Kamigakari thread

That time o' the week again

I've gone over the majority of the fluff, at least an overview on it, in the last couple threads. Terms, major organizations, Sanctums, and the like. Is there anything that is still confusing for anyone? Any smaller terms or organizations you want an overview on?

Baseline stuff

Expansions and errata

Google Docs Character sheet (for if you play online)

Mononoke homebrew Guide, FAQ, And quick rules cheatsheet

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll also post the image's for the three moss based mononoke that one user wanted

I have two requests pending for making mononoke, and i'd like some direction from the anons that requested them.

This was Kamen Rider Double, And the Killer 7.

I can make mononoke out of em with enough effort, but format and how they work will change drastically based on what you want out of it.

I'm gonna start a poll here to see which faction resonates most with anons. Choose the one you like best. Since we're a slow thread, i'm just gonna leave it up till thread dies so we can get the most numbers.


Which group most suits your fancy?

That's a blatant implication of cyberknots if I ever saw one.

If you wanna be perverted about it, sure

Back, once again with another story time from the campaign I'm currently running. I detailed the first episode in the last thread, to which I'll post a link just in case. When we last saw our five heroes, they got transported to weird fantasy realm, got thrown in prison, got super human abilities, beat up some monsters and some guy who was looking to fight them, and are currently surrounded by guards who are telling them they are under arrest.

So one thing I need to say about this campaign that I talked about last time, is that I approached this campaign as it were a Saturday morning cartoon. I viewed my players not only as the main characters of my game, but also as fellow writers and the audience itself. So to play with this idea and really place that mindset into my player's head, I did not pick up where we left off immediately. Instead, I opened with a different scene.

“Scene 1.
A dark room lit by a pair of smokeless torches. 3 figures stand before a large throne covered in darkness with one of to the side. A massive suit of armor, 9 and a half feet tall and nearly half as broad at it's smallest. A tall thin, elf looking man, holding a small orb of light with dancing images. A man who looks like he just stepped out of an old western. A shrouded man wearing a mask stands of to the side, looking at the floor as if he were thinking about something.
The tall elf looking man, (pic related), gives his orb a look of disgust and then waves a hand causing the orb to go out.”

I wrote out this scene before hand so I was able to move through it very quickly. I didn't want my players being bored with me talking to myself, but I believed that to really sell the feel of this game, this was a good idea. Afterwards my players agreed they enjoyed it so I feel as though it was a decent success.

The four discuss things among themselves for a bit, apparently having witnessed the PC's quick victory over Molo, the man they fought. The three in front of the throne apparently had no faith in Molo, mainly talking about he was beaten without getting a single punch in. The masked man comes to his defense, before a new voice, this one from the darkness surrounding the throne tells everyone to shut up.

The voice is not disappointed in Molo saying that he has given them information. He turns to the cowboy, whom he names Travis (pic related), and tells him to “deliver the next challenge.” He says some other menacing shit, and stretches out a ghostly hand as a dark form begins to coalesce in the center of the room and the scene fades to black.

We then cut back to the PC's as the lady they met in the prison informs them they are under arrest. The players are ready to fight, when Annalus (pic related), the man with the scroll who asked them all those weird sinister questions runs forward and tells all the guards to wait. He then announces that, “I am invoking my right as a court member for a grand hearing.”

He turns to the PC's now much more polite and apologetic, and finally begins to answer some questions. The player's are in the land of Haxia. They crossed over via a gate between world that is greatly known of in this world. They are the not the first to do this. The gate, every several decades or sometimes centuries, pulls an individual through to act as a Guardian. A hero that arrives in time to prevent a great disaster. Annalus reveals that the gate has only ever selected one guardian and the fact that there are five of them is a serious problem. According to history, every other person who has come through the gate has been a destructive force that the guardian has needed to fight. Annalas informs them that most will assume the worst but be believes differently, and that now that he has declared a grand hearing, they can't be arrested until they see the ruler of the land: Lord Sarrum Abi Emuq Mul Aga. Lord Sarrum for short.

