/bbg/ Blood Bowl General

Nurgle Edition


The rules that are being replaced on FUMBBL, the CRP (aka LRB6):

The new GW released 2016 edition books, including the Deathzones supplements: mega.nz/#F!uw4XiYxK!tboZyS7RM-rrPJ93nSAmSg

Stunty Leeg handbook:

Veeky Forums FUMBBL League group:

Veeky Forums Stunty Leeg group:

Veeky Forums Secret League group:

Veeky Forums Monkey League group:

Discord Server: discord.gg/3mpKZx2
FUMBBL IRC servers are dead. Go to the Discord instead.

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

fumbbl.com/help:Night GoblinT

First for Black Gobbo

Second for the secret league.

They have added new teams, some hilarious night goblins: fumbbl.com/help:Night GoblinT

And some insanely good elves of Avelorn: fumbbl.com/help:AvelornT



What's your opinion on these two teams, balance wise?

perfectly balanced and not tryhard at all.


They have a 58% and 55% win rate. The Nippon have nearly perfect postionals to do anything and the north team are a better Orc team.

I see. How'd they need to be changed to be balanced?

Warrior Monks strike me as kinda bad so I'm actually surprised. The Oni did get toned down a little (he was insane before) but is probably still too good.

I just want to convert my human team to Nipponiggers but I guess I could just play one of the human teams.

>fighting mixed team as goblins
>has gutter runners, chaos dorf, two ogres, hobgoblins
>getting rekt and all going wrong
>actually start winning bash war
>troll dies to block
>apoc saves him
>his last turn
>rock kills troll
>regen saves him

I love how tough trolls are. Just wish my minotaurs were the same.

Id suggest just use the normal human rules. Theyre fun as well in their own way and are fine to play as.

Remember that win-rates in secret league are a little skewed as most of the 70+ teams aren't that good.

Both would be tier 1 (50% to 55%) in standard Blood Bowl. Remember that in Blood Bowl theme comes first and balance second, some teams are better than others.

I was about to mention that, but they are top tier teams, if anything (Although secret league apparently has a Tier 0 with 60% and higher).

I guess asking the people around me is the easiest solution. Personally I think Nippon is fine, Northern needs a small tone down.

Northern? They have the lower win rate. Yes the Oni is a beast but it's still an unreliable Big Guy and the Sumo is slow, unagile and easier to remove than a Black Orc. No one on the team has access to agility on a normal and starts with no ball handling skills.

Two Elves with 8 MA and AV elf and stand firm, four Elves with catch and pass.

The Elfiest team that ever existed.

>av elf

S-seven? AV Elf is the same as av7, right?

Oh, uhh... About that...


So how many miniatures do i need to to have a complete chaos pact team?
With 6 humans is enough or do I need 8 ~ 10?

3 big guys plus 4 positions would mean a minimum of 4 and a max of 9 addind more if you want ti skip out on certain pieces.

>in bb2 beta matchmaker with chaos
>havent touched since last beta
>run into mixed team 2000+ tv
>4 mummies, 2 golems, 2 wights, 2 ghouls and wolf
>even more in reserve including vamp
>but no skills
>all but 2 of his players are up and I rob the ball on his offense by turn 6
>mfw he concedes

God I love Chaos

It will be much more annoying with the teams that have block and dodge everywhere and ball skills.

Break their backs.


How to fix the "throws a rock" and "riot" events: both teams are given the chance to replace the affected player(s) with substitutes before play begins

just make it not affected by fan factor desu. getting your team stunned on 4+ just cause you rolled low on fans is not fun

I wish humans had an agi 4 positional.

humans are already a good team when you develop them up to high tv though

just roll 11

Or in BB2 take the stadium upgrade that cancels both those events.

Meanwhile, in Fumbbl secret league: fumbbl.com/help:EstaliaT

nah, there's nothing special about them at all
if you develop a high TV team out of something that has better starting skills you end up having a better side than humans by default

Good is a strong wprd

Looks like a Chaos Dwarf Kickstarter will be going up on the 29th. Slim Dwarfs.

And a bull and Hobgoblin.

I wish Catchers weren't Strength 2

Tomb Wingdings vs proofless failures'

speed finals


I really want to play this game but I can't even afford to keep up with my other titles.

Thank you for your post, we will keep it in mind.

Literally free Java version

It keeps glitching out and going weird, can't use it for long.

it really wouldn't take much of an edit for this MTG card art (fatal push) to be about a high elf being pushed out of the field into the fans

What happened to your teams user?

