What are your villains mooks?

What are your villains mooks?

What does your villain look for in minions?


A bunch of thugs

>What does your villain look for in minions?

Why is Doctor Doom the GOAT villain?

Also, at the time of this writing, kobalds and slaves, respectively.

>The door? Like a peasant?

My sides.

Remarkably reliable thugs. Not too smart but trustworthy and motivated.

The villain can inspire loyalty, he can train strength but if you don't trust the army you command then you're not really commanding it.

Because he's not, and you should feel bad for being a doomwanker. THIS is how he's written by a writer who doesn't suck his dick.

Here's some more reading material.


Doom is the ultimate autistic fanboy fantasy. All power, no empathy or tricky human relationships. You get to be correct because of who you are, not whether or not you're actually correct. Writers will bend over backwards until their spine breaks to make you RIGHT.

What's Doom's economic policy? What's his family policy? What's his plan to save the world? It's all ultimately 'shut up and listen to DOOM!". And in Doomwankery it works because HE IS DOOM! The question you should be asking is why happily married writers (Morrison, Kirby) don't suck Doom's cock while writers that aren't happily married (Hickman, Byrne) do.
Doomwank appeals to damaged individuals who are just as lonely and dysfunctional as Doom but have none of the power.Doom can at the very least force someone to say "I love you".
Hickman and Byrne can't even get that.

Doomwank is the fantasy of being able to make people love you when nothing else works.

And this is how Doom was defeated in the first issue he appeared in. No glorious speeches. No "Just a Doombot". No fawning over him. He's defeated by the Thing, his ego is destroyed, he himself would be killed, if not for others begging to spare his life, and he escapes in shame.
This issue could not be written today.

So, the dichotomy you offer is wanking off Doom, or a guy who can't write for shit wanking off Richards while paired with an artist so bad you can't tell what the fuck is happening?
I choose death.

He is very smart and latveria has a good standard of living.

Anyone who wants tax policies in their stupid superhero stories is a wackjob

Does "not sucking his dick" just mean making him completely ineffectual? I'm not sure why you posted these. They're kinda terrible.

They are a nice breath of fresh air compared to Doom getting defeated, only for it to be revealed that it's just a Doombot, since real DOOM can't ever be hurt.
It's also a nice break from gods sucking his dick and proclaiming him the saviour of the world who can do no wrong.

Doom is a bad dude, but he's also the superhero who's doing the most.

He's kind of fixing the issues and not the symptoms. You really can't blame him for being efficient. If I had the ability to make doombots, you'd better bet I'd have doombots everywhere

>THIS is how he's written by a writer who doesn't suck his dick.
>Proceeds to post images featuring no relevant dialogue
I suppose not writing quality dialogue technically counts as not writing Doom-biased dialogue.

Doctor Doom varies with the author like Batman, but has the right elements and potential to be the GOAT villain.

>What are your villains mooks?
Enthralled cultists, most of whom truly believe their deity is good, but they themselves are not.

Not a Doomwanker so I don't have images, but...
>What's Doom's economic policy?
Technology based and successful.

>What's his family policy?
Something something all children sleep well at night something.

>What's his plan to save the world?
Take control of it and run it as smoothly as he does Latveria.

You may be right about why he gets written like that sometimes. Or not.

>This issue could not be written today.
I, for one, would love a story where, pehaps while Victor and Reed are tossing volleys, witicisms, deadly attacks, and clever retorts at each other, Doom's ultimate strategy is undone by the Thing.
Only not through a near-murderous, rage attack, but through inexplicable, unpredictable, and unprecedentedly dogged determination.
An imprisoned Ben Grimm eventually breaks out and then simply tears through walls of machinery and vital equipment, taking the abuse of the fully lethal brunt of the few of Doom's automatic defenses that can reach him as he burrows through the catatrophically damaged Doomsday Device of Doom.
Ultimately, Doom is left unharmed, his plan undone, standing over the broken and bleeding body of a simple man, who he had thought evaluated, equalized, and eliminated, and yet had impossibly exceeded his limits and insanely managed to thwart the Will of Doom with mere brute strength, raw power, and mule-headed determination.
Doom regards the gallingly inelegant agent of his failure, then turns to leave his enemy to his fate, only to be burned by a caustic insult spat out through ragged breaths.

Abstract psychic constructs.

Absolute loyality.

The best minions don't die or go to jail for you. The best minions escape with as much of the loot as possible while Captain Whatever fucks your shit up, and then hires the best lawyer that loot can buy in your defense.

Absolute loyalty is a big one

What's your villains second banana like?


Aren't doctor doom and spider man like best buds?

That was their first meeting.

That they are entertaining.

I mean like, in general


>Aren't doctor doom and spider man like best buds?
>I mean like, in general?
Doom is Spider-Man's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.