Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Lumpy Edition

>AM Codex Preview

>Top 5 Squigs

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

Other urls found in this thread:


All my important guys get a cheeky nurgling

First for nids

Guard reporting in

Technically you can say "Holy Ghost", but the meaning of "ghost" in modern English refers specifically to disembodied souls rather than being a multi-purpose word like "spirit" or "ghost" in English before the Latin "spirit" became the more common word to refer to "animating energy" in general.

Guard is best.

Too late, Bug Boi.

>Top 5 Squigs


Repaint the skin grey already, faggot!



Yes, especially if they use FW doors.

Show me your favourite piece of the 40k universe.
I like this: wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Dagger_of_Tu'Sakh


But are they fun?

Also yes.

My guys > your guys

Huh, okay. So Cult Mechanicus is basically just a Beep Boop version of Catholicism. Which is weird since the Imperium are supposed to be Space Catholics.

Also now Captcha is Cheetahposting.

Mai waifu > ur waifu

Anyone tried mandrakes? I heard theyre good but how do they do?

That got purged fast. What was it?

>binary eyes
nice touch... 0 lore correlation, also, that tech priest is not nearly modified enough to work as a proper techpriest. Technoheretic-cism thats what that is. Also, why cant you draw better? We have tons of drawfags that poop better stuff, and you seem to be a drawfag, so why cant you be like them and make good, stuff instead of phoneposting pictures you drew on some sketchbook instead of getting an apple drawing tablet pro?

>Guard Codex is strong
>Nid Codex is suppose to be even stronger
>mfw I play GSC
What a time to be alive

Dark eldar? More like dork eldar lmao

Necrons were gay as fuck for almost three straight editions, so I'm glad you're getting shit on. I hope you get crushed in every match you play until your codex comes out.

>we always had solid leaks and rumors before codex release
>gw changes their marketing strategy, shows us preview of upcoming codex etc
>suddenly leaks stop and 99% of rumors are bullshit
Wow, (((who))) could be behind all those leaks.

My captcha is always the same.
Click on the vehicles in a photo.
The same photo.
Over and over.

Would a Vanguard of Catachan Flamer Special weapon teams with a CC for orders be an efficient slot in? My LGS has two damaged boxes of them and that'll pretty much cover it.

That's glorious

Rubric marines all with warpflamers. OP

He asked if Emperor's Children are the best legion.

IG strength comes from regimental stuff, which brood bothers don't get.

There's no point in GW employees leaking things of they just come out through their actual marketing team. The people at GW were just as frustrated as we were.

So a while back I got a handful of Admech stuff and I'd been planning on starting back up.

Turns out I don't like them much. Plus, I had some kind of epiphany last night and realize what army I actually wanna start. Let me know what you think. It's a draft.

Astra Militarum
2x Tempestor Prime - command rod, Power maul
(3 squads) 10x Scions - 4x Plasma Guns, Vox caster
(2 squads) Tempestus Command - 3x Volleyguns, Vox caster
2x Taurox Prime - Autocannons and Battlecannon, heavy stubber
2x Taurox Prime - Volley guns and Gatling Gun, heavy stubber

Vanguard detachment
Inquisitor Coteaz - Dominate
(3 squads) 2x Acolyte - Storm Bolter

Grey knights
Brother Captain - Nemesis hammer, gate of infinity
Ancient - Warlord - Banner of Refining Flame, Gate of infinity
Paladin Squad Alpha - 3x Paladins with falchions, paragon with hammer, Hammerhand
Paladin Squad beta - 3x Paladins with falchions, paragon with hammer, Hammerhand
2000pts 108PL

i know what vehicles you speak of

>Tanith First and Only Guardsman

I think he's just hyped to play nids.

greyskin w/ no extra arms

Now with fancy art.

Good ole book tapping man.


Who has a breakdown of all the regiment bonuses?


cute. buy yourself a 30 euros graphic tab, man.

You should know the strength of your own forces you decrepit old corpse.

Those ork hunters and miasman dudes look neato

*advances into you and first rank second ranks*


Hellhound inferno cannon.

2d6 shots, 1 damage instead of 2 though.


>hyped to play nids
Yeah mostly. I'm just glad I'll have strong options for army building going forward. My local meta is pretty competitive and I usually see a Primarch each game.


Power Level < Points.

Im thinking of bringing a demolisher/vanq squadron for cunts like that.

*mows you down*

> Primarch EVERY. GAME.
why is competitive 40k literal cancer?
This is about the worst company scale table top game for competitive play. And yet some people seem hell bent to force that square peg into a round hole.

Mordian conversion look pretty good, but fuck gw jews. How many commander chests are there in CCS box? I know there one on every tank sprue. How many boxes you need to make atleast one 10 man squad.


