I'm sick of getting beat at this game. Give me the best strats, Veeky Forums

I'm sick of getting beat at this game. Give me the best strats, Veeky Forums.

>git gud XD

>1: Always aim to have a low-ish hand (6-7 cards max)
>2: Always choose high-yield locations
>3: Always target your opponents' high-yield locations with the Knight/Robber
>4: If you can't get as much in cities, get DEV CARDS.
>5: Longest Road first, and Largest Army second.
>6: Don't play Catan on a young woman's back.

If you're using the starter island from the rule book, Put one of your starting towns between the two sheep fields with the connection to the 2:1 sheep dock

: Don't play Catan on a young woman's back.
Why is this advice something you felt was worth mentioning ?

Do you even Catan, bro?

Do you catan?

How fucking new are you, sonny?

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also, you will be playing the road/settlement game, or the city/dev card game. if you need longest road, do not get stuck on one route, try for one on the edge of the board or through shitty hexes. your faggot friends will almost certainly shut you down when they see you going for longest road, so be as sneaky as possible
also, do not uderestimate the 3:1 port. it is suboptimal but will give you an edge over the other players if the dice are nice

Monopolise brick. It's scarce and everyone will always need it.

Failing that, find a 2:1 harbour and a good source of that resource.

Use Knight cards to extort other players: "if you don't give me some lumber for free, I'll rob you and lock off your best time to boot". ALWAYS follow through if they don't comply.

That story is so fucking surreal that every time I see it I have to ask myself whether or not it truly, actually fucking happened.

I've met people who have similar relationships. I play Magic with a guy who carries a riding crop with him everywhere he goes. Once his girlfriend called mid-game. He politely excused himself, then went to bathroom. He returned a few minutes looking flushed and sat down uncomfortably, as if his ass was tender.

What a fucking loser

>tfw all my players(inluding myself) would rather suffer the knight than pay tribute. Better being properly robbed than being cucked.

now that I think of it all games seem to revolve around not getting cucked. And what is getting cucked will apply to almost anyting negative that happens in the game.

You were building that road and got blocked? Guess what? you were roadcucked.

Someone outbid you on a trade? Tradecucked

Someone rolled a 7, you lost cards and he put the bull on your high yield stone? better believe thats a cuckening

All in all catan is a very fun game filled with laughter. We also play Risk but it is usually deemed as to intense and not at all relaxed like Catan.

I've had the pleasure of actual meeting such a type of person twice in my life. I was smart enough to keep away, but I can tell you they exist. I don't know how many there really are though.

Get wood

that is the most disgraceful thing I have ever heard

Proper resource positioning is more important than good numbers.

Try to cut off a section of the board from everyone else for your own expansion.

There is a limited amount of improvement from their starting ability that most players can make from merely reading advice, especially if they weren't able to progress on their own and thus had reached their unassisted limit.

Because of this, we should focus on the advice that will most help you at your given skill level (since the game and its most rpessing concerns are very different at these different levels). (Who knows, maybe you lose consistently because your friends are geniuses and savants rather than because you are bad).

How do you currently make decisions? What kinds of things do you notice your friends doing? In what manner are you losing these games?

Congratulations, you've just discovered what happens when you fuck up word usage so bad it hardly means anything anymore.

Experience beats skill 9 times out of 10.
Poker face, adapting to a different board every game, adapting to other players. Recognizing the best opportunity as it presents, you just got to practice. People who tell you to play one strategy or another get beat out more often then not by the others playing consciously adaptive.

>Experience beats skill 9 times out of 10.
Are you retarded? Experience can only help you if it garners you skills. All of the things you listed are skills.

Did you mean experience (skill) beats luck, or static uninspired strategies, or mathematical ability, or what?

Should have said talent not skill. Take a chill pill though

The problem is, talent scales with experience. Unless they have major learning or personality problems, someone who picks up the game faster in ever way is gonna scale better than someone who is naturally shit at the game.

I mean, you can still stomp inexperienced noobs and people who are naturally worse than you, but I imagine that OP wants more than that and good advice can go a long way with that kind of thing.

what you're saying is
>it's a bullying game
>easy strat: be the bully
>bad players will, like leaves in the fall, fall
>gud players will fite you, prepare to have them gang up on you
then it's all diplomacy to make a certain player a secondary target, or better yet make it look like they are the bully, and try and split their fire.

Depending on your current play style, it may be worth trying to hold back. When I first started I'd play very aggressively and always be in (theoretically) a very good position but never win, since people would see me as an obvious threat so I'd almost always have the robber somewhere I didn't want him.

So it could be worthwhile to limit your speed to about the same as everyone else, and simply try to spring ahead at the very end. Especially if you can finagle being able to grab longest road / largest army at the same time.

To this end, development cards can often be quite useful. They let you spend your resources on useful things, people tend not to see them as being super threatening, and I almost always manage to end up with at least one VP in hand that no one knows about.

On the other hand, if you're having the opposite problem, try to maximize your income. Put your settlements in spots that have a high chance of giving you resources, try to get 2:1 ports for resources you're going to have a lot of (or 3:1 ports otherwise), upgrade them when you can, and try to keep the robber away from you.

Why do people try to pigeonhole things into memes. Are you the "wow settlers is totally a cuck game of cucking" user from upthread?

this is great advice. try your best not to be the first player to 8 points, you get a target on your back. if at all possible, try to get your last 3 to 4 points in one turn

It really depends on the people you're playing with and how well you know them.

play something else