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Nurgle Edition

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>Bought Spire of Dawn 5 days ago
>Was supposed to be delivered 2 days ago
>the delivery date is now listed as "unknown"
end my fucking life.

Daily reminder that you should only harvest the most evil crop of them all.

Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, and Nurgle are called the Dark Brother. Often in the fluff, they are referred to as brothers (ie Khorne look wrathfully at the antics of his brother god Slaanesh).

However, despite the Horned Rat gaining a seat on the table of the main Chaos Pantheon, he isn't said to be their brother. Why isn't the Great Horned Rat included in that brotherhood?

Because he acended through warp fuckery and dethroned slaanesh.

Think of it this way, all the other God's saw slaanesh as a prissy perverted deviant...but God damnit he was out prissy perverted deviant!

Also the horned rat is basically malal

Because he is the father

i like stormcast

Get that bait outta here!


He's not a real Chaos God.

The Horned Rat did nothing to Slaanesh. Tzeentch and Khorne both had a hand in removing Slaanesh. The Horned Rat is just there because they wanted another 4th.

And because let's be honest GW is trying to make a game where people are beheaded and killed is brutal way more family friendly and a nipple/god of sex is just way to much so let's just push that into the corner

Slaanesh being gone is a plot point, he's not going away, and if they were attempting to make it more family friendly they wouldn't have included any Slaanesh at all.
But they do, titties and all.

No they are because they are doing the same thing in 40k slaanesh is getting shelved, sure he exists but he is being back burnered, because soccor mom's are going to be less receptive of a game that has nipple monstera, seriously think about it.

Slaanesh going away was a plot point right? A pretty big one, but notice how we saw no advertising, no game time nothing, but we are getting khorne, nurgal, and tzeench aut the ass.

>its all a conspiracy theory man, there's no other logical explanation
eddie bravo pls go


>seriously think about it.

No, you please think about this.
This is a piece of art from AoS.
It depicts a daemon with six titties.
This is exactly the kind of thing they would not have if they were going to remove Slaanesh for the sake of family friendliness.

Someone had to want this art to be in the book, and likely commission someone to create it. They wouldn't do that if they did not want it in.

Personally I think they'll maybe try and remove the evil tranny aspect now that it's a hot button political topic, but they're not trying to clean themselves up.

I'm just telling you man, your not gonna see another launch for slaanesh for a while and if you do, it's going to be of like a single model. MAYBE a boxed game with them vs elves or something

>Remove the evil tranny thing
But why even live at that point.

they just put out a start collecting and allegiance abilities that reflect the narrative of what slaneesh armies are doing in aos

youre a retard

>with six titties.
They all covered

>they just put out a start collecting and allegiance abilities
So what? It's not what will take a big effort to do.
Now they will endlessly tease audience with POSSIBLE returning of Slaanesh and made Slaaneshi the new SoB.
>that reflect the narrative of what slaneesh armies are doing in aos
Remind me please, what exactly are they doing, keep seeking Slaanesh?

The bottom four aren't.

Wow, nice trips, but you cannot even see them since they are blured.

Since the army builder doesn't seem to disallow it, can I have skryre alligience, use a skryre artifact but also use the cunning deciever trait from the chaos alligience?

I can see them fine.
How about this?
My point remains, if they were going to remove Slaanesh to be family friendly they they'd actually remove Slaanesh.

>Remind me please, what exactly are they doing, keep seeking Slaanesh?
>i dont read the fluff but im gonna shitpost about it anyway!

>How about this?
They are uncovered.
>if they were going to remove Slaanesh to be family friendly they they'd actually remove Slaanesh.
What's the point, if Slaanesh still exist in 40k?

>simple question
>> im gonna shitpost about it anyway!

They could have removed Slaanesh in 40k.
That they didn't should be a sure fire indicator that they don't plan too.

>Read a book
That's the same as the Google it response.

C'mon though I'm serious when j say this I actually wanna know what they are doing to seek slaanesh. Also checked

But they did in a major way. The eldar stroy, with the eldar good of death being a thing now, that effectively ends the eldar and slaanesh story line, which was it's major plot point in 40k aside from emps children.

