What happened to Orcs after the destruction of the One Ring?


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They died out, slowly and with great pain.

Much of their fecundity was due to Sauron and Saruman's manipulations of their kind. Certainly there were female orcs - JRRT mentioned as much - but after the wholesale slaughter of their menfolk and the lack of large breeding populations of females to begin with....they simple passed on, much as neanderthal man has.

As the hobbits became men, so too did the orcs become men.

All the baby orcs were killed, in their baby orc cradles.

Second post best post

Why the fuck would orcs become men?

Because orcs are men. LOTR is a book about Tolkien's comfy rural England being ruined by industrialization. This is why the only technologically advanced races are evil, why Isengard is a city of factories, and why it's destroyed by a force of nature. This is why everyone speaks in a poetic language and sings all the time, but orcs speak in a very modern manner.
For all the talk about how Tolkien hates metaphors, orcs are a clear metaphor of a moden man.

Depends on the tax policy


Gentrification forced them out into ghettos

I'm pretty sure the orcs were a horrible deviation of elves that were captured, tortured and twisted.

Elves and men.

... where they become a criminal underclass that can justifiably blame their criminality on their racial heritage.

The Last Ringbearer goes into this. I haven't read it so I cannot elaborate but maybe it will be your fancy OP

Tolkien was never sure himself but he was quickly opposed to the corrupted elves or true creation of Morgoth because it goes against the rules of the setting so orcs are probably twisted humans

Integrated into middle earth society.

They fled to mountains and mines much as they did during the fall of sauron in the second age and Aragorn and his descendants took the time to wipe them out where they posed threats to their kingdoms, which thanks to the second founding of Arnor was fucking everywhere. Then I imagine it devolved into Gondor as notByzantine and the easterlings and haradrim as notturks.


>As the hobbits became men, so too did the orcs become men.

so did elves and men become women?

"men" in the tolkien parlance means humans, so while i understand the structure of your joke, you're still a dummy


They work in HR now:

Tolkien could never really decide on an origin or ultimate fate for the orcs that he was satisfied with.
He made a few attempts but ended up regretting and rescinding all of them and really just had great trouble reconciling his catholic beliefs with default bad guys like orcs.

I think that user didn't literally mean that the orcs are humans but that they represent what Tolkien saw as the worst parts of humanity and society.
They embody the destruction of nature and horrors of war brought about by industrialization.

So le ebin edgy, they're just like the stupid dirty mud skin minorities and immigrants XD

If you /pol/ sjws are going to leak out of your containment board to push your social agenda on every possible thread you could at least try to pretend to have familiarised yourself with the actual source material and relate your bullshit to the topic rather than just squeezing out a shitpost that might as well be in response to any other thread for how relevant it is.

Edgy as they might be, learn to take a joke.

I mean yeah but it's an interesting premise

>being this retarded

>it's just le joke XD
It's stupid shitposting. A phoned-in copypasta "joke" that's not funny isn't a joke, it's just crap.
I bet you defend baneposting too.

Not an argument.

>they're just like the stupid dirty mud skin minorities and immigrants
Incorrect. Orcs are actually capable of culture and industry.


Someone get this hothead outta here!


Why does even the slightest discussion or quasi-criticism of Tolkein's worldbuilding's logic create a massive butthurt backlash directed at GRRM?

The ones in Mordor fought on for a few weeks before fucking off eastward or into the wilderness.

The ones in the Misty Mountains and Gundabad were driven north or deep underground by Dworfs.

The ones in the general wildlands stayed in the wilds.

Some orcs went further east into Avari lands and the far-eastern mountains, others tagged along with Rhun and Harad.

Because they're pissed about Aragorn's tax policy.

You know that's just an invitation for more, right?

I know that's just more shitposting but it actually hits on my point.
The shitposters don't know or care about the actual topic or source material, they're just desperate for any possible opportunity to push their edgy sjw agenda.

It's also kinda funny to see the ranting about the dirty mud people being incapable of industry while likewise stealing industrial jobs.

Multiple factors, projecting their own issues with weight and jealousy over his success along with the general cultural theme of anti-intellectualism, disregarding any complexity or nuance as trying too hard ivy league bullshit.

you wanna know what is a joke?

Aren't you shitposting then? Aren't I? Is no one allowed to make a side comment that isn't directly constructive to the topic?

I mean I'm glad we elected to you to be the authority on this, I just want everything to be clear.

>tfw orcs represented actual industry and mechanical advantage while the men were mostly medieval dirt-peasants with corrupt nobility
Oh yes man countries for the men only, ork countries for everyone! We can't let those evil whites, I mean "orks" come in and make something of the shitty africa-level economies that have ruined what infrastructure and achievements they inherited.

Gondor was already Not!Eastern Rome. The reunited Kingdom is sort of like Justinian (or Alexios Komnenos etc) actually succeeded in their aims

>I'm just an innocnet boi, din mean nuffin, who's to say what shitposting is?!
Oh so convincing.

