Why does GW continue to put all this unnecessary bullshit on their DG models? Why are random nurglings necessary...

Why does GW continue to put all this unnecessary bullshit on their DG models? Why are random nurglings necessary? Why is smoke and giant flies a necessary part of the model? Why can that shit not just have a separate sprue that contains all the crazy, cooky crap?

Death Guard were my favorite until the new sculpts. I'm tempted to collect and convert them into being less over designed and cluttered.

This model starts to make a lot more sense if you look at it as a giant FUCK YOU to recasters.

Nurglings are always necessary.

Came here to say this. All these models are to fuck chinaforge as well as 3d printing

They're literally producing shitty over saturated models just to spite a few handfuls of people who buy China forge or 3d print shit . ( But no nu-GW are different!!!)

The nurgling is a throwback to the old model, everything else just leave it off. It's not that hard.

>you'll never get that style of helmet for your terminators

Hopefully plague marine box will at least come with those MkII helmets I've been waiting for since FW put out those "MkII" suits of theirs.

I'd actually prefer "cleaned up" recasts to these.

Sounds to me like all of Veeky Forums's complaints are the expression of their frustration.

Think about it.

>oh shit, chinaman won't be able to recast this super cool model
>what do you mean I'll have to pay full price???
>I don't even care, I hate this overdesigned piece of shit!

textbook sour grapes

>not just buying the 30k model

One wallet, one vote.

Ouch, that model's awful.

>most things have gone back to monopose now, because of sculpting decisions and how GW cut their sprues so you aren't just gluing legs to torsos

Must be really dull having the "flavour of the month" army where every icon, belt pouch and pose is the same as everybody else's army at your store.

Considering how kids used to struggle painting the old Space Marine intro sets, god knows the monstrosities on Realm of Battle™ tables in some GW shops.

>everything else just leave it off
Can you even do that or are they part of the main body?

prefer the fw one desu

though the old typhus was great, real menacing.

>you are just a poorfag!
I wonder if having disposable money justify bad taste.
Looks like s.

That model is great, it looks like he's flailing around to get all those flies and shit off of him.

It doesn't, really. Plus, minis (even GW) are really cheap as far as hobbies go.


>cut and rearange the arm to have a cooler pose
>cut off smoke and replace with wadding that you've sprayed and painted to look like actual smoke (pic related)
>or just forget smoke alltogether
>cut off flys
>cut off nurgling (maybe, nurglings are cute after all)
There, problem solved, badass model saved.
Wasnt that hard.

Don't they just recast the individual bits or sprue?

You all should have seen this coming as soon as you saw the Chosen in Dark Vengeance 5 years ago.

Honestly, you already know that anyone who doesnt use a custom conversion for their HQ is pretty much a faggot or a newb.

that makes it so much more appealing
"Argh get the fuck off me you chitinous bastards!"
*autistic flailing*

It's plastic so it's easy to cut, besides it's Nurgle so resculpting the armour doesn't even need to be perfect.

>I wonder if having disposable money justify bad taste

Someone who buys a genuine distasteful GW model and someone who buys the recast of that distasteful GW model are both buying the same distasteful shit you moron.

>GW Minis: 10 for $60
>Warlord Minis: 25 for $38
Stop being an autistic shill and realize there are dozens of better companies than GW.

>yfw he gets one of those sacrifice all swings to auto hit all base contact AoE attacks

>completely different scale, genre, and game, with far less population and popularity

It's cheaper for a reason. They're not even better quality, but okay, you autistic shill. Go suck some Perry Brothers stump cock while you're at it.

Are you ass-blasted your daddy won't give you his credit card to buy over-priced Games Workshit monopose? 28mm is 28mm, Heroic or not, and genre literally means fuck all

>scifi walking tank super soldier
>weapon has a wooden haft

because we need giant spikes and tentacles on everything how else do you know its CHAOS?

Try harder anti GW shill.

You act like us 40k players dont know how to use an exacto knife.


It's just the fucking pose that gets me, I wouldn't buy it because I hate painting that many details for a whole army and deathguard troop detail make Skitarii look like Guardsmen.

But just make him look like he's swinging the scythe or charging, just not some fucking weird rally with a scythe,

Maybe it's the same wood as all the SW shields?

Give them more personality and let you know what they are just by looking at them. Any of the deathshroud terminators could by Typhus, but you can tell this one is by his flies.

Typhus old model looked more grimdark


The mini looks like absolute shit. Covering monopose minis in greeblies just encourages people to go buy third party or stick to the old one.

This one's still overdesigned bullshit, but at least it isn't covered in fucking awful looking smoke and shitty nurglings/flies.

