What do daemonettes and other demons do on their days off from work?

what do daemonettes and other demons do on their days off from work?

depends on the setting

Are they bad deamonettes or nice deamonettes?


If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life, user.

The really kinky ones wear clothing over chastity belts...

Mild and comfy forms of excess.

I'm imagining a bunch of daemonettes snuggling on the sofa binge-watching some Netflix series while they sip fruity cocktails.


Exercise, rest, catch up on correspondence, accessorize, etc.

Even evil has standards, user, they would never something that low.

The really nasty ones might even do something as terrible as playing board games

>The really nasty ones might even do something as terrible as playing board games


Well, we know what the latter does.

Post here.

Not anymore. );

Do demons have free-time?


>their days off from work?
I came here to say that this question made me imagine daemonettes and their enemies punching a clock and heading home for the weekend chatting about their plans, like Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog might.

The various demons of Khorne do arts and crafts.

Not because they want too, Khorne makes them do it because he knows they hate it and he wants them angry when the action starts back up.

I imagine that so long as they continue to faithfully serve any master they may have and respond to summons when prompted they're more or less free to do whatever in between their tasks. The mid tier demons probably have the most free time since imps and other low level types are summoned left and right by novice warlocks or serving their masters and the small ring of high level demons are too busy plotting each other's demises, answering the call of and/or taking the soul of powerful warlocks, and trying to keep some other demon from stealing their position of power to do much else. Mid tier types probably spend a good chunk of their free time betting collected souls on who's going to off who next century or just fucking with inexperienced warlocks that get too big for their britches and fuck up while trying to summon a demon lord.

good ridance too, he was a shitter and a furfag

makes me think of Angron and Fulgrim having art competitions, with Fulgrim always winning with some liberal arts tier project like menstrual blood on a newspaper while no one votes for Angron's classical renaissance piece of the battle on the Vengeful spirit.

I'm fairly certain alpharius is cool enough to like angrons classical price

He probably doesn't count, because if he casts a vote his entire legion votes too and they can't sort him out

What happened anyway, just disappeared

Changed his name but you can tell it's him.


Imagine a group of daemons going to some kind of after work and talking how their week has been

>My boss had me working overtime, I had to join my supervisor Slimux to the mortal realms and straight after that I had to join an attack on an agri world in the Imperium.

>You are lucky you can get to spend some vacation time in that garden your boss owns, Tzeench gives us more things to do, some of them is to undo what we just did, and so on.

>Fuck you guys! Vacations is for pussies! Nothing is more enjoyable that seeing the head of the enemies flowing with blood! But besides that, me and the missus are going to to see Skarbrands poetry night this weekend, really looking forward it.

>You think you guys have it easy? I had to perform over 100 dances in a single night for some stuck up humans at a lame party. My cheeks hurt from doing fake smiles all day. I have to ask Slaneesh if I maybe could get somewhere easier to go on my next shift.

