EDH/Commander General /edhg/


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Horrible place with primers, access at your own risk.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question: Did the price spike positively or negatively affect you? How much money did your specs make?

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Garbage Fire bad.

Meet my wife.
She hurts me sometimes to feel stronger but normally patches me up later so it's fine.

Prob gonna edit hazdur to be a jew

Nth for janky two card combos.

>tfw i played 3 garbage fire during conspiracy draft
>6 damage

pretty good desu

>Did the price spike positively or negatively affect you? How much money did your specs make?

What's spiked besides Captain Sisay and Untaidake?

>literally just Kalemne 3.0
at least her art is better than the last iteration . . .

Mirror gallery and that blue legend that steals legends for uu

Kalemne actually looks really h-
>notices face

>Did the price spike positively or negatively affect you? How much money did your specs make?
made a cool hundred on pro hulks unbanning
didnt get into this round
didnt even think I was going to get a deck from the precons so I was out of the loop till i looked at bloodline keeper for vamps

Can someone explain what caused these to spike?

>Roman Legionarie Vampire Waifu

7/10 Waifu, you have three points off because the card itself is bleh.

Repeat after me "if the woman has a butterface she's not worth anything", I'd take a goddamned skeleton with a nice face over a chick with a 10/10 body and face only her mother could love.

who is 2.0?
I actually really like this in my naya token deck

Are you saying you drafted 6 of them total, but only played 3?


Wait, disregard that. I had a brief moment of confusion about how that worked.

no i drafted 3 and kept them in the deck because the highest number noted was 6 :^)

Jor Jadeen as a trap

Haha, OP, you seemed to have forgotten the Discord info. Here it is:

Veeky Forums EDH General Discord

Don't beat yourself up about it though. Just try to be less forgetful next time.

>who is 2.0?

What price spike?

Planeswalkers are now Legendary and follow the Legendary Rule where you can have one of each with a different name as opposed to the Planeswalker rule where you could only have one of of each type of Planeswalker.

Now, you can have Jace the Mindsculpter and Jace Unraveler of Secrets out at the same time. They can also be tutored with Sisay now.

Don't forget every Wizard and Vampire and Dragon card worth it's salt AT LEAST doubling in price.

Nice, I suppose, though isn't Sisay still going to be worse than Ataraxa at planeswalker.dek?

Meet my wife. She yells at everyone and puts them in jail so they can't hurt me.

>think i'm fucked as far as getting riptide lab goes
>ask at small store on church street
>7 fucking dollars
>buy it instantly

good day over all.

Meet my wife. She rides me hard and always goes twice.

But now you can run Sisay in Atraxa Superfriends and find whatever you need.

>Nocturnus still $5
>Olivia still $3
>Highborn still $4
>Revenant still $20

Edgar is the people's champion running mostly commons or recently reprinted cards, only faggot who doesn't play nice was that whore Bloodline Keeper and he's already downtrending because he actually sucks.

Meet my wife.
She hold the world recording in tapping.

Makes me glad my Intet Dragon tribal is already pretty tight. Hell, there aren't any cards from the dragon deck I actually need in there, besides some of the generic Tribal stuff.

I want to play EDH, but the hurricane is making it impossible.

Can ya'll fix that?

I can't speak for everyone here but I doubt we can fix a hurricane.

There have been a bunch. Speculators swooping in on Tribal cards like Riptide Laboratory, Urza's Incubator, and Bloodline Keeper, Combo cards like Wanderwine Prophets, and cards that care about the Legendary Planeswalker errata like Captain Sisay, Untaidake, and Empress Galina.

Ban cyclonic rift.

i shouldve got keeper and patriarch's bidding when I had the chance

Untaidake is always shit. Taplands are awful, and even if it wasn't a tapland then it would still be a bad Ancient Tomb.

The only dragon that really spiked was Dromoka, the real price point for dragons is the mana base and that doesn't give a fuck about EDH because you need fetches/shocks.

Just double sleeve.

>Taplands are awful
Boseiju is alright

>tfw being a Eurotard pays off again
I love that our market isn't as infested and raped by Investors yet as the American one.

Everything on mcm is spiking as well. Not as hard as in america but galina is 15€ and mirror gallery like 11 right now.

Wouldn't it be 4.0 since there's two of that hag?

this desu
got pic related for like 5 euro on cardmarket, if you convert the tcgplayer dollaridoos to eurpoor currency it'd be 14 europoors
toppest of kek

>Taplands are awful
Bojuka Bog, Boseiju, Hall of the Bandit Lord, and some Manlands are alright. Crypt of Agadeem in certain decks. Cycling lands in decks with Life from the Loam too.

I assume they mean functionally. The Planeswalker can't be a commander, so it's not functionally similar.

didn't bother to count walkers, and if I did, her walker form doesn't have white

>tfw you still play guildgates because of budget restraints

Yeah, I'm working on the landbase for Ur-Dragon, and I'm going cheap. I have several of the pain lands, a few of the tap for any mana lands, and just ordered the Mirage Fetches plus BFZ Dual Lands, so it's a pretty budget land base but it's better than spending some $300 on all of the Fetches and Shocklands.

get your grubby hands off of her
shes mine

What narrative is being conveyed with the chick on the left side of the card art?
That's her husband/baby-daddy? What does she have to do with a Path to Exile?

for a closer look

Alright, so what you want to do is, lean hard into Green. You're going to be mostly Green/Red, Black third, then splash White and Blue. Play Cultivate, Kodama's, Nature's Lore, Farseek, etc. Play all the Talismans and Signets that are part Red or Green.

