Have you gotten your girlfriend into tabletop?

Have you gotten your girlfriend into tabletop?
Or did she get you into it?

Just got her into it. First system she tried was gurps (which is all I play)

Oddly enough, whenever she goes to play another rpg, she always complain about the lack of rules and mechanics.

She learned gurps so quick and easy that it proved to me gurps is easy, people are dumb.

>your girlfriend

My gf won't play Dominion or even simple games. Role playing seems less appealing although I never asked.

Way back when I 40ked, girls would say "ooo little men" and only like it if they were painted top notch, but in high school: if you give a girl a beer and someone where to hang out, she will give some ample space to attempt one or more bases.

My gf, I beat her at Gin-Rummy once. It's either scrabble or some variation of it women seem to like the most and always they are cut throat. It seems to cross races and culture. Don't play a woman in backgammon to the death. I would also never challenge any woman to a candy crush death match. Straight Suicide

A girl I was trying to screw in college got me into tabletop. She wound up having a boyfriend, though, unfortunately.

Since I prefer playing RPGs with people close to me, so far I have introduced every one of my girlfriends in some capacity. In general it goes well, because if you're not playing with spergs, everybody can find something enjoyable with RPGs.

I wouldn't call her a girlfriend but we're pretty damn close and neither of us are seeing anyone else...

But we got into it independently. I suppose by virtue of her being older, she got into it first, though I'm currently running a 5e game with her and two other people.

She's playing a pretty-boy bard and the only one who consistently roleplays, I have a halfling mafia enforcer who sways between RP and murder-hobory, and a Tiefling dragon ancestry sorc who practically is full on murderhobo.

There are more efficient ways to squander money and make yourself miserable. Like paying prostitutes to piss all over you, except that's still more dignified.

If it's not thematically interesting to her or simple she's not up for it.

Past gfs though have been ups and downs on it. Only one was as into any as me and that was my first gf in high school. Played MtG a lot together.

>Guy at work is into MtG
>wants to get all of us into it
>My work buddies are there so I go too, have some fun
>QT from another department starts coming too
>Turns out we live close to each other so we go home together most of the way
>gradually hang out with each other more than the others
>Now fucking on the regular

She has no interest in RPGs though, which is a damn shame.

The only reason ex talked to me after the breakup was to buy the army I built for her back when we were together - that has to count for something.

I got a gf from tabletop. I doubt I would have a SO any other way considering I expect anyone who I consider a friend to accept me wholly.

What's the story of this pic?

They usually run away when I mention tabletop.
I wish I was dead.

We met at rolepaying events, she was playing before meeting me.

My girlfriend back in high school got me in all that Veeky Forums related stuff. Her father was the owner of a local lgs. The two years we have been together have been heaven on earth. I could use all the store inventory as I pleased without spending a dime. Saddly my dad got a job in another town and I swear to god, I cried more over the loss of her dads mtg collection than over her. Met her dad a couple years back at a big tournament since he got some booth there. We chatted a bit and he showed me a recent picture of his daughter, she got fat and full sjw. Kinda dodged a bullet there.

It's the day my boyfriend and I met, got a drawfriend to illustrate it.

Or you could have saved her.

You meant wife, right?
Anyway, she's given tabletop a few tries now but prefers /v/. It's still funny when the party cleric starts chewing other PCs out at the same time my wife is in the next room yelling at her OW teammates because she got stuck with Mercy.

Look fryface, just because you're a bitter shell of your cheerful young self doesn't mean I have to be

>tfw too unlikeable and ugly for a gf
>never even received a pity hug

I'm not going to bring her into a hobby full of males.

Either way, it's a male only hobby. Females there are weird as fuck, it's like a bunch of bearded guys playing with girls toys

Consider hookers. They're a good start

Get her some adderall. She'll carry as widow/hanzo.

Hookers are not a replacement for love and affection.

Neither are women in general.

I know this is not the topic, but I need some advice anyway.

I've kinda caught the feels for another player's girl.

Due to my immaturity and lack of any functional emotional outlet, I think it's not making me feel well.

