Horus Heresy 30k General /hhg/

Seriously how hard is it to keep a general going edition

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>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (not updated since January 2016)

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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll


>Crimson King

>NEW Mega Folder

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How good are the sons of horus reavers?


>how hard is it to keep a general going
Sticking with 7th was totally the right call, guys! People will flock in here in droves!

Now excuse us while we milk Bligh's death for the next ten years and delay angelus to 2032

So, what are you guys working on, if anything? Had my cast taken off and continued painting this fucker here. Finger is still stiff, but it's good to actually do something again.

I need 4 square feet of 2mm plasticard to do my armies on parade board, on top of getting this slab of wood cut and figuring out how to shape the granite columns.

>NEW Mega Folder

I didn't realize people were still linking my mega. I'll update some stuff on it now

Outside of a few specific builds, they are just worse Veterans.
Jump Packs and Chainaxes should be default kit. Big squads ideal, combi-plas optional.
Everything else can be done better by Vets.

>how hard is it to keep a general going edition

All you gotta do is wait for someone to snap and do it.

Are CCWs worth it on a support squad?

Y'know, as shitty as it feels to be stuck in delay hell as a DA player, I can't imagine how much it sucks for the White Scar players. When do you think the siege of terra will happen? 2050?

Anyway I'm thinking of getting my first superheavy soon, what would you guys recommend? I've heard the mastodon is shit, are the Fellblade/Glaive/Falchion any good? What about the superheavy fliers?
Or should I just say fuck it and buy a knight

Typhon is very solid and neither Fellblade nor Cerberus are half bad. You can mostly bin the rest, especially the flyers.

Now done converting 12/20 of my Adsecularis, now entirely out of Kata Claws. Decided to chop the front bits off the Torsion Cannon and make them into paired punchy fists for another three, then I'm pretty much out of ideas since my attempt at turning the tzeench glaives into shocky staves looks lame as all hell.

Will probably just buy some Thunder Hammers and such off Ebay.

>Seriously how hard is it to keep a general going edition
Very, judging by how back this one already was.

>B-but muh sooperior perfect wargame for grown ups!"

Staying in 7th was the worst and maybe last mistake of 30k.

We still haven't gotten the Custodes flyer's rules yet, there could very well be more mistakes for HH

That's pretty cool. I like the FW Custodes vehicles, but I totally understanding wanting to go old school.

One more mini-Contemptor to go (AL) and then I'll move on to 28mm projects. I've been bringing too much work home to really get anywhere.

Imperial Fist terminators at the moment, but I have a reallly slow work pace. I'll likely only have a proper army by the time Angelus comes out.

If it's a 10-man unit with short-ranged weapons, then yes because they're certain to get charged.

>I can't imagine how much it sucks for the White Scar players.
We have rules and they're pretty good (though they aren't the most clearly written...). I wouldn't even mind, if we could just get a decal sheet and some unhelmeted heads. The only 3rd-party Mongol-looking heads I know of in 28mm Heroic scale are Chapterhouse's, and they're not great.

I've only started, but the release of the Sicaran Arcus has me wondering if I should change my list. I was planning on a heavy support squad with missile launchers because that was the only way to get anti-air if you don't want dreads or flyers. (Flyers are normally fluffy for WS, but I want a long-distance interdiction force that can't bring airfields along with it. Also, the Whirldwind Hyperios was an option... but it sucks.) So maybe I get the Arcus, get my missile launchers by taking Javelins... but I still need anti-AV14 and I'm not sure where to get it.

Praevian with Castellax with darkfire cannons and Tank Hunter? With Chogorian Brotherhood he'd get Outflank, and I think he'd confer it to the robots. They're S7 lance before Tank Hunter. Lascannon Javelins don't seem that great.

>Seriously how hard is it to keep a general going edition
We cleared 340 replies in the last thread; it's not like it fell off page 10 or anything.

8th edition has hit HH hard though. I remember when HHG was more active than /40kg/, round January or so.

Dank Angels when

Anyone know if this game has a community in Oklahoma City? I posted here before about starting Mechanicum, hopefully I can get the book soon and figure out what I want.

I actually just started up my Epic army, just doing infantry and vehicles because Titans will be way out of scale with the upcoming ones. I miss tiny mans so much, bring them back FW.