At the behest of Su's (Pic related) investigative side, the PC's agree to meet with the Lord and they start walking as Annalus continues to inform them as best he can. He is the lord's scribe. The gate remains locked and non-usable when there is no Guardian. When the gate opens it makes a sort of sound on magic radar. Normally, it's a small pulse. With all five of them it was basically a sonic boom. Molo and the shadows were almost certainly here because they wanted the gate. It is said that those who pass through gain great power. He does his best to calm the PC's saying he will make their case before the Lord. The changes in their appearance are believed to be a mental reflection of one's self. The races of the game are the races. He is a Scion, giants. He's actually pretty short for his race at just over 7 feet. Magus are pretty much elves. Hanyou are people with an animal feature. Darkstalkers, are people with monstrous features. 80% of Darkstalkers are slaves or at least owned. They at last approach the castle.

Annalus takes the group inside to a large throne room, where a horned man sits upon a throne (pic related). Annalus begins to address him as his full title but is cut off as Sarrum finds the bluster annoying, saying to just use his first name. He asks the PC's who they are and what they have done. After explaining he thanks them, but informs them that they are still dangerous. Even if they leave there is no guarantee that they will not return. He stands and grasps a glaive next to his throne. He doesn't seem like he's happy with the situation.

Ah, the old "You guys are dangerous regardless of your intentions. Sorry, gonna have to kill you. No hard feelings though, right?"

Gets em every time.

Greetings to all you wonderful Anons!

Had my first session of Kamigakari this weekend. Having been doing Forum Roleplay without dice for a long time was also my first attempt at a roll20 thing. Had been really fun.

Anyways, in our 'trainings session' to get accustomed with things I noted down some questions in regards to rule clarification. Some more silly than others, mainly to make 'really 100% sure', but please bear with me!

(Offensive) Talents that need an item to function, like Secrets of the Destroyer, do not count as a Weapon Attack, right? Anything weapon attack is, in more game-y terms, just a lame 'basic attack'.

Are magic based weapon attacks from Mononoke halved or cancel'd when resisted?

Shift: Downed character can take their turn if the Shift: Downed is removed BEFORE they would act by courtesy of initiative? Or, the opposite, they CAN NOT act if the Shift: Downed is removed AFTER their turn would have already passed?

Does Combat Power Amplification, or other unique buffs that last an entire combat for that matter, stack multiple times on the same God Hunter?

>weapon attacks

This is correct. Talents are talents, weapon attacks are weapon attacks. They both take up the timing though.

Magic based weapon attacks are usually resist halves.

Yes. If they can act when its their turn on the initiative, they can act. If they can't, even if raised afterwards, they cannot.

Buffs do stack, so long as its not the same buff. You can't stack combat amp twice, as an example.

It's at this point, a small wide eyed adorable child (pic related) bursts into the room. She rushes over to Sarrum calling him Daddy. The PC's are confused. Sarrum's hostility drops as he switches to dad mode in an instant. A Darkstalker of a different kind from Ruth enters after the girl that Sarrum calls Damu. She apologizes for letting the girl escape. Sarrum is quick to forgive, happy to see his daughter. They exchange some quick cute dialogue before he sends her away and turning his attention back to the PC's. He apologizes for acting hasty, stating that he has a great deal to protect and much to lose. He informs the PC's they may pass back through the gate. At that moment, the woman who tried to arrest them earlier reappears, bursting through the door breathing heavily.

I screencapped the "First episode" from last thread as a couple images in paint. I split last threads between character intro's and Ep 1

And ep 1

Ah fuck, i just noticed that random reply in the middle, lol

Oh thanks man.
The elf woman, named Mere Poule, captain of the town guard informs the group that Travis Dustin has entered town and is on his way into town. Sarrum recognizes the name and informs the group that he is someone from their world. The players decide to wait for Travis to come to them, since they're pretty convinced they are what he's after. Sarrum leaves to see to his daughter and the others leave due the players being on a bit of a different level than any of the other NPC's present. Travis rides in a moment later. He's dressed like he just stepped out of a spaghetti western and riding a motorcycle that has a living bull head on the front. He's smoking a cigarette. Travis exchanges some dialogue with the group, mostly remarking on he didn't expect kids and how unlucky Ruth is to be stuck as a Darkstalker. After a moment a massive spiked shadow creature(pic related) claws its way out from underneath Travis' bike. His message delivered, Travis turns to leave remarking how he looks forward to seeing the five of them later, and working with four of them. Combat begins.

