Warforged Appreciation Thread

There's a hundred threads a day about elves and giants.
How about some love for our metal friends?

Back in my day we called these golems.

And kobolds were doglike. IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR

I played a Warforged spellsword a long time ago in a 3.5e custom setting about a bunch of guilds. He was in the may-as-well-be-police guild, so "Robocob" quickly stuck.

Compassion is easy, freely given even to the lowest of mortals....

But respect must be earned, by deed and oath.

What kind of 'love' are we talking about?

Slutforged are best warforged

I've really want to play pic related but that means i have to play 3.5 again.

Their TOES and FINGERS creep me out.

Nor I nor any man but man,
will be pleased,
til he be eased
with being nothing.

What's there to appreciate?

I personally believe Warforged are the single worst race/species/whatever to exist. Yeah, worse than whatever furry anime shit pf players come up with.

Did someone say Turbo Dracula?

Well too bad, Turbo Dracula.

Fleshier better get the fuck out

I just do what I always do and blame 4rries for ruining everything as usual.

I wonder how many people assume this to be Overwatch fanart?

My gf's warforged got curseed with lycanthropy. In my mind, all I can picture is Foxy from FNAF.

...how? Does it turn into Optimus primal what happens there

I knew it wasnt but it definitly gave me pause.

That picture is nice, where is it from?

Reverse image search says it's Battleborn fan art.

So quick question: will 5e ever release actual rules for Warforged instead of just UA stuff? Because I'd rather not have every single DM keep using all the drawbacks from 4e when hardly any of the ludicrous buffs were carried over.