It shits me to tears that so many posts in HHG are just moans that HHG isn't more active. Contribute something and maybe it would be less of an issue.

I'm not but I thought the Cerberus was trash compared to other superheavies?

The Typhon Siege tank is my favourite model, it's a fucking beast.

Sounds dumb, but as WS why not just out-maneuver any AV14 pieces and laregly ignore them?

You're best off posting on the podcasts' Facebook pages. Radio Free Isstvan maybe since they're in the US, or the Eye of Horus because they have a larger group. Just ask about "dudes looking for dudes."

>Sounds dumb, but as WS why not just out-maneuver any AV14 pieces and laregly ignore them?
We don't always get first turn! But yeah, maybe with enough meltabombs on bikes I don't need lascannons.

Nice, what figures are you using? It's a great set of rules, even if the game's unsupported.

Working on some Fists since the Custodes are pretty much done for a while

>if we could just get a decal sheet and some unhelmeted heads

This is all I need.

Working on some Medusas/Basalisks for my SA.

When would one ever take Basalisks over Medusas, realistically? Am I wasting my time magnetising them?

Oh cool, thanks phone, appreciate the auto orientation.

I was thinking about using that kit for my Ordo Reductor Artillery given I've just used all my bitz on Adsecularis and thus can't really do the "Shorten barrel, mod to be Genetor-themed, remove eagles, add Servitor loading crew" thing I was previously planning on with the GW Basilisks without burning enough money that Forge World would probably be cheaper.

How's the kit to build? Any irritating aquilas plastered everywhere like on the plastic versions?

Christmas 2018

You're that only other Kiwi 30k player right? You might motivate me to work on this gargantuan pile of resin and plastic I have.

What's on the to-do list bro?

6 Boxes of Betrayal at Calth
2 Boxes of Burning of Prospero
120 Resin Mk IV marines
30 Resin Mk III marines
30 Resin Mk II Marines
3 Resin Contemptors
2 Apothecaries
Mk IV Captain and Standard bearer
Legion Champion and Master of Signals
Every single Primarch and Character model ever released.

Pic is literally just 80 of the MK IV Marines I've been cleaning and prepping for building.

Is tallarn book out and if so where do I find it?

Holy shit mane. That's not a to-do list, that's a straight up burden. or a small business.

What legion do you collect? What's the plan with all this resin and plastic crack?

I feel like /HHG/ needs to collectively come together and hold an intervention, because this is beyond excessive.

That's not even all the models I own. Pic related is about a quarter of the complete total including some random non-wargaming models.

And the HHG discord have been trying to intervene for ages. But with no Kiwis on there, it's not like they can do much.

I fucking feel this.

IF player here and I have 120 models to paint. Godspeed man

No aquillas whatsoever. It's an alright kit to build. Mine were a little finicky because they're all resin (thanks, Communists!) and the hull required some shaving and patience to fully assemble correctly

Skip everything but chainaxes and bring a ton of them. They also only work in a meta that has committed to no combi-weapon Veterans. Long March at least makes them sort of fast, but it's pretty obvious that The Black Reaving was written when 5th edition was still a thing and Fleet from board edges would've been really good.

*Potential* new player here. Been wanting to do an Emperor's Children force for a while. I've heard they are very dependent on timing and positioning but are gods at close combat. Can anyone give me some good advice about playing them?

Also, thinking about running Eidolon instead of Fulgrim.

Plan on losing whichever combat you don't win in the first turn. Fearless granting models are your worst enemy.

The good thing about the EC is that they are extremely mobile. Essentially every dedicated EC melee unit should be a pocket battleship, able to outfight everything it can't outrun and outrun everything it can't outfight. When I play EC I tend to have general unit types.
>Line Units
Big units like assault blobs that can sit there and hold the line, I keep them cheap and if I use power weapons they are generally fists or axes to give me the ability to kill 2+ models especially in prolonged battles.
>Shock Units
Mobile hard hitting units designed to essentially wipe out anything they charge the turn they charge. They shouldn't charge fearless units, primarchs, or multi-wound terminators, but pretty much anything else is game. The prototypical example is palatine blades with jump packs and several phoenix spears and sonic shriekers, although regular assault marines, bikers, or anything that can deepstrike also works.
>Fire Support Units
Essentially big tanks, artillery, massed flyers, dreadnought talons, anything that can dump out enough fire to actually scare the big guys who you don't want to attack with your shock units.