This fight I made pretty much the opposite of Molo. This thing was a boss. With the extra HP boss talent. It had over 200 HP. I can say after this fight, Boss HP is pretty good if you're doing a normal style combat. If the boss is by itself, I'd say adding the extra HP is fine. Combining the mooks and the supreme HP bloat makes the combat drag out a bit longer than you want. Moving right along.

The Shade begins combat by summoning the same shadows the PC's fought last time, albeit less of them. It spends it's time in the back using magic to attack. Ryuko is the first to shake off the mooks as she can fly and she goes for the boss. It focuses on her and starts to wear here down. She gets pretty close to going down, the next attack from the creature will probably knock her out of the fight. Ryuko is having none of that. Ryuko digs deep and as light erupts out of her she vows to protect both worlds and spirit surges!

Fun fact. If you read the rules of Kamigakari, you'll note something in the XP section. Players earn XP and then they spend them in order to level. There are no written rules on when you can/have to do this. So, to help give my players their own moments and let them be as weep as possible, I gave unique mechanics to leveling in combat. You heal, gain your new abilities, once per combat stuff resets, and get plus one rank for combat. I wanted to be sure I didn't accidentally throw something at my party that could murder fuck them accidentally, so they all have panic buttons. In this world, it is an act known of Spirit Surging.

Ryuko takes the creature down after the party has helped whittle it down. The group collapses on the ground, worn out from the fight, and talk among themselves about what comes next. They decide, at least for now. They want to go home.

End episode 2.

So assuming this is about two sessions worth of stuff, with maybe a session 0 for chargen and such, how are your players liking the system?

I'm reading through talents, and have a question. How exactly are talents like Dark Killing Arts intended to function? I get the actual effect (large bonus damage on damage calculation when the character applies [Shift:Dead] to appropriate targets), but if they just killed the target outright, is there any actual gain?

Or is this a case where it's specifically for when one kills a whole group of guys and is also hitting something like a boss?

Also, my GM noticed something off about the "Halve Y" effect from Material. The way it reads, it seems like once you apply it, it means if you make an attack with Y element, you then halve that damage. Which feels counter-intuitive, as its reducing one's own damage output.

Very much enjoying it actually. The system is very unlike anything we've played before. Spirit pool is fun and interesting to use and now that we're a little higher level, you have more options so you don't need to have a few specific numbers to function every round. Classes (at least core) all have their set role and don't step on each toes to much. (Dragon Carrier is a little sad, sadly).

Dark killing art is worded weirdly, but what it means is that Any time you would kill a target with it something that says "Kills mononoke with x# in the name" like Shard prisoner x5, it will also deal damage extra damage to anything else hit by the same attack.

That said, the two examples in the main book it actually works on are both single target, so unless you somehow increase the amount of things being hit by it, then its essentially worthless. Looking through it, any time a talent would let you hit multiple, it basically says "Nah, can't do that" to dark killing arts.

Well fuck. Unless kamigakari user comes and says his translation on that was wrong, that talent is literally useless.

What i think the Halve Y thing means though is that if you take an attack with X element, And then get hit by that same element, you would halve the damage on it.

wait, no i'm fucking stupid.

>What i think the Halve Y thing means though is that if you take an attack with X element, And then get hit by that same element, you would halve the damage on it.

By "Takes" an attack, it means you literally take the attack to the face. Not "You take an attack action".

This one is just poor use of jargon.

Awesome. Good to see your players enjoy it. Then again, they probably wouldn't have played 2 months worth of sessions in it if they didn't enjoy it.

So far as dragon carrier goes, it can be a bit meh on the attacking portion, B's defense is second to none.

If you wanna play a stonky motherfucker that tanks attacks to the face and shrugs it off, Dragon Carrier B is for you.

A is a good mix of magic and physical attacks, so its never really at a disadvantage. It doesn't shine nearly as much as arc slayer against something weak to phys, or Elder mage against something weak to magic, but its never at an outright disadvantage either.

Still Waiting on this. Killer 7 i'll probably just make as distinct mononoke if the user doesn't show up and tell me otherwise, but for Kamen Rider Double, i'd really like the user to tell me what he wants from it.

Its just got too many forms and combinations, so i'm not quite sure what he wants out of it.

Cool user, can't wait to hear more

Man, where is Kamigakari user? Haven't seen him for like, a month

Rather, i haven't seen him for a month and i'm starting to feel bad about telling people to ask him shit when he isn't showing up

So far the tally is 5 votes, with 2 for knights, 1 for spec prov, and 2 for other.

