Which aesthetic is better, egyptians or aztecs?

which aesthetic is better, egyptians or aztecs?

Easily egyptian.

Hi Wyrdo.



Seconding this

I could never take the black egyptians theory seriously. I knew it has significant amount of evidence and was proven true years ago, but it still seems silly to me.

Aztecs without a doubt.

>I knew it has significant amount of evidence and was proven true years ago,
Sources. I know the Nubian's controlled Egypt for a dynasty or two, and that's it.



Combining the two and adding fresh aspects.


>which aesthetic is better, egyptians or aztecs?
Better for what annon, wich aspect you want to take into account?

Why does he look asian?

Because he is asian. Specifically Combodian

egyptians are overdone, aztecs master race

Definitely this

>which aesthetic is better, egyptians or aztecs?
>posts SE Asia aesthetic
why tho

Back to /pol/ racist. I hate it when white people try and deny we were King's and Queen's.

What a Wyrd poster, thinking that's going to work. At this point, I don't even know if your being serious, joking, or a paid Russian troll hoping to cause racial dissidence for hopes of riots and civil war in a country I don't live in


Are you aware the picture you posted is meant to be from a fantasy Cambodia?

Inca > Aztec > Roman > Norse > Egyptian > Native American > Japanese > Hellenistic > Chinese > Indian > Mesopotamic > Mongol > whatever is left

Aztec aesthetics, Egyptian gods. Aztecs had shit gods.


The correct answer is a homebrew culture that borrows elements from both to create something unique and new but also familiar and clearly influenced by the same external factors (geography, climate, technology, etc).

>Birb head not!Jesus is better than a giant blue guy dressed as a hummingbird drinking the blood of people's hearts to continue fighting yog sothot to keep the sun shining.
Plebest of plebs

>"I was a very lawful good person all of my life. I hope I get to be what I was in life in afterlife" vs "I wanna be the little hummingbird in heaven, I hope i sacrificed enough of my own blood and other people's blood for it"
>we not primitive enough to not wear shoes and belts, mind you, but everything else we wear is copypasted from actual cultures.

My fellow from the Southern lands.

>xipe totec
Fuck outta here with your shotacon bullshit






Aztec, the only good thing about Egyptian aesthetic is slutty Cleopatra


Imagine how shitty Egyptian aesthetic is

Can we please not do this every single time? Can we not just have a thread about Egypt once without all of this?

Yes, she was ethnically greek, we know. But she was the fucking queen of egypt dude, stop being a faggot.

No. This will only stop once whitey (aka the devil) recognizes us for the royalty we are and stops trying to whitewash history.

Nah, it's based as fuck, brilliant civilisation.
But I would be team Aztec all the way.

She was the last of a dynasty that was the last of an empire that existed three thousand years before. Hardly representative of anything.

Just look at this bad motherfucker.
It. Means. Business.

>Not Assyrian
See this Bronze Age pleb? He probably still uses stone tools

Slavo-Norse, because that's an actual historical thing and it's the single most Metal culture in human history.

What could be better than Russian Vikings?

user, Egypt wasn't even a country for past THOUSAND years when she was "last queen of it". Late Bronze Collapse hit them and hit them hard - first 600 years of fucking anarchy, then 200 of rulers from Mesopotamia, then Greeks.
Saying Cleopatra represented anything Egyptian at all is like calling 18th century HRE a true descendant of Roman Republic

>What could be better than Russian Vikings?
People that read and wrote ?

10/10 bait

How about some Tang Dynasty?

Hotline Miami

We playing Wicket? Where's the ball?

Combine both for uniqueness

But Tasigur isn't supposed to be Aztec or Egyptian?

>Tang Dynasty
You mean Instrumentality?


Here's mine.

Roman>Norse>Landshrekt>Anglo-Saxon>Hellenistic>Hellenic/Successor Kingdoms>Achaemenid/Mesopotamian>Babylonian>Pike and Shot>Prussian>Carolingian> The rest

Has a pretty wide span of eras. But these are the most aesthetic. Either in their novelty (Norse), over the top detail (landshrek), or whatever have you. These are the best in my opinion.

Mesoamerican cultures are shit tier, I say.

lizard men and tomb kings respectively

I mean... aside from what said (which is all true, she was not at all ethnically Egyptian. She probably didn't look anything like the people she ruled.

It would be like if the Spanish left the Aztecs intact but left a ruling dynasty of Spaniards and then about 250 years later, the descendent of Cortez (who's ancestors really mostly only fucked other Spaniards) saying, "I'm Aztec!"


I mean, for fucking reference, Cleopatra lived closer to the Moon Landing than she did to the construction of the Pyramid of Giza (just to put the timeline in perspective)

Nope. Black people ruined Egypt for us, too, user. Deal with it.

is using a -3 Sorin Markov type of effect rude? a friend gave me tons of shit for it and kinda made me feel bad

Egyptian aztec nazis.


This bullshit honestly really annoys me, not just because of the historical inaccuracy, but because if American nogs wanted to be educated about their actual culture, there's plenty of shit there. Yoruba mythology is fucking great.

It really is.

> t. great great great great great great grandmother "raped" by romans

didn't know that, just picked a sorta exotic looking dude that wasn't aztec or egyptian enough. fantasy cambodia does sound pretty balla as fuck tho


Where the poo?


Is that dude Aztec? Why is he bone white? Weren't they native americans?

Who could be behind such a post?

Not so long as they keep we wuzzing thangs.

Vikings are the most basic shit ever, it's like always eating vanilla ice cream.

