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8th edition edition

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WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S
WFRP: pastebin.com/0e6RuQux
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

>We're looking for these novels for the archive (not updated)

>Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

>The 9th Age

>Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

>Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer 2: store.steampowered.com/app/594570/Total_War_WARHAMMER_II/
Vermintide 2: store.steampowered.com/app/552500/Warhammer_Vermintide_2/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Age of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/
Doomwheel: katsugames.com/doomwheel


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>Any tips for a good hellcannon model?

Haven't bought either of them myself (or anything else from the site) but I do like the look of these two, in particular pic related:




Isn't it later today?

>Empire and Dwarfs still have one start position
Can’t they say Gelt’s on a field trip for some elf reason, or that Grombrindal is trying to finally settle Malekith’s shit?

who gonna play those faggot factions when Elves and Skaven, most awesome races in the game, are available?

>not going on a crusade to remove elf
Sounds like Wazzock talk to me

Make your Pelinal thread on /v/ or something.

Are you implying Grombrindal doesn’t have one particularly good reason to go after dark elves?

>not wanting to bring down and subjugate haughty assholes
Except for White Lions, they're cool.

>>not wanting to bring down and subjugate haughty assholes
Half fun conquering half the population of the entire warhammer world then. Almost everyone deems himself superior to someone else in this. At least the Asur have a reason to be pride.

that's what Skaven are for-for, user-thing

When it comes to genociding half the map, I’m fairly sure everyone has a hearty go at that one.
Especially Tree Hitler and Frog Stalin

>not reclaiming lost holds
>rather be an asshole for nothing
Do you even dwarf?

>ignoring the Oathbreaking dark elf who sparked the greatest of grudges
Thorgrim, get the book

>tfw going to be listening to the night elf OST from WoW and warcraft 3 while playing as orion slapping everyone's shit in.

Do dwarves even recognize Malekith as the instigator of this conflict?

doubt that
Dwarfs only see what's right before their eyes
they never see through deceptions

>Frenzy listed under the effects that Parent Units share with Detachments
Does this ever come into play somehow? Only Empire unit that has Frenzy are Flagellants, and they can't be Parents.

they still believe those "skaven" exist, after a few goblins put on fur coats for giggles

frenzy can be bestowed by magic

That would be really fun to see what the dwarves would do when they have to accept that it was Malekiths doing in the beginning. They would probably still keep the crown for the shavings, this will never go away.

Most dwarfs aren’t aware, but i’d imagine Grombrindal would be, given how he came back

I guess they'd put all War of the Beard grudges on his account, including already cleared ones (ahaha, as if any are), and then added a ton more

and then sit on their thumbs as they always do

I'd expect grudges by just about every drawn clan. I expect some slayer oaths by those close to it that probably could have seen the deception if they just thought about it.

Though they would never drop the grudges on beard shaving. That shit stays. Is the slayer oath the only thing a dwarf does if he accepts that he has wronged someone? Are dwarves even capable of thinking they wronged someone (in this case, accusations on the high elves)? Some sort of grudge on themselves? Only recently started to learn about the dwarves by proxy with skaven novels.

>all the dwarfs become slayers
>all dwarfs go on massive rampage against Dark Elves
>level Naggarroth to the ground and grind Malekith to paste
>go back home, straight to Karak Eight Peaks
>wipe out all the goblins and Clan Mors
>hole up there while endless stream of Greenskins from all over the world rushes to meet the fighty stunties
>the only sane elf comes to help; dwarfs and Eltharion stand together
>they run out of Greenskins
>capture a skaven, get info on where Skavenblight is from him
>charge to Skavenblight, burn it down
>remaining dorf decide to storm the polar gates

I'm really loving the cannon, thanks!

You're welcome. That guy certainly know how to make a cool nurgle fella'.

How is this for a first army list?