Not much of a sample size, as of yet, but we're a slow thread and its only been a day.

Well shit. I stand corrected.

Apparently, other groups are the most popular so far, with a commanding 5 vote lead, followed by knight templar at 2, and Mages and specprov at 1 each.

Apparently, no one likes the demon hunters.

On vacation, hopefully.

I certainly hope so. Its still frustrating to try to direct people to a higher authority who isn't there, though

Well, since Neither of these anons have said anything, i'm just gonna roll with killer 7 as distinct mononoke that can switch between eachother. I'll look into their precise abilities and stuff in a bit to refresh my memory on them.

So going on about the smith syndicate here for a moment, I think i've more or less got their abilities hammered out. .

Kaede i'm gonna have use her health to activate bloodshower and get rid of the barriers of whoevers in the vicinity, and when damage is done to enemies she'll gain a little bit back.

MASK is gonna be simple. Ranged area attacks and melee attacks focused on causing [Shift: Fallen] and [Shift: Pain]

Coyote will be a speedy one, with a high damaging basic attack.

Con will be similar to coyote, with the difference of having Magic senses rather than Normal ones, effectively stopping PC's from having [Shift: Hidden], and will have attacks that hit x# rather than area or singular targets.

Kevin will use knives that hit Special rather than Evasion, and can give himself [Shift:Hidden], even without an obstacle. At least for a short time.

Dan Smith will be... weird. Due to how his abilities work, he'll be more dynamic than anyone else. He'll Have averaging damage, and only 1 shot at a time, but his demon gun will make 2 attacks against the same target for each attack timing used. Additionally, his Demon Shot, which i'll give a cooldown of around 3 rounds between shots, will deal massive magical damage to a single person.

Garcian is the odd man out on this, i'll be honest. His ability to rez could be gamebreaking if not correctly limited. I think ressurecting 1 smith per encounter would be the max i could allow for the purpose of balance. So far as his vision ring, I'd likely just give him Domain senses, so he see's everything in an area. The golden gun would probably have around the same damage as one of dan's attacks, albeit without the second shot, But do extra damage to Aramitama.

I'll be honest, hammering out the stats for this and typing up the abilities is gonna be at least a few days of work. At present, i can only make em level 5 since thats as far as the stats are figured out.

For the sake of balance, each personality will be their own distinct mononoke with seperately tracked health pools, but you will be able to swap them out on the fly, albeit with a prep timing.

So far as harman goes.... well. I dunno what to do about that. Young harman has no special skills to speak of and old harman only has a sniper rifle, neither of which are particularly engaging or interesting from the viewpoint of mechanics.

Sounds like a lot of effort, user.

Good luck to you with that.

I've always been interested in weeb ttrpgs, what's this ones schtick? Is it the setting, the rules?

Both its setting and rules are very different from your average western RPG.

This one in particular is based around monster of the week type stuff.

Oh hey, haven't popped into these threads in a long time. Did the core get it's revision by the translator user yet?

Not yet. Kamigakari user hasn't actually made an appearance in a while, so i'm wondering on the progress of that myself.

Next time i make a poll i'm gonna put it in the initial post rather than one further down. Shoulda asked people why as well.

Idea's for polls would be welcome.

Either way, currently 6 votes in the lead in favor of other organizations.

Ah damn. Hoping he's still working behind the scenes then.

He probably is, this was basically his gift to the world that he spent his own birthday working on, so he wouldn't drop it that easily.

To go on about this for a moment, most WRPGs tend to be gritty, dark, or otherwise rooted in a more grounded fantasy (Tolkein style, as an example). The systems are often needlessly complex, bloated, and overall very mechanical in nature. Think DnD, Warhammer, Shadowrun, and the like. The biggest WRPG's tend towards a very gritty setting.

JRPGs have a tendency towards the artistic side of things, comparative to the west. They are much less gritty in fluff, and tend to be simpler mechanically. They favor simple but deeper combat over WRPG's Heavy favor towards hard coded cans and can'ts, tree's of feats or abilities, and other such issues. They favor flashier fluff, more power of friendship, beating on the "Bad guys" type stuff.

