's not just bow down to them guarantees aggresive-passive bullshit
>At the end of the session GM berates us on how terrible our roleplaying was because we did not stick to the basic stereotype of the clan

That guy had some serious issues.

Early days for me with my 3rd Ed Grey Knights vs 4th Ed Eldar

He an Eldar gun line, including rangers in 2+ cover.

I had one landraider, so I had to foot slog my PA GK across an almost entirely open board. When I got there he had an Avatar mop what was left.

I managed to kill the rangers with incinerators and one of my few GK terminators left managed to kill a falcon in melee.


That sounds awful.

Yeah that's basically every V:tM game ever. That game's playerbase was the worst.

>Shadowrun 4E
>When the first session comes around only me, GM and one other person shows up.
>GM runs a mini session.
>Job is "get something from abandoned building"
>Second guy goes in via the back, I go in via the front.
>Time warp!
>Get send back into the past.
>Turns out that the building was a candy factory.
>Literally meet Willy Wonka and some children.
>My character gets mind controlled into reenacting charlie and the chocolate factory.
>Except the children actually die.
>GM says that the TN to break free is 4.
>Fail once, child dies
>Get 4 hits second time.
>GM declares that the TN goes up by one with every failure.
>Eventually the TN is just so high that I can't regain control
>It gets to the point where my character agrees to stay in the past.
>Gm tells me that he expected my character to have broken free a long time ago and just hands back agency to my character in order for him to escape back to the present.

No one showed up next session.

>Turns out that the building was a candy factory.
>Literally meet Willy Wonka and some children.

I mean I'm sure it was terrible but holy shit did that make me laugh

What goes through a dm's mind like this when players fail and fail again
They have to give up and concede the victory to PCs a'd nobody feels good. Wtf

The dozen or so attempts we've made at 3.PF over the decade(s)

More time was spent digging through books than actually playing, even at level three party balance was fucked, and monster CR is useless for building combat encounters. And the combat rules suck ass.

Maybe you would do better with FATE or GURPS.

And you never considered another system?

We play a range. 4e, M&M, OWoD, Savage Worlds, and Burning Wheel.

See We started with 2e, Traveler, and WoD, so when 3e turned out to be a mess, we went back to what we knew. Then we found Burning Wheel, which has been amazing.

The most recent experiment has been Savage Worlds, which has held true to it's promise of being fast, furious, and fun.


>Join rando game at uni
>Everybody is also a rando, first time we ever meet
>GM gives the date we begin, backstory on the setting and the books we need to make the characters
>We retreat into the darkness of our apartments and discuss the characters over skype
>Spent well over 40 hours in making the perfect party dynamic both mechanics and roleplaying wise
>First session comes
>First encounter is a gauntlet that is designed to kill us through attrition
>"Oh no, your characters died. Ah well, there's still session left and I have a few pre-gens ready so you can continue. Just read up on their personalities and backstory quick like and we can continue the game"
>Translated to normal English: I wanted you to play my characters in my campaign, but didn't have the balls to make a DMPC so I'd just rather kill your own characters in the first session so that you feel like it's convenient that I happen to have these characters ready were you to die.
>After reading the backstories, which were all carbon copies of Conan the Insert Class Name with no self-awareness we just nope out of there

At least I got myself a permanent group and the GM guy is decent enough when he isn't running the game, so there's that.

So did you start GMing then or? Re-used characters on the spot?

One of us started GMing a week or so later and we used the characters. The old GM wasn't a bad guy, so we at least gave the courtesy of an invite and haven't had to regret it so far.

>40 hours worth of character creation
What the fuck
>GM puts everyone in the trash day 1
What the fuck
>One-sided, overwhelming version of the story
Can't be true

That story didn't go down as I expected it would
Not in the slightest

>looking for games on Veeky Forums
It's almost like you want to commit suicide

Wouldn't know, never had a chance to actually play.



>Player J had used all his assets and background to be a demolishions expert. J had snuck out and used all his dynamite to blow up the car we arrived in.

>>DM is constantly drunk as shit, often passes out before session is over
>>Has to be constantly brought up to speed because he was so drunk last session he doesn't remember any of it

He needs to seek professional help for his alcohol addiction.


Worst game I ever was in was an internet pug game organised on Veeky Forums.
4 out of 6 people showed up. 1 never interacted. 2 of them just fucked around. For 2 people it was their first time.
I realised just how burnt out on gming I was and ended up phoning it in.
Called it early and abandoned any continuing ideas for future sessions.
Nobody enjoyed it at all.

I played in a bunch of games run by a guy called 'Chris'
We took it in turns to run. All of his games where FUCKIN HORRID
"Chris" you are a fucking piece of shit your games are a mix of MINMAX, all rulebooks and boring.
There is no difference if everyone has 18 in all their stats then if people have normal stats if you end up fighting monsters of the relative power levels.
Keep your magical reem bullshit away from me, you have shit taste in kink but I dont want to sit though anymore of your 35 year old kissless jobless loser games anymore.