That alone isn't a big problem, I'm mostly afraid I'll make some kind of slip up that might disturb the game over something as stupid as this.

Should I just quit the campaign or do something else? You're as good a place to ask as any, Veeky Forums.

We were both into it when we met.

If you are unable to control and work through the feeling, then you need to leave the situation before it becomes a serious problem. Obviously, the best solution is to not desire someone else's woman and you should endeavor to do that first, but if you cannot, then you need to get out of dodge before you say/do something tremendously stupid.

Fuck the girl. It might sound like cuckoldry at first, but if you then let they guy fuck you in the ass, all will be fair and right. No, really, we're terrible place to ask about this. Perhaps the best board on Veeky Forums, but that still makes us myopic one-eyed freak among the blind.

Does it matter?

Yeah I remember that doujin.

I'm not sure we can really control who we are attracted to. I guess she just hits the right buttons in terms of personality.
And yeah, trying not to ruin things preventively is about the best I can think of.

Don't go after another guy's girl, it's not right

Where do you think we are?

Thanks, doc.

I'm a 40k guy, I've got about 15,000 points of various armies built up over 8-9 years. Been with her about 7 years. I bought a 1000 point Tyranid army from a friend for her to play with and paint for 8th, she's played a few games and painted a few gaunts, but progess is slow.

She also likes magic a bit, but only against me with kitchen table tier decks.

If you really cant get over yourself, then quit. However, part of being an adult is learning to move on and just live your life when you dont get what you want.

I know, I just don't know if I'm emotionally stable right now to trust myself and not ve affected by it.

>selesnya stacy
>dates boros chad

Yeah, she started with pokemon TCG and pauper. Now she is playing mainly EDH and AoS with me and my friends and saving money for an Eldar army. She also really likes LCGs and board games and play casual x-wing. Feels good to have someone to split all these two-player packs and core sets with. We also talked one of her female friends into mtg

I tried but she dumped me a week or two after I proposed to her to join the table for the first campaign I wanted to run
I end up having two players and it was just for 2 sessions as our scheduled were to different to continues
there was also the fact that I the story for the campaign didn't existed past the second sessions and I had no idea what to do

It's not too late for you, don't give up

>when you are such a shit gm the girl dumps you dot PNG

Don't be mean


She's never played a video game in her life, and hardly any traditional games (by which I mean Board Games) and isn't really interested in trying.

While I think she potentially might like it if she tried, I'm happy to respect her decision not to.

That's always such a hard swerve. Immediate response is to treat it like you assumed she did the whole time and then your body just wants you to completely get out of that situation forever.

I always wanted to get into Veeky Forums, but it was only when I met my first gf that I also met her friends: i.e a bunch of pretty sweet guys that I keep seeing and playing with to this day.
When she was a huge dick and I gave her the boot, they stayed with me, so I guess it was a great tradeoff

Got my GF in MTG EDH.
She is VERY territorial of Orzhov colors, we've kicked ass in a few couple two headed.

She plays well and she gets the head pats.

Other then that she couldn't get into 40k, fantasy, or RPGs. But hay having someone who is ok with me dropping dosh on a deck is good enough for me.

>TFW my GF is the breadwinner in our relationship.

I generally don't push my table top gaming onto girls I'm dating. After dating for like 6 months though she thumbed through some D&D books and decided she wanted to play. I've been running a campaign with her and 4 other close friends for almost 18 months now.

It's fun to see somebody get progressively more invested in something that only you cared about before.

I don't have a gf and just play mtg with 4 friends instead. I don't know how to meet one

Tried to get her into MtG but she fell off of that pretty quick. She does love playing D&D with us, and has ended up inspiring some pretty neat lore.

For instance since she's a damn furry, she wanted to play as a dog race, so I made up a gnoll subspecies she could play as. After a while of talking about them we eventually ended up giving them a militant gun-worshiping culture in which they hope to break free from Yeenoghu entirely by waging war so hard one of them spontaneously ascends to godhood.

to be honest, romance is only interesting to people who are either in a good relationship or head over heels by someone. is right that eventually most relationships end up with you spending a lot of money and time on someone you don't even like that much, because it felt like a good idea at the time. although, he is being a bitter little shit about it.

tl;dr women are gay but we're hotwired to lie to ourselves

My ex got way into D&D after we broke up with a little help from me. We're in a weekly game together, s'pretty rad.

