MTG Ixalan Spoilers: Party Edition

WB Vamps, partying it up

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>what if we made Goblin Guide but better?
>lol why not, fuck red players

Is this bait?

Goblin Guide has haste and doesn't fetch a land into play. It just has the potential to put one in hand.

Of the two Guide seems like the generally better option as it's got a lot less downside.

More like a shitty Wild Nacatl than a better Goblin Guide. Goblin Guide only puts the land in their hand, it doesn't ramp them like this card. Goblin Guide also offers information about your opponent's top deck. Haste is the primary reason people care about Guide though. Guide has done 4 damage on turn 2 while this guy has only done 3 and put your opponents ahead of you on the curve. Bad card that won't even see Standard play.

That's not better than goblin guide m8

Ixalan is another argument in favor of Edgar being the best C17 commander

We'll have to see some actual good vampires for that to be the case. The white rare one is fringe playable, but I'm not sure a way shittier Sun Titan is what the vampire tribal deck needed.

Would this be overextending with OP's card?

I mean, if you're playing tokens overextending is the name of the game. Gotta go wide to get fed.

That's when you shit your hand onto the board And play into your opponent's wrath.
This is curving beautifully into a spell for max value.
I mean if you played something on turns 1, 2, and 3 as well and they have yet to respond properly then you're probably overextending and will eat an Hour of Devestation.

>Bloodcrazed Paladin
>Bishop of Rebirth (as a "better" Sun Titan since it is a vampire)
>Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
Are all good to great depending on your strategy
And if you go full tokens/anthems, the sorcery OP posted is pretty good
I'm pretty sure we'll also get playable common/uncommon vampires

Imma need this too, huh?

Is that even a thing in standard?

No but we're talking about EDH so Standard doesn't matter

>fetch a land into play

in legacy?


>staple shit red mythic

While it is true that many decks play 0 basic lands in legacy there are still quite a few that do run some. Mono-colored decks are a thing. Also sometimes a tri color deck will run one of each basic to fetch out in response to a blood moon coming down.

The dryad is just flat out not good.

>>casting this ever when Sram's Expertise is still in rotation

To be fair, one's a rare and one's an uncommon. Should be a nice card in limited if there's any anthem or team pump effects.

lol an exerted glorybringer on every turn

this is exactly what we needed

I don't play legacy, but I wonder how well that would work in nic fit, since you are already giving your opponent their trivial amount of basic lands as part of your ramping strategy.


It's just too unique of a design to be rare user :^)

What the fuck is that little blue and white monkey thing in the corner? Is that what an Ixalan goblin looks like?

>5/5 trample for four MAYBE
Could have been an uncommon, the effevt isnt even complicated. I want to build tribal Pirate EDH but too many of the pirates suck.

Its a black man.

>lol an exerted glorybringer on every turn
>this is exactly what we needed

please learn the rules of Magic The Gathering.

Literally everything about what you posted is wrong.

I'd rather have garbage unplayables at mythic than have to buy a staple playset for Standard.

>plays standard
Everyone, point and laugh.

Do you live in a glass house?

Yes. And nic fit is deck tat resolves OG bolas and straight up can mancast titans.
why the fuck do they want to play a 3/3 for 1 that doesnt help you survive better than just tragic slip?

>People complain when the mythics are good
>People complain when the mythics are bad

Might as well just do whatever then.

>$20 standard mythic
>cant afford it

>being bad at money managment

This isnt just bad, this isnt even fun or different or in anyway 'mythic' feeling. Its worse than many uncommons. And for a 'new' tribe its even worse.

>This isnt just bad

You're right, it isn't bad. It's a 4 mana 3/3 with trample that draws cards in red.

Nic fit is ramp, not aggro. They have no need for a low curve beater

>draws a random card and you discard two other random cards
>trample mattering on a 3/3 for 4CMC

If itbwere common, amazing.
If it was uncommon, it would be great.
If it was rare, bulk and ok draft pick
At mythic its not even EDH fodder, and completely unplayable.

I wouldn't be surprised if this were another Archangel's Light where Design turned in some crazy card and then Development butchered it.

Probably, but I hate the idea of that. Even just having it be base power 5/5 wouldnt make it terribly strong. Hell, slap legendary and up the cost if you need to. Just dont make unplayable cards.

fits right in with landfall decks. Mite be nice.

I don't think giving a land to your opponents only triggers landfall

Wow, I misread it. Okay, yeah, ignore that then.

well goblin guide is stronger in red than in green as red is the best rush color with reach to end games.

Goblin guide draws(card disadvantage). dryad puts the land on the battlefield.IT RAMPS and is card disadvantage.AND IT MANA FIX TOO.

Goblin guide only has 1/3 chance of drawing each attack, dryad can only do it once but it does it immediately and 100% of times.

Giving the opponent land with goblin guide has consequences only later into the game when the opponent would have emptied his hand from lands (which happens usually on turn 4-5), Dryad played on turn 1 timewalks your opponent, putting him closer to a removal or good blocker.

you are 99% getting 2 damage out of GG, but the chance of your dryad walking the plank or getting a fat dinosaur in her way before even attacking once it's way bigger than 1%.

Just supress the mythic rarity and all will be good.

>is card disadvantage
no, if you nd your opponent have 3 spells in hand and exchange them 1 for 1 you still end them together. Ramping is not card advantage.(unless you play with land destruction of course, but that's a specific scenario)

So is the Mechanized Production, Treasure enchantment win-con gonna be an actual thing?

Certainly going to be a fun backup wincon for my Pirates Commander deck.

It's not the most wrong thing to think you can copy glorybringer and exert it. Presumably he's thinking you exert one, then next turn exert the other, next turn the original untaps and you can exert it again, etc.

