Infinity General: Good Boy Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where robo-puppers have tactical application.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Catalog of fluff, dossiers, and unit models

>Rules wiki (now updated with HSN3 content):

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>Faction Rundown:

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>RPG previews (+ a couple scans)!8pRURayK!Kj16fd7nQhEcaId8hKD4oA

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1st for the Glory of PanOceania.

#1 in the sphere.

Dang, I guess WIP12 lost you that initiative.

>meanwhile, back on corregidor...

Last time I saw the Avatar played, a Domaru link managed to get close turn 1 and E/M grenaded it to oblivion.

It's gonna be a bitch to sculpt.

Are the sygma red? or are they still green underneath that armor?

Looks like tactical grope rock is confirmed to be attached

Pun intended?

Why would you complain? It's "scenic" and "epic."

Maybe if CB takes a different approach than just simply slapping titties on a werewolf. Becausd that shit looks legit retarded

I'd be down with just a proxy/alternate sculpt for the dog-face mode like Domovoi.

so epic it's stupid


That's hilarious. Last time I wrecked one I just got a Sphinx close and roasted it. It's really bad up close against things it can't use its Sepsitor on.

Bleh, that model with the pupper looks bland as hell. I expected better Covus, I expected better!

I remember reading somewhere in the fluff that Sygmaa occasionally infiltrate the regular Tohaa, so they should look the same. Their society is changing, though.

So, who's the most NPC-esque faction? CA, YuJing or PanO?

Combined Army. They're the setting's resident punching bag.

Looks like a PanO leg

It's Joan.

Oh? A new sculpt?

CA. Morats are the only relatable and "human" force there, ironically, everyone else is either a drone, an edgy alien or a space bug nobody regrets killing.

IMHO Shas are actually the most relatable subfaction of the CA, since their motivation is so understandable. They need more characterization though.

It's understandable, but they are still disgusting fucks, though.

t. filthy artichoke

Yeah, previewed at GenCon.
There's a destroyed CA unit grabbing her leg.

It's... not very good.

I'm actually a fan, even if someone from my faction is getting stomped on.

It's a great idea. Joan just demonstrated her Inspiring Leadership by murdering the shit out of that Umbra, letting loose her hair and striking out a pose and war-cry.
I just wish the Umbra's hand was to the side, basically a half second later after this pose is struck as his last life leaves.

I love how a lot of the JSA has units that are inexplicably good against the Avatar.

Any tips to running Isobel McGregor in vanilla? How can I make her really shine?

Anything good up close and with no cubes is great against the Avatar. Devil Dogs come to mind.

The idea is neat and I can certainly see the inspiration that lead to it, but the hand of the umbra ruins the entire model.
It looks like he's cooping a feel rather than dying and desperatly grasping at his opponent.

She's a specialist, and T2 rifles are useful weapons... she doesn't do much hacking wise as Ariadna literally has nothing worth using her on. Plus, the DHD is awful. It does nothing.
Still, her weapons of D-charges, assault pistol and T2 rifle are very good with her BS12.

...Has she lost her Saber Bangs?

It's awesome, except for the tactical alien molester.

I once saw an Avatar torn apart by a pack of Antipodes. It was, well, maybe not glorious, but certainly impressive.

This is an AWOO free zone.

>Not Saber
>Shitty tactical rock
>Waited years since Angel's Masterclass Joan, and this is CB comes up with
You had one fucking job, CB

The Umbra arm definitely ruins it for me. The context is too specific for me. Good for bootleg - garbage for play. Also like said, no Saber hair.

Just fork the extra for LE Joan

Umbra arm?

The pose and the concept is really cool, but it's sad that they have it constructed to be so hard for conversions. I'm surprised they couldn't have the Umbra be a separate part.

She's doing a "lol epic" pose standing on an umbra and the umbra's hand is on joan's leg here

Anyone knows a good online store to buy the minis? with low/free shipping?

>tactical grope

That Umbra dies with a smile....

Told y'all it would be attached.

CB dropping the ball more often than not on these new releases.

Eh, its cool. And its kinda refreshing since she's shown as a badass for once.

Its also a character, so i don't care if its got bootlegged like this. If i want a 'convertible' joan, i'll just grab one of the order sergeant.

>s-shit... I was aiming... for her... crotch...

Are there female dogfaces?


Yeah of course.

Yes, much like female knights (even father knights).

Am I wrong to think that the Shikami is the fucking shit?

[insert an "injection gate on her thigh" joke]

>tfw you've ordered models online and you are waiting for them to arrive

So, are they called mother knights?

