After presenting at least ten different concepts, my gm shot down all of them for being too powerful

After presenting at least ten different concepts, my gm shot down all of them for being too powerful.

So help me create the most worthless character. What class is the least useful? Commoner?

Other urls found in this thread:

Play a Fighter.

Post your other concepts.

Spell-less ranger beastmaster with a micro pig as your companion

I wanted to play a creature using various Size modifiers to make him the largest size possible, with a strength score of over 400, so that he could lift essentially a quintillion pounds and throw it at things for a quintillion D6 damage.

The other concept I used was channeling spell fire feat from fearun and using followers who all had the feat and one level of warlock to essentially replicate a Spirit Bomb that did 20d6 per follower.

The last concept he just rejected was Using the leadership feat while being a summoner to summon things with leadership to have summoners and we all take broodmaster to all be able to summon things together.

Then we use the amalgam template to combine everything we summon, every turn, and create Godzilla.

How the fuck did you expect to get away with any of these

How has your GM gone this long without kicking you?


Your DM sounds like a dick. What game? He should at least make it clear which supplements you can use.

>mfw trying to regulate what characters players can use in RIFTS


How about just a fucking wizard?

Did you try just making a half decent barbarian? And not go for buying or making a slave army?

Also sage.

I don't know any of these people, it's a fresh group.

They are all completely legitimate builds.

Every single one of those is game-breakingly powerful.

These don't sound fun, they sound optimized to have really big numbers.

Honestly, the thing that bothers me the most about all of this is that 3 is absolutely not "at least ten." Unless you're in binary.

>They are all completely legitimate builds.
Mmhmm. What's everyone else playing?

>I am unable to recognize a shitposter when I see one

Shh, it's more fun to play it out.

And fully retarded to boot.

This is such an obvious bait

The least you could do is not bump the thread.

Sure, but it's funny shitposting.

"My build lets me be Godzilla and lift a quintillion tons"
He lifts a mountain over his head, and then the stone gives way. Rocks fall, godjira dies.

They are all playing dumb things too. Like Psionic aegis with an ac of 110 and Dr 50

... What the fuck are you playing?

Level 100 pathfinder

its a very simple rule for rifts - only stuff pertinent to the region your game is set in. of course, if you have a globe trotting or galaxy spanning adventure this can become a problem.

Is.. is that a thing? If you aren't trolling, I'm gonna need to see some PDFs


>Level 100 pathfinder
>Not throwing galaxies at each other
Why even play

no. but I'm not Op, that's the only thing I can guess.

Would that be an improvised weapon build? Would a blinkback belt let you throw the same galaxy multiple times?

>Bouncing galaxies around like a yo-yo
Why are we not playing this right now?

>Use galaxies as improvised thrown weapons
>Strike with the literal anger of a thousand burning suns
>Take the improvised weapons mastery feat
>Every damage die gets one size bigger
>DM implodes

Because there's no good system to play the second season of Gurren Laggan

bog standard fighter with stats and feats spread all over the place.

Right, we have to fix this

Amber Diceless.

Freeform doesn't count

Is it possible to minmax the most useless character?
like the peasant railgun, except useless.

We need some rules though - for example, a character who is permanently comatose can't really be played.

I wanted to say a fighter with no arms but now I want to make SweetKicks into a real character

A character who could feasibly have survived to the start of the campaign while being able to live in a fashion typical of their species.

>I and my GM can't communicate like two adults
>Let me help going into the extreme

Maybe just talk you two?
And how about you make a character you want to roleplay, rather than combination of stats and skills?


>(H)Armless Tigerman

How can a char's CONCEPT be too powerful?
If it's powerful, tone it down.
What kind of fucked up game are you playing, that doesn't have ways to do that? Fucking free-form?

If anything, free-form makes it easier to handle OP characters than a rule-heavy book. Mostly because it all boils down to GM's judgement and sparse rolls, rather than codified series of advantages.
You can't min-max in a game without rules allowing min-maxing

It's hard, but have you considered not trying to break the game?
You're playing one of the worst rpgs out there, you have to work with your DM to make it go smoothly, not work AGAINST your DM like you're doing.
You'd be better served playing an other system, something more solid that you won't have to worry about breaking.

No fucking wonder he didn't allow any of this. Unless you are playing high power superhero game, this shit won't stand in any game, at least not for a starting character in aything but high-power campaign.

So, the guy who complained he was being nerfed by his GM turned out to be a huge power gamer who was floating insane concepts no game master worth his salt would ever okay?

What a fucking surprise.

Who does his hair?

Same guy that did Hitler's.

take a step outside yourself, read what you have written from the perspective of your GM, then make an actual character instead of trying to find loopholes in the game mechanics.

Glad I'm not the only one.

He said "good system" not "suck up to the GM to get your way system."

I thought that girl was an amputee from the thumbnail.

Post more Stargirl

I wanna say this is sarcasm but considering comic books in general this could literally be true.

Dex-based fighter. There, done. Thread over.

i thought she was an amputee from the thumbnail

make an amputee

Pixie fighter

Seems like the real problem was that the GM didn't shoot you instead

>cripplefuckers come out of the woodwork

Star Girl best girl

Well Pathfinder has rules for a Commoner class. They're proficient with a single weapon (And no armor), have all bad saves, slow BAB progression, 2+int skills, and only 7 class skills. They're meant for NPCs, but there's no reason a player couldn't make one. You could, in theory, play a level 20 Commoner.

Quadriplegic mute bard.

sure buff your Craft (Basketweaving) and then go into Exemplar

you make such good baskets people love you