THAT SAID! I don't think you will see slaanesh go from 40k aw AoS is meant to be the intoduction game, 40k the intermediate step and 30k the advanced step, each game is meant to draw a different audiance.

>They could have removed Slaanesh in 40k.
They couldn't since they've also planed a lot of stuff with Death Guard.
And btw, in current plot in 40k they still have all ways to do it.
Also, I am not saying they are going to remove Slaanesh, but since AoS-tone is much more family friendly setting and the game, they will just keep Slaanesh in the dark corner

A nice dank, dark



>A nice dank, dark
More like totally forgotten

>But they did in a major way.

They did not, the Ynnari exist as an attempt to try and counter Slaanesh. They're a new faction and would have no purpose if Slaanesh did not exist.

>They couldn't since they've also planed a lot of stuff with Death Guard.

What does Slaanesh have to do with the Death Guard?

>And btw, in current plot in 40k they still have all ways to do it.

My point is that they would have already done it if they wanted it done. For people supposedly trying to get rid of Slaanesh they seem awfully reluctant to do so. We've even had some very Slaanesh heavy novels recently.

>Also, I am not saying they are going to remove Slaanesh, but since AoS-tone is much more family friendly setting and the game, they will just keep Slaanesh in the dark corner

Well why aren't they keep Slaanesh in that dark corner then? That's what you've really got to answer.

It's totally within their power to remove Slaanesh, and they've had good oppertunities to do so, yet they don't.

>pls spoonfeed ;_;

What is burdon of proof.
We claim that the seekers of slaanesh are not doing anything, you claim they are in the books but have yet to tell us which book or in what way they are seeking.

Until then, slaanesh skeekers are just a way to not get rid of the models but shelf them

>claim slaneesh is doing nothing
>provide no proof
>get called out on it
>get defensive and claim burden of proof is on the people calling you out

who taught you how to debate?

Because your options are

A) remove a character that many of the fans are einvested in and will piss off by out right removing him. Which did not work out when they did that with the king's


B ) let him fade into the shadows, and not officially denoce him, but just keep forgetting to so anything meaningful with him. Ie in AoS how every other god is getting some actions, and or new models, except slaanesh

>the Ynnari exist as an attempt to try and counter Slaanesh.
Except the fluff says that when Ynnead will awaken he will beat Slaanesh.
>What does Slaanesh have to do with the Death Guard?
The narrative plan? Of course they could Bobby kill Fulgrim and Slaanesh in Gathering Storm, but it wouldn;t make sense since they've alreayd decided to bring primarchs back. And they've a;ready planed to place Death Guard as first enemy after time-skip
>We've even had some very Slaanesh heavy novels recently.
You mean..?
>Well why aren't they keep Slaanesh in that dark corner then?
How exactly they aren't doing it?

Still not proving me wrong, if your proof exists why don't you link me to a book or a web page or something with a source that says otherwise? I want you to prove me wrong man I'm waiting.

>>claim slaneesh is doing nothing
Who the fuck said that?
Slaaneshi doing literally the same what they were doing two years ago, seeking what happenned with Slaanesh. They didn't even carried about giving Slaanesh sorc unique model for Shadows of Hammerhal (and somehow this guy was supposed to be important).

I dont need to prove you wrong until you prove youre right

If proof exists that slaneesh is doing wrong then why dont you link me to a book or web page or something that says so?

I want you to prove yourself right man I'm waiting

The last thing we heard was slaanesh followers were seeking him.

Just give me a book that talks about that, that's all I want is a title of a book, you can do that, like I want to read up on it but where do I start, tell me a book. Please just which book talks about what slaanesh and his followers are doing since he got dethroned. That's all I want dude.

daily reminder that CA is fanfiction and NOT canon and that total warhammer 2 is the fastest cracked denuvo game ever


>A) remove a character that many of the fans are einvested in and will piss off by out right removing him.

Why not do this? They've shown they're not against pissing people off if they think there's greener pastures for them.

>B ) let him fade into the shadows

They why not actually let him fade into the shadows? They keep bringing him, the wouldn't do that if they were trying to forget about him. It would be the easiest thing in the world to just never mention him again.