Basically, its the difference between Western fantasy and Weeb fantasy. If you want something light hearted and simple that you can belt out on a moments notice, JRPGs are generally good for that.

>They favor simple but deeper combat over WRPG
Can you go on about this? Too often I see these systems that are either dnd tier mechanical autism or basically-pretend-but-sometimes-dice like savage worlds.

Well, i'm not sure how it is in most JRPG systems, but kamigakari uses a system of talents that either have specific effects, or stacking effects.

Due to the fact that nearly any "Unique" timing talent can be applied at any time its viable Most of the time to a single attack timing ability The variety of stuff you can do gets fairly crazy in higher levels of play. With the Spirit pool mechanic kamigakari has, you can use as many talents at a time as you have Timings or can pay the cost for.

In DnD for example, you have tree's of feats that rarely interact with eachother without some serious jury rigging. In the case here, You instead have around 3 pools of feat equivalents to choose from, and many of them stack and mix.

To put it simply, Permutations over tree's. As an example, you could go Arc Slayer A, Elemental Adept A, and Cyborg, To hit like a truck with a specific element added to your attacks. With 24 "Classes" 2 styles per each overarching theme and 12 races There's enough variety that you can make very distinct characters with little effort.

Another thing i forgot to mention, You start out with 2 of the classes, or style's, so you start out with 3 pools of talents to choose from to start with, and there's also common talents that aren't tied to any class.

You can also take up to 5 of these styles by level 15, with no active penalty for doing so. The 3rd through 5th one take a "high talent" which means giving up your talent at every 5th level for it, but unlike DnD or something that actively restricts multiclassing Through Prereqs and EXP penalties and such, These kinds of games encourage it, albeit with a small entry fee.

Since neither of the examples it applies to require you actually be fighting a monoke with # and both trigger on damage calculation, I would say it most likely goes that it triggers, you giving +10 to damage for the effect letting you crack hardier mooks (say giant crab monster squads) that might have resisted your base attack, while also making those skills useful against single targets, since you can now activate them to add more damage even if you can't shift dead.

Y'know what, this may just be correct. Lemme give it another look over

Okay, so first thing is i'm retarded. wicked eyes of the Darkstalker can make use of this, as it can hit up to 4 people as well as has the "Kills mononoke with x# in their name" clause if you get the "Evil eye" talent as well.

That was something i skipped over by accident, so my bad.

Also, was right. If you read it right, Something like murder method could be activated even if it doesn't give any benefit, so Dark Killing Arts would also give it the benefit of +10 damage. In the case of Element Burst and Expansion, assuming i'm using the correct one for this, It would allow you to bestow +10 damage on yourself whenever you use element burst and buff it with expansion.

So if the mononoke you hit doesn't have x# Written in their name, it just acts as a straight damage boost, using the cost of the talent that confers the "x#" Effect.

The only restriction is that Element burst+Expansion won't benefit from Dark Killing Arts if element burst is put on someone else. It only works for you, as dark killing arts only works for the USER of the talents, rather than the target in Element Bursts case.

So to be blunt, you need to use the affected talents, even if their usual effect doesnt work?

Thats pretty weird

Yep, thats correct.

Unlike western games where they have a higher chance of simply saying "Can't be used except for in X circumstance, I've noticed that Jrpgs get away with "You can use it if you want, and if you do, here's an extra buff"

The difference in design philosophy is quite large.


I'm glad someone besides me is bumping the thread.

If you happen to have any questions, or even some random generic anime style art, that'd help a ton. I like collecting the stuff people post so i can make a giant folder of it in case others need it.

I guess i could dump some of the stuff i've gathered myself. Don't wanna be a hypocrite

Most of the art thats been posted in the thread has been females, but i've got a few good males as well.

Having an elevator pitch of each group would be nice.

I voted Smaller Groups, since Blackeagle is an interesting concept and the rest are kinda derivative. The Kamigakari Mage Association is a near carbon copy of the Nasuverse one, for example.

I feel you're conflating "kitchen sink" with "gritty". D&D is a kitchen sink, Pathfinder is a slightly more high powered kitchen sink. Shadowrun is a cyberpunk kitchen sink with magic in it. WH is a kitchen sink of Heavy Metal Magazine influence. Kamigakari is also a kitchen sink, but of the supernatural battle genre.