+ Lords +

Chaos Lord [350pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. Chaos Mutations & Powers: Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder
. Magic Items: AB - Helm of Many Eyes, BRB - Sword of Bloodshed, BRB - Talisman of Protection

+ Heroes +

Chaos Sorcerer [195pts]: Lore of Nurgle, Mark of Nurgle, Wizard Level 2
. Chaos Mutations & Powers: Chaos Familiar
. Magic Items: AB - Skull of Katam

+ Core +

Chaos Warhounds [40pts]
. 5x Chaos Warhound: 5x Vanguard special rule

Chaos Warhounds [40pts]
. 5x Chaos Warhound: 5x Vanguard special rule

Chaos Warriors [317pts]
. Champion
. 16x Chaos Warrior: 16x Mark of Nurgle, 16x Shields
. Musician
. Standard Bearer: BRB - Standard of Discipline

Chaos Warriors [246pts]: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
. 12x Chaos Warrior: 12x Additional hand weapons, 12x Mark of Nurgle

+ Special +

Chaos Knights [245pts]: Musician, Standard Bearer
. 5x Chaos Knight: 5x Ensorcelled weapons, 5x Mark of Nurgle

Dragon Ogres [214pts]: Champion
. 3x Dragon Ogre: 3x Great weapons

Gorebeast Chariot [140pts]: Mark of Nurgle

+ Rare +

Hellcannon [210pts]

++ Total: [1997pts] ++

why ain't there humanoid cats that hunt skaven?

Tyrion proceeds to dream about the Widowmaker a.k.a wet dream


Yikes is he this bloodthirsty in the lore? What a loon.

Oh look, another trailer in which high elves die in gruesome ways.

Hi guys,
I'm looking for an old book,
"Collecting and painting wargames armies"
published by Games Workshop several years ago.
any chance to obtain this pdf ?

>charge to Skavenblight
>die of swamp disease

I'm just buying a Chaos Dwarf magma cannon, paint the magma pool like blood and chain two chaos spawns to the front.

I'll probably get lynched for this but I was never a massive fan of the 6th edition model.

It almost like you don't think dwarfs are too stubborn to die for something so trivial

>skavenblight swamp land with noxious flammable gas
>slayer dwarves have bro-Eltharion With them
>"dying for a smoke, got a pipe match, elgi?"
>pic related

They are.
They blame all Elves, but know it was Malekith. Its part of the Grombrindal legend they tell each other.

Finubar probably told them.

>Finubar probably told them.
after I read that line I immediately imagined him finishing his tale with "Can I haz the crown now please?"

Tyrion broods when he's around career politicians and fops. He’s a merry Gaston/Brom Bones around Alarielle, other warriors, Teclis, and his childhood friends.

But yeah, he has a MAJOR savage streak and he acts like he’s in Darkest Dungeon with high stress in regards to violent impulses. It is the Curse Of Aenarion manifesting. By contrast Teclis is mentally stable, but crippled from birth and only able to walk or swing a sword by puppeting himself with magic.

>8th edition edition

I just don't get why anyone would pick 8th edition when deciding which of the unsupported versions of Warhammer to play.

>not removing furries under direct orders from Toad Hitler


Not likely. Malekith had nothing to do with the beard shaving. That was all Caledor II.

Irondrakes, Lothern Sea Helm, Mortis Engine.

don't you know? each and every unit added to the game post-5th edition is Warcraftish moneygrabbing abomination created in style incompatible with WHFB, oriented at horde armies with centrepieces, are essentially ET models and must be scoffed at. and anyone who likes them is actually an AoS fanboy and flaming gay.

I'm not op, but that just happends to be the books I had and the only version I regularly get people to take interest in. Probably because it was the last one.

I do however like how 6th treats magic, since it seems less broken. Guess work on measurements would kill me though, not so good with that.

Malekith was the one who broke the greatest of Oaths and damned Dwarf Jesus to be a holy ghost.

Counterpoint to that: Irondrakes replace cannon spamming.

Fun to see a fellow WoC-user posting an army list! I don't have time to go through it atm but I'll give you my input later today if I don't forget.

I mean despite turning it up to 11 for comedic effect you aren't that wrong.

>turning it up to 11 for comedic effect
I wish I did
but that's exactly what happens
no exaggeration
i'm surprised people don't froth at shadespire skellingtons yet

Give me a quick rundown on combat before my first session including it in about 2 hours

There's literally nothing warcraft about the Shadespire skellies.

It's pretty important to the game. Just read the rulebook section about it, it takes like ~10 minutes.

but they're post-5th edition, not to mention being post-ET and part of AoS!

clearly they are warcraftish videogamey cartoony abominations and anyone who buys them must have full set of sigmarines and fyredorfs on his shelf

All of those you listed are absolute garbage

Meh. There's nothing inherently wrong with new models, you should judge them individually.

