Why don't you fuck off to reddit, that place is neatrly sectioned off for people like you already

Why don't you fuck off to reddit, that place is neatrly sectioned off for people like you already.

When will Veeky Forums finally band all plebbit, tumblr and cuckfags?

why u defend nazis user ?

>When will Veeky Forums finally ban all poltards

Says the guy posting /pol/ bait. I hope your wish comes comes true.

You're just as bad, starting a thread about /pol/ in the first place.

Why can't this shit just be contained properly onto that cancerous shitheap of a containment board

>When will Veeky Forums finally ban all poltards, nazis and
Leave the Forge World buyers alone, you jealous cunt.

Also, pic related. Again. *Sigh*

Can't we all just stop being cunts to each other, over fuck all?

Love you guys. Take care and get some painting done or whatever.


Why is /leftypol/ on the defensive so much on Veeky Forums recently?

Because this shit thread isn't Veeky Forums

They're losing and they know know it.

Oh, fuck off, /pol/tard. Stop shitting up Veeky Forums just so you can bitch about liberals.

Is it really /pol/'s fault liberals bring attention to their own failings?

>Veeky Forums-meta discussion about /pol/



We're not callign you /poltards because you come from /pol/. we're not callign you /pol/tards because your left or right or SJW or antifa or nazis. We're callign you /pol/tards because you can't keep your bullshit pllitics off a board that wants nothign to do with them, just like those retarded ponies and furfags can't shut the fuck up about their stupid ponies or furfaggotry. you're all retarded, and you're discussing /pol/itics.

/pol/tard isn't an insult for some and not others, it's an insult because you're all retards.


Mods listen when you report posts that violate the rules. Hide, ignore and report threads of this nature and soon Veeky Forums will be a wonderful place.

Because you will never stop.
You know that poem 'First they came...'
It's got a far less well known brother called 'The Hangman'
It begins with
>Into our town the Hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame. And he paced our bricks with a diffident air. And built his frame on the courthouse square.
>The scaffold stood by the courthouse side, only as wide as the door was wide; a frame as tall, or little more, than the capping sill of the courthouse door.
>And we wondered, whenever we had the time, who the criminal, what the crime, that Hangman judged with the yellow twist of knotted hemp in his busy fist.
>And innocent though we were, with dread we passed those eyes of buckshot lead; till one cried: "Hangman, who is he for whom you raise the gallows-tree."
>Then a twinkle grew in the buckshot eye, and he gave us a riddle instead of reply: "He who serves me best," said he, "Shall earn the rope on the gallows-tree."

And ends:
>"You tricked me, Hangman!" I shouted then. "That your scaffold was built for other men. And I no henchman of yours," I cried, "You lied to me, Hangman, foully lied!"
>Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye: "Lied to you? Tricked you?" he said, "Not I. For I answered straight and I told you true: The scaffold was raised for none but you.
>"For who has served me more faithfully than you with your coward's hope?" said he, "And where are the others that might have stood side by your side in the common good?"
>"Dead," I whispered; and amiably "Murdered," the Hangman corrected me; "First the alien, then the Jew... I did no more than you let me do."
>Beneath the beam that blocked the sky, none had stood so alone as I - and the Hangman strapped me, and no voice there cried "Stay" for me in the empty square.

You are the Hangman user.
And we are rejecting you.

>I did no more than you let me do.

Fucking hell user. That sent shivers down my spine.

It's /pol/'s fault for making a shitty false flagging thread.

Fuck off /pol/, stop trying to make yourself seem noble with slippery slope arguments.

This guy literally kept politics separate from the group and the group banned him for his personal beliefs.

What now?

>it must be the dang commies
>my constant obnoxious behaviour couldn't be the reason

I wish /pol/ shitposters were actually hanged, maybe then they'd leave us alone

By posting this thread you are bringing politics into Veeky Forums. You are doing exactly what you are accusing others of doing.

>Mong board gamer doesn't understand the slippery slope.
Why embarrass yrself user?

B a s e d.


MODS ARE GODS. PRAISE BE TO MOD-KIND! Someone fucking edit this shit into a screencap we can spam whenever this nonsense comes up in the future.


Mods = Gods

Thank you based mod.