>I'm going cheap
all 5 panoramas
not kidding
best budget lands for 5c
sure they cost one to crack but they dont come into play tapped this is a HUGE boon if you want to cast a cultivate on turn 3

>Taplands are awful
oh no! he bojuka'd my bogs!

>What narrative is being conveyed with the chick on the left side of the card art?
>What narrative is being conveyed with this incredibly clear ship burial narrative?
I dunno user, it's a mystery.

>tfw never here people mention the tainted lands

These are pretty nice if you are in black too

I got the FNM version for the same price, being quite torn about which version to buy. And now I want that one, damnit. Guess I need more white EDH decks then.

Guy is having a Viking funeral and the lady is probably his wife.

**hear not here

I'm happy with the FNM printing.

sharing is caring bro, i dont think she'd mind.
She do parley, after all.

I'd hesitate to play them in 4 or 5 colors. Heavy black decks like Edgar or Zombie Tribal Sidisi 1.0 could definitely use them fine though.

I've got a playset of "Fuck off, Plated Geopede."

Nirkana Revenant is already overpriced at $20. She's worse than Crypt Ghast in almost any scenario and only situationally better than Caged Sun.

>Did the price spike positively or negatively affect you?
I mean, it made me go from kind of wanting to do something with Wizards to really not wanting to bother, which is okay by me, all this attention going to the flavor of the month tribes should let me get my Sliver deck put together in relative peace.

Can you pump Crypt Ghast to a 10/10?

Can your jerk off to it?

Tbh, you probably just need a bunch if fetchable non-basics like those from BFZ or Amonkhet, together with the checklands and effects that search by basic land type instead of basiclands.
Maybe use plainscycling and the like.

Of course, look at that body.

Coming down two turns earlier and having extort is much better than being a vanilla shade. But fair point, she is waifu material.

>should let me get my Sliver deck put together in relative peace.

Not so much if you wanted a Mana Echoes or Shared Animosity.

>tfw need shared animosity for granddaddy markov

Atleast I got the bloodline keeper before it spiked..

>tfw I just like the Todd Lockwood art

What're everyone's thoughts on Talrand Control?

Mana Echos is a boring card though. You play with it once, get your infinite combo off, then move on.

Read up at least a little bit on Arthurian lore.

A king, mortally wounded, is sent to a far off land or placed within a mountain, not to die but to sleep until his people need him again.

Is your budget max 5 cent per card? Basics are better than taplands in 2c, and in 3c+ you can get checklands, painlands and battlelands for nothing.

It's extremely oppressive and unfun for you opponents which means it should be very fun for you.

What else are you really doing with Slivers?

I mean, I did say relative peace. I need a Patriarch's Bidding and a Shared Animosity, but if that's the worst I have to deal with, whatever.

She's worse but mana doublers come in short supply and a black deck that runs some of them probably wants to run all of them.

Remember to always play this if you can to remove the scourge of mana staples in 4 player games

I don't think Edgar does, really.

Control in multiplayer only works if you have reliable, repeatable card draw. Think Azami, Rashmi, Unesh etc.

Talrand works better as a cantrip-heavy spellslinger.

Or if you'd rather be the one with the sol rings and commander's towers etc


I'm going to order checklands and painlands for my 3c decks that are lacking them but I have basically no budget, my last couple decks were built only from cards I had lying around gathering dust and I didn't have quality manabases just waiting to be put in new decks.

Yeah I was mostly referring to monoblack decks where Crypt Ghast is better but Nirkana Revenant is still good enough. 3c decks shouldn't bother with big black mana unless they have green to reliably fetch Urborg+Cabal Coffers.

I always cut her when optimizing my lists, but maybe it's just because she's not good in my meta.

Posting again. Karametra "Beat you over the head with lands" deck. Anyone have some good stuff I missed?


>a pastebin
Just use tappedout you dweeb.

>TFW this slut is going straight into my Animar deck
Ix is already a win for me.

Stonecloaker + alluren. Graveyard hate and it allows you to find all your basic lands in one turn if you have karametra out.

>Voice of thunder
>Is UG
So is the color pie just... not a thing anymore?

>go wide rather than go tall PSZ
Seems neat. 7cmc is a bit much though.

Only if it screws over red.

The color pie went out the window a long time ago. Blue is WotC's baby.

>7cmc is a bit much
Not in Animar! Or you know, anything that can reanimate.

I didn't want to waste the time with tapped out and its shitty name and formatting recognition for a throwaway .dec file.

Fuck that's spicy. $22 bucks is steep, but there are a few HP for $10 I might risk. I notice a lot of sellers grade more harshly then they could.

>Crashing wave in the art
>Typically makes a loud, rumbling sound
>no mechanical link to anything vaguely red or typically literal-thunder-and-lightning related
>What is metaphor