>Be samurai that backlips off walls onto other walls, shooting gaijin while hanging from the top of a lamp post
>somehow not the shit
Shikami are pretty great.

Where are you based?

The Sygmaa are pretty understandable.

I've been using Holoprojector L2 lately.
I'm getting comfortable with it but I got a question, it came from a situation the other.

I moved my model, and its two holoechoes. They each got shot by ARO. The holoecho that I was hiding the trooper under didn't get hit. The other holoecho and the decoy model were hit though and were removed, leaving the one remaining holoecho.

Since its just one, would it revert to the basic trooper? Or would the model still have the holoprojector (and SSL1 and such..)?

I was at Arizona Armageddon II and they showed a slide of the new Hospitaller Knight box. They look absolutely great. All of them are on tactical rocks though.

So, I just discovered that after considerable lengths of time, Simple Green can pit white metal miniatures, at least those produced by Corvus Belli. Just pulled my two Geckos out of the bath and found some discolored spots on them. Though they appeared solid at first, on contact the spots would crumble away as a black powder. Thankfully most aren't in bad spots, but it is certainly an unexpected development.

How's everyone else's projects going?

Anyone have tips for building a control room? The last 2 objective games my group played we used dice to set the boundries of the room and a markers for objectives, but since plenty seem to call for a control room I wanna build one. (but haven't bothered to check the ITS rules yet. Theres a lot of them man.) Any one know if control rooms have standard dimensions? any tips for building one?

I think Yu Jing in the sense that Combined Army, while glorious, are fodder. Yu Jing has this non-playable character bitter rival thing going. Their whole characterization is Asia/wants to be PanO.

Of course this is only from the perspective of who the more Player Character race between the three is. That unfortunately goes to PanO. That said I love Haqqislam or Nomad as PCs with PanO as awful terrible freedom bringing merica NPCs.

*Fails a guts check.
>How can this be happening? To ME?! I'm PanO!

is it just me or the overall aesthetic of this game looks like the tau empire?

>does the overall aesthetic of an anime inspired game look like an anime inspired army in 40k
You're a genius user

Ssl1 stays as does the ability to suprise attack

>PanO is merica
It makes me sad because it's true.

yeah, look at all these tau.

Shikami are ninjas m8

are mintmen ever used inUSariadna for something?


The Minuteman Link team is pretty nasty

No, Mintmen are terrible.

Minutemen are used sometimes though. They make for a versatile and powerful link team. Unlinked the FO makes a solid combat specialist, and the AP rifle might be a good doorkicker though I haven't seen it tried. Solo AP HMG used to be alright but has mostly been replaced by the equivalent Blackjack.

The three options goes like this.
Grunts: Ultra-Cheap Link option for their abilities. Infiltrating Grunts are insane disposable attackers.
Marauders: Starts up field and Dogged makes them the most durable of the bunch. MSV1 on their heavy weapons are pretty good.
Minutemen: Faster than the others with better BS, but their main deal is having just better weapons. Even the basic dude has 2 flamethrowers, which becomes an unprecedented 3 in link.

So, how good are this guys actually? I like their compactness for TAGs, and wanted to bring them both for a couple of LI, but never had any idea on how to use them.

Why does every wargame have a variant of this design?
Is it because of type-moon?

They're cheap, have much less firepower than the competing unit (the Kriza) but the pilot who can bail out is a goddamn monster at close range shooting thanks to B5 assault pistols.

I prefer the Mk12 version for the valuable range, but they're also fortunately cheap as far as SWC goes.

sorry I lied here is one last attempt at a list before I give up completely and buy whatever the netlist says to buy. Or maybe infinity is just too hard a game for a retard like me to grasp without help and I should just stick to simpler games...

Their shit weapon options weigh them down a lot. The Mk12 is reasonable enough, but dual combis is pure shit.
If the Geckos had, say, a heavy shotgun or dual smgs I'd be a lot more lenient towards them, but as is they are infinitly worse than Taskmasters or Kriza Borak. Unless you are Corregidor, obviously.

Are... are you alright, user? This is such a garbage list I worry for your mental health.

>Kriza Borak
I find it funny how even CB pronounces it like that. It's pronounced Boratz.


So what do people do with one from the starter set? a maruder/grunt proxy? I mostly considered playing with 6-7 grunts and a maverick harris, with 3-4 foxtrots.

I find it amazing because PanO doesnt actually contain america, but contains all of the late stage capitalism evils and social media culture. As an American it really makes me smile.

But has anyone built a command room for their table? It seems like many objectives call for it.

Is it always 8inch by 6 inch?