You actually are conflating D&D 3.X with the entirety of modern WRPGs. Japanese games can get insanely complex on the character generation side: look at Scratch Build DX or Night Wizard 2e derived stats and weep. They tend to simpler core mechanics, but the core mechanics behind a dicepool system or d20 are simple too. We also rarely get all the splatbook material for a JRPG, and those bad boys tend to have as much option creep as feat/power chains in contemporary D&D. Importers tend to combine stuff from core-relevant splats into the first release, since there's no guarantee they'll even get to the original splatbooks.

On top of that, the games that get translated over here are generally chosen as contrasts to the Western style (read: D&D). That means no Sword World, with its AD&D on crack system. The systems are faster sometimes, but that comes mostly off of needing to streamline/railroad a session when you have maybe two hours to play, tops. JRPGs don't really have downtime rules or handle going off scenario script super well. Some of the systems don't even expect or want you to design a character from scratch, since it takes time and fucks with encounter balance for scenarios.

Well, i'd set that poll because i'd gone over the basic groups a thread or two ago. I probably shoulda put them back up here though, i admit. That said, they speak for themselves quite well, even just from the names.

So far as the mage association, it is a carbon copy. Rikizou is a huge fate nerd and it shows.

Also, you are mistaking what i'm saying as "All western stuff is like this" and "All eastern stuff is like this". Obviously thats not the case. Mutants and masterminds is a good example of one that tends toward high power bullshit, rather than a more gritty and down to earth setting like DnD, where everything is perfectly restricted to the laws of nature but magic.

Eastern stuff tends to trend in the opposite direction of ours, because of the polar opposite types of societies we live in and the types of myths and stories we were raised on. There are exceptions, of course, but exceptions do not a trend make. Isolationism is a hell of a drug, and japan was on it for a long time.

I get what you're saying, but those stylistic choices come from anime, which was influenced by Western cartoon/comic media.

Even when attempting to be more inclusive of national myth, like Kamigakari, there's still enough DNA of WRPG tropes to be notable. The default Kamigakari session has you going into a dungeon created by a boss monster, killing it, and taking its stuff. That is not just D&D, but old school D&D. And yeah it's more an on the nose nod to Monster Hunter/God Eater, but those games have lineage to Wizardry, which is old school D&D.

Isolation is a hell of a drug, but so is globalization.

Can you guys make it Japanese RPG general next time? You can still shill for your beloved game and i, and probably few others, get a chance to ask few question about other stuff on the topic. Making for a more lively thread hopefully.

About Contractor (Type: B). Personally I think it is kinda obvious and I'm just letting myself getting mislead by the term "bound" of bound primal.

Is said Contractor limited to only one specific Mononoke or can he, at combat-start, choose freely as long as he keeps the limitation on LV and Class in mind?

Otherwise, how is he supposed to get a stronger bound primal, as at initial creation said Primal would only be level 1 or 2 (depending on gear) even when the PCs World Influence level keeps increasing.

You are correct, you can switch primals so lon as they are within your ability to do so.

They are the bound one, not you

>The default Kamigakari session has you going into a dungeon created by a boss monster, killing it, and taking its stuff. That is not just D&D, but old school D&D

Does your scope of history only span the last 50 years or something?

Anyone have a pdf of the game thats untranslated so i can show the art to my buddies to get them into the game?

So far as i'm aware, there is no PDF for the japanese version, at least none i would know how to access.

I can dump Some of the art though. Kamigakari user gave me rikizou's twitter and i've collected the official art as best i could.








So can someone give me the cliff notes of this game? seems interesting.


Monster of the week, friendship is power type bullshit think kamen rider or magical girl shit with smooth and quick chargen and simple play mechanics.

If that elevator pitch gets you interested, i'll go a bit more in depth.

The session is set up as an episode of a series, with a collection of scenes. Most will be social, which set up your Bonds which recover one of your player resources, and a handful of combats, usually against minions, but you'll have a final battle against the big boss monster.

Game works on 2d6 system, roll 2d6 for any and all checks. Damage is based on modifiers for your character, a multiplier, and the higher dice of the ones you roll, snake eyes always fails, boxcars always succeeds, and gives you the biggest modifier for damage. Characters are really customizable since you have 12 different races with racial talent choices, 24 different classes with talents, and customizable weapons and armor, so that even if you have 2 characters with the same race and class, they can come at it a different way. And weapon variety is actually pretty big too, you get the standard swords, axes, clubs, bows, guns, and then some weirder stuff like motorcycles, puppets, and cell phones.