>Except the fluff says that when Ynnead will awaken he will beat Slaanesh.

Ynnead has awakened, they could have written him as beating Slaanesh then, but they didn't.

>The narrative plan? Of course they could Bobby kill Fulgrim and Slaanesh in Gathering Storm, but it wouldn;t make sense

It would have made perfect sense. Death Guard being next doesn't mean Slaanesh couldn't have been axed.

>You mean..?

Lucuis novel, Fabius Bile novel, the related short stories and Path of Heaven all contain gratuitous amounts of Slaanesh.

>How exactly they aren't doing it?

They keep mentioning him and bringing him up.

All 40k books the setting we said they are not going to be getting rid of him. AoS what is slaanesh doing in Aos

>Ynnead has awakened
Then what's the point ending the faction plot in the same book where faction was introduced?
>Death Guard being next doesn't mean Slaanesh couldn't have been axed.
>guys we are bringing back primarchs and Magnus are super-active now
>oh by the way, we just killed Slaanesh on the few pages of our last GS book.

>Lucuis novel, Fabius Bile novel,
And that's a perfect example of family-friendly Slaanes, basically guys who doesn't make stuff more adult, than Kharn or Tiphus.
It's teasing.
>bringing him up.

>remove a character that many of the fans are einvested in and will piss off by out right removing him. Which did not work out when they did that with the king's

aside from Veeky Forums memefests I've never met someone who is upset that tomb kings don't exist

I'm sure you guys exist and aren't just pretending to be retarded on a blueboard but come the fuck on

you guys made up the second smallest fraction of sales of a dying WHFB so now there's only two tomb kings left

if you have a problem with that then enjoy painting 300 skeletons for your core

>All 40k books the setting we said they are not going to be getting rid of him.

Why get rid of him in one and not the other?
How about them making a sorcerer of Slaanesh the main bad guy in Hammerhal?

>No one upset over tomb king's
Yeah except tomb king players lol

Because AoS is designed to be the entry level game, and draw younger crowds, 40k the mid step for older audiance and the final step being 30k GW even put this out in a road map for their plans in one of their investoe meetings.

>you guys made up the second smallest fraction of sales of a dying WHFB
[citaion needed] with a source of course

>Then what's the point ending the faction plot in the same book where faction was introduced?

They could have done anything with them, they decided to have them be a force opposed to Slaanesh.

>And that's a perfect example of family-friendly Slaanes


>It's teasing.

The distinction is meaningless, they wouldn't tease him if they were trying to get him to fade into the shadows.


Hammerhal, Realmgate Wars series, the Handbooks.

Source? And why would he be in Hammerhal?
And why would they produce Slaanesh art?

All two of them

not that user but I think they talk about it briefly in the realmgate war campaign books

im not sure where i saw it, but they talk about the forces of slaneesh being split into 3 parts:

one part is doing everything it can to look for slaneesh
another part is trying to actively usurp slaneesh in her absence, daemons trying to spread as much depravity as possible in order to ascend and take her place
the last faction has joined up with archaon and believe archaon is the successor to slaneesh (i think? my memory isnt perfect)

That's all I freaking wanted lol.

Have they touched on anything about those these factions? Like we know they are doing that, but like what advancements have they made with it or where have they gotten, what's archeon done with them?

>They could have done anything with them,
>the whole Ynnead fluff is about beating Slaanesh
>second GS book introducing Ynnead worshipers and Ynnead itself
>They could have done anything with them


>Hammerhal, Realmgate Wars series, the Handbooks.
And guess what? They are doing all the same, trying to find Slaanesh.
Also, I've already mentioned Hammerhal.

>another part is trying to actively usurp slaneesh in her absence, daemons trying to spread as much depravity as possible in order to ascend and take her place
Wow, so basically what Ur-Slaanesh tried in the start of AoS >the last faction has joined up with archaon and believe archaon is the successor to slaneesh
Wasn't it mentioned in Archaon release?

>>They could have done anything with them

They could.
>Ynnead blows up Slaanesh
>Now the Ynnari have promised to bring the fight to the Necrons/Tyranids/Other Chaos/Other Eldar

That easy.



>And guess what? They are doing all the same, trying to find Slaanesh.

