>ITT We pretend to exist in an alternate earth making up a setting that is real earth

>>ITT We pretend to exist in an alternate earth making up a setting that is real earth.

Here are the basic outlines for the setting I'm putting together for a modern game. It's far from complete, but it's a work in progress.
>Germany lost the great war, resulting in a second world war that Germany also lost.
>America a (fading) superpower because of cold war with Russia.
>No Indian Empire.
>No Arctic colonies.
>Middle East now basically third world country ruled by religious extremism.
>Society rolled back about 50 years, technology forward about 10.

>>No Arctic colonies.
Impossible, explain yourself you Maldivian sophist.

>philosophical and mental genders are still a matter of contention
>there's an entire generation of people with poor skills in everything on purpose

>and it's a massive clusterfuck

Traditional Game???

>generic 'Great War' cliche

>The Emus lost.

What kind of game are you running, OP? Are you fucking up the political climate so you can do a war campaign, or present day Cyberrun or something?

I'm afraid my players will see this campaign I'm building up as too ridiculous, tell me if this sounds too ridiculous
>Rhodesia lost the Rhodesian bush war
>Moon is largely uncolonized, this means Nazis are likewise nonexistent from the setting spare for a sudden resurgence in America
>The Korean peninsula has been split in half with the northern half constantly threatening to destroy everyone and everything yet somehow nobody can touch him
>South America and Australasia aren't locked in constant war and are on relatively good terms with one another
>Mexico is overrun by drug cartels and their capital is one of the most polluted places on earth
>Yugoslavia split up

Russia despite losing the Cold War is trying more and more to throw around its rate, even potentially stealing the American Election.

Given America elected a crazy leader other nations are considering taking their spot in leading the world, particularly Germany, and China, which in a plot twist is leading the world in renewable energy.

>Jeb bush lost the election
>the molemen never invaded the soviets
>Welsh civil war never happened and the carbarians never took hold.
>China got rid of the emperor
>Rome fell a while back

But how could communism lose? They obviously give me incentive to achive great things!

I've got some homebrew races here, if anyone wants to take a look at them.
>Americans: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, Proficiency with Handguns

>Jews won, and thus humanity lost the Great War.

They'll use some very silly banking method based almost entirely on extracting wealth from people who don't exist yet. We'll call it fractional reserve banking or something equally crazy.

There is a race of demihumans, a lot like Orcs, but with dark brown skin and a lower average IQ

>America never reformed second amendment
>Mass shootings on the regular
Lol, can you imagine?

>South Africa had apartheid then until Nelson Mandela got rid of it.

Crazy world where the bad guys are doing good things

>It's another "the masses rise up against an evil ruler" session
Every fucking 30 or so in-game years. EVERY. FUCKING TIME. We get it, the French Revolution campaign was awesome. Do you really need to rehash it in the fucking Middle East of all places?
>B-But there's Islam this time!
Fuck off.

>land on moon 50 years ago
>still no settlements
Did you just forget about it?

Look, OP, I don't know what you're on about, but is Cetswayo VI still in power in this setting? Can't be ignoring Zululand.

>Rome fell a while back
>China got rid of the emperor

Aaand SoD broken. There's just no way. Sure, Rome might've assimilated some new peoples into its core territories and lost some old ones, but collapsing COMPLETELY?

And don't even get me started on China. That would take hundreds of years of divergence - maybe even a takeover by those nobodies north of them.

user, orcs are a myth, don't try to confuse OP.

>America didn't expand
>The East India Company went bankrupt
>A Great War happened in 1910s, Germany and Austria loss
>A disgruntled German soldier riled up the country for another war which it also loss
>The Germans got their ass kicked by the Russian of all people
>Taking this opportunity, most colonies split off from the big empires and form their own nations
>This time line use digital based computing tech (yes I know it's just been invented last year but they look cool)
>In modern times, India (OTL's South Asian Tributary State) is on the verge of a Cold War with a reunified China
>The current political climate is filled with big nation dick waving and proxy wars

>a fluke of the weather causes the Vikings to arrive in England before the Normans in 1066
>instead of the Normans wearing out the bulk of the English forces and the Vikings mopping up, the reverse happens
>no Anglo-Norwegian Empire
>instead history is dominated by roman and french influences
>Vinland isn't colonized by europeans until the 17th century

>The USSR is still going strong, having extended its reach into the Middle East, Latin America and India
>The Cuban Missile Crisis escalated into full-blown war, DC and Havana took some nuclear hits, Alaska and much of the Canadian territory is under Soviet occupation, while Cuba was invaded and conquered by the US
>Mexico turned fascist, is looking to expand further down
>China was split in two, the Taiwanese hold much of the coastal territory together with Japan
>Monarchy gets a sudden boost in popularity in Europe, royalty gets more political power in some countries
>South Africa and Ethiopia become empires in the wake of civil wars erupting throughout the entire continent, they both have unification goals in mind
>Japan loses their post as the most technologically adanced country to Russia, Soviets bring to life some of Hitler's mad projects

OP asked for help with his setting, not real life events. Goddamn what's happened to people's reading comprehension nowadays? Must be the work of the eternal Anglo-Norge.

>thinking everyone gets paid the same in socialism
>In year of our lord 2017

But everyone does get paid the same.


So I've been looking into the history of this 'alternate earth', and who the fuck put this OC Donut Steel bullshit?

>Prince of fucking Sweden of all places, one of the provinces of the Angelo-Norwegian empire
>Father dies at a young age, muh tragic backstory
>Takes the throne at 15 years old, oh look at how gifted he is
>Decides he doesn't need to be crowned by the church because his power comes directly from god not man, Jesus christ the ego on this fuck
>Goes on a way of conquest basically taking all of Scandinavia, seriously are they trying to make him out to be one of the great conquerers?
>Gets into a fight with Russia and loses and is exiled, sounds good right? Just wait, it gets worse
>COMES BACK FROM EXILE and his people love him so much they follow him as he tries to do it all over again
>Killed in a battle, but not by a bullet noooooo that would be too east. Killed by the buttons of a fucking officer's uniform melted together to act like a makeshift bullet
>300 years later, the main setting, they still don't know who killed him.

What the shit?

Sigismund III of Poland should have stayed the king like in OTL, desu senpai.

A fluke in social progress inadvertently led to a movement where people genuinely think that gender is not only divorced from physical sex, but there's more than two genders as well.
Somehow, they have a not-insignificant amount of political clout.