Cube General

Cube General

P1P1 Unpowered 360 cube. What's the pick, what do you think might wheel?

Cube Question of the day:
>What's your favorite card in cube that you think goes unbelievably late?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Take copter

>Anything in the mandatory cube mono red deck

I'm not too sure in these scenarios, but I always force Reanimator so Entomb snap pick for me.

Green cards and Paliano might wheel but don't listen to me I don't know what I'm talking about.

Draft my Cubes pls

How do you build a fun cube? Does cube solve some of the problems that make booster drafts feel clunky and boring?

Yeah, since cubes are made by hand all of the colors are represented, there's great fixing and no clunky garbage mythics. In theory every card in cube is worthwhile to draft. They are generally all independently constructed playable.

Well you could either build a Cube from scratch and buy/proxy every single card neurotically in an extremely calculated fashion or you could rifle through your collection, find the best cards you own that are just lying around doing nothing and form up a first draft of your cube. Either way you're gonna improve it iteratively anyway. If you throw the most busted cards you own into a collection chances are SOMEONE'S gonna have fun.

My current Peasant Cube I made by throwing together the best Common and Uncommon draft chaffs I accrued from my recent Modern Masters, Eternal Masters and Conspiracy 2 drafts, so that's one way to go if you wanna build a responsible, rewarding Cube draft environment with thought-out archetypes even if you don't know where to start.

Cube eliminates garbage cards, making you by default a better Limited designer than Current Year Mark Rosewater. So yes it does solve all the problems that make booster drafts feel clunky and boring.

Alright. How do I make sure other people have fun with the cube? I don't know what aggro or midrange players like. Just cheap creatures, or what? If I build around the two friends I play with, I know I need to include at least one tribal theme and a bunch of combat tricks.

Aggro players like haste and low curves, midrange players like good solid value cards like various commands. Depends on what the cube games will look like, though. Multiplayer? 1v1?

Depends on the cube.

A lot of people talk of "the cube" like it's one specific format but in reality every cube is different, and while many cubes gravitate towards a close approximation of the MODO cube (presumably because the people building them have no imagination), the most fun cubes are ones that don't do that, but are instead based around some clever theme or gimmick.

Example of what I'm talking about:

Shit like this makes you really think how the format works and gets you to play with cards you would never touch in any normal limited format. As an added plus, those cards usually cost nothing since nobody wants them.

I got you brotato.
Pic related. U/R artifacts, got some fine setup and alright payoff.
Make sure that your cube is balanced. You don't want anything that is absurdly above the power level of everything else in the cube to reduce the amount of feelbads.
Midrange just is about 3-5 mana creatures that are generally pretty good, kitchen finks, flametongue kavu, noxious Gearhulk.
Tribal is actually a really good way to present color identity and support what the cube wants to do. Green wants mana dorksand also wants to ramp. Conveniently both of these can be done with elves. Put a wren's run pack master and you have tribal relevance and a ramp payoff.

Got it. I'll stock up on Evoke elementals and cheap ETB enablers, Slivers, and Nightmares + Processors. Most of the instants/sorceries will be Arcane/Splice.

Aggro players like Isamaru, Hound of Konda, Town Gossipmonger, Savannah Lions, Boris Elite, Jackal Pup, Legion Loyalist, Goblin Guide, Village Messenger, Monastery Swiftspear, Foundry Street Denizen, Young Wolf, Nettle Sentinel etc. Put 80% of this list and every Burn spell you own into your Cube and they'll be happy.

For midrange players, kills spells, wraths, 4-6cmc bomb rares and planes walkers should date them.

Don't have any planeswalkers, and a lot of those aggro creatures are expensive. Don't have many burn spells either.

I'd like to see somebody make a modern-day version of the original Cube.

The original Cube was literally one copy of each Magic card that existed. So you were equally likely to get a Black Lotus in your pack, or a Lifelace. I'd love to see just a giant fuckoff box that has ~25000 cards in it and have to struggle to make sense out of a pack of fifteen random cards from a period of 24 years that have no synergy between them.

It would probably not be a good format as such, the wins would go to whoever draws their one good card first, but it would be interesting as an experience.

I find that the mono-red/WR aggro deck is terrible for my cube experience when it's the best archetype, which is so often is. Any suggestions to tone it down while still making it a viable draft? My first thought is cut some one drops and burn spells so the aggro players have to either fight over them more, slowing their decks, or draft slower decks to begin with.

Thoughts on this issue? I play mostly mtgo cube/clones thereof and have played both with and against the red deck and every time it's just the worst.

Thanks Bruvnah

Do you think I overpowered the Tinker/Breach/Reanimator archetype? Should I even care? I think at an average table of my Cube, two people are on that plan and one more is on a Ramp plan with a Cheat subtheme. Do I pack too many fatties?

Knowing nothing about the cube I would take Battleball and hope that it can be either a reanimation target, a control finisher, or a nice ramp fatty. Basically it leaves me the most open being both colorless and suitable as the end game of multiple stategies.

Ojutai, hoping for vindicate or pat to wheel. Hardcore control wincon.

Get your plebian tatstes out of here, booster draft is the richest, purest, most skillful and fun type of magic there is.

I'm working on my first cube, peasant as it stands. I feel like I should ask questions here but I don't really know what beyond "how do I into cube?" I guess, how much should I worry about supporting my archetypes versus putting in more goodstuff?

Preordain is nice and casual. Staying open and I LOVE drawing cards and scrying in limited.

Hoping to wheel Dragonlord for few reasons. Firstly as a multicolor card and secondly as the awkward replaceable midrange card.

Did a few drafts with both of these, worst shit I've ever seen desu.

Copter every time. Doesnt force colors and is just silly.

Paliano the high city sounds like a brutally good first pick, to pick asap.
You don't care about the card itself, but the fact it let you cheat the most important rule of drafting: don't talk with your neighbours.
They choose colors for you and they know not to draft them as main colors, so they get a small advantage and you get a big one. You will cut each other way less than normal, while the other side of the table doesn't get this privilege

smuggler's copter looks like another solid pick that doesn't commit you to any color.

that fucking kindle spam....

so i am following a build-your-cube guide and the most interesting thing i want to try is to let some have different support for each of the 3 main archetypes: aggro midrange and control.

for example i chose green to be 85% midrange and white to have almost no midrange creature cards and be split between control and aggro.I like the idea in theory.

but what makes a card(especially a creature) a good tool for midrange , but less for aggro or control? and what makes a card good for control or aggro but not for midrange?
i am not talking about cmc ( i do have ideal curves laid out).

i get it that the divide is not super clear and i do get some of the differences ( example: lifegain tends to be midrange, hard removal is more control,while temporary removal can be in aggro or midrange, 0/5 walls with incremental effects each turn are control just like creatures that love to sit on an empty board for 5 turns to gain value), but what i know gets old pretty quickly and i do need some extra clarity to fill in my cube.


>being mean just to be mean

>literally sacrificing cube playability and enjoyment for clunky gimmics
Hurr durr I'm a game designer guys. I don't know the difference between unique and fun.

>of the 3 main archetypes: aggro midrange and control.
Midrange IS aggro. Three archetypes are aggro, combo and control. Holy fuck.