>Malekith was the one who broke the greatest of Oaths and damned Dwarf Jesus to be a holy ghost.
Dwarfs make no difference between high, dark or wood elves

>Irondrakes replace cannon spamming.
At least cannons made sense, irondrakes are just stupid

Because it's the last edition and it lets you field the latest models, who incidentally all look like utter shit.

I'm really not a fan of any of the "big monsters/machines" that came out towards the end of Warhammer but hey for people that do like them play all the 8th you want.

To put it simple, Tyrion is plainly insane and should be put down with his deformed brother


Some suggestions, though:

RAW, the best melee combo is a hand weapon and a shield. Great weapons suck. Wielding a weapon in your off hand let's you block for free like with a shield, but usually won't give a sweet bonus unless it's a parrying dagger, and never protects against arrows and bolts.

Getting hit is deadly in WFRP. Fight defensively.

Gang up on enemies. This increases to hit and saps their ability to defend against successful hits. Conversely, avoid being ganged up on at all costs.

Ranged weapons are deadly - at range. Drop them once the melee starts, the penalty RAW is steep!

So what percentage of edge elves are decedent's of malekith? he's sort of a cool character, being the son of the greatest elf ever and basically breeding his own race, which makes them all related to the greatest elf too. if only he could dull his edge a little and stop being chaotic stupid

This. Just because Malekith started the whole thing doesn't forgive subsequent elven crimes. In general dwarfs acknowledge that the grudges have been filled, but consider elves untrustworthy scum. The Crown is wergild, I'd the elves want it back they'd likely have to formally accept responsibility for the war, beg, and pay a king's ransom. They aren't even willing to do one, let alone all three.

I actually like Demigryph knights, though I know I hated them at first. There are probably a few other post-6th edition units that I think are cool enough that I'm willing to let 8th be.

Shadespire skellies are just more skellies.

Warcraft/Warmahordes is Sigmarines, Mirrorslayers, Khornate Blood-thesauruses, and Steampunk Overlords.

But Dwarfs recognize the worst villain of all.
They also now at least know there is a difference, they grumble about all Elves but are aware that not all groups are united. Thats why they don’t kill their own kin when they have a Grudge against another Hold. During the WotB era they weren’t aware there was even another faction of Elves, just that Elves were busy fighting each other; for all Dwarfs knew it was an inheritance crisis, where all participants would honor past agreements to not fuck up the winner’s reward.

Also, Irondrakes make sense since it just combines existing canon guns weapons Gyros with Ironbreaker armor.

his dick got burnt off buddy.

Chaotic stupid and edge is his character hat, it’d be like making Sigvald a humble tactical genius.

We don’t have a percentage because its new ofthand remark lore from ET designed to explain why in AoS the DE would side with Sigmar and other Elves, but just based on how lineage works and how many generations of a “dying race” have gone by then by the modern day almost all DE other than perhaps the oldest family dynasties would be his descendants. That is assuming close family incest is uncommon, otherwise there’d be less mixing of his genes and the Curse.

Finubar apologized, Aliathra was there to negotiate the sum and as a female wouldn’t have been expected to debase herself by begging.

Had Mannfred and Kemmler not attacked, High Elves would have the crown back and the bone between both races would have been closer to being mended.

if you want to split hairs his character is actually a balance between chaotic stupid and his old noble self. all the other dark elves are the hopelessly lost silly ebil elves

In old continuity he was never noble, he grew up in Caligula’s den and became Nero.

Why is the Khornate vampire shafted so much? At least Vlad played a role recently but Manlet von Carstein gets all the attention.