They're a start. I have a friend who was completely inept with women. Until he actually payed hookers to teach him how to be decent around them and later found a very nice and homely gf

>more worried about not disturbing the game than about his own feelings

you're a true hero and martyr, user

When we first started dating she would bang on about her love for boardgames, but after a while I realised it was just talk. I don't think we've ever played anything together, despite me having a closet full of games and her constant: "ooh, we should totally play that, just after I do this homework and paint my nails and catch up on this show and..." whenever I buy a new one. She means well, I think.

That's the bad one. Comely is the good one. Unless you actually meant to use 'homely' in which case yikes, not a good news ending.

typo, was comely

>I'm not going to bring her into a hobby full of males.
Why? Cause you're insecure about your ability to hold down a woman?


>I wouldn't call her a girlfriend but we're pretty damn close and neither of us are seeing anyone else...
She's fucking someone and keeping it from you cause she knows you've got a crush on her. LOL @ these pathetic "friendzoned" "men."

See if you can get her drunk and maybe you can sleep with her. It won't ruin the group, don't worry. At worst they'll kick you out, which you will probably do anyway. Oh, you might get beat up, but that won't be an issue, just make sure you live in a shall-issue state.

>But hay having someone who is ok with me dropping dosh on a deck is good enough for me.
What the fuck? Are you two living together? You had better be, if she is having ANY say in how you spend your money. Even then. Is she a goddamn adult with a job? Then it's none of her fucking business as long as you pay your share of the rent. God, any "man" who lets his woman control how he spends his money, deserves to be knelt down and shot in the head like the fucking dog he is. Even dogs deserve better. A former player in a D&D 5e campaign of mine, has a kid and he doesn't even have access to his own bank account, his wife controls all his finances and he has to ask her for the money that he earned. If I was ever in that kind of relationship I'd kill myself immediately.

Are you fucking her?

No, but I'm a gay male, and my husband plays 40k, D&D, and Larps with me.

>this insecure
>hold down a woman
>not having a different girlfriend for each day of the week

>having a different girlfriend for each day of the week
Why? Afraid they'd long enough to learn what a faggot you are?

I see /r9k/ has arrived.

>No, but I'm a gay male, and my husband plays 40k, D&D, and Larps with me.
Sounds comfy af

Only gf I've ever had was a trans girl I have gm'd for over the past 4 years. The relationship lasted 5 weeks and ended for a lot of reasons, I feel mostly problems on my end. Fortunately we're still friends and she still games with us, and we ended on good terms (at least as good as one can be) and she has a new girlfriend now, so it hasn't affected the game.

Currently I am trying to get a girl I know into my group at school; I am telling myself I am doing it because I think she would like it and that we need more players, but I can't trust that because I also am debating asking her out.

Also Ellie I don't think you're a Veeky Forums poster but I know you're at least a channer and if you think this is about you, it is. Do with that what you will.

>r9k personified
You literally have no idea what you are talking about on any point.


My wife plays the party stronk-barian. I got her into tabletop probably around 5 or 6 years ago.

>I'm not going to bring her into a hobby full of males.
>he's worried that the average tabletop weirdo will cuck him

Apex kek

>Boros Chad
>Clearly a rakdos punk

>TFW no qt MTG waifu who plays a control deck at tournies AND in the bedroom

>Wants to get figuratively controlled and ironically blueballed
Why would you do this to yourself?

I had an ex who loved EDH and had a shitload decks which at first I thought was great until I destroyed her every single time. She never got upset and kept wanting to play, but I kept beating her so bad it broke MY spirit. She ended up moving out of state for a summer internship and the relationship died afterwards for other reasons, but I'd be lying if the Magic wasn't a small reason I never mentioned.

