>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations mega.nz/#F!bF0ExS4D!_XaMECn0K9HiJKUFSopJLA
How does the Nurgling keep from getting the pages sticky and smudged?
Wyatt Perry
What do you think is the most popular CSM legion by total players?
Ryan White
admech btfo, no transports, weaker infiltrators, only mars is able to compete; rest should just go home.
Dominic Rivera
Luke Nguyen
Considering some parts for my Fuegan conversion.
Where should I put those Reaver spikes (black fin things)? On his helmet crest? His forearms?
Any colour ideas? My current Fire Dragons are scab red with blood red highlights and evil sunz yellow helmets.
Jackson Murphy
laminated pages?
Daniel Rogers
Everyone seems to love Iron Warriors for some reason.
Dylan Sanchez
with 8th actually getting me somewhat back into the game I might finally get around to assembling these deathwing I've had stuffed in a closet for years. I think I'll paint them early years black though.
Evan Martin
What are the odds that one of the Sister's would get the Ravenguard/Alpha Legion/Admech equivalent trait?
Will just every faction get their version of it?
Ian Collins
>weaker infiltrators I'll give you that, but Lucius and teleporting kastelans is might scary.
Joseph Perry
Do you think I can paint my chaos spawn with sores and green slime so they count as Beast of Nurgle? BoN are basically a more reliable alternative with way better saves and consistent damage compared to spawn
Cameron Moore
This edition it will be alpha legion, because they're the waacfag legion, and have a dumb excuse to look like other legions.
>timmy, didn't you used to play word bearers >yeah, but now I do alpha legion, I love their lore >but your models still look like word bearers >yeah, that's cause they're in disguise XD
Parker Cook
The following should never have been expanded into full armies and should have remained as a few units to ally into other Imperial forces:
• Grey Knights • Sisters of Battle • Adeptus Mechanicus
Landon Jenkins
Daniel Lewis
Eli Hill
You get your hands on the new codex? Because only half the forge worlds rules have bee released.
Eli Lee
>grey knights agreed >sisters disagree, they have a lot of fluff and an actually diverse amount of models to make armies out of, rather than 1 troop, 2 elites, and a mech. >admech eh, 6 of one.
Blake Morales
How is it a dumb excuse if that is consistent with their tactics?
Cooper Moore
Are biovores any good? They seem really good, considering they can easily dish out moral wounds.
Hope they get the plastic treatment soon. Or at least the Pyrovore does, since it has a better model.
Austin White
Grey Knights and Sisters should have remained chamber militants for their respective Inquisitorial branches. Ad Mech can stay as a standalone, because I don't know whose army they'd be rolled into
Hunter Johnson
Kevin Scott
>AdMech >not tempestus scions Come on.
Cameron Smith
They're actually mentioned in 8th edition I think
Ian Gutierrez
last thread bro. all the warlord traits and stratagems have been leaked.
Ian Lee
Wanted to start this thread after some dark imperium negativity last thread...primaris lives matter.
Michael Parker
>Will just every faction get their version of it? Grey Knights didn't. did they?
Justin Clark
Cute cat.
Ian Morales
Fuck wrong pic
Jaxon Taylor
>Tyranid >Master Race >Constantly losing in their own codex >Can't even win against a bunch of space mushroom football hooligan even after fighting them for 112 years nonstop
Isaiah Gray
any opinions on this? I know the Beasts of Nurgle are more sluglike, but idk if that is a hard rule or a guideline
Dylan Richardson
Link to last thread?
Andrew Russell
Nathaniel Moore
>painting on the sprue please don't do this
Evan Gray
Because why exactly?
Why does people playing these armies and having fun trigger you so?
Oliver Rivera
Just jam them all into a "Dogs of War" style book. They're not meant to be full military forces of their own.
Fair point. Add them to the list!
Jace Wood
>summon after disembarking anons still think they're right after things like this having been posted
Jeremiah Phillips
winterseo has a video going through it all.
don't watch if you're an admech fan
Lincoln Reed
Did they get any tactic options? I thought they were like Death Guard in that they all one Chapter/Legion/whatever
Landon Hill
You've made the mistake of thinking any of the disembarking shitposters actually believe what they type.
Aiden Green
Fuck the chads, post pets.
Chase Jones
It's way easier to undercoat both sides of the flag on the sprue. I'll cut it off before I paint the flame design I had in mind.
Jonathan Lopez
Does anyone know if there's a place that has a catalog of gw models/releases throughout the years?
I'm curious to see how some models and factions have evolved through the course of the game
Anthony Hughes
It's ok to prime on the sprue though.
Josiah Russell
Sisters are soldiers of the Ecclisiarchy, not the Inquisition.
Camden Nguyen
Kayden James
Yes, every faction with subfactions will get it. Grey Knights and Death Guard have a codex, but didn't get it, because they don't have subfactions.
