What is Magnus's economy like that his chaff gets platemail?

When did these change from filthy and persecuted imperial denizens to gloriously shiny not-daemons.

They are in service to the coven of Magnus, Chosen of Tzeentch. You expect them to wear rags? I think they should be even more colorful and flowing.

Since always. Tzaangors of the planet of sorcerers are rogue trader era lore. Finally got models.

I don't know but I like them. Cheap, nice for board control and they can actually kill some stuff in combat. All while looking fabulous.

Tzeentch = fabulous?
Get your gods right.

They have a lot of money because they always keep the change.


Tzeentch lives in a castle made of crystals that shoots rainbow colored flames

40K Khorngor when

What's Magnus' tax policy like?

Would much rather the World Eater chaff+ be gladiators.

C'mon bud, Magnus is all about the gaze

That sounds dope.

40k pestigor when

Dope, but also even more AoS sprue-rips.


You got poxwalkers.
How many chafflikes do you need?

40K Slaangor when

well played

Now add snek boobs and slaaneshi stuff, and there you go.

Snek boobs, you say?

Forgot pic

Better pic

Come on, it's 40k, how much can making plate armour cost?

More then that Gor's life is worth


But also >kek
For Gays of Magnus.

Tzaangors are actually intelligent though.

>"Brainless chirping and trilling.
>Obsessed with shiny things


But enough about human women, what about the Gors?


>beastmen can't gladiate

They're smart enough to shoot a Lasgun, I think they can handle murdering each other for sport.


Boring though. Give us some humans in sick helmets

So I can take those sick helmets and put them on my wytches

What was his tax policy?

Magnus: Disability pension rife in legion
Azhek: About ten times the number of dependents than earners.