That's the Boros sigil behind him

True story:
>be my dad
>one of his best friends in college is a girl whose into PnP games, LARP'ing, ren fairs, etc.
>he always thought it was stupid but they still hung out
>her bf was even a bigger square than dad but liked her enough to propose
>he went to a ren fair she'd be attending
>acquired a full suit of plate
>waited in the hot summer day all afternoon
>when she arrived he walked up to her, visor down
>produced ring

I have needs.

I might know this girl. Do you live in Australia?

Your dress is cute

Got my then GF into 4th ed D&D with a 1 year deviantart subscription/bribe. Told her it was for single campaign. She didn't know what a campaign entailed and we were going from lv 1 to 30, but she stuck in.

8 years now and that campiagn finally ended. The party slew orcus and we're married with a 2 kids.

Nope, Ohio. Sorry.

Haha rip. ellie seems to be a common trans-name. Like really common

Thanks, but it's supposed to be a school uniform.
I got the drawfriend to make a bunch of other doodles or us but they're NSFW, can't post them here.

>What the fuck? Are you two living together?

yes we are, been together for almost a decade.
You can't seriously tell me most women wouldn't raise an eyebrow when you tell them you just spend $300+ on a pile of cardboard.

Are there woman who want full financial control ?
does every woman who cares about what their partner spend money on fall into that cat?
fuck no

You went a little too autistic on that post, maybe age a bit, move out, actually have a partner before going around telling others how to live.


I'm too socially inept to have a girlfriend. Or a regular tabletop gaming group. But I was in a 3.5 group with my college roommates and their friends. IIRC, a couple of them got their girlfriends into it.

my wife is a fanatic for RPGs, I've gotten her into it when she was 11 years old (I was the same age at the time)
nowadays she's reading up on D&D 5e and Curse of Strahd, she has got a real boner for Ravenloft all of a sudden, so I might be finally able to take a rest from my throne of permaGM (11 years and counting now since I've started GMing when I was 11)

We play GURPS and D&D, and I'm actually taking a long hiatus from D&D since I am sick of it mechanically.

Yeah, I've certainly never heard of anyone being named Ellie by birth.

If you and your partner ever incorporated tabletop into lewdness then please tell me about it now

It's not really lewd but my boyfriend calls me "my angel" because I favor W and I think angels are the hottest shit

That's cute. Cute!

Neither of these are arguments.
>You literally have no idea what you are talking about on any point.
Prove it.

Okay? So?


>You can't seriously tell me most women wouldn't raise an eyebrow when you tell them you just spend $300+ on a pile of cardboard.
So? It's none of her fucking business.
>You went a little too autistic on that post, maybe age a bit, move out, actually have a partner before going around telling others how to live.
I have. I'm sorry you consider actually possessing a pair of testicles, to be autistic.

We replaced valentines day with "Wizard Sex Day" its been a marked improvement

back in the day a guy in my gaming group started bringing his girlfriend. i got into her

That sounds considerably better. Might do this.

Post them anyway

I've thought about returning the favor but "my dragon" sounds too cringy so I just stick to "baby"

Bro, don't justify yourself to him, man. You do you.

That said, your girl got you into M:TG too?

Mine is an evil little witch who plays black/blue.

I sat there with my pure white deck basically just sitting on my ass on the best of turns.

But I don't wanna get banned

Introduced the girl I liked to my table top group about 2 months ago. We mostly played Magic the Gathering, but I had Kingdom Death: Monster and a few other Kickstarter games coming in the mail and figured a group of us playing would be cool. She wanted more friends and I saw no problem adding to our gaming group. That is until she started dating one my "friends" from the group less than a week after introducing them. Plus, he knew that I had a thing for her, but I guess that doesn't account for much. So much for a little bit of loyalty. Needless to say, the group fell apart REAL fucking fast after that, as the other 2 guys agreed with me that it was a shitty thing to do, and things were really awkward for the 2-3 games they played without me there after I stopped showing up.

Women and board gaming don't work my dudes. Keep it male only, and don't make the same stupid fucking mistakes I did. Grape-kun tried to warn me, but I looked away.

Chuck em on ACO's drawthread or an imigur gallery.

What's that manga?

Oh there's an aco thread already, shouldn't be too hard to find