Would work if it changed at beginning of combat, but not on attack.

Id rather another archangels light over another skullclamp really. Besides it isnt the worst, its totally playable in draft at 4 mana and it wont be a chase mythic. Youll be upset about an unplayable mythic until next spoiler season, but youll be upset about bonkers broken shit like clamp or tolaria academy or jtms until it rotates and then a while after.

So I've been thinking about the whole Treasure, Mechanized Production, Revel in Riches deck. It should work quite nicely along with cards like Marionette Master, etc. Think about it, with Marionette Master out, you just sack 5 Treasure Tokens, and win. You have 3 different win-cons in the deck, and they all revolve around pukeing out ramp tokens.

Maybe even jam in white for pic related.

Better or Worse? I'd say Old-Growth Dryads is worse because at least with the Elephant, you're only hurting your own manabase (rather than helping your opponent) which can be mitigated by running a lower curve.

>three 1/1 vampires
>anointed procession makes that six

Straight into edgar you go.

Depends. Dryads might have some use if your opponent doesn't run basic lands (Which a good chunk of decks do in some formats) but won't ever be maindeck material.

On the other hand: Since dryads are non-optional they get fucking hilarious if the other guy can flicker your stuff.

Every time you cast a Merfolk spell create a 1/1 Merfolk creature token with hexproof

I'm always annoyed to see hexproof creatures. I think it dumbs down the game considerably.

It's questionable if Merfolk really needs this, as it already is a pretty tight package with its lords. mono blue aggro coming back?

Legacy folk? no.
They will use the new legendary as it is good!kira with all the dexay running around.

What would you even drop for this in mordern? The deck is super fucking tight.

>3 mana do nothing unless you cast another merfolk
>Aether vial doesn't cast
There's no reason at all to run it

Maybe Standard BUG Merfolks or smth?

>there is just one people, and they all have the same opinion

I don't understand the 3rd ability

Fact or get FUCKED

I prefer when mythics are bad and the rest of the set is good.

I want bad but fun mythics, not bad but slighly better than vanilla mythics

>rule wise
All Planeswalkers are now Legendaries because of rules changes, so you can have this Jace and Jace Beleren out at the same time. The third ability gives you 3 Jace, Cunning Castaways and two aren't legendaries.
>fluff wise
Jace is making illusions of himself because this is an illusion-y Jace.

Might have a place in my casual Millfolk deck making blockers and millers, but I don't see it speeding up competitive Merfolk decks.

Also, hexproof tokens and a lord that makes merfolk hard to target? That seems dumb if merfolk tokens are a regular thing in this set.

And into my Korlash deck you guy.

I agree with you, but I'd prefer either build around mythics, or cards I can just happily ignore.

Nobody said that.

How R&D sees it:
>2RR for a 5/5 trampler that draws you 3 cards

It's just like back in Kamigawa when creatures with Bushido were costed as if they always had that bonus.

Is this rule change to be effective when Ixalan is fully released?

>coming back
>implying blue hasn't had the best aggro since prowess was invented

I still see him wearing a single strap overalls.

The best prowess creature is red

>All Planeswalkers are now Legendaries because of rules changes, so you can have this Jace and Jace Beleren out at the same time.
I'd complain that this doesn't make sense, since you're not making a copy of a planeswalker when you summon them. You're calling that character for help.

However, since the last change to the legendary/uniqueness rule where both players can have the same legend/walker out, they already destroyed that illusion a while ago, and are just further muddying their flavor. So who gives a fuck if between both players, there are five Jaces on the board?

You're right, who gives a fuck? Unless you're one of the minority who roleplays as an all-powerful wizard while playing a card game, gameplay trumps flavor on the game table.

shouldn't you be trying to maximize both? The Fantasy of it is as interesting as the mechanics them selves.

How would you maximize both in this instance?

>shouldn't you be trying to maximize both?
Yes, but gameplay needs trump flavor 99% of the time

You could say something like, some of them are illusions, play a planeswalker isn't really summoning them, rather they are lending you a few helpful abilities (like self enchantment?). There are plenty of ways to explain things if you care enough about it.

I saw a good video recently by Lindybeige i think. To make a comparison, seeing someone doing a handstand isn't all that exciting, but seeing someone do a handstand as part of an act (like serving drinks with his feet) on the other hand, is. Neither should trump the other, It's the symbiosis that makes thing most interesting.

we have always watching but it's going away

but id rather there were no handstands and the drink was served w his hands

i don't think you can erase handstands as long as there are either hands or stands.

but... i don't need this in my BUG reanimator deck at all. I need more things to reanimate, not ways of doing it. Shame part the waterveil will rotate.

just reanimate dread cacodemon and act very confused

This is any graveyard, btw

Rip Part the Waterveil. The only card that made a Metallurgic Summonings deck somewhat viable.

Just something for G/W Hatebears to mess around with

elephant's better

You can compensate for land loss in green. Pretty much the entire point of old stompy.

I like to imagine that the player has their unique universe to pull legends out of, so my "Jace" can fight your "Jace".

What about making your Jace and their Jace make out?

Wizards needs to make more hot makeout session cards

There's always the new un-set.

7 Minutes of Heaven

Exile two target creatures face-down and put them underneath 7 Minutes of Heaven.

When 7 Minutes of Heaven leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to their owner's hands.

>ramping is not card value unless you're destroying lands

Fuck man you suck at this.

Well you could've been doing it with servos since AER so.... kinda late to the party.

I used to do it with both clues and servos. But those decks were always a sub-par. This seems more viable with these tokens actually ramping you, them sacing themselves, and you having 2 different cards that produce them and make you win.