So line units hold home objectives and later push forwards to capture other objectives, shock units exterminate enemy troops and light elites, opening the way for the line units to push forwards, while the fire support units weaken the hardest enemy units before I move in for the kill. Generally the only thing you can't rape in melee is a death star which you should be able to weaken enough that in late game you can charge it with multiple units and finish it off. Feels very EC and works great with Maru Skara where I can drop all my shock units in the enemy's backfield turn 2.

r8, h8, post your m8s

Looks like a decent start, looking forward to the end result
>new helmet, phone camera, and ghetto hurricane lighting

Just finished my first full IF Vet Squad.

>horus heresy general
>posts horus
you madman

Dude, they look great.

I know this isn't /WIP/ but if you were to give those boys a light wash with whatever Devlan Mud is called these days then they'd look even better. It automatically adds another layer of depth to them. Just a stranger's two cents.

Spent five minutes looking through my fuckhuge inspiration folder for an IF model with a good, subtle wash highlighting the result, but this is the best example I could find.

Bro, where do you live? I'll come and help you smash this shit out

Hell yeah! I'm thinking of giving them a 3:1 Water-Agrax Earthshade wash and then sealing them. Might do that for every model since everything is weathered.

I love that DG though, got-dayum

North of Auckland. As far as I know you are the only other 30k player in the whole country. It's the chief reason I've never bothered building anything. Why make an army when there is no-one to play anywhere nearby? So I just buy and buy until I can field about 5 armies on my own.

Didn't the Eye of Horus podcast talk about a NZ event a week or two ago? Siege of Orbis Commercium, I think.

hey, i may have not assembled 90% of my shit but i sort of count as a player. fucked if i'm going back to 40k til the cancer of eighth is cut out.

Progress on the XXth Epic-scale Contemptor.

You could be like me who built the 30k force and is incorporating it as best as possible to work with 40k.

8th has its merits and great moments but 7th feels much more like a wargame

If they did, then there's no players anywhere nearby. They're probably all in Wellington.

Looking good. Pinwash the recesses with a brown wash and you're golden.

I see the XX legion have began the shrinking dreadnought tactic, to ease infiltration. Clever.

Mate, get on Facebook and search for Heresy New Zealand, or 30k New Zealand. You'll find that there's literally dozens of us!

>Vet Squad
>no veteran crosses
>sergeant has no stripes
Explain yourself.

Probably not.

> Meltaguns
CCWs won't help you fight tanks.
> Plasma Guns
Rapid Fire precludes charging
> Volkite Caliver
> Rotor Cannon
If you're using Rotor Cannons, you are looking to optimise
> Flamers, Volkite Chargers
Potentially useful for a gun'n'charge attack. However, you'd best be sure that you kill the target because you don't want your expensive fire support squad to spend your shooting phase locked in combat.

What about what said about using them defensively when you get charged yourself. Meltas, rapid-fire plasmas, flamers, etc. put you dangerously close to the enemy to receive a charge from them.

If your tacsup squad will get charged by anything with even a little bite it's going to get its shit kicked in anyway, CCWs or not.

>All that and having to pay the Sheep Markup

Are... are you some kind of CEO or something? Do you just straight up steal this shit?

He's an oil baron or something apparently.

Been casually reading about the Byzantine Empire, and I found a little bit about cavalry that were basically heavier Cataphracts, the Klibanophoroi.
What the hell would a Heavy Custodes Jetbike look like, considering we already have loads of different skimmers?
I'm kind of tempted to make a Custodes force now, but going max jetbikes and skimmers is megacheese and I'd have to find Cawl to lead them, wherever he is in the 32nd millennium.

WIPs on the Calth characters. Mostly done, but I pretty much never use them because of Maloghurst.

I see Sons of Horus in all shades of green. My attempt at Duncan's tutorial is darker than that one, and I've seen ones blended but overall lighter than yours. I could see someone just doing lightish ones, giving the sarges/HQs a swappable shoulderpad magnet and use them as both SoH and Salamanders.

Miniwargaming's Dave did that

I mean you know you'll never finish this right?

SoH have the most diverse range of schemes I've seen. Everything from sea-green to ghostly green, metallic sheens, and they all look incredible.
Trying to get Raven Guard that look a bit more exciting than the standard. How would people go about a Cerberus-style scheme?
Just a lot of freehand, but I've never seen any Marines in this kind of scheme.

