Stat me Veeky Forums

Stat me Veeky Forums


+5 stabbing damage

Just copy the stat block for a Redneck Tree, except give it an actual moneyshot instead of one made of tree sap.

+200 horsepower


Don't all horses look like this?

The heck is going on there?

cant stop the rape horse.

Oh Ludwig, you're such a joker.

So what, he rapes her? What is even the story behind this? It just looks so random and bizarre. And not the good kind of bizarre.

mangaka watched Words Worth too many times

It's Rape Horse.
What else do you expect?

Possessed horse. Read better manga.

In the actual comic its effectivly a horse possessed by a demon. That then attempts to rape the girl before having its head cut off.

The image you're referring to is a bloodborne edit.

It's Rape Horse, the horse who rapes.

No, the horse is stopped before anything hot happens. RIP my boner.

Horse with the Fiendish template. Done

>tfw you will never see a spin-off with rape horse, Donovan and Gennon

Sometimes I hate Japan. God... this board sure makes your skin thick, huh?

Hi r*ddit

Come back when you've finished all four volumes of Mai-Chan's daily life

I suggest coming back after having read all of A Modest Proposal

I'm honestly unsure if that was made into a manga. I wouldn't be surprised

>isn't japan... so crasy XDDD ellipses

supernatural creature
Bod: 10
Chi: 3 (Mag = 8)
Mnd: 3
Ref: 6
Creature Powers - Mag+7 (15)
Martial Arts - Bod+2 (12)
Forceful Intercourse - Ref+3 (9)
+Brain Shredder
+Transformation - Slightly-less-rapey-Horse.
+Foul Spew - Glutinous Goo
+Conditional Escalation (When you take 10+ damage from a target of a resisted Forceful Intercourse check, Gain +1 Ref)

There we go, i started rape horse, Hell, resistance only makes him harder. go me.

+5 to rape
-10 horse points

It's from Berserk. The horse gets possessed by an evil spirit and tries to rape the girl (after she's already been taken hostage by the main character)

Japan's fucking weird, man. There's really no way around it.

So would all other countries seem, if you only ever drew attention to the weird shit they do.

>tfw Valtr lands the killing blow with a visceral attack

>Implying Westerners aren't just as bad with shit like ASoIaF and Clockwork Orange
Have you tried to not be a complete xenophobic ass?

>tfw rape horse is dead

Berserk is a superb manga, and I say that as someone who thinks that rape is often a cheap way of adding drama to a story. You really need the context to understand this scene. Out of context, of course, the sheer oddness of the Rape Horse makes it somewhat funny.

Valtr is pretty great.

Recording for later reference.

Two of the greatest misunderstandings in the history of literature is believing that Machiavelli's Prince wasn't satire. And believing that Modest Proposal was.

Shut the fuck up you limp-wristed faggot, you better not be American.

Do they have horse rape? I'm not challenging you, I honestly want to know.


I got the reference, don't worry user.

But we both know what happens to punks like you.








Sugoi user, perhaps Boku no Pico is a better manga for you.



You want stories about rapist animals go look up what that salty dog Zeus got into back in the day.

If not gay if it's Griffith.

And he did nothing wrong

Reddit horse