I've had 3 games ruined by riots
havent got a dead star from a rock yet though

Bull looks pretty good, how much are they?

Is your social life as dead as your game? Are you bored out of your mind? Do you, too, want to complain about GW or anything else*? Why not join this Discord centered around mini gaming. discord.gg/GBcypkT


We already have a discord full of autists

TV 1100 Undead team, do you go with the 4 ghouls 12 mans build or the 3 ghouls 13 mans build?

>first game of the new season at lgs
>Playing Orks. Haven't played bashy before and felt it was a good place to start
>Opponent's first actual game other than scrums with a friend.
>Rock gets rolled on beginning kick-off
>Smacks my troll.
>Dead as fuck
>"Oh man. Good thing I have regen."
>fail the roll.

That's what you get for taking a troll.

You are in a bar and this guy pows your GF's ass. What do you do?

Roll armour.

3 ghouls imo. you want as few ghouls as possible on undead until they are developed because they are so vulnerable. fielding 4 av7 non regen players is asking for trouble

A 1100 tv team is a regen format team where you get your whole team back after each game and no one develops...

Why the fuck are you playing in that?

Absolutely Not vs Boulderfoot's Bullymob


Veeky Forums Secret League
Absolutely Not vs Boulderfoot's Bullymob


Why am I playing a NAF res tournament?

Yes. That is as boring as playing Khemri in the rain.


Just waiting for death zone season 3 or legendary edition.



Okay, have a pitch invasion.

changing weather is the worst kickoff result in the game. all the weathers other than perfect are actually fun to play with and create unique challenges, having it change from a blizzard to perfect weather half the time isn't very fun . prove me wrong

Sweltering heat is terrible. Just awful. You could potentially have 3/4 of your lineup offed for no reason at all. Worst weather. Very sunny just means you run with the ball, nothing major. Snow only means being careful with GFI.

Blitz is the worst.


I miss Black Gobbo.
Black Gobbo would have some goddamn sweet BB hobby articles.

thread is kill

Bump with Minotaur

Anyone here have the weather tables for all the new pitches?


There's also the stadium rules in deathzone 2.

So when's season 9?


Oh, it has the new teams listed as well but not the rules for em. Got them as well?


still dead

I will make a new main league on Friday. By declaring this Mauled will show up on Thursday.

Just start Monkey league already

Any tips for playing against Orcs? All of the orc players ended up conceding or were not on my schedual so I don't have a lot of exp dealing with a higher TV team. The league I'm in skews agi. My lizards are at 1590 and he should be at arround 1800

Unless your Skinks are bloated, at that TV your Saurus should have a decent amount of levels. What it'll come down to is whose side has more Guard. If it's him, he'll be able to overcome the disadvantage in S4 pieces and you'll be in for a rough match. If you're able to cut anything before your match, you're just 40k short (assuming he's exactly 1800) of being able to bring Slibli, who is a great Lizardmen star and has Guard to boot.

So I have block on all of my Saurii (?), only one has gaurd and I had to rehire my Krox at the begining of the season because he did not have block.
I think his TV is higher than that and my home stadium gives both players cheaper Stars so Slibli may be in my future

>rehiring krox

That's a pretty dramatic move to take, you probably saw written advice to do so but it's honestly meant to be taken in the context of an open ladder league. I'd really only think about doing it in a shorter league if i already had a really well developed team.

Well it enabled me to rehire my saurus who all had block by then and I got my skilled skinks back and 3 RRs so it wasn't so bad. Its been 3 games without him leveling up so that is irritating.

I am pretty new to the game so maybe I acted rashly

Ah, right, hadn't considered the thought that you were playing with the roster drafting. Dropping krox in favor of rehired skilled Saurus was probably the right move, then.


Nah new rule is start talking about prostate orgasms and Mauled will show up.





>ogres are the worst team in the game

yeah i mean they can win games if you're against av7 and they base you constantly

Anyone made some models for the new star players in death zone season two?

Picture included are the only ones I could find, which are all for Underworld from Gaspez Games.

Any blood bowl stuff in white dwarf September?

There's been minis for guffle pusmaw and the swift twins in kickstarters, but I can't remember which ones exactly.
There's a third party grak and crumbleberry somewhere too.

Found the guffle + grak/crumbleberry
kikestarter /projects/willy-miniatures/chaos-pact-fantasy-football-team-by-willy-miniatur

And the twins were in

What else should go on your typical bingo card? Placements aren't final.

Noted, thanks!

>AV7 out bashes AV9 team
stop playing lizardmen