SO they keep mentioning Slaanesh? So they're not having Slaanesh fade into memory? Wow, look at that.

>Wasn't it mentioned in Archaon release?

The three factions are the pretenders, the seekers and the invaders. The pretenders are trying to be Slaanesh, the seekers are looking for Slaanesh and the invaders are just carrying on as before.

>>Ynnead blows up Slaanesh
>>Now the Ynnari have promised to bring the fight to the Necrons/Tyranids/Other Chaos/Other Eldar
So basically
>ending the faction plot in the same event where faction was introduced


>SO they keep mentioning Slaanesh?
Yes, just like they are doing with SoB.

>So they're not having Slaanesh fade into memory?
Wrong, since Slaaneshi keep doing nothing important in any of narratives.

>The three factions are the pretenders, the seekers and the invaders.
I've asked the source exactly, because I am sure that
>>the last faction has joined up with archaon and believe archaon is the successor to slaneesh
These guys were mentioned in Archaon book

citation is that gw squatted you because they weren't making money off you

why do you think death is the smallest range in terms of support?

because like ghosts in real life, you don't exist

>So basically
>>ending the faction plot in the same event where faction was introduced

No, it would be introducing a new faction and a new plot. This is like saying the Tau Empire really needed to continue the Long War plot.



>Yes, just like they are doing with SoB.

Okay, are they going to remove the Sisters of Battle? No.

>Wrong, since Slaaneshi keep doing nothing important in any of narratives.

It's the whole Hammerhal narrative. Which is more than most other factions have had.

>I've asked the source exactly

Generals Handbook.

>Weren't making money.

Nigga by that logic they would have squated the whole fucking game. I hate that logic of "oh man! AoS is doing way better then WHFB". Well no shit, silver tower did better the WHFB because AoS actually got so advertisement, know how many people walk into a GW store going hey I played this total war game...

Death ja the smallest range because they squatted the other half of it. The most ironic thing is tomb king's on the table are fucking amazing! And actually make death a really strong army.

they DID squat their whole fucking game like two years and two months ago

are you new?

>citation is that gw squatted you because they weren't making money off you
So no source, nice.
>why do you think death is the smallest range in terms of support?
The same why Tau and Eldar were unpopular armies in 5th edition?

>new faction
>>the whole Ynnead fluff is about beating Slaanesh


>Okay, are they going to remove the Sisters of Battle?
So you agree with me about >and made Slaaneshi the new SoB.

>It's the whole Hammerhal narrative.
Wow-wow, the whole Hammerhal narrative is:
>the guy without his own model are trying to do the same, what Slaanesh-followers doing since the AoS start.

>Generals Handbook.
Was released AFTER Archaon.

>eldar, tau

try again nobsquad

>Eldar and Tau
>popular durring the rocketspam and deepstriking Land Raider
Newfag, please

>>>the whole Ynnead fluff is about beating Slaanesh

Okay, so have him do that. Mission accomplished Ynead, now let's do something else! Why not do that if they're eager to rid themselves of Slaanesh?



>So you agree with me about

No, I don't proclaim to know the future.

>Wow-wow, the whole Hammerhal narrative

It's a whole big boxed set, it's far more than most other factions.

>Was released AFTER Archaon.

Who gives a shit? You wanted the three Slaaneshi factions and I gave them to you.

dude 5e was leafblower and greyknights

If they wanted to kill off the Slaanesh line, it would have happened in the
AoS switch when they dropped TK and brets. The fact that Slaanesh forces aren't compendium units, and actually got allegiance abilities points strongly to keeping Slaanesh around. Well, at least in the fluff. Who knows when the next model release will be, or if we'll ever get a battletome, but Slaanesh is no worse off than many of the other factions.

And I've said it before, but the 40k stuff with ynaari seems like it's just raising the stakes for Slaanesh and the eldar. To me, it would be a great time for a AoS Slaanesh & emperor's children release. But who knows if/when that might happen.

>dude 5e was leafblower and greyknights
I've just mentioned most memoric for me moments, since Wolves and Angels always were more popular than other Space Marines in my are.

>Okay, so have him do that. Mission accomplished Ynead, now let's do something else!