You are the ball.

You sound like the kind of guy who thinks warm grey is too colorfull.

Not to mention Africa had plenty of Kings and Queens of their own. Just because they were city states instead of a continent spanning country didn't mean they didn't last just as many thousands of years and had a rich culture/history as well.

In fact, those African Kings and Queens are where the colonists got most of their slaves from. They would sell all of the captured soldiers and peasants from rival city states as slaves to their allies during wars.

Americans in general don't want to be american or whatever the fuck they were before being american, they want to be vikings/romans/pharaos because their dicks are that small and they didn't have dads to help them build a self esteem.

I'm proud to be an American.

I do think that our(kinda biased) history turns people against their birth country tho.

The history books never tell the full story.

I don't think that's actually Aztec, but Quetzalcoatl specifically was said to be white-skinned, which is part of how Cortez glommed on to that myth so easily. The other parts being that Quetzalcoatl was said to have fled across the sea that Cortez invaded from, and that the vassals of the Mexica wanted to revolt anyway, and Cortez was convenient.

The point wasn't being American rather than Egyptian though, it was being Yoruban rather than Egyptian. Americans have a short heritage anyway, it's a young country. Knowing where you were before the US existed is perfectly relevant, there's lots of people from every country who know what their ethnicity is for more than three or four generations.

are you proud of that stupid statement?

You're not taking into account the fact that a lot of Americans are legit descended from Vikings/Romans/Pharaos. You wouldn't diss on someone with the last name of O'Kelly for loving Irish folklore, would you? Whether you like it or not, "white people" do have a diverse and rich cultural heritage. And we are going to continue having fun exploring the shit out of it.

Oh yeah, I remember reading about that.

There were plenty of big kings in Africa too. Hell, just in the area that lots of slaves were taken, there were the Songhai and Mali empires, and Mali specifically was well known as a great center of Islamic learning. Mansa Munsa was a king of Mali, and he was the richest man ever known in all human history.
The real problem is that Egypt was a meme nation for the British for a while, and that fame spread. No English-speaking country ever really had a major obsession with the ancestors of the slaves. That and, since African countries other than Mali traditionally relied on oral tradition, the remaining records are kinda spotty.

>It would be like if the Spanish left the Aztecs intact but left a ruling dynasty of Spaniards and then
Would habe still died due diseases, specially hemorrhagic fever thw one that wiped them out. Spaniards barely killed, directly or indirectly, Mesoamericans.

More than the "I'm half german quarter polish 1/64 cherokee 22% fish" people seem to be about being American.

You're either 100% AMERICAN, or you're nothing, because you don't have a German nationality and ethnicity is not culture.

>if American nogs wanted to be educated about their actual culture, there's plenty of shit there. Yoruba mythology is fucking great
American nogs are about as separated from any authentic African culture as you can get. They're closer culturally now to the European cultures that purchased them from Africans of "their culture".

And when american blacks "explore" african culture, it's often in a way that's almost as superficial as the "we wuz ejipshuns" shit. This is all born from a desire to find their own cultural context after circumstances have made it totally lost to them. Even most whites with this kind of shit going on at least have some conception of how they came to be where they are and where they were before that, and modern immigrant groups have that even more with family members at least that remember living in their home country and coming to the US. Blacks have nothing like that, they have a distinct culture all their own but it lacks context and thus doesn't provide a sense of transcendence.

If it's really your heritage, what's there to explore? You already know it.

>More than the "I'm half german quarter polish 1/64 cherokee 22% fish" people seem to be about being American.

Yes, and? There's nothing wrong with being educated about your genetic ancestry. A person can be 1/64 Cherokee and proud of it. As well as being proud of the fact that they were born and raised in the U.S. of A. One is not mutually exclusive to the other.

>hurrr durr how can you not be raised to know thousands and thousands of years of history in acute detail?

Motherfucker, that's why practically every single country on the face of the Earth has history lessons in school. And even in college/university. With specific classes specializing in specific eras.

Now take into account the fact that an individual is descended from two or more separate countries. Of fucking course there would be a shit ton of exploring to do.

If you learn it in a history class, then it's history, not your heritage. If it's so far behind you that it's not a part of your life, then what relevance does it have to you any more?

Genetics are not culture. You're not german if you weren't risen in germany. You're not cherokee if you weren't risen among the cherokee.

You're nothing. But you could be American if you stopped whining about "blood ties" and started appreciating and doing something to improve the current trends of your real cultural heritage.

Unfortunately you are wrong

Mesoamerican is truly patrician
>indian and hellens so low

>no Gauls

>romans =/= Hellenized culture
the fuck

good shit my mc

did you do this intentionally
god why do i have so many Macedonian friends

>king tut
isn't that like after the caananite invasions?

i really like egyptian,that way you can alsoput roman and greek aesthetic,plus i like deserts

>Aztecs or Egyptians?
>posts a faux-Cambodian noble


>egyptian or aztec
>posts khmer

North American Indians>Maya>Aztecs>Inca>Mongolians>Hellenistic Greeks>Celts>Norse>Japanese>Everything Else

Romans are alright but grossly overrated IMO.

>Wizards is too pussy to give us some actually good mesoamerican set

Give me fucking blood and murder. You are depicting genocide with cartoonish zealots against poets riding glorified birds. Native Indians were badass, ruthless warriors but you're too afraid of depicting them as the bad guy in any way

On your shoulders

Tut is from the new kingdom(18th dinasty), after the invasion. Anons can't into history