I'd run that without worrying. But you might be too anal about this. Who are you planning to play with?

As we have said before, Infinity is a game where your list doesn't matter quite as much as your gameplay. That said, I would recommend taking a wider range of loadouts on the Yaogat than just 3 sniper rifles and a Lieutenant. Which is convenient since you aren't gonna get 3 snipers in a Yaogat pack. Also, you might want to take fireteams into account once you have a solid handle on the game. Your Yaogats are technically fireteam ready, but they seem kinda wasted as a group of 3 snipers and a hidden LT.

On the other hand, like a good Morat force, it is laser focused on murdering. Specifically in your case murdering poor scrubs who are caught in smoke grenades; and that is ok. Hell, an assault hacker and Dr worm are great specialists to take point after your warbands have cleared the area.

....ok, ive been on Veeky Forums long enough to have had a good laugh at this exchange, but Infinity is a hard game mang. I was legit sad to see he'd deleted his post by the time I'd responded. Shits not cool man. I could see how a new player could see how that list would work.

Shit, a really good player would run train on me with that list. Fast shit covered by smokes covered by snipers can work.

The control room is always 8"x8" with 4 small doors. Check the ones made by CB partners for reference.
I planned to make my own, but ended up buying one from ReyCast.

>I give up completely
No you don't you little fuck. I'm helping you whether you want it or not.

Good. Zerat is a great specialist for MAF, she starts up the board closer to objectives and can also hack some enemies.

>Yaogat link
Okay, here's where it starts.
Firstly, it's better to always have 5 units in your core link because the bonuses are great.
Secondly, you're sinking a lot of points into something that isn't that versatile. Snipers are good, but try putting a spitfire in there, since that allows you to make the link a very nasty attack piece as well as a defensive one.
Thirdly, and this is more minor, but you don't need quite that many snipers. Something great and unique about Yaogats is the panzerfaust on the basic profile, which gives even cheaper members of a link a potent (if limited) defensive weapon to use.

>Doc Worm
Good. He's a cool dude and a decent specialist.

These guys are a good unit, but it isn't worth getting the smoke grenade launcher on them. The reason is that their PH (14) is much higher than their BS (11), which makes them much better at throwing smoke grenades than firing from grenade launchers. If you really want a launcher for longer ranged smoke, the Oznat is a better platform since she doesn't cost SWC.
You're best off using the chain rifle profile instead of the combi on them, as it is much cheaper and Dats are primarily there to throw smoke grenades and be threatening at short range rather than actually shoot people. Cheapness is one of the greatest assets of Dats.
Good combo though, Yaogats with their MSV2 alongside Daturazi with their smoke is a nasty combination.

You only need one Oznat to bring along her Hungry friends, so the second one could be replaced with something else, like another Zerat. Gakis advancing under cover of smoke with Yaogats eliminating enemy snipers is pretty scary.

You've got the starting of a good list here, it's just the execution that needs work.

>The Mk12 is reasonable enough, but dual combis is pure shit.

After ITS 9? Not anymore, their combis are basically B5 Spitfire now. Couple with DMG 16 Panzerfaust and chain colt, they we're well rounded machines.

>If the Geckos had, say, a heavy shotgun or dual smgs I'd be a lot more lenient towards them, but as is they are infinitly worse than Taskmasters or Kriza Borak.

More like different than both, we're talking about STR 3 multi armed unit here mate. You can rekt Kriza with warbans in CC, but try that to Geckos....

Also, don't forget dem pilot.....

>their combis are basically B5 Spitfire now
They're B4, not B5. And they're not really spitfires since they lack the range bands.

I'd say they're still pretty good for doorkicking though, burst 4 is burst 4 even if it has nothing else special going on.
I wouldn't take one alone, but in a duo it's a solid supplement for a mk12 Gecko.

And I'm still mad that CB only released 1 Gecko pilot when the TAGs work in pairs. He should have had a sister.

*If* Ironclad remains in the game beyond ITS 9 it'd be okay, but we'll see.

Think they'll remains, CB need to sold them after all.

What? No, that'd be confusing.

Holla holla if ya balla

Shikami hollas

Hating on tactical rocks is a lame meme.

Annoying for customization tho

Well that is a pretty horrifying discovery.

I've almost finished painting my Haqqislam guys


The other two have awesome characters with depth.

PanO is secret BBEG

newfag detected

go back to /v/

The rock removal is dead simple. I sometimes just cover some of it with epoxy for extra lazyness.

Success breeds jealousy. PanO bears the brunt because it's simply the best.

>tactical rocks is a lame meme