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Have you ever run a Vampire game where the players took on the roles of Elders rather than newly-embraced fledglings?

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Oh god I just imagined my players as elders instead of neonates. Oh god no


So, from my understanding Courts have some effect on general feeling of Chronicle:
Autumn is investigative game, with calling card attacks by Fey with exploration of Hedge.
Summer is general violence, gorilla warfare and overt magical battles of glory and so on.
Winter is suppression, cower ups, investigation of changeling on changeling crime, spy ops, general cold war stuff.
What the hell are Spring Chronicles about?

Would a legacy which main focus is Sadomasochism be left-handed?

Nah there already is one and it's not.

Is there a guide on how to properly run crossover or a rule of thumb

Guide is dont do it.

Question based purely out of curiosity. How would you make Rick in WoD?

Yeah don't

That's not really an answer.

I think Beast has the numbers for it.

Context: youtube.com/watch?v=i3oMvDncg74

The greatest irony here is that Mages are both the best *and* the worst for crossover.

You mongoloids just haven't figured it out yet.

Look you really don't. Even if you leave mage, mummy and demon out of it(since other splats could work together in terms of mechanics) you can't reconcile themes of the games for more then short chronicle.

You asked for a rule of thumb.

Got: Dont

That is a fucking answer, its the best fucking answer. Why are you wanting to run a fucking crossover? You need to rethink your fucking life choices if you want to run one.

How is Mage crossover not great? A Thyrsus helping out a Pack is brilliantly pragmatic.

there is an option for it to be lefthanded, though

More social investigation, fancy duels, and grand festivities.

Because it becomes a Thyrsus doing everything and the pack just sitting on its ass.

You fucking cuck.

Cuck? More like lovable owner of well behaved woofs.

It is, until you realise the Mage is so fucking powerful they can probably do everything the pack would want to do by himself with only 3 dots, heaven forbid 4.

He's a Sin-Eater. Textbook.

So don't bring a Thyrsus to a Werewolf game then

So just don't crossover.

Wtf does crossing over bring to the table, Which assbandit player wants to be the speshal snowflake and NOT play the game you want to run?

OR what fucking numpty ST thinks its a good idea to run a crossover?

Either way somebody in an asshole.

I see no issue with playing multiple Templates as long as there are no powergaming munchkiners

You see no problem with games having themes that do not fit one another?

>Mage themes
>literally about discovering and uncovering magical mysteries

Yeaaahhhh SUUUUURE buddy

It ruins everybody else's themes though.

On base level there isn't much mystery for mage to work with. And if he decides to dig some niftier stuff on woofs or changelings or vamps or whatever he will get squashed by whatever nasty stuff he uncovers. Unless he works out. Then he puts everyone else on his team in the dust

A myth

More myth

Come on m8, at least bait the hook.

No. I'm serious. It's fucking hilarious how you assume anything touched by Mage is ruined.

It's not bait. It's you being a biased zealot.

THen enlighten us how is mage with 3+ dots of fate supposed to work in changeling game

Mage have a bottomless toolbox, any situation that other splats are designed to find difficult the Mage can approach from a thousand different angles, and that's before you bring in their Cabal or Conscilium.

Not a argument.

By not fucking around with Changelings? By being a wild card? A minor character?

You automatically assume that Mages are going to be shit disturbers.

You want to play a minor char in a changeling game?

Fuck off.

But user, isn't "being a minor character" contrary to both core themes of Mage and default mindset of Mage players?

All changelings are minor characters in a changeling game.

... Their literal defining character trait, which is required for then to Awaken in the first place is being obsessive pricks who can't mind their own business.

That is not up for debate.

You don't have to be. Just don't be a dick about it.

>the wise and powerful master of fate
An elusive figure of grandiose standing. I see nothing wrong with it.

How is pc a minor character? Even if your player is reasonable one he will not gimp himself to stay on the level with others

Not everything has to be a PC, user.

The entire point of the elusive grandiose master is that secretly he's still controlling everything that happens.

Either that, or he's not a character in the first place.

It isn't really a crossover if it isn't players who are wielding different templates.

Then thats just a X game with Y splat of the week in it. Not a fucking crossover.

>magefags think their precious magebabies have 5 dots in all 10 arcana

Or mage fags know that a starting character with 3 dots in relevant arcana can piss all over entire gamelines....

If im allowed to play a mage in a vampire game, im taking death, spirit for woofs and fate for changeling. I can then shit all over those stupid fucking splats and show them who is boss.

I dont need 5 dots in everything.

Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to pick Arcana that doesn't correspond to the things you're facing?

I don't metagame my challenges.

Anyway instead of waving our dicks around let's talk about our favorite Mysteries we've played through in mage.

You guys DO actually play the game, right?

Mage crossover is absolutely not great because there are people like and no way to guarantee that person at your table isn't like them until it's too late.

hey magefag here
you sure seem like an unfun person to game with

No I only come here to scream at people

If im allowed to play a mage in some other faggots X game then im not going to play second fiddle to X purely because its unfun for them.

I only play vtr and dtd. Sorry mate

And I to toss my superficial ideas into the void.

Okay what's the coolest piece of Infrastructure you've come up against?

You are Beast level of strawman. I honestly love it.

So crossover is impossible only because players are dicks to each other. Not because of mechanics.

Thank you for this lesson.

No. Crossover with MAGE is impossible because all Magefags want is to SHIT over everybody.


Oh yeah sorry I thought we made that clear.
If everyone's nice and very pro-social the fact that some splats are way stronger mechanically doesn't mean all that much.

More like mechanics enable players to be assholes without any ping in consciousness since they are "playing by the rules" and "it's on others for picking inferior templates".