Stay on topic or go back to /pol/ you sjw shitposter.

>if I shitpost even harder and just say "I know you are but what am I" then I win the internet battle!
wew nice
but I will stop giving you (you)s
feel free to have the last word to help you feel better

>trying this hard to fit

>the ones regurgitating stale memes aren't trying too hard to fit in, the people calling them out are!

You know that you are currently the biggest shitposter in this thread, right?

They all sneezed and farted at the same time. Then I ran them over with my bike.

>feel free to have the last word

Tolkien uses the old Anglo meaning of the word "men," which wasn't masculine, but just meant "humanity."

>Muh /pol/
Look at this fag

They probably died after a while.

They slowly died out, like elves and dwarves and orcs. Hence why you don't see any of those races around in the modern day.

>Hence why you don't see any of those races around in the modern day.
>he doesn't know

what the fuck are you on about its written right there in the simarillion

t. butthurt elven crypto-facist


MFW receive orc refugees in Valinor.

Only with Sauron's/saruman's benevolent hand guiding them.

U are a girl arent you.

>What happened to Orcs after the destruction of the One Ring?

turned back into stone

sauron wasn't around for thousands of years before the war of the ring and the orcs were their ordinary industrious, hard-working selfs.

They scattered and went into hiding. According to The Hobbit, they are responsible for creating most of the more sinister modern weapons in the world.

according to the animated adaptation, the orcs became free men and lived in harmony once more with everyone else

snack break

They were made redundant without formal notice and not issued any form of severance pay. Worse, the pension plan was terrible and many could not afford to keep up with basic utility bill payments.

Many did not survive the winter.



Don't you dare talk shit about baneposting. Baneposting bring everyone together.

Tolkien died before he could say anything about it so its forever left a mystery.
AKA follow your own headcannon, literally don't matter since the son don't care and you're not getting anything cannon ever.

I have seen you shitpost these big butts all around Veeky Forums for a whole week now.

where do you get off at, huh?

Hobbits came from men, idiot.

>Implying it's not intentional

>disregarding any complexity or nuance as trying too hard ivy league bullshit
>claimed Jamie would beat Aragorn because he's the greatest duelist in Westeros
>completely ignoring the fact that Aragorn is a 90+ years old superhuman in his physical prime that has two fucking lifetimes of experience on Jamie and training in skills that don't even exists in Westeros and is used to regularly fodderizing superhuman monster
t.bought into the ''muh realism'' fatman meme, Martin is just a hack who doesn't even know how to end his own story and uses super unrealistic edginess and porn to distract brainlets like yourself from how shit his story actually is

It's literally in LotR
>Mordor was scattering like dust in the wind. As when death smites the swollen brooding thing that inhabits their crawling hill and holds them all in sway, ants will wander witless and purposeless and then feebly die, so the creatures of Sauron, orc or troll or beast spell-enslaved, ran hither and thither mindless; and some slew themselves, or cast themselves in pits, or fled wailing back to hide in holes and dark lightless places far from hope

GRRM is the opposite of intellectual, complexity or nuance. His work is trashy even for fantasy genre fiction

complex or nuanced*

How to spot an insecure Tolkien fanboy

Damn, he was legit purpler than lovecraft.
Green is best.

Well, according to "A Tolkien Bestiary", most orcs died when Mordor imploded after the destruction of the One Ring. It says some of them survived, but withered away in the following age to never show up again in great numbers, turning into a dim shadow of what they were under Sauron.

Source,please? I mean that must be somewhere in The Return of the King, but I'd like to know the page.


Sorry, my pdf is formatted strangely and counts the pages of every book as if they were the same. It's on chapter 4 of book six if that helps

>gets called out on his shit
>y-you're just a fanboy
Next you'll probably hit me with ''I-I was only p-pretending''. The fatman is a hack who uses extremely exaggerated depictions of the middle ages to make his absolutely autistic writings seem mature and cool to brainlets who fancy themselves intellectuals. And the punch line is that, at the end of the day, he still uses all the same tropes and cliches that everyone else does, just coated in gratuitous sex and violence and the occasional shock value kill so you retards think the shit you're eating tastes better.

>Claims to hate shitposting.
>Ends up posting a steaming pile of thread derailing shit
Pure pottery


Sure. Thanks user.

They're just like everyone else.
Some of them are even cops!

It is actually starting to look half decent, glad they cut Excalibur being the main plot element.

>undisputable high elven

wait what

>Zeta Reticulans
>that pharaoh in the very bottom right

I don't think I'm understanding these memes properly.

Exported to Rohan in droves to fulfill immigration quotas.

I believe like calling the Georgians in the first one Elves, the Aliens are just the over the top "example" of mislabeling one's actual race.

And (the vast majority of) ancient Egyptians were the same color as the Greeks and Romans of the time; that is to say they were "white."