So you're saying that's either Dave, or someone trying to pass off his models as theirs?

As with Iron Warriors, you can compensate for weak-ish rules with good RoWs and excellent (if pricey) unique units. Depending on how fluffy you want your army to be, and whether or not you can be arsed to make up an explanation for it, ALWAYS take sonic shriekers when you can. They're great at equalising things, especially on Palatine Blades or (with the 3rd Company Elite RoW) pretty much everything. If you use that RoW, consider taking tooled-up Veterans with Weaponmasters instead, since they're more flexible, cost less and are as flexible unless you buy jump packs.

Kakophoni are iffy as HS but fantastic as troops.

I like it. I've seen a few cool Raven Guard armies, actually. Couple just the basic black, but one guy somehow managed to get a metallic sheen on his edge highlights so they looked like actual bird feathers. Man that looked sexy, I'd use it to do a Gore Crows Titan if I had one and could figure out how the hell he did it.

As for yours, might be a pain in the ass working out how to divide up the armour panels, but I can see it looking good.

Dark sea green and black is sexy.

>SoH have the most diverse range of schemes I've seen.
[Alpha Legion meme]

Since we're posting models:

I'm pretty damn sick of seeing metallic Alpha Legion everywhere, and while I adore the teal non-metallic AL you see sometimes I don't have the colours right now - maybe a few units in the future. In the meantime, what do you think of my quick-n-dirty power armour? I haven't done anything even touching details yet, but I wanted to catch that blue-shifting-into-green look they used to have in some artwork.

Basically basepainted Kantor Blue, variously drybrushed Warboss Green, washed with some old (and possibly diluted??) Thraka Green I had lying about. They're greener IRL though, sneaky bastards.


>I'm pretty damn sick of seeing metallic Alpha Legion everywhere
Have some more! Less real and more like the color plates in book 3.

I feel ya, I'm working on a blue and silver trim AL scheme right now. Caledor Sky basecoat. It might go to shit, but it's just a test for now.

I'm also working on an Alpharius kitbash.

>dark blue bolters

Fucking disgusting.

I always equip my flamer squad with extra CCW, it's dumb how many dice I get to roll with one of those fuckin units.

Get Malcador's m8, shit's so under the radar I've only seen one other person field them and it wasn't in person. Great for Ironing list.

Typhon, Malcador, or a Knight Crusader are amazing choices all around.

Malcadors. Nothing beats the cheese of moving, shooting, then turbo boosting into cover or getting proper faving with a flare shield. I think running any under 3k points is cheesy

Anyone have the Rogal Dorn meme? The eviscerator?


>tfw no silent sister biological sister

Yeah, flamer squad is a given. Who would you come to a slapping distance of the enemy with an Assault weapon and not slap their shit?

Will FW ever give us puff sleeved carapace for recce squads?

Thanks guys, I'll look into the Typhon. I was planning on getting some Vindicators anyhow to pack some punch for my Ironwing list.

Any suggestions on what types of Malcador work well? The Annihilator looks pretty good in comparison, but that's just from a glance.

Never knew I wanted this until now

Kit them to fit your list m8. The demolisher cannon is to good to pass up for my taste. A super heavy spitting out our plates during a drive by is always fun. Had good experiences with full lascannons but it's hard for it to earn it's points back. Sometimes I mix up the armaments and have all of them multi threat if I don't expect to use the battle speed.

Anybody from Canada have any experience ordering from this chinese dude here?


Do you have any experiences importing this shit? Import taxes? Other fees?

I believe in you, user. Just today I finally finished the last squad in my "whoops, I bought too much at once" Alpha Legion with attached knight house.

How much of a pain are fellblades and fire raptors to assemble ? I'm willing to buy some, but if both are shit to assemble I might reconsider

Hrud are scarier than daemons desu.

only pain in the ass about the fellblades is that the tracks don't always seem to fit right, and the side-panels may need some heat treating and bending to get them to fit correct.

Fire Raptor was a huge pain in my ass, but it was also my first experience building a large FW model, so I did not know to keep an eye out for warped pieces and gaps until it was too late. Once again, be prepared for major structural parts to be bent out of shape. The front and wings are taken from the storm raven kit so at least those will be a-ok.

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