No, its because you have to break type and roll characters that don't fit internally into their own settings to make it work. Mages are obsessive assholes because of how they awaken. They don't suddenly become not assholes because you put them in another game line as PCs. Just like changelings aren't apt to trust outsiders and think that more powerful entities are likely true fae.

Pretty sure any Motley would panic and try to kill any Acanthus mage they came across, despite how you guys like to talk about what a good team they'd make.

...Only retards would resort to violence against a wizard who controls the very fabric that binds their core being.

If Demon is any indication it isn't Motley or a single Lost they should be worried about. You mess with one member of the Freehold, you mess with whole Freehold. And if their Contracts, Oaths, and Vows suddenly fail, they will bring out their Tokens and mundane weaponry, Masquerades be damned.

I'm fairly certain that they'd be more interested in talking to an Acanthus. If they're charismatic enough maybe even ask him/her to bend the rules a bit in their favour. Perhaps even garner a powerful ally, or acquaintance.

Hmm there were 3 grocery shoops placed in 3 different districts of the city. Each one of those was in the exact same distance from the local hospital. On t op of each was the same neon. At exact time neons of all 3 shops would flicker and someone in the hospital would kick the bucket. Then next that person visiting one of those shops would turn stigmatic. As it turned out people turned stigmatic shared birth day/year/month with those who died. And that was the sequence to acces another part of the infrastructure

Why would they even know its a wizard? They'd probably try something stupid like Iron unless they were deep into the autumn court or some similar group.

You're assuming that the changelings and mages both come into this with full knowledge of what the other is, and there's no reason for that.

>Implying a single Cabal couldn't decimate an entire Freehold

Tokens can also be shut down with Fate.

We were talking about single Arcanthus ya cocksucker.

Because Changelings are almost as paranoid as Demons and also see:

If yall want a splat that is willing to talk to and trust any other splats Beast is that way

Dude that's super cool. Props to your ST.

A Mystery/sidequest in my current campaign is that if you map the location for the site of every Awakening in the region it forms the rune for 'doom' in High Speech.

If you change the parameter by path the rune for the path's subtle arcana will appear.

Wow, how did your players even get on the trail of that one?

Dave Brookshaw did nothing wrong

He writes decent mech, good for him.

I don't know what he did or how he could have avoided it, but whatever this is, I blame him for it.

So why are the Trads the goodguys?

I understand that they're persecuted and all, but, except for the VA, their paradigm winning out would effectively depower sleepers by destroying their abilities to use Scientific Procedures (rotes) and Devices. While there's a ton of arguments that the Trads would accommodate Enlightened Science, some of the literature seems to contradict this by showing cell phones malfunctioning (out of area) or cars breaking down in Tradition dominated areas. It could be argued that the Trads would share new Artifacts and Rotes that would replace their Enlightened counterparts, but most of the Trads are extremely exclusive/elitist or secretive, such as the Order of Hermes, or their magic is based too much on highly personalized rotes and artifacts that only works for one person, such as the SoE. In the past, many of them were the religious elites or asshole nobility of their societies, and fought to keep the sleepers dumb, powerless, terrified peasants while making sure that they were the only ones who had access to the wonders of magic. At least the Technocracy seeks to empower mortals, and in Technocratic dominated societies, anyone can be a hedge mage and use artifacts such as automobiles, learn magical languages such as mathematics, or master magical rotes such as medicine with enough practice. In Tradition dominated societies, this is restricted to only very special people. You can't learn to be a shaman in most Dreamspeaker dominated cultures, for instances, you have to be special and be chosen by the spirits or gods. To me, it always looked like a bunch of dispossessed and disgruntled elites seeking to take back control from the unwashed masses, not a group of plucky progressive freedom fighters trying to overthrow the Man.

Its probably because 'freedom fighters' from the 90s were all assholes who were so far up their own ass they never saw any issues with the problems they caused because they viewed themselves as the good guys. This lead to the technocracy being more grey as an unintended consequence that Phil later pretended he came up with.

My understanding is that historical Traditions were mostly assholes but modern Trads are still the only real hope to save Humanity from the calcifying modern Consensus.

Trads were always counterculture, and many of their themes based around the Romantic movement. The good of one exceptional individual is more important than the good of the worthless many.

Technos represent mainstream culture, and take much of their inspiration from Enlightenment ideals. At its most extreme, this means that everything must be made the same and that the greater good crushes the individual good.

The Trads would have everything from hacktivists and hippies to anarcho-capitalist and the alt-right, while the Technos would be everything good and bad about established academia, government, business and science.

People who run the Ascension War as purely about freedom vs oppression, or Left vs Right are doing it wrong.

Inviting the True Fae over for a bender and having sex with them

Fucking your friend's abuser gotta count as breaking point.

>So why are the Trads the goodguys?
They aren't. They're not even about freedom except in the sense that the Technocracy tightly controls its mages while the Traditions don't.

What's a good starting Mystery for a group of fresh Mages?

inb4 anything to do with crossover: no

Discovering a beast dmpc and making friends with it

>sexing a true fae

I wonder what that would be like

Hey maybe you should suck my dick?

I would but its so small I can't find it

They're more about freedom than the union ever will be

M20 did away with all of that, which is good since science can be just as wondrous and mind blowing as any other magical paradigm. Just consider shit like 4th dimensional hybersphere worlds twisting in on themselves, antiparticles that travel "backwards" in time (relative to us), biological immortality, or singularity and transcendence. (Technocratic) Science is crazy if you have the interest to go looking into it.

Probably like having threesome with Wet Dream and Nightmare.

Boy those things sure sound oppressive

Mostly for the freedom of mages to be assholes to sleepers. Note that what they're fighting for isn't to make things better for society, but to increase the number of people Awakening. They don't really care about sleepers.