It shouldn't be that difficult to make that conversion, from this point , It looks like you'd just have to rotate the right hand about 90 degrees (palm up), bend the left arm a bit around to meet the end of the scythe, and turn the head around the other way. Now he's swinging his scythe at an opponent.
Still, it really says something when there have been two excellent, fan favourite typus models before now, and GW decides to completely change things up when making the new one, thereby removing much of what people loved about the old ones. Both other typhus models are better than this one design-wise, the only thing this has over them is being bigger and plastic.

I'd wager it's easy to cut and shave the annoying bits, notably the smoke on the back.

GW thinks that detail = quality. They're trying but are missing the forest for the trees

FW understands how to make aesthetically pleasing models that are still detailed, though.

Everyday someone steals a bad looking expensive car.
Your point, and therefore you, completely retard.

Get off your high horse you fucking spastic, I merely said that miniature wargaming, GW included, is pretty cheap as far as hobbies go.

A friend of mine do paragliding, he throws away 1000€ to 2000€ every year in new gear.

Prefer one on right.

Yeah, if they had him in CAD they could upscale it 7%, transfer it to plastic moulds and sell it a full price.

Model is dope as hell. OP is faggot

And if they don't own a laser scanner capable of giving them a CAD model, I will eat my own testes.

They don't want to sell an upscaled version, they want to sell a new one so people who already own the old typhus will go buy the new one too.

>doesn't understand that his example fails to support his point and actually supports the point he's trying to refute
>completely missed a verb in his autistic rage

The point, because you're too stupid to understand it, is that wealth has no relevance to taste. You argue that it does, and then provide multiple examples of poor people going after the same things you accuse of being tasteless.

So let me spell it out for you DICKLESS MCGEE, if being rich makes you have shit taste WHY DO YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT POOR PEOPLE WITH THE SAME SHITTY TASTES

But that doesn't justify the price hiking within the wargaming industry, retard. Sure, wargaming is a cheap enough hobby, but that doesn't mean you can charge inordinate amounts for objectively shittly sculpted lumps of plastic.

It's called economics, retard. The market is bearing the current prices, so companies will continue to charge that price. Blame GW and the people who keep GW in business, since every other company is pricing using GW as a model.

This is why all the "normal" popular wargames cost as much or more than GW, while all the historicals are cheaper. The historical market is different, bears a different cost, and they have a different model pricing they all emulate.

no but you see guardsmen more than doubling in price is a good thing because REEEEEEEEEEEEEE GET OUT POORFAGS.

Of course you can price whatever you want. It's like saying "you can't price 75€ for a bottle of alcohol and scent and call it a perfume", yet you know people will buy it at that price if they want.

> spending 25 dollars on a model you completely have to alter to look semi decent

Haha... wow...

I do own the odl one, and I'd buy a new upscaled one too.

I'd also buy a straight plastic version of the Nurgle DP

>he expects prices to stay the same over 30 years

Friend, they are minis from 2003 that are totally unchanged.

It used to be £18 for 20. Now it is £18 for 10. (I thought it was over £20, my mistake.) A chimera is more or less the same price it was in 2003, so it's certainly not a question of the material cost.

I started to collect DG because of new models.

>Haha... wow...
>not finding joy in converting and customizing every model you buy with spare bits to give each of them character and inividuality in comparison to the boring ass "monopose character #32" that everyone else brings to the store
It can be little things too, you know. I dont actually play DG, but for example, my GK Draigo uses the BT Emperors Champions Sword cause it looks cooler and I converted my Hive Tyrant to look like pic related.
Each to their own, I guess.

That's fine, but there's something to be said for having a decent model to base your conversion off of in the first place. GW seem to be discouraging people who actually enjoy customising their minis, even a basic headswap needs some cutting on some of these. (Please, for the love of the emperor, someone explain why Celestine's hair is moulded into her armour, but the rest of her head isn't?)

It's all a ploy to get you to buy the Forgeworld models. The Forgeworld Typhus simply looks nicer. Follow any of the guides on how to stipple greenstuff for some boils, and you are good.

I don't understand how someone could buy HH DG models and intend to use them in 40k unless they're planning to do some work on them to make them look more appropriate. The DG are not like NL or AL who have elements who don't want anything to do with Chaos, they fully embrace Nurgle and thus should bear his blessings.

While I think I do like this better, at the same time it makes me realize that the original is trying to convey that Typhus is the host of the Destroyer Hive.

I think he looks fucking bad ass.

If you don't want random nurglings and flies and weird shit, you really shouldn't be worshipping Nurgle.

Oh god I didn't even notice the Halloween decoration flies until now. I din't think I've been able to get past the pose. He looks like a fat man desperately waddling backwards to keep from falling on his ass.