> Irondrakes make sense since it just combines existing canon guns weapons Gyros with Ironbreaker armor.
That is just a stupid excuse to make you buy more models. Dude flamethrowers lmao.
Dwarfs already have a fantastic flamethrower cannon that everyone seems to have forgotten about, which was way more interesting and much less spammable

>if only he could dull his edge a little and stop being chaotic stupid
he's a chaos worshipper of Slaanesh. Being edgy and chaotic stupid is everything remarkable about his character.
Malekith is probably the single most shallow character in all of warhammer, barring Grimgor

hes just a less interesting red duke

>Malekith is probably the single most shallow character in all of warhammer, barring Grimgor

which is funny since hes personally responsible for a large amount of lore and goings on in warhammer world


Much like avery other BBEGs. He's the shallow evil guy that does things because ebil
Just like Nagash, or Mannfred, malekith is basically a poorly made plot device

im just saying its too bad his character sucks because i think it would be easy to make him cool

That's bad guys for you. All of them are wasted potential. the only actually well thaught bad guy is Vlad because he'd been dead for centuries in warhammer history so you can make idolize him as much as you want

I own that model, its not very good. It was okay for the time, but it never really fit the Dwarf crunch playstyle and was lacking thematically.

Ironbreakers make sense, they’re heavy infantry with flamethrowers who can switch to melee when the enemy gets close, and they have freedom of movement meaning you can go on the offensive to pursue a Grudge.

The Flame Cannon is heavy artillery piece for a race that almost never uses beasts of burden and literally never uses large ones which also has a short range, meaning you have to prepare it to be there in advance, and count on the enemy reaching it. Once they cross the narrow threshold between range and melee its useless.

A cannon makes sense, it has the range to be useful since you can count on the enemy never reaching it and keep the theme of fortified positions.

Irondrakes in crunch replace cannon spam, which was as bad as the Banner Of The World Dragon in terms of meta cheese. The Dwarf player doesn’t get shafted with a nerf, we get an equal option that is less hated by everyone else.

Dwarfs have fireproof heavy armor. Dwarfs had handheld flamethrowers long before they had Flame Cannons, pic related. It makes sense they’d combine them.

While I completely agree, Malekith doeesn’t worship Slaanesh, or Khaine. He’s such a prideful fuck he worships nobody.

That’s what’s great about him. He’s objectively wrong and so arrogant he has 0 issues with sending ten thousand of his descendants to attack a gate that has never been breached becayse it dares to forbid him entry.

how old are you talking about?

the whole deal between mal and grom is that malekith spent time in the old world making friends and being a generally good guy

He IS cool.

He’s Warhammer Doctor Doom. He gives no fucks, he’s evil and knows it, he wants what he wants and gets it because he’s better than anyone else in his own mind.

Saturday morning cartoon villain isn’t always a bad thing, its nice to have a character who does what he does because everyone else can fuck off. When you try and give such a wonderful villain “likeability” you get Disney’s Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie, or Fan4stic with Testsuo Von Doom.

Malekith made alliances with the Dwarfs, that doesn’t mean he was a good guy. It means he understood politics, much like Nero.
The Oath happened when he invited his king to meet them.

The lore making him a dindu came with the Legends book. His was as bad as Vlad’s.

They're doing half the dying and half the killing, that's an improvement at least.

no lore made him a dindu except skub times and thats not canon anyway

Vlad didn't get a Legends book. Do you mean his Night's Dark Masters backstory, or his characterization in The End Times Which Must Not Be Named?


He would be cool... If he didn't live with his mother. It's only a meme because it's true.

ACCHUALLY he doesn't live with his mom. she lives in her own city

The Red Duke is kind of weird - he never had a model, despite being a major enough character especially for Bretonnians, and recently he got put in charge of Mousilion in TWW despite that not really being where he was hinted at going - Mallobaude got shafted in favor of him, and I don't honestly think that was particularly fair.

Though really, Konrad may have never really deserved a model at all, considering how little attention he seems to get and how he only existed as backstory in the setting.

I was waiting for someone to be obnoxiously literal. The only question is, are you being ironic or do you actually believe you've made an excellent point?


Question answered. Thanks.

>LOL he literally lives with his mom rolf!
>i get the joke but he doesn't literally live with her
>lol u thnk u made a gud point!!!?


How does his mother living in another city in your country= living with your Mom?
Are you retarded?

This is what counts as trolling these days.

But he doesn't live with his mother?
Explain to me how the hell he lives with his mother if she lives in a different city?

Trolling was once a art. Hence was subtle. Everyone thinks they can now.

Good old days are gone. A community normally stagnates after some time. Maybe Veeky Forums has run its course. Everyone should just read the first letter of each sentence in this post.