
This fills me with hatred.

Like, actual hatred.

This is like the fifth fucking thread on this and it's literally just "we'll have well written gay/bi characters sometimes."
Why are you demanding so much discussion of this nothing event?

>making D&D gayer
I didn't know that was possible.

Sorry, haven't had access to the internet for a while and didn't know that this had been posted already.

Just goes to show that nothing is safe from Gramscian Damage

Finally Pathfinder will have competition

playing pre-written campaigns is lame. if you don't make your own campaigns you are a lazy dm. including sex in roleplaying is also always a bad idea. having sex in real life is interesting but talking about it at a table is just boring. the article is clickbait.

Holy shit, is nothing sacred? Is there anything the leftists won't put their grubby, child-molesting, Muslim-loving hands over?

I'm a bit tired of /pol/ crossboarders and convervatives here assuming everyone on Veeky Forums share their opinion.
While I think it's generally shoeshorned, there are no reasons for unhistorical settings like D&D to hat the gays or whathever.

Why though, how will this change any rules?

>assuming everyone on Veeky Forums share their opinion.

Not just that, they assume everyone on Veeky Forums appreciates it and wants to hear it. Or even anyone aside from their containment board. Cancer that refuses to stay contained truly is the worst.

it doesn't. an upcoming supplemental product mentions a gay character and a shitty website that has no real knowledge of d&d decided to make a huge deal out of it to get clicks.

In journalism classes, they teach you to write your titles to be attention-grabbing and provocative, so that people will think "Hm, I wonder what they mean by that" and read the article. The problem is, that people like don't understand this convention, and get worked up over nothing.

From the article: "A passing mention of a same-sex couple might be enough to assert that queer sexuality is a natural part of the D&D universe. And instead of relying on stereotypes or fixating on their sexuality, these characters’ fleshed-out backstories make them people, not icons"

They've said that they don't want to exclude the mention of queer (I know it's a scare-word but try not to get triggered) people. This is pretty reasonable. Because queer people exist across time and space, it doesn't make much sense for them not to exist in DnD worlds. And note that you can still always flip a gender here or there to make your fantasy "everyone is straight" universe if the existence of queer people makes you uncomfortable. It's just that in wizards sanctioned products, they feel it's important not to exclude a large section of the population. It's the same reason why they have racial minorities in the artwork for some of the people in the PHB. Can you make your aryan hugbox world if you want to? Sure. But they want to show that not every world has to be like that.

tl;dr it's literally nothing

> "We're not going to take your games away"

See now, this is why you have to respond with violent xenophobia every time someone tries to make your game more 'inclusive'. Otherwise, you get fucked in the ass. In this case, it's literal.

>I'm a bit tired of /pol/ crossboarders and convervatives here assuming everyone on Veeky Forums share their opinion.

I literally said "discuss" and that's it. For all you know, I view this as a positive change.

I would honestly prefer not to see gay people in D&D. Like, I don't want things like Strahd having a male bride, or mentioning that the King has a husband instead of a wife. I don't want them to normalize that kind of shit.

Being homosexual is a mental disorder, which for some reason is more social accepted than being a child molester or a furry.

Isn't that already the case with the most popular DnD podcast out there today? The whole "queer is common" thing.

That's always a red flag phrase to me, like they basically want to take your games by changing them.

>Large section of the population


Because adventure modules that standed test of five generations is worse than some autistics suber cul homebrew.


>Being homosexual is a mental disorder, which for some reason is more social accepted than being a child molester or a furry.

welp...have fun slowly becoming excluded from all aspects of culture and society.

I hate the word 'queer' when it's used like some kind of empowerment thing by gay people. I don't hate gay people, but why the fuck do they use 'queer'? It's like if black players said "We need more niggers in D&D".

To be honest you wouldn't want to play with people who do and they wouldn't want to play with you.
Unless you are hiding what you reallu think, people you play with would be aware of it quick enough.
Just don't cry if the pool of players comptatible with you is small or shrinking.>Being homosexual is a mental disorder, which for some reason is more social accepted than being a child molester or a furry.
Technically homosexuality is a neurological disorder, for the reason why it's more tolerated it's because they are not always rapists or extremely autistic, not that a lot of people really want to gas furries anyway.

Only if right wing opinions doesn't gain popularity.

>"We need more niggers in D&D"

> I don't hate gay people, but why the fuck do they use 'queer'?
It's exactly the same reason blacks use 'nigga'- to get to people who used the terms against them. Reclamation thing.

Why do you think I'm on Veeky Forums all day? I've already resigned myself to having left society behind.

I gave up on the western world the moment my therapist starting talking about his husband. I had this visceral, gut reaction inside me that thought "THIS is who they're letting decide who's mentally healthy?"

It's all one big joke. It's all already hopeless.

We don't need identity politics infesting the right as well. Leave the homophobic shit at home.

It's more like 4.2 percent. The population of self-identified Asian people in the US is 4.8 percent according to the 2010 census.

Would it be unreasonable if a third of characters in their products were queer? Yes. From the article, it doesn't sound like that's the case. As it stands, though, queer people are about as common as Asians, and so should enjoy about the same amount of representation in media if we're trying to model society. As I said before, you don't need to model society, but it makes sense for wizards to do so in their sanctioned products.

They're not, and the only way they would to the degree of reversing homosexual perceptions is if a certain Middle Eastern culture takes hold of the demographics, and they're not keen on tabletop.