Try again. It gets better.
He did this backwards. It should be easier to get out of it as time gos on.
Sometimes dice are just shit
What? Why? What happend after that? Did J get kicked out?
I feel sorry that you are playing 40k on your birthday
Did you pay to play?
I think its quite a cool concept. But really you should learn to play the game first and everyone should be on board with it. session 0 and all that. Play somthing normal for the first game dickhed
>50 year old gamer
>Pulled this shit all the time
>Would cheat on dice and items he had
>would put his dice away and sulk when things didnt go his way
> Table talked to him and he says he stop
>I left group because I dont have time for this shit
> later had a massive fight with table and left himself
> I already had a new group and was having fun
> Died of a heart attack after breaking up with the group he had played with for 20 years
> Died alone leaving his mother alone who had dementia

I'm the same way, but I'm not an alcoholic. I just need to drink heavily when I'm running a game, because it's like I'm up on stage with all these people watching me and judging my work and holy fuck they're going to think it's all stupid and lame I need to take the edge off somehow.


I have the exact same fears


The first game I ever GM'd online was also the worst game I ever had.

I had set up a pretty standard "you start in the local tavern, waiting for your contact" semi-sandbox situation with several potential plot-hooks dangling around for the players to do their thing, but they turned out to be a gormless bunch of do-nothings who expected to be herded from setpiece to setpiece, didn't even try to roleplay, and basically acted more like they were playing a video game than a roleplaying game.

Cured me right quick of the notion to play with strangers online.

good image

Several VtM games where the GM not only had npcs doing anything important, had a mixed Sabbat/Camarilla party, and refused to explain what he expected from the players.
Led to me creating repeated characters that were forced into situations they/I tried to avoid by GM fiat.
I abandoned the entire game line afterwards.

I dont really get what your saying
Explain/ Rant more

>roommate got promoted to manager of local hobby shop
>Into card and war games, but knew nothing of ttrpgs
>The shop owner wanted him to learn them to better talk to and sell to customers
>Asks to join one of my games so he can get experience
>I create a session just for him to learn, something easy
>Character wants to hire the party to find a way to kill him as he has been cursed with immortality
>If they can do it then he will grant them how immense wealth he accumulated over his years of life
>Session starts, everyone ready
>The players are in a tavern sitting down to eat
>Bartender comes over and asks if they want a beer
>Roommate just stares at me
>Bartender asks again
>Roommate just looks at me like I'm a moron
>Bartender gets confused and leaves
>NPC approaches and asks what they are doing in this quiet town
>Roommate stands up from table and says "wow, roleplaying is actually for losers, isn't it?"
>Walks away
>Everyone staring at me, I'm stunned and embarrassed
>Another player gets mad and asks what happens next
>I'm so flustered I don't know what to say
>She calls me a pussy and gets up to leave
>Everyone else just kind of leaves
>I look down at table, never before having felt like such a loser
>Feel so humiliated that I don't run another game for awhile

My roommate posted on Facebook the next day that he was recruiting players for a DnD game so he can learn, stressed it was RP light. I commented, "What does light mean to you? If there's any at all you'll just get up and walk away." He just responded, "Are you mad at me for some reason?"

I moved out a few months later because I disliked him, not only because of this event. It's been five years and I've never gone back to the only gaming store in town because of this.

>player agency meme
nice one m8y

jfc dude.

Shit sux, homie.

Your roomate sounds like a total chad bro, you should have aspired to be more like him instead of a basement dwelling neckbeard.

The loss of a "friend" like that is no loss at all.

We had the mixed party, which is a recipe for disaster at best.
I made characters that were not combat monsters for campaigns that were repeatedly combat heavy. Hell, my first pc was a old, rich Ventrue that was very get off mah lawn and I planned to work via cat's paws. I had to wade into battle myself, despite being a strong social pc, because Vampire, and all the money in the world couldn't get me mercenaries or even hire thugs to fight for me.
The next was an Assamite that was all about clan and his mission, which was ignored by the ST at every turn. His modus operandi was being quiet, stealthy, get in and out with minimal bloodshed or noise. Everyone else was blow it up, make a scene, the masquerade doesn't matter. The last was a True Brujah that I found out months in wasn't even fucking True Brujah because the ST pulled a fast one on me.
I was mad as fuck.

Why didn't you make a combat monster?

>Enabling the core highlight of these kinds of games is a meme meme

Nice meme

He certainly thought of himself as a Chad. He told me about the DnD game that he ended up in after my game. They were all playing level twelve adjusted minotaurs and the game started with a horde of ghouls attacking them. They killed the ghouls for four hours before stopping and then never playing again. He asked me why I didn't just do something like that to show him RPGs, as he thought it was a better example.

>Wargamer prefers RPG closer to wargames
In his defense, that -would- be more appropriate for his preferences than what you had.

I suppose, but when he approached me he asked for the full RPG experience. On my mind, that included any amount of roleplay at all.

Sounds like a typical FATAL experience.

Did you seriously never talk to him about this and rely exclusively on your own assumptions? As you revealed, to him "RP light" meant absolutely no RP whatsoever. You should have talked about that before you did any planning.

I didn't think the campaigns would be about that, and the ST never came out and said they would be, even when pressed.
My Assasmite was good at combat on his turns, but not huge combat scenes involving a few dozen cops and SWAT. My attempts to be stealthy were constantly undermined by the ST, to the point where when I failed a check to feed, my prey turned out to be a hunter than had a submachine gun in his coat and opened fire on me in the middle of a city street.

You're right, I didn't. But he had come up with a character game and backstory without prompting, so I figured I didn't need to talk to him about RP.