>>>ending the faction plot in the same event where faction was introduced

>No, I don't proclaim to know the future.
Yeah, you are just claiming that your vision is more rightful than mine.

>It's a whole big boxed set,
Top fuckig kek, are you seriously talking in such way about one SC box and one Quest box?

>it's far more than most other factions.
Such as..?
>Who gives a shit?
>GW repeating Slaaneshi plot in every book for 2 years, without any major changes
>but hey they did it again, so you are wrong

>tau and eldar were unpopular at my store so they were unpopular globally

ok but consider that even in 5th edition tau and eldar had above average tournament numbers

like yeah everyone's community meta will be different, like I'm sure there's someone out there who is playing foot slogging craftworld with a 30% winrate while everyone is crying about eldar and ynnari cheese but in the microcosms sales don't really matter

all that happens in the microcosm is a GW store might not stock some plastic kits for that faction

since tau's release they've been very popular in north america, hence why they have one of the most up to date product line in all of 40k

meanwhile with 6th edition (after gutting leafblower and greyknights) space marines, eldar and chaos space marines have dominated tournament participation numbers with tau sitting quite comfortably in the top 5, sometimes even surpassing chaos

while this popularity hasn't reflected in releases for chaos space marines in general they did have the most amount of supplements in 7th edition and have seen thousand sons and death guard as new releases

anyways my larger point is that GW are money hungry (like all businesses) and they support what makes money.

Space marines get constant releases and updates because they are the best selling line GW has. Tau are all extremely new plastic kits, eldar gets loads of rules and had their range expanded with harlequins, gangs of comorragh, ynnari rules.
Hell in the gathering storms two of the triumvirates were for imperial players (which meant space marines could get them) and one was eldar.

You guys are salty about dwarves and babycast eternals but GW wouldn't keep forcing SCE if they weren't popular, I've seen lots (yeah yeah microcosm) of fantasy players come in, even after two years, asking about WHFB and then getting the stormcast once they learn about AoS.

And judging from GW's stock prices what they're doing is working so they'll keep doing it.

>>So no source, nice.

>spend all thread complaining about jewdoubleyou
>immediately declare that gw does not like money


>>>>ending the faction plot in the same event where faction was introduced

There was no Ynead faction before. It's a new faction.

>Yeah, you are just claiming that your vision is more rightful than mine.

I'm not claiming to have any vision of the future. I'm pointing out that if they wanted to remove him to appeal to the family friendly market they would have done so or at the very least stopped mentioning him.

>Top fuckig kek, are you seriously talking in such way about one SC box and one Quest box?

Why not? Slaanesh has had more to do than the Chaos Dwarfs, or the basic Orcs, or clan Eshin, but nobody thinks they're up for being removed.


They keep mentioning him, so you're theory that they're trying to make us forget about him is wrong. What don't you understand about that?

i tend to travel a lot for my job and from what ive heard from various gw managers the sales from video games are negligible like gw tracks starter kit sales and they do not see any spikes around game releases so the conversion rate is very low

i guess its that people who play video games dont really care about building and painting models because why would you do that when you can hit a button and load up an entirely new army to play a game with

maybe im wrong but its just my two cents

>clan eshin
>one old plastic box from 2005 or some shit
>three resin models
>metal assassin from the dawn of whfb
>resin assassin named character

npc faction confirmed

their path to glory table is fucking retarded

1-3 10 night runners 4-6 10 gutter runners

night runners are such trash units, they might as well not exist

>City generator


Realm: Mobile
Size: Town
Inhabitants: Duardin and Stormcast Eternals.
Distinguishing Features: A location of some notoriety, known for its arcane forge.

Chaos Dwarfs best Dwarfs

It looks pretty dull, desu.