For the Emperor!

user why aren't you using PRIMARIS AGGRESSOR squads instead?


more liek chadgressor amirite

Maybe they won't release nicely proportioned plastics but they'll at least give the option to buy bits and pieces from different Guard/Neophyte boxes?

Hell yeah bruv. And those trip dubs confirm

Imagine being some joe-shmo administratum worker when suddenly this shit roles into town

you know there's plenty of places to find that kinda stuff.
Yeah thats my plan
well maybe exaggerated abit three outta five games there's one. To be fair it use to be pretty casual. Then this new guy showed up and always used Magnus, which prompted the ultramarine player to pick up rowboat. Now our two DG players have mort. It's the worlds shittys arms race.

>18 S5 AP-1 +& 36 S4 AP0 >>> 18+3D6 S4 AP0

>Trip dubs
>Only double dubs


>Implying I can't do the same

I have Tallarnians as cultist. They are cool.

Well, I keked.

The vanqs would be less versatile but safer.

Is the Predator standard auto-cannon good? It looks good.

55 99 33.
Triple dubs.

It's amazing

Yes. It is actually worth taking a single one now, before you needed an entire squadron to do anything worthwhile. And now a squadron is fucking great now.


On paper yes. But it always seem to disappoint... it's probably the mere AP -1.

>Join 40k group
>Topic of diversity comes up
>"Where's duh niggers?"
>"Where's duh womyn, they're as strong as men are!"

Fucking hate this hobby at this point. It just all needs to burn so the numales will go back to watching Star wars and thinking they're nerdy.

How do we fix 40k so that we get rid of all these retards before it suicides like every other progressive media does?

Are bassilisks worth running in a krieger list?

not give an inch. Go
Look there are slamander
There are Sisters of Battle/ silence.

Tell them the shit has already been there and they just want to corrupt the setting for selfish reason.

I knew some people who worked on warhammer TV and they said if any leaks come out they get ordered to make a reveal.

> using n word
Please include a trigger warning if you are going to use such language user.

holy fuck that's metal

>>Topic of diversity comes up

Doesn't count unless it's in a row. Everyone is getting dubs if you count just the 55.

Just wait for Disney to buy out Games Workshop and take it down the same path as Marvel.

Modern day diversity means devoid of White People

Sorry, I forgot to mention the CATACHAN REROLL OF AWESOMENESS!

If you reroll ones and twos, it drastically increases the average roll.

Fuck off, user, you racist, sexist piece of shit.


>devoid of white people

Then who would be the villains? The New Order has to have someone in it to fight.

I dont think its possible to rewrite warhammer

Games workshop, PLEASE release female heads for guard. Yes I could use third party but that means they aren't wearing their Munitorum-Issued Aquila Helmets which is HERESY!

Magnus buffs when?

Must end in dubs then you claim all the dubs.
Fite me irl.

>across the galaxy, the entirety of the Necron empire is activating their anti-Warp protocols in response to the galaxy ending threat that is the Great Rift
>Legions upon legions of Necrons are mobilised to harvest the blackstone material needed to construct new pylons
>The material exists in abundance in Admech worlds so the Necrons begin a campaign of invasions directed at them
>Cawl is the only admech dude who knows why the Necron are mass invading Forgeworlds but he tells no one. Instead he directs the forces of Mars and his allies to fight off the Necrons in order to gather the blackstone material for himself in order fashion the Imperial Pylons
>Cawl has admitted that the Imperial Pylons are inferior in every way to the Necron ones, and that he still doesn't understand fully how the pylons work and is not even sure if his pylons are going to even work

Is Cawl a full retard? The Necrons, the experts of warp containment, are the on the job and all he is doing is hamstringing them instead of making their job easier. Is his vainity more important than the fate of mankind? All he has to do is give up his project and tell the Forgeworlds to hand over the blackstone stockpiles to the Necrons as tribute. Problem solved.

That feel when you settle on you standard 2k list finally in 8th and youve got it fully painted

Vulkan Lives boys

Do dozer blades do anything anymore? are they even an option? looking at the Blight crawler, i was surprised to see no extra rule for the dozer blade on the front, whats the point of them now other than looking rad?

>womyns and niggerzes tryna ruin muh FORTY KAY >:^(

>Brood Brothers don't have regiments
Where are you getting that from? The rules for Brood Brothers from Index Xenos 2 only dictate that no more than one Astra Militarum detachment may be taken for every Genestealer Cult detachment. They don't talk about Regiments, or characters for that matter.

I imagine it would be more likely to go to someone like Ubisoft or Square enix. It has value as a vidya property way beyond TV property

Fucking hate how desperate the numales are. They burn the hobby just to orbit a ham planet.