Basic fluff of the game is you are a person who can see spirits and the like, and thus you can hunt down bad ones that people can't see. Think Persona or Madoka Magica. Bad things are happening, but it's in the spirit world and real world people write it off as something else. People found mauled by hungry dog monsters are an animal attack, a bunch of decapitated people caused by a dullahan hunting a head are a serial killer, etc.

Thats the last of the actual like, cover art, to my knowledge. I have a bunch of character art as well, so i'll post that.

This ain't me, but i love the idea for a contractor B/ Arc slayer A build.

Other groups are still in the lead at 7 votes, with a sudden 2 votes for freelance work.

This is more even then i figured it was gonna be, considering "Other" can mean pretty much anything.

You can ask about other games all you want. I know its not technically "The thread" for it, but if you have a question, i'm sure someone would want to help.

The reasons i don't change the name, as of yet, are two fold. First, i'm trying to get a good stable community going for kamigakari itself. Second, changing the name can lead to a crisis of identity issue with many things getting drowned out or ignored. While i like the idea of a JRPG general, I'm afraid that if i alter the name of these threads, we would lose what few usual visitors this thread does get and dilute discussion overall.

More official art

A regular pic of

A pic of in the background mid transformation

Gonna sleep, will continue dumping after a while.

I have a few questions about pic related if you don't mind. hope someone tried to run it with a draft.

Do you have to have an appropriate skill to learn a ninpo or do you learn the skills when picking up a ninpo?

Introduction Scene
>Creating an Introduction Scene that reflects a character’s Secret, Mission, clan, secret identity, and so forth, it can greatly add to the feeling of immersion.
Are PLAYERS supposed to know which character is from which clan, what secret and mission do they have? And dramatic irony these for the rest of the game?
But then
>The Secret must be kept hidden by each player at all costs throughout the session
I'm confused.
Also when someone's secret it revealed do you play it out for others to see, or are you supposed to quietly pass a handout with a secret to the player who learned it?
Having it in the open seems like more fun option, but then it probably won't mix well with PvP scenarios.
wat do.

>This Ougi can be used instead of an attack
Do you still have to roll attack resolution or is it auto success?

>To receive a bonus to an Action Resolution, the player must reveal their Secret to everyone before the Action Resolution occurs. They must then direct a short flashback scene relating to the Secret
Do you get to do this if your secret was already revealed before?


No according to KHI character creation video. You get 3 clan skills, 2 free choices and 1 Ougi hidden skill.
>Introduction Scene
Secrets have to be kept secret. Clan and mission everyone should know.
Yes, you can use it even when your secret was already revealed.
I'm not sure about Ougi question.

A game based entirely around ninja doing thing huh? Seems pretty interesting


Yeah setting is kinda like Basilisk / Ninja scroll but modern Japan. With 6 ninja clans doing behind the scenes ninja clan things.
Game is narrative focused / story game with a scene structure, where scene framing player pretty much gets to narrate whatever he wants, unless it includes other PCs or one of a few important NPCs. Emotional bonds mechanic is a big deal and stuff like that.
At the same time it is very board game like, with turns and rigid structure of scene outcomes.
And default mode is PvP based, where players get opposite missions, that usually have to do with wrestling the "Prize" out of each other hands, and there is big battle at the end of the session. Though mission success conditions isn't necessary mutually exclusive. And every character have a "secret" missions that can turn everything on its head.
It is also not supposed to turn into slugfest, as you can't just fight each other from the beginning, fighting won't necessary lead to your goal, and there is a limited amount of action you can do in a session.

I'll be honest, this sounds intriguing.

I'd love to try it, but my group is a bunch of spoiled ass murderhobo's, so i don't think it'd go down that well.

Still posting official art for that one user.



A pic of and without the backgrounds and such.

She's more or less the poster girl for the game, though i'd argue is more iconic for this thread in particular.


Some of these, you'll notice have a symbol with em, like and , and on the thigh of These are examples of spirit crests, and how they generally work. This is basically your symbol for whenever you do something that involves your crest, and many talents also summon it as a symbol of you doing something, at least in fluff.

And the standard version of