Expect Catachans to get it. Some sneaky git orks to get it. Some force field necron things to get it. Some hive fleet to get it. GSC will not get it, because they won't get subfactions (though they should, since they have varying cults).
Welcome to League of 40k.
Camden Nelson
Wyatt Foster
What about Druchii?
Carter Thomas
Mold lines and paintless spots where the sprue used to connect Do not do this
Evan Bell
DG codex on the mega when?
Angel Torres
what did he mean by this?
Ian Bennett
They died with Fantasy, user.
Jeremiah Sullivan
Nigga thats gay
But stylin
Lincoln Watson
In that codex sister are soldiers of the hereticus inquisitors. I'm saying it should have stayed that way.
Levi Scott
they will get on for each, one for and
Ethan Miller
>a player, a dog, and their pet what's his name?
Carson Baker
Death guard are the toughest legion >lords are t4
Dylan Garcia
You do know you can fix those up afterwards right?
Daniel Sanchez
To be fair nurgle followers probably like their pages sticky.
Jose Adams
It's a bit tricky with drew carey, because they've got 3 faction tags. But I suspect it will be a haemonculus covens faction that gets the -1.
Luis Ward
Pup's name is Logan.
Ryan Jenkins
The current organization of the game doesn't require this anymore.
I'm on mobile, so I can't watch this. How mad does he get?
Zachary Morris
Newb from last thread again: should I go with Admech or Death Guard? They're the only things my game store sells aside from Primaris Marines, which I find boring.
Evan Campbell
Pretty salty for sure
Jonathan Diaz
Here's the thing with Grey Knights.
Are you fighting demons? Great. You're basically meta-picking your army. Are you fighting anything else? Why are Grey Knights even there?
Lincoln Wilson
Or now bare with me OR you could just do it before you prime it and get it right the first time
Zachary Edwards
more salt than anger.
Wyatt Scott
Death guard actually play slightly different from every other army, and more of their units seem viable. Ad mech have pretty big problems, and as a big codex race, don't offer much to separate them from every other big codex race so far.
Jayden Edwards
So that confirms it won't always be 7 subdivisions? Wonder how many there'll be
Wyatt Carter
He doesn't really actively get too salty as far as I remember, though he does mention that he's a bit disappointed about the bad things in the codex.
Noah Jenkins
absolute madman
Sebastian Torres
>Ravenguard/Alpha Legion/Admech equivalent trait?
Im out of the loop. What is this trait?
James Wilson
No matter what folks say about playing the winning team I always, ALWAYS urge people to choose the army they like the most in terms of how they look and the lore etc.
If you don't truly enjoy your dudes your not going to entirely enjoy painting them or playing with them
If theres another faction you like more that your store doesn't sell ask them if theyd be willing to at least order the respective start collecting set in for you to buy if not just buy online
as with most factions (except deathguard for now) start with the start collecting box first
Aaron Reyes
>Death guard actually play slightly different from every other army,
explain pls
Jordan Flores
What's the matter? Didn't accept SWA had GKs fighting rabble instead of Death watch?
Andrew Peterson
Maybe they think the enemy is demons in disguise?
Hunter Baker
trait: -1 to hit when beyond 12" stratagem: pay 1cp to infiltrate a unit before the game starts
Oliver Harris
-1 to hit if shooting at them from more than 12" away
Christopher Clark
It probably will be seven subdivisions for the drew carey, but not all the subdivisions will cover the same units.
So far, every big codex (not small codices like GK or DG) has had a faction that gets -1 to hit from 12 inches away. With ad mech, GW decided to spice things up a bit and have the -1 to hit from 12 inches away faction not get the deep strike stratagem. Instead GW gave that stratagem to the "ignores AP of 1" faction. SPICY!
Charles Moore
>enemy army is attacking territory occupied by Grey Knights >Grey Knights just got done fighting daemons and enemy shows up >Grey Knights show up to investigate daemon fuckery, clash with enemy army that's already there
It's not hard to think of a reason for people to fight, nigga
Colton Gonzalez
So they're incompetent? Okay, yes. When it comes to the Imperium, I can buy that.
Jaxon Nelson
Maybe they think the enemy's skin would make nice anti-daemon hats?
Easton Bennett
>stop playing what i don't like, said the orkfag Orkfaggotry is a mental disorder.
Jackson Cox
Sure. Stupid reasons are pretty easy to shit out on demand.
Christian Murphy
The story I've heard most often is that they think the enemy has somehow gotten involved with daemons, either wittingly or unwittingly, and need to be purged.
Camden Rogers
Hellraiser is okay but I think I like the book better for most of the aspects of the plot, but I think it fits Dark Eldar better. Also I haven't actually seen Event Horizon.
Tyler Hall
7E already establish that GK fighting Daemon posessed xenos/other forces was commonplace, even gave rules for it. In addition, you're seriously telling me that GK can't clash with another force in the area that was also fighting Daemons? And that GK don't deal with CSM regularly? You're retarded.