3D sculpted, copy-paste ass-looking details are ass. Just like you.

>converting a monopose hunk of shit
You'd have to spend ages cutting off all those shitty flies and fart gas that are probably connected to the model in like 5 different places and repair the damage before you can even begin thinking about reposing him.
Reposing the AoBR boss took a fair bit of work but was doable, trying the same with Typhus would be a nightmare.

>he has no understanding of CAD design

I honestly think the new DG models are amongst the worst GW has ever put out. But I didn't want to say anything because I know what Nurgle fanboys are like.

>Basic troop compared to special character

It's from a "magic" tree, for a lack of a better term, the wood increases his psychic ability like a lightning rod or some shit...

you must accept that characters are only for buffing nearby units now

I'm thinking of converting him into something similiar as the pic. Raising the heads upward.

I think some of the new nurgle stuff is too cluttered. Nurgle stuff used to be always about less mutations. The new terminators look like possessed not terminators. Their armour doesn't even look like it would work.

That looks good.

Here's the thing, this mini is actually poorly designed and as a visual/character designer it offends me just by looking at it. There are a lot of unnecessary details that make it look busy and unfocused. The proportions are this weird mix of cartoony and realistic proportions that cause it to clash with itself and the awkward pose only makes this more obvious.

>nu-GW models
>realistic proportions

You having a giggle, mate?

If it were completely cartoony I wouldn't have a problem but the proportions of the head and the torso are realistic enough to clash with the caroony nurglings and the cartoony scale of the legs.

>He has no understanding it's bad design.

>people that keep saying cartoony over and over
You faggot underage need to leave.

I mean, I've said that I got no problem with cartoony design but I guess you won't understand what people actually mean by cartoony.

Nuglings are fine but it's the rest of the junk and clutter which looks ugly, which old nurgle models didn't have. The model is too busy and I'm overwhelmed looking at it. There's nothing to focus on, shit is everywhere. Compare this to the model in the pic, your eye is drawn straight to the upper body details including the face, and the pose draws attention to the weapons which are also in line with the upper body.

NuTyphon looks like trash, too much going on. My eye is drawn almost immediately to the flies, the nurgling, and all the shit hanging from his loins. The weapon is raised high which brings the eyes up away from the model. Far too many focal points. Also

>lord of decay
>ground beneath him is absolutely fine

Sounds like you work at GW, but don't sculpt or do anything useful. Your probably an office gimp of sorts, meaning you have a function (inputting data or some other gay ass shit) but you generally neglect it to go around and talk to the artists (who generally hate you except that you have perky C cups). Can't miss on this slam dunk

One could almost say it's CHAOTIC, HUH?

Just because it's Chaos doesn't mean it's an excuse to make the design horrible. Deliberately bad design is still bad.

So the dude has C cups and the artist are fetishy lesbian women? I'm confused

Commence consumption


They are just casting the sprues you imbeciles.
The fact that they are monopose makes it even simpler.
Continue sucking gw, and paying them ridiculous amounts.

>exaggerated proportions
>unrealistic / nonsensical elements
>typically child-friendly
>like a cartoon

Do you understand why people say it yet?

I'm not a big fan of this Typhus yeah. Pretty much all of the other stuff death guard got I really like the look of though. Like the new plague marines are very nice looking, I don't know why some people prop up the old GW ones so much.

I'd rather him standing the scythe in the ground and looking imposing or shooting off a flyerball out of his hand or something like that, or back to his normal stance.

Yeah, If they made his pose more reserved and made the proportions of his legs less exaggerated he'd look a lot better.

trying to make them so complicated that all attempts at recasting end in failure.

Are you kidding me?! They're using Kharn's old pose!

You're retarded. The proportions are just an issue with legacy marines in general. Horror elements like rotting corpses and body horror are not intended for kids.
What you want to say is you dislike the bright typical eavy metal paint scheme.

The epitome of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

>So GW is tired of people making similar models.
>"I know, if we make our models so shitty that nobody will copy them!"
>"Then, we'll sell a 'limited edition' Primaris for 35 dollars, who is literally a starter box guy."

It's also why everything new is called something retarded like Dicksniff Knobgobblers.

Does he have fucking diabetes or something? Why are his legs so huge?

Its all fucking modular

>He looks like a fat man desperately waddling backwards to keep from falling on his ass.
Appropriate counterpart to this guy who looks like a fat man stumbling forwards trying to keep from falling on his face.

>sucks gw so hard he can't just quit or play another game and has to resort to bootleg crack

>Horror elements like rotting corpses and body horror are not intended for kids.
Did you ever actually WATCH any cartoons as a kid? Mutations and fucked up disfigured bodies caused by toxic waste or whatever else are common as fuck.