What are you working on today /aosg/? I've been trying to salvage 2nd hand drycha, it was assembled and painted horribly so this is best I could do for it. It had so thicc paintjob that I won't ever buy 2nd hand painted miniatures ever for the sake of saving few £€$.
Any good recommendations for the colour of codpiece? Should I do it the same colour as the rest of the bark?

gotta build a doom wheel's sub-assembies and put some metal jezzails onto ovals

>ok but consider that even in 5th edition tau and eldar had above average tournament numbers
>since tau's release they've been very popular in north america
[citaions needed]
Because Tau was literally second after SoB by popularity.
>anyways my larger point is that GW are money hungry (like all businesses) and they support what makes money.
And following by this logic they should squat the Tau in 6th edition, but they've updated them and surprise-surprise with actual support cames popularity and Tau sales increased.
>GW wouldn't keep forcing SCE if they weren't popular
>the only one of two actual armies
>OP rules
>geee I wonder why they are popular unlike all these micro-factions

>And judging from GW's stock prices what they're doing is working so they'll keep doing it.
You mean they will keep releasing Space Marines while AoS will remain eternal beta-test server for 40k updates?

>There was no Ynead faction before.
Unlike Ynnead and all his place as the new God of the Death who will destroy Slaanesh.

>or at the very least stopped mentioning him.
Oh not this shit again, do you realise that all "mentions" Slaanesh in AoS are just repeating the same words what they've said even before first GHB was released.

>Why not?
Because it doesn't require a big efforts, since all new allegeances are very poorly designed.

>Chaos Dwarfs, or the basic Orcs, or clan Eshin
>literally naming npc-factions

Shadespire missed a big opportunity by not including any aelves.

really lame, not going to buy.

Why is it that AoS generals are better than 40k generals?

>Unlike Ynnead and all his place as the new God of the Death who will destroy Slaanesh.

He was supposed to destroy Slaanesh when he awakened, but he did.
He was supposed to awaken when the last Eldar died, but he didn't.

It's a new faction and it was perfectly timed to destroy Slaanesh, but they decided not too.

>Oh not this shit again, do you realise that all "mentions" Slaanesh in AoS are just repeating the same words what they've said even before first GHB was released.

Actually it's not, but even if it was, that still means they're not letting you forget about him by continuing to mention him.

>Because it doesn't require a big efforts

But it requires some effort, right? Well that's more effort than the no effort it would require to just not mention him again.

>literally naming npc-factions

Are they going to remove those factions?

>He was supposed to destroy Slaanesh when he awakened, but he did.
But he didn't, they still need to collect all swords.

>He was supposed to awaken when the last Eldar died, but he didn't.
Yeah, but they've started changing this part of the lore in DeathMasque.

>Actually it's not,
How exactly it's not the same?

>that still means they're not letting you forget about him by continuing to mention him.
Just like they're not letting me forget about SoB after Fall of Cadia.

>But it requires some effort, right?
Probably even less than made first triumvirate.

>Are they going to remove those factions?
More likely replace them, like KO and Fireslayers replaced duardins.
Also1, Chorfs are FW army.
Also2, Orcs are already getting replced by Ironjaws.

40k is more popular so there's a greater number of shitflinging retards

it's a similar percentage number but shitflingers are a vocal minority

It would seems you haven't been around here lately

>Chorfs are a FW army

Not for long, Furnace Kings soon

>Not for long,
But not now

if gw shits out plastic chorfs at 20 for 70 I hope FW chorf user doesn't kill himself

Why would I kill myself? I would then have both FW Chorfs AND plastic Chorfs, that would be amazing

because you spent all that money on FW chorfs when you could've gotten cheap plastic chorfs by waiting a little bit

anyways it's not actually going to happen because GW hates all the old world designs and everything AoS has to be NEW so mesopotamian chorfs aren't going to be a thing

>What are you working on today /aosg/?
thats my bit reeeee

user with Shit-tier camera again, made some terrain

You're arguing with die hard fanboys.
They would probably even defend the recent nurgle units which look like they came straight out of 40k.

did you just dunk sponge in paint

...the blightkings? horticulux slimux?

you mean the guys in platmail who have been bloated and expanded?

are you dum?

Are you? They look like chaos marines, this isn't a debate its not an argument.
The world laughs at you, for you are so blinded to what a child and every fan of Warhammer fantasy has pointed out.

Same with sigmarines, that have their armor made out of sigmarite, while they battle in the realm of sigmarium.

I'm not saying you need to be smoking crack to ignore this, but it would at least make you blind devotion a little more understandable.